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The Determinants of Inflation in Emerging Markets and Developing Countries: A Literature Review

Year 2021, , 483 - 504, 29.06.2021


A vast literature exists on the determinants of inflation in developed countries whereas the one in emerging markets and developing countries has gained attention at the beginning of 1990s. In this respect, the current paper overviews the empirical studies in order to provide underlying knowledge and common facts on this topic that are valuable for further research and policymakers. The patterns emerge from the results of the existing literature can be summarized as follows. First, inflation is mainly a monetary phenomenon either due to direct or indirect drivers in these countries. However, the significance of the effects from the monetary aggregates are dependent on the countries and periods under study. Secondly, inflation persistence is a major determinant in explaining inflation, suggesting a backward-looking behavior in inflation dynamics for these countries. Lastly, the importance of domestic determinants in understanding inflation has shifted towards external ones implying a greater role for global determinants in the last two decades.


  • Adu, G. and Marbuah, G. (2011). Determinants of inflation in Ghana: An empirical investigation. South African Journal of Economics, 79(3), 251-269. doi: 10.1111/j.1813-6982.2011.01273.x
  • African Development Bank. (2011). Retrieved from:
  • Age ́nor, P.R. and Bayraktar, N. (2010). Contracting models of the Phillips curve empirical estimates for middle-income countries. Journal of Macroeconomics, 32(2), 555-570. doi: 10.1016/j.jmacro.2009.09.002
  • Alam, Q. and Alam, S. (2016). The Determinants of Inflation in India: The Bounds Test Analysis. International Journal of Economics and Financial Issues, 6(2), 544-550. Retrieved from:
  • Alkoum, A.O.A. and Agil, S.O.S (2013). A study of the factors ınfluencing ınflationary pressure in the Libyan economy. Journal of Economics and Finance, 1(6), 35-43. Retrieved from:
  • Antczak, R. (2003). Monetary expansion and its influence on inflation performance in Transition Economies. In M. Dabrowski (Eds.). Disinflation in Transition Economies (pp.37-54), Central European University Press, Budapest. Retrieved from:
  • Baldini, A. and Poplawski-Ribeiro, M. (2011). Fiscal and monetary determinants of inflation in low-income countries: Theory and evidence from Sub-Saharan Africa. Journal of African Economies, 20(3), 419-462. doi: 10.1093/jae/ejr002
  • Bailliu, J., Garces, D., Kruger, M. and Messmacher, M. (2003). Explaining and forecasting inflation in emerging markets: The case of Mexico. Bank of Canada Working Paper, 2003-17. Retrieved from:
  • Bane J. (2018). Dynamics and determinants of ınflation in Ethiopia. In Heshmati A., Yoon H. (Eds.) Economic Growth and Development in Ethiopia. Perspectives on Development in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) Region, 67-84. doi: 10.1007/978-981-10-8126-2_4
  • Barnichon, R. and Peiris, S.J. (2007). Sources of inflation in Sub-Saharan Africa. IMF Working Paper, No. 07/32. Retrieved from:
  • Bhattacharya, R. (2013). Inflation dynamics and monetary policy transmission in Vietnam and emerging Asia. IMF Working Paper, No. 13/155. Retrieved from:
  • Blavy, R. (2004). Inflation and monetary pass-through in Guinea. IMF Working Paper, No. 04/223. Retrieved from:
  • Bonato, L. (2007). Money and inflation in the Islamic Republic of Iran. IMF Working Paper, No. 07/119. Retrieved from:
  • Borio, C. and Filardo, A. (2007). Globalisation and inflation: New cross-country evidence on the global determinants of domestic inflation. BIS Working Papers, No. 227. Retrieved from:
  • Caceres, C., Poplawski-Ribeiro, M. and Tartari, D. (2011). Inflation dynamics in the CEMAC region. IMF Working Paper, No. 11/232. Retrieved from:
