Research Article
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The Effect of Environmental and Social Sensitivities on Corporate Reputation

Year 2020, Volume: 20 Issue: 3, 255 - 270, 29.09.2020


Environmental and social initiatives protect the social image of organizations, increase their reputation and decrease the risks to their reputations. Corporate reputation is a part of the communication between the organizations and their stakeholders. Establishing a valuable and permanent partnership between organizations and stakeholders generates an advantage in the development of sustainable competitiveness. The ability of organizations to manage their relationships with their stakeholders can affect their corporate reputation and a positive organizational reputation is an important indicator of their ability to effectively manage their stakeholders. In this context, the objective of the study was to determine the sensitivity of public hospitals operating in Afyonkarahisar in terms of environmental and social issues through the eyes of the stakeholders who are a party to corporate reputation and determine the effect of sensitivity on corporate reputation. Descriptive, variance, correlation and regression analysis methods were used on the data obtained from the survey. As a result of the analysis, it has been determined that the overall view of stakeholders in the hospitals included in the study in terms of environmental and social sensitivity and corporate reputation in public hospitals composed of state and university hospitals in Afyonkarahisar was negative and below medium level.


  • 3p Contributor (2011). The relationship between reputation, trust and sustainable business, 20th July. (date of access: 24.06.2017)
  • Akın, A. Ş. (2014). Rekabet avantajı kazanmada anahtar kavram: Kurumsal itibar, Ekim, 310, (date of access: 10.05.2018)
  • Alves, M.A., Reficco, E. & Arroyo, J. (2014). A new approach for measuring corporate reputation, Forum, 54(1), January -February, 53-66.
  • Aracı, M.& Genç, E. (2015).The management of corporate reputation in health care institutions: A research study for measuring the perception about corporate reputation of employees working in public and private hospitals, Journal of International Health Sciences and Management, 1(1), 74-82,
  • Avery, G.C. (2015). Key corporate sustainability drivers: engaged boards and partnerships, Strategy & Leadership, 43(3), 44-48.
  • Bibri, M. (2008). Corporate sustainability / CSR communications & value creation: A marketing approach, School of Management Blekinge Institute of Technology, Blekinge Institute of Technology Karlskrona, Master of Business Administration (MBA), Sweden, Spring.
  • Boone, T. (2012). Creating a culture of sustainability leadership, coordination and performance measurement decisions in healthcare, Healthcare Research Collaborative, April.
  • Bortz, W. (2010). State of the World 2010: Transforming cultures, Reinventing Health Care: From Panacea to Hygeia, A Worldwatch Institute Report on Progress toward a Sustainable Society, 138-143.
  • Clikeman, P. M. (2004). Socially Conscious Corporation, Strategic Finance, April, 23-27.
  • Crals, E.& Vereec, V. (2004). Sustainable entrepreneurship in SMEs: Theory and practice. Third Global Conference on Environmental Justice and Global Citizenship,1-16.
  • Cravens, K., Oliver, E.G. & Ramamoorti, S. (2003). The reputation index: Measuring and managing corporate reputation, European Management Journal, 21(2), 201-212.
  • Dios López, S. (2010). Sustainability marketing: The age of meaningful brands, Admap Magazine, November, (date of access: 12.03.2018)
  • Dyllick, T. & Hockerts, K. (2002). Beyond the Business Case for Corporate Sustainability, Business Strategy and The Environment, 11, 130-140.
  • Elkington, J. (1997). Cannibals with forks: The triple bottom line of 21st century business, Oxford: Capstone. Environics International Ltd. (1999). The millennium poll on corporate social responsibility, Report, December. GlobeScan_MillenniumPoll_1999_FullReport.pdf
  • Epstein, M.J. (2009). Making sustainability work: Best practices in managing and measuring corporate social, environmental, and economic impacts, Published by Berrett-Koehler Publishers.
  • Ertuğrul, F. (2008). Paydaş teorisi ve işletmelerin paydaşlari ile ilişkilerinin yönetimi, Erciyes Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, Temmuz-Aralık, 31, 199-223. Financial Times (2000). FT Survey: World's most respected companies, 15 December.
