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Çin’de Büyüme ve Kalkınma: Binyıl Kalkınma Hedefleri Kapsamında Bir Değerlendirme

Year 2017, Volume: 17 Issue: 3, 165 - 186, 15.09.2017


2000 yılında Birleşmiş Milletler ’in öncülüğünde 189 ülkenin katıldığı zirvede, aşırı yoksulluk ve açlığa son vermeyi amaçlayan Binyıl Bildirgesi’ne dayanan Binyıl Kalkınma Hedefleri(BKH) belirlenmiştir. Bu hedeflerin 1990-2015 yılları arasında gerçekleştirilmesi planlanmıştır. Hedeflerin içerdiği temel konular ise yoksulluk ve açlığın giderilmesi, herkes için temel eğitimin temini, toplumsal cinsiyet eşitliğinin sağlanması ve kadının sosyal ve ekonomik anlamda güçlendirilmesi, çocuk ölümlerinin azaltılması, anne sağlığının iyileştirilmesi, HIV/AIDS, sıtma ve diğer salgın hastalıklarla mücadele, çevresel sürdürülebilirliğin sağlanması ve kalkınma için küresel ortaklığın geliştirilmesidir. Bu çalışmanın amacı, 1970li yılların sonunda piyasa ekonomisine işlerlik kazandırmaya yönelik girişimlerde bulunan ve özellikle 2001 yılında Dünya Ticaret Örgütü’ne üyeliğini tamamladıktan sonra dünya ticaretinde söz sahibi olmaya başlayan Çin Halk Cumhuriyeti’nin nasıl bir büyüme stratejisi izlediğinin ve BKH doğrultusunda nasıl bir gelişme sergilediğinin ortaya konulmasıdır. Bu kapsamda öncelikle Çin’in tarihi süreç içerisindeki iktisadi yükselişine sebep olan faktörler literatür taraması kapsamında açıklanmaya çalışılmış ve daha sonra yoksulluk, eğitim, sağlık, çevre ve cinsiyet eşitliği konularında kaydedilen ilerlemeler Dünya Bankası verileri ışığında, Euro Bölgesi, OECD ve Dünya genelindeki durumla kıyaslamalı olarak ele alınmıştır. Yapılan karşılaştırmalar ışığında, BKH kapsamında belirlenen 8 hedef konusunda Çin’in oldukça başarılı olduğu sonucuna varılmıştır. Bu başarıda piyasa ekonomisine geçiş sürecinde gerçekleştirilen düzenlemelerin, uluslararası kurumlar tarafından dayatılan standart düzenlemeler olmaması, bunun yerine hazırlanan kalkınma planları dahilinde ve ekonomisinin ihtiyaçları doğrultusunda bir değişime gidilmiş olmasının önemli yeri bulunmaktadır. Ayrıca ticaretle elde edilen gelirler yanında hane halkı ve firmaların tasarruf oranlarının yüksek olması ve milli gelirin yarısının tasarruf ediliyor olması, büyüme ve kalkınma hedeflerinin gerçekleştirilmesi açısından önemli olan bir diğer faktör olmuştur. 


  • Atlı, A. (2007). Çin’in Planlı Kalkınma Deneyimi. In Geçmişten Geleceğe Sanayileşme Planlama ve Kalkınma, Türkiye İçin Model Önerileri (pp. 97–107). Ankara: TMMOB Makina Mühendisleri Odası.
  • Baek, S.-W. (2005). Does China Follow “The East Asian Development Model”? Journal of Contemporary Asia, 35(4), 485–498.
  • Becker, C. M., Craigie, T. A. (2007). W. Arthur Lewis in Retrospect. Review of Black Political Economy, 34(3-4), 187–216.
  • Bell, M. W., Khor, H. E. ve Kochhar, K. (1993). China at the Threshold of a Market Economy. Washington, DC.: International Monetary Fund.
  • Bender, F. L. (1973). Marxism East and West: Lenin’s Revisions of Orthodox Marxism and Their Significance for Non-Western Revolution. Philosophy East and West, 23(3), 299–313.
  • Bhalla, A. S. (1995). Recent Economic Reforms in China and India. Asian Survey, 35(6), 555–572.
  • Bramall, C. (2009). Chinese Economic Development (1st ed.). London: Routledge.
  • Choi, E. K. (2014). The Shift of Development Strategies and the Creation of New Rural Pensions in China. In Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association. Washington: American Political Science Association.
