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John Locke'un Tartışmalı Yönü: İngiltere Ulusal Köle Ticaretindeki Rolü

Yıl 2024, , 23 - 36, 28.03.2024


Klasik liberalizm ve liberalizm çalışmalarında, John Locke öncü düşünürler arasında ilk akla gelen isimlerden biridir. Locke'un liberal düşünceleri günümüzde birçok demokratik toplumda kabul görmektedir. Ancak, Locke'un Batı literatüründe bilinen ve buna nispeten akademik literatürümüzde daha az karşılaşılan tartışmalı bir yönü de vardır: bu da onun yaşadığı dönemde İngiltere'nin ulusal köle ticaretinde aktif rol almasıyla alakalı tartışmalardır. Bu makalenin gayesi Lock’un eserlerinde yer alan kölelik ile alakalı yazılarını ve bu konunun alan yazınında söylemsel açıdan nasıl ele alındığını ortaya koymaktır. John Locke’un fikirleri ve eserleri günümüz siyaset bilimi alanında temel kaynak olarak kabul görürken, özgürlük, eşitlik ve insan hakları gibi fikirleriyle de en çok okunan ve bilinen siyaset felsefecileri arasında yer aldığı gerçeğidir. Ancak, Locke'un bilinmeyen bazı yazıları, özellikle kölelik konusundaki görüşleri, tartışmalara neden olmuştur. Locke, özünde özgürlük ve mülkiyet haklarına vurgu yapan bir siyaset felsefecisi olarak bilinir, ancak Locke köleliği meşrulaştırdığı iddiasıyla da eleştirildiği bilinmektedir. Locke'un, on yedinci asırda Virginia Kolonisinde kölelik olgusunun yasallaştırılması sürecinde katkıda bulunduğu şeklindeki tartışmalar, onun yazdığı liberal düşünceleri ile doğrudan çatışmaktadır. Bazı düşünürler Locke'un ‘Two Treaties of Government’ adlı eserinde bulunan kölelik ile alakalı yazdığı kısımların, köleliği haklı göstermek adına argüman olarak yazıldığı iddiasıdır. Buna karşın, karşı duruş sergileyen bilim insanları ise Locke'un köleliği desteklemediğini ve hatta köleliğe karşı çıktığını savunmaktadırlar. Onlara göre, Locke, insanların doğal haklarının korunması ve devletin meşruiyetiyle ilgili fikirlerinde kölelik karşıtı bir tutum sergilediği şeklindedir. Bu makale, Locke'un liberal düşünce ekolünde bir otorite olduğu kadar, yapılan eleştirilerin de onun yaşadığı dönem itibariyle ciddiye alınması gerekliliği üzerine kurulmuştur.

Destekleyen Kurum

Anadolu Üniversitesi


  • Armitage, D. (2004). John Locke, Carolina, and the two treatises of government. Political Theory, 32(5), 602–627.
  • Bourne, H. R. F. (1876). The life of John Locke (Cilt 2). Henry S. King ve Co., London.
  • Craton, M. (1968). A history of the Bahamas. Collins.
  • Farr, J. (2008). Locke, natural law, and new world slavery. Political Theory, 36(4), 495–522.
  • Glausser, W. (1990). Three approaches to Locke and the slave trade. Journal of the History of Ideas, 51(2), 199–216.
  • Goldie, M. (2018). John Locke, the early Lockeans, and priestcraft. Intellectual History Review, 28(1), 125–144.
  • Greene, D. (1967). Augustinianism and empiricism: A note on eighteenth-century english intellectual history. Eighteenth-Century Studies, 1(1), 33–68.
  • Hersey, J. (2019). John Locke: The father of liberalism. The Objective Standard, 14(3), 29.
  • Hsueh, V. (2002). Giving orders: Theory and practice in the fundamental constitutions of Carolina. Journal of the History of Ideas, 63(3), 425–446.
  • Jeffreys, M. V. (1974). John Locke. British Medical Journal, 4(5935), 34. 10.1136/bmj.4.5935.34.
  • Kenyon, J. P. (1969). The first earl of shaftesbury. The Historical Journal, 12(2), 372–374.
  • Laslett, P. (1957). John Locke, the great recoinage, and the origins of the board of trade: 1695-1698. The William and Mary Quarterly: A Magazine of Early American History, 14(3), 370–402.
  • Locke, J. (1847). An essay concerning human understanding. Philadelphia: Kay ve Troutman.
  • Locke, J. (1967). Locke: Two treatises of government. Cambridge: Cambridge university press.
  • Locke, J. (2013). A letter concerning toleration. Toronto: Broadview Press.
  • Meynell, G. G. (2006). John Locke and the preface to Thomas Sydenham’s Observationes medicae. Medical History, 50(1), 93–110.
  • Miller, J. (2014). The glorious revolution. Oxon: Routledge.
  • Pearson, S. C. (1978). The religion of John Locke and the character of his thought. The Journal of Religion, 58(3), 244–262.
  • Principe, L. M. ve Anstey, P. R. (2011). John Locke and the case of anthony ashley cooper. Early Science and Medicine, 16(5), 379–503.
  • Romanell, P. (1984). John Locke and medicine a new key to Locke. Buffalo N.Y.: Prometheus.
  • Seliger, M. (2019). The liberal politics of John Locke. Buffalo N.Y.: Routledge.
  • Skinner, Q. (1967). More’s utopia. JSTOR.
  • Sprat, T. (1734). The history of the Royal Society of London, for the improving of natural knowledge. Knapton. Erişim adresi:
  • Ware, C. S. (1950). The influence of descartes on John Locke. A bibliographical study. Revue Internationale de Philosophie, 4(12), 210–230.
  • Wendt, A. (1999). Social theory of international politics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Woolhouse, R. (2007). Locke: A biography. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Wootton, D. (1992). John locke and richard ashcraft’s revolutionary politics. Political Studies, 40(1), 79–98.
  • Yolton, J. W. (1958). John Locke: A Biography. JSTOR.