  • Fombrun, C.& Van Riel, C. (1997). The reputational landscape, Corporate Reputation Review, 1(1-2), 5-13.
  • Fombrun, C.& Van Riel, C. (2004). Managing your company’s most valuable asset: Its reputation, Critical Eye, September-October, 70-75.
  • Global Green and Healthy Hospitals (2011). A comprehensive environmental health agenda for hospitals and health systems around the World,
  • Goldin, C. (2014). Human capital, handbook of clinometrics,
  • Health Research and Educational Trust. (2014). Environmental sustainability in hospitals: The value of efficiency. Chicago, IL: Health Research & Educational Trust May. Accessed at
  • İMKB (2011). Türk iş dünyasi’nda sürdürülebilirlik uygulamalari değerlendirme raporu, Eylül. (date of access: 25.04.2018).
  • Karakaya, A.& Aydın, Ç.Ö. (2015). Kurumsal İtibar Algısının Değerlendirilmesi, Sağlık Akademisyenleri Dergisi, Vol 2, Issue 4, 175-179.
  • Köksal, S. (2011). Müşterilerin yeşil (çevreci) işletmelere yönelik kurumsal itibar algısı üzerine bir araştırma, Çukurova Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, İşletme Anabilim Dalı, Yüksek Lisans Tezi.
  • Leaniz, P.M.G.& Bosque, I. R. (2013). Relational capital: The role of sustainability in developing corporate reputation, Proceedings of the International Conference on Intellectual Capital, January, 539-547.
  • Lozano, R. (2013). A holistic perspective on corporate sustainability drivers, Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management, 22, 32–44.
  • Luoma-aho, V. & Canel, M.J. (2016). Public sector reputation, In: The SAGE Encyclopedia of Corporate Reputation, Edited by: Craig E. Carroll Marrewijk, M.V. & Werre, M. (2003). Multiple levels of corporate sustainability, Journal of Business Ethics, 44, 107-119.
  • Mckinsey Company (2010). Mckinsey global survey results, how companies manage sustainability. (date of access: 22.12.2012).
  • Mira, J.J., Lorenzo, S. and Navarro, I. (2014). Hospital reputation and perceptions of patient safety, Medical Princibal and Practice, 23, 92-94.
  • Morelli, J. (2011). Environmental sustainability: A definition for environmental professionals, Journal of Environmental Sustainability, 1(1), 1-9.
  • Munyoro, G. and Magada, E. (2016). The significance of corporate reputation management ın the public sector: A case study of national social security authority (NASSA), Journal of Management, 4(4), 1-20.
  • Olson, K. (2011). The greening of health care, Utne Magazine Almanac of Policy Issues, Web. 13, /utne/ greening_of_health_care.shtml
  • Patientview (2014). The corporate reputation of the medical device industry-the patient perspective, 3rd.Edition, June 4.
  • Patientview (2015). The corporate reputation of pharma in 2014 —the patient perspective and how the corporate reputation of pharma companies has changed over the past four years, Wednesday 11th February.
  • Peloza, J., (2012). Sustainability: How stakeholder perceptions differ from corporate reality, University of California Berkeley, 55(1), 74-97.
  • Petrini, M.& Pozzebon, M. (2010). Integrating sustainability into business practices: Learning from Brazilian Firms, Brezilian Administration Review, Curitiba, 7(4), Article 3, 362-378.
  • Leaniz PMG & Bosque, IR del (2013) Intellectual capital and relational capital: The role of sustainability in developing corporate reputation, Intangible Capital, 9(1), 262-280
  • Raguseo, E., Mosconi P. &Ferro E. (2011). Reputation management as a lever of public sector innovation, Conference for E-Democracy & Open Government (CEDEM 2011).
  • Rusert, B. (2015). Creating positive social impact: Mitigating risk by aligning social impact with business strategy, Standing Partnership.