  • DeGregori, T. R. (1989). The Development Challenge: Theory Practıce, And Prospects. In T. R. DeGregori (Ed.), Development Economics: Theory, Practice, and Prospects (pp. 1–46). Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers. Retrieved from
  • Dış Ekonomik İlişkiler Kurulu. (2004). DTÖ Üyeliği Sonrası Çin Halk Cumhuriyeti Ekonomisi ve Ticaretinde Gelişmeler. Retrieved October 13, 2014, from pdf
  • Dura, C. (2012). Çin Modeli Atatürk’ün Karma Ekonomi Modeli Midir? Retrieved September 9, 2015, from
  • Eaton, J. (1989). Foreign Public Capital Flows. in H. Chenery ve T. N. Srinivasan (Eds.), Handbook of Development Economics, 2 (pp. 1306–1386). Oxford: North Holland.
  • Fishman, E., Cherry, C. (2016). E-bikes in the Mainstream: Reviewing a Decade of Research. Transport Reviews, 36(1), 72–91.
  • FMPRC. (2013). China’s Progress Towards The Milenium Development Goals 2013 Report.
  • FMPRC. (2015). Report on China’ s Implementation of the Millennium Development Goals.
  • Fu, X., Balasubramanyam, V. N. (2003). Township and village enterprises in China. Journal of Development Studies, 39(4), 27–46.
  • GTO. (2014). Çin Halk Cumhuriyeti Raporu. Kocaeli. Hafer, R. W., Kutan, A. M. (1994). Economic Reforms and Long-Run Money Demand in China : Implications for Monetary Policy. Southern Economic Journal, 60(4), 936–945.
  • Han, E., Kaya, E. A. (2004). İktisadi Kalkınma ve Büyüme. Eskişehir: Anadolu Üniversitesi Yayınları.
  • He, C., Chen, T., Mao, X. ve Zhou, Y. (2016). Economic transition, urbanization and population redistribution in China. Habitat International, 51, 39–47.
  • Hua, Y., Oliphant, M. ve Hu, E. J. (2016). Development of Renewable Energy in Australia and China: A Comparison of Policies and Status. Renewable Energy, 85, 1044–1051.
  • Jameson, K. P., Weaver, J. H. (1989). Strategies of Development: A Survey. In T. R. DeGregori (Ed.), Development Economics : Theory , Practice , and Prospects (1st ed., pp. 137–178). Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
  • Jolly, R., Emmerij, L., Ghai, D. ve Lapeyre, F. (2004). UN Contributions to Development Thinking and Practice (United Nat). Indiana: Indiana University Press.
  • Kai-She, C. (2013). China’s Destiny and Chinese Economic Theory. Leiden-Boston: Global Oriental.
  • Kennedy, S. (2010). The Myth of the Beijing Consensus. Journal of Contemporary China, 19(65), 461–477.
  • Kırım, A. (2007). Türkiye Nasıl Zenginleşir. İstanbul: Remzi Kitabevi.
  • Koç, E., Şenel, M. C. (2013). Dünyada ve Türkiye’de Enerji Durumu. Mühendis ve Makina, 54(639), 32–44.
  • Kofi, T. A. (1981). Prospects and Problems of the Transition from Agrarianism to Socialism : The Case of Angola, Guinea-Bissau and Mozambique. World Development, 9(9/10), 851–870.
  • Kung, J. K., Lin, Y. (2007). The Decline of Township-and-Village Enterprises in China’ s Economic Transition. World Development, 35(4), 569–584.
  • Lee, Y., Lee, J. W. (1990). Lessons from East Asian NICs’ Export Success. International Executive, 31(6), 43–44.
  • Lin, J. Y., Cai, F., ve Li, Z. (2003). The China Miracle: Development Strategy and Economic Reform. Hong Kong: The Chinese University Press.
  • Liu, A., ve Wall, G. (2005). Human Resources Development in China. Annals of Tourism Research, 32(3), 689–710.
  • Liu, X. (2005). China’s Development Model: An Alternative Strategy for Technological Catch-Up (SLPTMD Working Paper Series No. 20).
  • NEAA. (2015). Trends in Global CO2 Emissions. The Hague. Özdemir, B. (2007). İktisadî Kalkınma’da Washington Konsensunun Rolü ve Türkiye’nin Durumu. Retrieved December 28, 2015, from
  • Öztürk, S., Sözdemir, A., ve Gövdere, B. (2006). Çin: Washington Uzlaşmasından Beijing Uzlaşmasına. Cumhuriyet Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Dergisi, 7(1), 61–73.