  • Capistra ́n, C. and Ramos-Francia, M. (2006). Inflation dynamics in Latin America. Banco de Mexico, The Working Papers, No. 2006-11. Retrieved from:
  • Cata ̃o, L. and Terrones, M. (2001). Fiscal deficit and inflation: A new look at emerging market evidence. IMF Working Paper, No. 01/74. Retrieved from:
  • Cheng, M.Y. and Tan, H.B. (2002). Inflation in Malaysia. International Journal of Social Economics, 29(5), 411-425. doi: 10.1108/03068290210423532
  • Chiang, S., Lee, C. and Liao, Y. (2021). Exploring the sources of inflation dynamics: New evidence from China. Economic Analysis and Policy, 70, 313-332. doi: 10.1016/j.eap.2021.03.001
  • Coorey, S., Mecagni, M. and Offerdal, E. (1996). Disinflation in transition economies: The role of relative price adjustment. IMF Working Paper, No. 96/138. Retrieved from:
  • Crowley, J. (2010). Commodity prices and inflation in the Middle East, North Africa, and Central Asia. IMF Working Paper, No. 10/135. Retrieved from:
  • Dabrowski, M., Paczynski, W. and Rawdanowicz, L. (2002). Inflation and monetary policy in Russia: Transition experience and future recommendations. Center for Social and Economic Research, 241. Retrieved from:
  • D'Amato, L. and Garegnani, M.L. (2009). Studying the short-run dynamics of ınflation: Estimating a Hybrid New-Keynesian Phillips Curve for Argentina (1993-2007). BCRA Working Papers Series, 200940, Central Bank of Argentina, Economic Research Department. Retrieved from:
  • De Mello, L. and Moccero, D. (2009). Monetary policy and ınflation expectations in Latin America: Long-Run effects and volatility spillovers. Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, 41(8), 1671–1690. doi: 10.1111/j.1538-4616.2009.00273.x
  • Deniz, P. Tekçe, M. and Yılmaz, A. (2016). Investigating the determinants of inflation: A panel data analysis. International Journal of Financial Research, 7(2), 233-246. doi: 10.5430/ijfr.v7n2p233
  • Diouf, M.A. (2007). Modeling inflation for mali. IMF Working Paper, No. 07/295. Retrieved from:
  • Domaç, I. and Yücel, E.M. (2005). What triggers inflation in emerging market economies?. Review of World Economics/ Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv, 141(1), 141–164. Retrieved from:
  • Duma, N. (2008). Pass-Through of external shocks to inflation in Sri Lanka. IMF Working Paper, No. 08/78. Retrieved from:
  • Durevall, D. and Sjö, B. (2012). The dynamics of inflation in Ethiopia and Kenya. African Development Bank Working Paper Series, No. 151, Tunis, Tunisia. Retrieved from:
  • Durevall, D., Loening, J.L. and Birru Y.A. (2013). Inflation dynamics and food prices in Ethiopia. Journal of Development Economics, 104, 89-106. doi: 10.1016/j.jdeveco.2013.05.002
  • Fischer, S., Sahay, R. and Vegh, C.A. (1998). From transition to market: Evidence and growth prospects. IMF Working Paper, No. 98/52. Retrieved from:
  • Fisher, S. Sahay, R. and Vegh, C. (2002). Modern hyper- and high inflations. Journal of Economic Literature, 40(3), 837-80. Retrieved from:
  • Gottschalk, J., Kalonji, K. and Miyajima, K. (2008). Analyzing determinants of inflation when there are data limitation: The case of Sierra Leone. IMF Working Paper, No. 08/271. Retrieved from:
  • Grigorian, D., Khachatryan, A. and Sargsyan, G. (2004). Exchange rate, money, and wages: What is driving prices in Armenia?. IMF Working Paper, No. 04/229. Retrieved from:
  • Ha, J., Kose, M.A. and Ohnsorge, F. (2019). Inflation in emerging and developing economies: Evolution, drivers and policies. Washington, DC: World Bank. Retrieved from:
  • Habermeier, K., Ötker-Robe, I., Jacome, L., Giustiniani, A., Ishi, K., Vavra, D., Kisinbay, T. and Vazquez, F. (2009). Inflation pressures and monetary policy options in emerging and developing countries-a cross regional perspective. IMF Working Paper, No. 09/1. Retrieved from:
  • Hoggarth, G. (1996). Monetary Policy in Russia. In Jouko Rautava (Eds.), Russia's Financial Markets and the Banking Sector in Transition (pp. 53-82), Bank of Finland Studies A: 95, Helsinki. Retrieved from:
  • International Monetary Fund. (2001). Retrieved from:
  • International Monetary Fund. (2003). Retrieved from:
  • International Monetary Fund. (2008). Retrieved from:
  • Iwasaki, I. and Uegaki, A. (2017). Central bank ındependence and inflation in transition economies: A comparative meta-analysis with developed and developing economies. Eastern European Economics, 55(3), 197–235. doi: 10.1080/00128775.2017.1287548
  • Jongwanich, J. and Park, D. (2009). Inflation in developing Asia. Journal of Asian Economics, 20(5), 507-518. doi: 10.1016/j.asieco.2009.07.004
  • Kamber, G. and Wong, B. (2020). Global factors and trend inflation. Journal of International Economics, 122, 103265. doi: 10.1016/j.jinteco.2019.103265
  • Kamber, G., Mohanty, M. and Morley, J. (2020). What drives inflation in advanced and emerging market economies? BIS Paper No. 111a. Retrieved from:
  • Khan, M.S. and Schimmelpfennig, A. (2006). Inflation in Pakistan: Money or wheat?. IMF Working Paper, No. 06/60. Retrieved from:
  • Khan, R.E.A. and Gill, A.R. (2010). Determinants of inflation: A case of Pakistan (1970-2007). Journal of Economics, 1(1), 45-51. doi: 10.1080/09765239.2010.11884923
  • Kinda, T. (2011). Modeling inflation in Chad. IMF Working Paper, No. 11/57. Retrieved from:
  • Klein, N. and Kyei, A. (2009). Understanding inflation inertia in Angola. IMF Working Paper, No. 09/98. Retrieved from:
  • Koen, V. and Marrese, M. (1995). Stabilization and structural change in Russia, 1992-94. IMF Working Paper, No. 95/13. Retrieved from:
  • Korhonen, I. (1998). An error-correction model of prices, money, output and ınterest rate in Russia. Review of Economies in Transition, 5, 33-44. Retrieved from:
  • Kutan, A.M. and Brada J.C. (1999). The end of moderate inflation in three transition economies?. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis., Working Papers 1999-003, Retrieved from:
  • Kwon, G., McFarlane, L. and Robinson, W. (2006). Public debt, money supply, and inflation: A cross-country study and its application to Jamaica. IMF Working Paper, No. 06/121. Retrieved from:
  • Lim, C.H. and Papi, L. (1997). An econometric analysis of the determinants of inflation in Turkey. IMF Working Paper, No. 97/170. Retrieved from:
  • Lim, Y.C. and Sek, S.K. (2015). An Examination on the determinants of inflation. Journal of Economics, Business and Management, 3(7), 678-682. Retrieved from:
  • Lissovolik, B. (2003). Determinants of inflation in a transition economy: The case of Ukraine. IMF Working Paper, No. 03/126. Retrieved from:
  • Loungani, P. and Swagel, P. (2001). Sources of inflation in developing countries. IMF Working Paper, No. 01/198. Retrieved from:
  • Mohanty, D. and John, J. (2015). Determinants of inflation in India. Journal of Asian Economics, 36, 86-96. doi: 10.1016/j.asieco.2014.08.002
  • Mohanty, M.S. and Klau, M. (2001). What determines inflation in emerging market countries?. In Bank for International Settlements (Eds.), Modeling Aspects of the Inflation Process and Monetary Transmission Mechanism in Emerging Market Countries (pp.1-38), BIS Papers No. 8, Bank for International Settlements. Retrieved from:
  • Monfort, B. and Pen ̃a, S. (2008). Inflation determinants in Paraguay: Cost push versus demand pull factors. IMF Working Paper, No. 08/270. Retrieved from:
  • Moser, G.G. (1995). The main determinants of inflation in Nigeria. IMF Staff Papers, 42(2), 270-289. Retrieved from:
  • Nassar, K. (2005). Money demand and inflation in Madagascar. IMF Working Paper, No. 05/236. Retrieved from:
  • Nikolic, M. (2000). Money growth-inflation relationship in postcommunist Russia. Journal of Comparative Economics, 28(1), 108-133. doi: 10.1006/jcec.1999.1629
