When it comes to postmodernity, confusion arises. The main reason for this confusion lies under the main differentiation between postmodern sociology and sociology of postmodernism. This difference affects many fields and public relations is one of them. In this study, I follow the path of postmodern public relations which deals with postmodernism as an era not an epistemology. Therefore in this article, the transformation and new characteristics of public relations in the postmodern era was discussed. The main claim of this article is that in the postmodern era, public relations can be used a mean for enchantment. Also, pseudo-events turned into an essential tool for public relations since organizations need to be more visible in this era in which images turned out to be more vital than realities. PinkorBlack night arranged by Unilever was analyzed as a pseudo event. Event’s videos, written material and social media accounts were examined by using descriptive analysis. As a result, it is seen that Magnum used this pseudo-event to create both visual simulation and a “dialogue” simulation not just for raising awareness about its new products but also strengthen the image of hyper-real “Magnum Woman”. With this event Magnum positioned not just like an ice-cream, but also sophistication, energy, pleasure and beauty.
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