  • Piasecki, R., ve Wolnicki, M. (2004). The evolution of development economics and globalization. International Journal of Social Economics, 31(3), 300–314.
  • Putterman, L. (1997). On the Past and Future of China’s Township and Village-Owned Enterprises. World Development, 25(10), 1639–1655.
  • Rong, W. (2011). Public Spending on Education in China. In Optimizing Talent: Closing Educational and Social Mobility Gaps Worldwide. Salzburg: Salzburg Global Seminar. Retrieved from FINANCING MEDIA63618.pdf
  • Roth, F., Thum, A.-E. (2010). The Key Role of Education in the Europe 2020 Strategy (Centre For European Policy Studies Working Document No. 338). Brussels.
  • Saray, M. O., Gökdemir, L. (2005). Çin Ekonomisinin Büyüme Aşamaları(1978-2005). Journal of Yaşar University, 2(7), 681–686.
  • Sutherland, D. (2003). China ’ s Large Enterprises and the Challenge of Late Industrialization. (P. Nolan ve D. Fureng, Eds.). London: RoutledgeCurzon.
  • The World Bank. (2013). Capital for the Future: Saving and Investment in an Interdependent World. Washington, DC.: The World Bank. Retrieved from abs/10.1596/978-0-8213-9635-3
  • Thirlwall, A. P. (2013). Economic Growth in an Open Developing Economy: The Role of Structure and Demand. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing Limited.
  • TMMOB. (2007). Ülke Örnekleri ile Kalkınma ve Sanayileşme Modelleri. Ankara.
  • Todaro, M. P., Smith, S. C. (2009). Economic Development (10th ed.). United States Of America: Pearson Education Limited.
  • UN. (2014). World Urbanization Prospects. New York: United Nations. Retrieved from
  • UN. (2015). The Millennium Development Goals Report. New York.
  • UNDP. (2010). Assessment of Development Results: China. New York.
  • UNDP. (2013). China National Human Development Report. Beijing: Retrieved from
  • UNDP. (2015). Human Development Report: Work for Human Developme. New York.
  • UNEP. (2015). Renewables 2015 Global Status Report. Paris. Retrieved from
  • Wei, H. (2011). Participatory Poverty Reduction in China: Past and Prospects. In Z. Yisheng (Ed.), Poverty Reduction and Sustainable Development in Rural China (pp. 177–218). Leiden: Brill.
  • WHOveUNICEF. (2012). Progress on Drinking Water and Sanitation. New York. Retrieved from
  • WHOveUNICEF. (2015). Progress on Sanitation and Drinking-Water. New York.
  • Willis, K. (2005). Theories and Practices of Development. Routledge perspectives on development (1. ed.). London: Routledge.
  • WIPO. (2014). World Intellectual Property Indicators. Geneva. Retrieved from
  • World Bank. (2009). China From Poor Areas to Poor People: China’s Evolving Poverty Reduction Agenda. Washington, DC.
  • World Bank. (2015). worldbank. Retrieved March 17, 2015, from
  • Wu, Y. (2004). China ’ s Economic Growth: A miracle with Chinese characteristics (1st ed.). London: RoutledgeCurzon.
  • Zhen, Y. (2007). Globalization and the Chinese Retailing Revolution: Competing in the World’s Largest Emerging Market. Oxford, UK: Chandos Publishing.
Year 2017, Volume: 17 Issue: 3, 165 - 186, 15.09.2017



  • Atlı, A. (2007). Çin’in Planlı Kalkınma Deneyimi. In Geçmişten Geleceğe Sanayileşme Planlama ve Kalkınma, Türkiye İçin Model Önerileri (pp. 97–107). Ankara: TMMOB Makina Mühendisleri Odası.
  • Baek, S.-W. (2005). Does China Follow “The East Asian Development Model”? Journal of Contemporary Asia, 35(4), 485–498.
  • Becker, C. M., Craigie, T. A. (2007). W. Arthur Lewis in Retrospect. Review of Black Political Economy, 34(3-4), 187–216.
  • Bell, M. W., Khor, H. E. ve Kochhar, K. (1993). China at the Threshold of a Market Economy. Washington, DC.: International Monetary Fund.