  • Schaltegger, S., Windolph, S.E., Harms, D., & Hörisch, J. (Ed.). (2014). Corporate sustainability in international comparison state of practice, opportunities and challenges, Springer International Publishing, Switzerland.
  • Sustainability Roadmap for Hospitals. (2010). Drivers and motivators for sustainability, Retrieved from
  • Tuna, Ö. & Çelik Y. (2016). İşletmelerin sürdürülebilirlik politikalarinin, y kuşağinin iş yeri tercihine etkisi, 1. Uluslararası Bilimsel Araştırmalar Kongresi - İnsan ve Toplum Bilimleri, 19 - 22 Mayıs, Madrid, İspanya, 382-393.
  • Tuna, Ö. (2014). Corporate sustainability approaches and practices: the study on smes, afyon kocatepe university, The Institute of Social Sciences Department of Management, PhD Thesis (unpublished doctoral thesis), January.
  • Tuna, Ö. (2016). Kurumsal etik ve kurumsal itibar ilişkisi üzerine özel sağlik kurumlarinda bir araştirma, IV. Örgütsel Davranış Kongresi, 4-5 Kasım, Adana, 626-631.
  • Türkiye İstatistik Kurumu (TUİK) (2014). Türkiye sağlık araştırması, (date of access: 24.06.2016)
  • Vilanova, M., Lozano, J.M. & Arenas, D. (2009). Exploring the Nature of the relationship between CSR and Competitiveness, Journal of Business Ethics, 87, 57–69.
  • Waddock, S. (2001). Integrity and Mindfulness: Foundations of Corporate Citizenship, In Andriof, J. and Mcintosh, M. (Eds), Perspectives on Corporate Citizenship, Greenleaf Publishing, Sheffield.
  • Wæraas, A. & Maor, M. (edt.) (2015). Understanding Organizational Reputation in a Public Sector Context, Taylor&Francis, New York.
  • Weingaertner, C., Moberg, Å. (2011). Exploring social sustainability: Learning from perspectives on urban development and companies and products, Sustainable Development, 22, 122–133.
  • Willard, B. (2005). Next sustainability wave: Building boardroom buy-in, New Society Publishers,
  • Woodcraft, S., Hackett, T. & Caistor-Arendar, L. (2011). Design for social sustainability: A framework for creating thriving new communities, Published by Future Communities.

The Effect of Environmental and Social Sensitivities on Corporate Reputation

Year 2020, Volume: 20 Issue: 3, 255 - 270, 29.09.2020


Environmental and social initiatives protect the social image of organizations, increase their reputation and decrease the risks to their reputations. Corporate reputation is a part of the communication between the organizations and their stakeholders. Establishing a valuable and permanent partnership between organizations and stakeholders generates an advantage in the development of sustainable competitiveness. The ability of organizations to manage their relationships with their stakeholders can affect their corporate reputation and a positive organizational reputation is an important indicator of their ability to effectively manage their stakeholders. In this context, the objective of the study was to determine the sensitivity of public hospitals operating in Afyonkarahisar in terms of environmental and social issues through the eyes of the stakeholders who are a party to corporate reputation and determine the effect of sensitivity on corporate reputation. Descriptive, variance, correlation and regression analysis methods were used on the data obtained from the survey. As a result of the analysis, it has been determined that the overall view of stakeholders in the hospitals included in the study in terms of environmental and social sensitivity and corporate reputation in public hospitals composed of state and university hospitals in Afyonkarahisar was negative and below medium level.


  • 3p Contributor (2011). The relationship between reputation, trust and sustainable business, 20th July. (date of access: 24.06.2017)
  • Akın, A. Ş. (2014). Rekabet avantajı kazanmada anahtar kavram: Kurumsal itibar, Ekim, 310, (date of access: 10.05.2018)
  • Alves, M.A., Reficco, E. & Arroyo, J. (2014). A new approach for measuring corporate reputation, Forum, 54(1), January -February, 53-66.