  • Nguyen, A.D.M, Dridi, J., Unsal, D.F. and Williams, O.H. (2015). On the drivers of inflation in Sub-Saharan Africa. IMF Working Paper, No. 15/189. Retrieved from:
  • Oladipo, O.S., Ntoko, A. and Forrester, W. (2013). Sources of inflation in developing countries: Evidence from some West African countries. Advances in Management and Applied Economics, 3(2), 83-102. Retrieved from:
  • Osorio, C. and Unsal, D.F. (2011). Inflation dynamics in Asia: Causes, changes, and spillovers from China. IMF Working Paper, No. 11/257. Retrieved from:
  • Parker, M. (2017). Global inflation: the role of food, housing and energy prices. European Central Bank, Working Paper Series, No. 2024. Retrieved from:
  • Patnaik, A. (2010). Study of inflation in India: A cointegrated vector autoregressive approach. Journal of Quantitative Economics, 8(1), 118-129. Retrieved from:
  • Pavlavani, M. and Rahimi, M. (2009). Sources of inflation in Iran: An application of ARDL approach. International Journal of Applied Econometrics and Quantitative Studies, 9(1), 61-76. Retrieved from:
  • Portillo, R. (2018). A Structural Analysis of the Determinants of Inflation in the CEMAC Region. In Berg, A. and Portillo, R. (Eds.) Monetary Policy in Sub-Saharan Africa (pp .419-435), Oxford Scholarship Online. doi: 10.1093/oso/9780198785811.003.0020
  • Sargent, T.J. and Wallace, N. (1981). Some unpleasant monetarist arithmetic. Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis Quarterly Review, 5(3), 1-17. Retrieved from:
  • Siliverstovs, B. and Bilan, O. (2005). Modeling inflation dynamics in transition economies: the Case of Ukraine. Eastern European Economics, 43(6), 66-81. doi: 10.2753/EEE0012-8755430604
  • Thorton, J. (2008). Money, output and inflation in African economies. South African Journal of Economics, 76(3), 356-366. doi: 10.1111/j.1813-6982.2008.00199.x
  • Ubide, A. (1997). Determinants of inflation in Mozambique. IMF Working Paper, No. 97/145. Retrieved from:
  • Wen, F., Min, F., Zhang, Y.J. and Yang, C. (2019). Crude oil price shocks, monetary policy, and China's economy. International Journal of Finance & Economics, 24(2), 812-827. doi: 10.1002/ijfe.1692
  • Williams, O. and Adedeji, O.S. (2004). Inflation Dynamics in the Dominican Republic. IMF Working Paper, No. 04/29. Retrieved from:
  • Wolde-Rufael, Y. (2008). Budget deficits, money and inflation: The case of Ethiopia. The Journal of Developing Areas, 42(1), 183-199. Retrieved from:
Year 2021, , 483 - 504, 29.06.2021



  • Adu, G. and Marbuah, G. (2011). Determinants of inflation in Ghana: An empirical investigation. South African Journal of Economics, 79(3), 251-269. doi: 10.1111/j.1813-6982.2011.01273.x
  • African Development Bank. (2011). Retrieved from:
  • Age ́nor, P.R. and Bayraktar, N. (2010). Contracting models of the Phillips curve empirical estimates for middle-income countries. Journal of Macroeconomics, 32(2), 555-570. doi: 10.1016/j.jmacro.2009.09.002
  • Alam, Q. and Alam, S. (2016). The Determinants of Inflation in India: The Bounds Test Analysis. International Journal of Economics and Financial Issues, 6(2), 544-550. Retrieved from:
  • Alkoum, A.O.A. and Agil, S.O.S (2013). A study of the factors ınfluencing ınflationary pressure in the Libyan economy. Journal of Economics and Finance, 1(6), 35-43. Retrieved from:
  • Antczak, R. (2003). Monetary expansion and its influence on inflation performance in Transition Economies. In M. Dabrowski (Eds.). Disinflation in Transition Economies (pp.37-54), Central European University Press, Budapest. Retrieved from:
  • Baldini, A. and Poplawski-Ribeiro, M. (2011). Fiscal and monetary determinants of inflation in low-income countries: Theory and evidence from Sub-Saharan Africa. Journal of African Economies, 20(3), 419-462. doi: 10.1093/jae/ejr002
  • Bailliu, J., Garces, D., Kruger, M. and Messmacher, M. (2003). Explaining and forecasting inflation in emerging markets: The case of Mexico. Bank of Canada Working Paper, 2003-17. Retrieved from:
  • Bane J. (2018). Dynamics and determinants of ınflation in Ethiopia. In Heshmati A., Yoon H. (Eds.) Economic Growth and Development in Ethiopia. Perspectives on Development in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) Region, 67-84. doi: 10.1007/978-981-10-8126-2_4
  • Barnichon, R. and Peiris, S.J. (2007). Sources of inflation in Sub-Saharan Africa. IMF Working Paper, No. 07/32. Retrieved from:
  • Bhattacharya, R. (2013). Inflation dynamics and monetary policy transmission in Vietnam and emerging Asia. IMF Working Paper, No. 13/155. Retrieved from:
  • Blavy, R. (2004). Inflation and monetary pass-through in Guinea. IMF Working Paper, No. 04/223. Retrieved from:
  • Bonato, L. (2007). Money and inflation in the Islamic Republic of Iran. IMF Working Paper, No. 07/119. Retrieved from:
  • Borio, C. and Filardo, A. (2007). Globalisation and inflation: New cross-country evidence on the global determinants of domestic inflation. BIS Working Papers, No. 227. Retrieved from:
  • Caceres, C., Poplawski-Ribeiro, M. and Tartari, D. (2011). Inflation dynamics in the CEMAC region. IMF Working Paper, No. 11/232. Retrieved from:
  • Capistra ́n, C. and Ramos-Francia, M. (2006). Inflation dynamics in Latin America. Banco de Mexico, The Working Papers, No. 2006-11. Retrieved from:
  • Cata ̃o, L. and Terrones, M. (2001). Fiscal deficit and inflation: A new look at emerging market evidence. IMF Working Paper, No. 01/74. Retrieved from:
  • Cheng, M.Y. and Tan, H.B. (2002). Inflation in Malaysia. International Journal of Social Economics, 29(5), 411-425. doi: 10.1108/03068290210423532
  • Chiang, S., Lee, C. and Liao, Y. (2021). Exploring the sources of inflation dynamics: New evidence from China. Economic Analysis and Policy, 70, 313-332. doi: 10.1016/j.eap.2021.03.001
  • Coorey, S., Mecagni, M. and Offerdal, E. (1996). Disinflation in transition economies: The role of relative price adjustment. IMF Working Paper, No. 96/138. Retrieved from:
  • Crowley, J. (2010). Commodity prices and inflation in the Middle East, North Africa, and Central Asia. IMF Working Paper, No. 10/135. Retrieved from:
  • Dabrowski, M., Paczynski, W. and Rawdanowicz, L. (2002). Inflation and monetary policy in Russia: Transition experience and future recommendations. Center for Social and Economic Research, 241. Retrieved from:
  • D'Amato, L. and Garegnani, M.L. (2009). Studying the short-run dynamics of ınflation: Estimating a Hybrid New-Keynesian Phillips Curve for Argentina (1993-2007). BCRA Working Papers Series, 200940, Central Bank of Argentina, Economic Research Department. Retrieved from:
  • De Mello, L. and Moccero, D. (2009). Monetary policy and ınflation expectations in Latin America: Long-Run effects and volatility spillovers. Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, 41(8), 1671–1690. doi: 10.1111/j.1538-4616.2009.00273.x
  • Deniz, P. Tekçe, M. and Yılmaz, A. (2016). Investigating the determinants of inflation: A panel data analysis. International Journal of Financial Research, 7(2), 233-246. doi: 10.5430/ijfr.v7n2p233
  • Diouf, M.A. (2007). Modeling inflation for mali. IMF Working Paper, No. 07/295. Retrieved from:
  • Domaç, I. and Yücel, E.M. (2005). What triggers inflation in emerging market economies?. Review of World Economics/ Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv, 141(1), 141–164. Retrieved from:
  • Duma, N. (2008). Pass-Through of external shocks to inflation in Sri Lanka. IMF Working Paper, No. 08/78. Retrieved from:
  • Durevall, D. and Sjö, B. (2012). The dynamics of inflation in Ethiopia and Kenya. African Development Bank Working Paper Series, No. 151, Tunis, Tunisia. Retrieved from:
  • Durevall, D., Loening, J.L. and Birru Y.A. (2013). Inflation dynamics and food prices in Ethiopia. Journal of Development Economics, 104, 89-106. doi: 10.1016/j.jdeveco.2013.05.002