  • Bender, F. L. (1973). Marxism East and West: Lenin’s Revisions of Orthodox Marxism and Their Significance for Non-Western Revolution. Philosophy East and West, 23(3), 299–313.
  • Bhalla, A. S. (1995). Recent Economic Reforms in China and India. Asian Survey, 35(6), 555–572.
  • Bramall, C. (2009). Chinese Economic Development (1st ed.). London: Routledge.
  • Choi, E. K. (2014). The Shift of Development Strategies and the Creation of New Rural Pensions in China. In Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association. Washington: American Political Science Association.
  • DeGregori, T. R. (1989). The Development Challenge: Theory Practıce, And Prospects. In T. R. DeGregori (Ed.), Development Economics: Theory, Practice, and Prospects (pp. 1–46). Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers. Retrieved from
  • Dış Ekonomik İlişkiler Kurulu. (2004). DTÖ Üyeliği Sonrası Çin Halk Cumhuriyeti Ekonomisi ve Ticaretinde Gelişmeler. Retrieved October 13, 2014, from pdf
  • Dura, C. (2012). Çin Modeli Atatürk’ün Karma Ekonomi Modeli Midir? Retrieved September 9, 2015, from
  • Eaton, J. (1989). Foreign Public Capital Flows. in H. Chenery ve T. N. Srinivasan (Eds.), Handbook of Development Economics, 2 (pp. 1306–1386). Oxford: North Holland.
  • Fishman, E., Cherry, C. (2016). E-bikes in the Mainstream: Reviewing a Decade of Research. Transport Reviews, 36(1), 72–91.
  • FMPRC. (2013). China’s Progress Towards The Milenium Development Goals 2013 Report.
  • FMPRC. (2015). Report on China’ s Implementation of the Millennium Development Goals.
  • Fu, X., Balasubramanyam, V. N. (2003). Township and village enterprises in China. Journal of Development Studies, 39(4), 27–46.
  • GTO. (2014). Çin Halk Cumhuriyeti Raporu. Kocaeli. Hafer, R. W., Kutan, A. M. (1994). Economic Reforms and Long-Run Money Demand in China : Implications for Monetary Policy. Southern Economic Journal, 60(4), 936–945.
  • Han, E., Kaya, E. A. (2004). İktisadi Kalkınma ve Büyüme. Eskişehir: Anadolu Üniversitesi Yayınları.
  • He, C., Chen, T., Mao, X. ve Zhou, Y. (2016). Economic transition, urbanization and population redistribution in China. Habitat International, 51, 39–47.
  • Hua, Y., Oliphant, M. ve Hu, E. J. (2016). Development of Renewable Energy in Australia and China: A Comparison of Policies and Status. Renewable Energy, 85, 1044–1051.
  • Jameson, K. P., Weaver, J. H. (1989). Strategies of Development: A Survey. In T. R. DeGregori (Ed.), Development Economics : Theory , Practice , and Prospects (1st ed., pp. 137–178). Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
  • Jolly, R., Emmerij, L., Ghai, D. ve Lapeyre, F. (2004). UN Contributions to Development Thinking and Practice (United Nat). Indiana: Indiana University Press.
  • Kai-She, C. (2013). China’s Destiny and Chinese Economic Theory. Leiden-Boston: Global Oriental.
  • Kennedy, S. (2010). The Myth of the Beijing Consensus. Journal of Contemporary China, 19(65), 461–477.
  • Kırım, A. (2007). Türkiye Nasıl Zenginleşir. İstanbul: Remzi Kitabevi.
  • Koç, E., Şenel, M. C. (2013). Dünyada ve Türkiye’de Enerji Durumu. Mühendis ve Makina, 54(639), 32–44.
  • Kofi, T. A. (1981). Prospects and Problems of the Transition from Agrarianism to Socialism : The Case of Angola, Guinea-Bissau and Mozambique. World Development, 9(9/10), 851–870.
  • Kung, J. K., Lin, Y. (2007). The Decline of Township-and-Village Enterprises in China’ s Economic Transition. World Development, 35(4), 569–584.
  • Lee, Y., Lee, J. W. (1990). Lessons from East Asian NICs’ Export Success. International Executive, 31(6), 43–44.
  • Lin, J. Y., Cai, F., ve Li, Z. (2003). The China Miracle: Development Strategy and Economic Reform. Hong Kong: The Chinese University Press.
  • Liu, A., ve Wall, G. (2005). Human Resources Development in China. Annals of Tourism Research, 32(3), 689–710.