  • Aracı, M.& Genç, E. (2015).The management of corporate reputation in health care institutions: A research study for measuring the perception about corporate reputation of employees working in public and private hospitals, Journal of International Health Sciences and Management, 1(1), 74-82,
  • Avery, G.C. (2015). Key corporate sustainability drivers: engaged boards and partnerships, Strategy & Leadership, 43(3), 44-48.
  • Bibri, M. (2008). Corporate sustainability / CSR communications & value creation: A marketing approach, School of Management Blekinge Institute of Technology, Blekinge Institute of Technology Karlskrona, Master of Business Administration (MBA), Sweden, Spring.
  • Boone, T. (2012). Creating a culture of sustainability leadership, coordination and performance measurement decisions in healthcare, Healthcare Research Collaborative, April.
  • Bortz, W. (2010). State of the World 2010: Transforming cultures, Reinventing Health Care: From Panacea to Hygeia, A Worldwatch Institute Report on Progress toward a Sustainable Society, 138-143.
  • Clikeman, P. M. (2004). Socially Conscious Corporation, Strategic Finance, April, 23-27.
  • Crals, E.& Vereec, V. (2004). Sustainable entrepreneurship in SMEs: Theory and practice. Third Global Conference on Environmental Justice and Global Citizenship,1-16.
  • Cravens, K., Oliver, E.G. & Ramamoorti, S. (2003). The reputation index: Measuring and managing corporate reputation, European Management Journal, 21(2), 201-212.
  • Dios López, S. (2010). Sustainability marketing: The age of meaningful brands, Admap Magazine, November, (date of access: 12.03.2018)
  • Dyllick, T. & Hockerts, K. (2002). Beyond the Business Case for Corporate Sustainability, Business Strategy and The Environment, 11, 130-140.
  • Elkington, J. (1997). Cannibals with forks: The triple bottom line of 21st century business, Oxford: Capstone. Environics International Ltd. (1999). The millennium poll on corporate social responsibility, Report, December. GlobeScan_MillenniumPoll_1999_FullReport.pdf
  • Epstein, M.J. (2009). Making sustainability work: Best practices in managing and measuring corporate social, environmental, and economic impacts, Published by Berrett-Koehler Publishers.
  • Ertuğrul, F. (2008). Paydaş teorisi ve işletmelerin paydaşlari ile ilişkilerinin yönetimi, Erciyes Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, Temmuz-Aralık, 31, 199-223. Financial Times (2000). FT Survey: World's most respected companies, 15 December.
  • Fombrun, C.& Van Riel, C. (1997). The reputational landscape, Corporate Reputation Review, 1(1-2), 5-13.
  • Fombrun, C.& Van Riel, C. (2004). Managing your company’s most valuable asset: Its reputation, Critical Eye, September-October, 70-75.
  • Global Green and Healthy Hospitals (2011). A comprehensive environmental health agenda for hospitals and health systems around the World,
  • Goldin, C. (2014). Human capital, handbook of clinometrics,
  • Health Research and Educational Trust. (2014). Environmental sustainability in hospitals: The value of efficiency. Chicago, IL: Health Research & Educational Trust May. Accessed at
  • İMKB (2011). Türk iş dünyasi’nda sürdürülebilirlik uygulamalari değerlendirme raporu, Eylül. (date of access: 25.04.2018).
  • Karakaya, A.& Aydın, Ç.Ö. (2015). Kurumsal İtibar Algısının Değerlendirilmesi, Sağlık Akademisyenleri Dergisi, Vol 2, Issue 4, 175-179.
  • Köksal, S. (2011). Müşterilerin yeşil (çevreci) işletmelere yönelik kurumsal itibar algısı üzerine bir araştırma, Çukurova Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, İşletme Anabilim Dalı, Yüksek Lisans Tezi.
  • Leaniz, P.M.G.& Bosque, I. R. (2013). Relational capital: The role of sustainability in developing corporate reputation, Proceedings of the International Conference on Intellectual Capital, January, 539-547.
  • Lozano, R. (2013). A holistic perspective on corporate sustainability drivers, Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management, 22, 32–44.