  • Fischer, S., Sahay, R. and Vegh, C.A. (1998). From transition to market: Evidence and growth prospects. IMF Working Paper, No. 98/52. Retrieved from:
  • Fisher, S. Sahay, R. and Vegh, C. (2002). Modern hyper- and high inflations. Journal of Economic Literature, 40(3), 837-80. Retrieved from:
  • Gottschalk, J., Kalonji, K. and Miyajima, K. (2008). Analyzing determinants of inflation when there are data limitation: The case of Sierra Leone. IMF Working Paper, No. 08/271. Retrieved from:
  • Grigorian, D., Khachatryan, A. and Sargsyan, G. (2004). Exchange rate, money, and wages: What is driving prices in Armenia?. IMF Working Paper, No. 04/229. Retrieved from:
  • Ha, J., Kose, M.A. and Ohnsorge, F. (2019). Inflation in emerging and developing economies: Evolution, drivers and policies. Washington, DC: World Bank. Retrieved from:
  • Habermeier, K., Ötker-Robe, I., Jacome, L., Giustiniani, A., Ishi, K., Vavra, D., Kisinbay, T. and Vazquez, F. (2009). Inflation pressures and monetary policy options in emerging and developing countries-a cross regional perspective. IMF Working Paper, No. 09/1. Retrieved from:
  • Hoggarth, G. (1996). Monetary Policy in Russia. In Jouko Rautava (Eds.), Russia's Financial Markets and the Banking Sector in Transition (pp. 53-82), Bank of Finland Studies A: 95, Helsinki. Retrieved from:
  • International Monetary Fund. (2001). Retrieved from:
  • International Monetary Fund. (2003). Retrieved from:
  • International Monetary Fund. (2008). Retrieved from:
  • Iwasaki, I. and Uegaki, A. (2017). Central bank ındependence and inflation in transition economies: A comparative meta-analysis with developed and developing economies. Eastern European Economics, 55(3), 197–235. doi: 10.1080/00128775.2017.1287548
  • Jongwanich, J. and Park, D. (2009). Inflation in developing Asia. Journal of Asian Economics, 20(5), 507-518. doi: 10.1016/j.asieco.2009.07.004
  • Kamber, G. and Wong, B. (2020). Global factors and trend inflation. Journal of International Economics, 122, 103265. doi: 10.1016/j.jinteco.2019.103265
  • Kamber, G., Mohanty, M. and Morley, J. (2020). What drives inflation in advanced and emerging market economies? BIS Paper No. 111a. Retrieved from:
  • Khan, M.S. and Schimmelpfennig, A. (2006). Inflation in Pakistan: Money or wheat?. IMF Working Paper, No. 06/60. Retrieved from:
  • Khan, R.E.A. and Gill, A.R. (2010). Determinants of inflation: A case of Pakistan (1970-2007). Journal of Economics, 1(1), 45-51. doi: 10.1080/09765239.2010.11884923
  • Kinda, T. (2011). Modeling inflation in Chad. IMF Working Paper, No. 11/57. Retrieved from:
  • Klein, N. and Kyei, A. (2009). Understanding inflation inertia in Angola. IMF Working Paper, No. 09/98. Retrieved from:
  • Koen, V. and Marrese, M. (1995). Stabilization and structural change in Russia, 1992-94. IMF Working Paper, No. 95/13. Retrieved from:
  • Korhonen, I. (1998). An error-correction model of prices, money, output and ınterest rate in Russia. Review of Economies in Transition, 5, 33-44. Retrieved from:
  • Kutan, A.M. and Brada J.C. (1999). The end of moderate inflation in three transition economies?. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis., Working Papers 1999-003, Retrieved from:
  • Kwon, G., McFarlane, L. and Robinson, W. (2006). Public debt, money supply, and inflation: A cross-country study and its application to Jamaica. IMF Working Paper, No. 06/121. Retrieved from:
  • Lim, C.H. and Papi, L. (1997). An econometric analysis of the determinants of inflation in Turkey. IMF Working Paper, No. 97/170. Retrieved from:
  • Lim, Y.C. and Sek, S.K. (2015). An Examination on the determinants of inflation. Journal of Economics, Business and Management, 3(7), 678-682. Retrieved from:
  • Lissovolik, B. (2003). Determinants of inflation in a transition economy: The case of Ukraine. IMF Working Paper, No. 03/126. Retrieved from:
  • Loungani, P. and Swagel, P. (2001). Sources of inflation in developing countries. IMF Working Paper, No. 01/198. Retrieved from:
  • Mohanty, D. and John, J. (2015). Determinants of inflation in India. Journal of Asian Economics, 36, 86-96. doi: 10.1016/j.asieco.2014.08.002
  • Mohanty, M.S. and Klau, M. (2001). What determines inflation in emerging market countries?. In Bank for International Settlements (Eds.), Modeling Aspects of the Inflation Process and Monetary Transmission Mechanism in Emerging Market Countries (pp.1-38), BIS Papers No. 8, Bank for International Settlements. Retrieved from:
  • Monfort, B. and Pen ̃a, S. (2008). Inflation determinants in Paraguay: Cost push versus demand pull factors. IMF Working Paper, No. 08/270. Retrieved from:
  • Moser, G.G. (1995). The main determinants of inflation in Nigeria. IMF Staff Papers, 42(2), 270-289. Retrieved from:
  • Nassar, K. (2005). Money demand and inflation in Madagascar. IMF Working Paper, No. 05/236. Retrieved from:
  • Nikolic, M. (2000). Money growth-inflation relationship in postcommunist Russia. Journal of Comparative Economics, 28(1), 108-133. doi: 10.1006/jcec.1999.1629
  • Nguyen, A.D.M, Dridi, J., Unsal, D.F. and Williams, O.H. (2015). On the drivers of inflation in Sub-Saharan Africa. IMF Working Paper, No. 15/189. Retrieved from:
  • Oladipo, O.S., Ntoko, A. and Forrester, W. (2013). Sources of inflation in developing countries: Evidence from some West African countries. Advances in Management and Applied Economics, 3(2), 83-102. Retrieved from:
  • Osorio, C. and Unsal, D.F. (2011). Inflation dynamics in Asia: Causes, changes, and spillovers from China. IMF Working Paper, No. 11/257. Retrieved from:
  • Parker, M. (2017). Global inflation: the role of food, housing and energy prices. European Central Bank, Working Paper Series, No. 2024. Retrieved from:
  • Patnaik, A. (2010). Study of inflation in India: A cointegrated vector autoregressive approach. Journal of Quantitative Economics, 8(1), 118-129. Retrieved from:
  • Pavlavani, M. and Rahimi, M. (2009). Sources of inflation in Iran: An application of ARDL approach. International Journal of Applied Econometrics and Quantitative Studies, 9(1), 61-76. Retrieved from:
  • Portillo, R. (2018). A Structural Analysis of the Determinants of Inflation in the CEMAC Region. In Berg, A. and Portillo, R. (Eds.) Monetary Policy in Sub-Saharan Africa (pp .419-435), Oxford Scholarship Online. doi: 10.1093/oso/9780198785811.003.0020
  • Sargent, T.J. and Wallace, N. (1981). Some unpleasant monetarist arithmetic. Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis Quarterly Review, 5(3), 1-17. Retrieved from:
  • Siliverstovs, B. and Bilan, O. (2005). Modeling inflation dynamics in transition economies: the Case of Ukraine. Eastern European Economics, 43(6), 66-81. doi: 10.2753/EEE0012-8755430604
  • Thorton, J. (2008). Money, output and inflation in African economies. South African Journal of Economics, 76(3), 356-366. doi: 10.1111/j.1813-6982.2008.00199.x
  • Ubide, A. (1997). Determinants of inflation in Mozambique. IMF Working Paper, No. 97/145. Retrieved from:
  • Wen, F., Min, F., Zhang, Y.J. and Yang, C. (2019). Crude oil price shocks, monetary policy, and China's economy. International Journal of Finance & Economics, 24(2), 812-827. doi: 10.1002/ijfe.1692
  • Williams, O. and Adedeji, O.S. (2004). Inflation Dynamics in the Dominican Republic. IMF Working Paper, No. 04/29. Retrieved from:
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There are 76 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

Dila Asfuroğlu This is me

Publication Date June 29, 2021
Submission Date February 23, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2021


APA Asfuroğlu, D. (2021). The Determinants of Inflation in Emerging Markets and Developing Countries: A Literature Review. Anadolu Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 21(2), 483-504.