  • Liu, X. (2005). China’s Development Model: An Alternative Strategy for Technological Catch-Up (SLPTMD Working Paper Series No. 20).
  • NEAA. (2015). Trends in Global CO2 Emissions. The Hague. Özdemir, B. (2007). İktisadî Kalkınma’da Washington Konsensunun Rolü ve Türkiye’nin Durumu. Retrieved December 28, 2015, from
  • Öztürk, S., Sözdemir, A., ve Gövdere, B. (2006). Çin: Washington Uzlaşmasından Beijing Uzlaşmasına. Cumhuriyet Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Dergisi, 7(1), 61–73.
  • Piasecki, R., ve Wolnicki, M. (2004). The evolution of development economics and globalization. International Journal of Social Economics, 31(3), 300–314.
  • Putterman, L. (1997). On the Past and Future of China’s Township and Village-Owned Enterprises. World Development, 25(10), 1639–1655.
  • Rong, W. (2011). Public Spending on Education in China. In Optimizing Talent: Closing Educational and Social Mobility Gaps Worldwide. Salzburg: Salzburg Global Seminar. Retrieved from FINANCING MEDIA63618.pdf
  • Roth, F., Thum, A.-E. (2010). The Key Role of Education in the Europe 2020 Strategy (Centre For European Policy Studies Working Document No. 338). Brussels.
  • Saray, M. O., Gökdemir, L. (2005). Çin Ekonomisinin Büyüme Aşamaları(1978-2005). Journal of Yaşar University, 2(7), 681–686.
  • Sutherland, D. (2003). China ’ s Large Enterprises and the Challenge of Late Industrialization. (P. Nolan ve D. Fureng, Eds.). London: RoutledgeCurzon.
  • The World Bank. (2013). Capital for the Future: Saving and Investment in an Interdependent World. Washington, DC.: The World Bank. Retrieved from abs/10.1596/978-0-8213-9635-3
  • Thirlwall, A. P. (2013). Economic Growth in an Open Developing Economy: The Role of Structure and Demand. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing Limited.
  • TMMOB. (2007). Ülke Örnekleri ile Kalkınma ve Sanayileşme Modelleri. Ankara.
  • Todaro, M. P., Smith, S. C. (2009). Economic Development (10th ed.). United States Of America: Pearson Education Limited.
  • UN. (2014). World Urbanization Prospects. New York: United Nations. Retrieved from
  • UN. (2015). The Millennium Development Goals Report. New York.
  • UNDP. (2010). Assessment of Development Results: China. New York.
  • UNDP. (2013). China National Human Development Report. Beijing: Retrieved from
  • UNDP. (2015). Human Development Report: Work for Human Developme. New York.
  • UNEP. (2015). Renewables 2015 Global Status Report. Paris. Retrieved from
  • Wei, H. (2011). Participatory Poverty Reduction in China: Past and Prospects. In Z. Yisheng (Ed.), Poverty Reduction and Sustainable Development in Rural China (pp. 177–218). Leiden: Brill.
  • WHOveUNICEF. (2012). Progress on Drinking Water and Sanitation. New York. Retrieved from
  • WHOveUNICEF. (2015). Progress on Sanitation and Drinking-Water. New York.
  • Willis, K. (2005). Theories and Practices of Development. Routledge perspectives on development (1. ed.). London: Routledge.
  • WIPO. (2014). World Intellectual Property Indicators. Geneva. Retrieved from
  • World Bank. (2009). China From Poor Areas to Poor People: China’s Evolving Poverty Reduction Agenda. Washington, DC.
  • World Bank. (2015). worldbank. Retrieved March 17, 2015, from
  • Wu, Y. (2004). China ’ s Economic Growth: A miracle with Chinese characteristics (1st ed.). London: RoutledgeCurzon.
  • Zhen, Y. (2007). Globalization and the Chinese Retailing Revolution: Competing in the World’s Largest Emerging Market. Oxford, UK: Chandos Publishing.
There are 59 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

Yrd. Doç. Dr. Mete Dibo This is me

Publication Date September 15, 2017
Submission Date July 20, 2016
Published in Issue Year 2017 Volume: 17 Issue: 3


APA Dibo, Y. D. D. M. (2017). Çin’de Büyüme ve Kalkınma: Binyıl Kalkınma Hedefleri Kapsamında Bir Değerlendirme. Anadolu Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 17(3), 165-186.


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