John Locke's Controversial Aspect: His Role in the British National Slave Trade

Yıl 2024, , 23 - 36, 28.03.2024


John Locke is recognized as one of the founding members of classic liberalism. However, Locke is also known to have participated in the British slave trade. This article provides a discursive analysis on Lock's writings wherein Locke either advocates slavery in his works or discursively discusses Locke’s role regarding his participation in respected literature. John Locke is known as a pioneer advocate of liberalism, and his work often focuses on issues such as freedom, equality, and human rights. However, some of Locke's thoughts, especially his views on slavery, have caused controversy. Locke is known as a philosopher with an emphasis on freedom and property rights, but many historians and critics have criticized it for his alleged defence of slavery. It is claimed that Locke contributed to and advocated the debate for the legalization of slavery in the Colony of Virginia. Some sources claim that Locke's writings on slavery in his ‘Two Treaties of Government’ contain an argument that justifies slavery. On the other hand, there are different interpretations and debates about Locke's views on slavery. Some historians argue that Locke did not support or that he was even opposed to slavery. According to them, Locke took an anti-slavery stance in his ideas about the protection of people's natural rights and the legitimacy of the state. This article argues that Locke’s position as an important figure of the liberal thought should be studied in balance and according to its own age with critical scrutiny.


  • Armitage, D. (2004). John Locke, Carolina, and the two treatises of government. Political Theory, 32(5), 602–627.
  • Bourne, H. R. F. (1876). The life of John Locke (Cilt 2). Henry S. King ve Co., London.
  • Craton, M. (1968). A history of the Bahamas. Collins.
  • Farr, J. (2008). Locke, natural law, and new world slavery. Political Theory, 36(4), 495–522.
  • Glausser, W. (1990). Three approaches to Locke and the slave trade. Journal of the History of Ideas, 51(2), 199–216.
  • Goldie, M. (2018). John Locke, the early Lockeans, and priestcraft. Intellectual History Review, 28(1), 125–144.
  • Greene, D. (1967). Augustinianism and empiricism: A note on eighteenth-century english intellectual history. Eighteenth-Century Studies, 1(1), 33–68.
  • Hersey, J. (2019). John Locke: The father of liberalism. The Objective Standard, 14(3), 29.
  • Hsueh, V. (2002). Giving orders: Theory and practice in the fundamental constitutions of Carolina. Journal of the History of Ideas, 63(3), 425–446.
  • Jeffreys, M. V. (1974). John Locke. British Medical Journal, 4(5935), 34. 10.1136/bmj.4.5935.34.
  • Kenyon, J. P. (1969). The first earl of shaftesbury. The Historical Journal, 12(2), 372–374.
  • Laslett, P. (1957). John Locke, the great recoinage, and the origins of the board of trade: 1695-1698. The William and Mary Quarterly: A Magazine of Early American History, 14(3), 370–402.
  • Locke, J. (1847). An essay concerning human understanding. Philadelphia: Kay ve Troutman.
  • Locke, J. (1967). Locke: Two treatises of government. Cambridge: Cambridge university press.
  • Locke, J. (2013). A letter concerning toleration. Toronto: Broadview Press.
  • Meynell, G. G. (2006). John Locke and the preface to Thomas Sydenham’s Observationes medicae. Medical History, 50(1), 93–110.
  • Miller, J. (2014). The glorious revolution. Oxon: Routledge.
  • Pearson, S. C. (1978). The religion of John Locke and the character of his thought. The Journal of Religion, 58(3), 244–262.
  • Principe, L. M. ve Anstey, P. R. (2011). John Locke and the case of anthony ashley cooper. Early Science and Medicine, 16(5), 379–503.
  • Romanell, P. (1984). John Locke and medicine a new key to Locke. Buffalo N.Y.: Prometheus.
  • Seliger, M. (2019). The liberal politics of John Locke. Buffalo N.Y.: Routledge.
  • Skinner, Q. (1967). More’s utopia. JSTOR.
  • Sprat, T. (1734). The history of the Royal Society of London, for the improving of natural knowledge. Knapton. Erişim adresi:
  • Ware, C. S. (1950). The influence of descartes on John Locke. A bibliographical study. Revue Internationale de Philosophie, 4(12), 210–230.
  • Wendt, A. (1999). Social theory of international politics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Woolhouse, R. (2007). Locke: A biography. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Wootton, D. (1992). John locke and richard ashcraft’s revolutionary politics. Political Studies, 40(1), 79–98.
  • Yolton, J. W. (1958). John Locke: A Biography. JSTOR.
Toplam 28 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Konular Siyasal Teori ve Siyaset Felsefesi
Bölüm Makaleler

Ertugrul Gokcekuyu 0000-0001-5037-499X

Yayımlanma Tarihi 28 Mart 2024
Gönderilme Tarihi 19 Temmuz 2023
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024

Kaynak Göster

APA Gokcekuyu, E. (2024). John Locke’un Tartışmalı Yönü: İngiltere Ulusal Köle Ticaretindeki Rolü. Anadolu Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 24(1), 23-36.