  • Luoma-aho, V. & Canel, M.J. (2016). Public sector reputation, In: The SAGE Encyclopedia of Corporate Reputation, Edited by: Craig E. Carroll Marrewijk, M.V. & Werre, M. (2003). Multiple levels of corporate sustainability, Journal of Business Ethics, 44, 107-119.
  • Mckinsey Company (2010). Mckinsey global survey results, how companies manage sustainability. (date of access: 22.12.2012).
  • Mira, J.J., Lorenzo, S. and Navarro, I. (2014). Hospital reputation and perceptions of patient safety, Medical Princibal and Practice, 23, 92-94.
  • Morelli, J. (2011). Environmental sustainability: A definition for environmental professionals, Journal of Environmental Sustainability, 1(1), 1-9.
  • Munyoro, G. and Magada, E. (2016). The significance of corporate reputation management ın the public sector: A case study of national social security authority (NASSA), Journal of Management, 4(4), 1-20.
  • Olson, K. (2011). The greening of health care, Utne Magazine Almanac of Policy Issues, Web. 13, /utne/ greening_of_health_care.shtml
  • Patientview (2014). The corporate reputation of the medical device industry-the patient perspective, 3rd.Edition, June 4.
  • Patientview (2015). The corporate reputation of pharma in 2014 —the patient perspective and how the corporate reputation of pharma companies has changed over the past four years, Wednesday 11th February.
  • Peloza, J., (2012). Sustainability: How stakeholder perceptions differ from corporate reality, University of California Berkeley, 55(1), 74-97.
  • Petrini, M.& Pozzebon, M. (2010). Integrating sustainability into business practices: Learning from Brazilian Firms, Brezilian Administration Review, Curitiba, 7(4), Article 3, 362-378.
  • Leaniz PMG & Bosque, IR del (2013) Intellectual capital and relational capital: The role of sustainability in developing corporate reputation, Intangible Capital, 9(1), 262-280
  • Raguseo, E., Mosconi P. &Ferro E. (2011). Reputation management as a lever of public sector innovation, Conference for E-Democracy & Open Government (CEDEM 2011).
  • Rusert, B. (2015). Creating positive social impact: Mitigating risk by aligning social impact with business strategy, Standing Partnership.
  • Schaltegger, S., Windolph, S.E., Harms, D., & Hörisch, J. (Ed.). (2014). Corporate sustainability in international comparison state of practice, opportunities and challenges, Springer International Publishing, Switzerland.
  • Sustainability Roadmap for Hospitals. (2010). Drivers and motivators for sustainability, Retrieved from
  • Tuna, Ö. & Çelik Y. (2016). İşletmelerin sürdürülebilirlik politikalarinin, y kuşağinin iş yeri tercihine etkisi, 1. Uluslararası Bilimsel Araştırmalar Kongresi - İnsan ve Toplum Bilimleri, 19 - 22 Mayıs, Madrid, İspanya, 382-393.
  • Tuna, Ö. (2014). Corporate sustainability approaches and practices: the study on smes, afyon kocatepe university, The Institute of Social Sciences Department of Management, PhD Thesis (unpublished doctoral thesis), January.
  • Tuna, Ö. (2016). Kurumsal etik ve kurumsal itibar ilişkisi üzerine özel sağlik kurumlarinda bir araştirma, IV. Örgütsel Davranış Kongresi, 4-5 Kasım, Adana, 626-631.
  • Türkiye İstatistik Kurumu (TUİK) (2014). Türkiye sağlık araştırması, (date of access: 24.06.2016)
  • Vilanova, M., Lozano, J.M. & Arenas, D. (2009). Exploring the Nature of the relationship between CSR and Competitiveness, Journal of Business Ethics, 87, 57–69.
  • Waddock, S. (2001). Integrity and Mindfulness: Foundations of Corporate Citizenship, In Andriof, J. and Mcintosh, M. (Eds), Perspectives on Corporate Citizenship, Greenleaf Publishing, Sheffield.
  • Wæraas, A. & Maor, M. (edt.) (2015). Understanding Organizational Reputation in a Public Sector Context, Taylor&Francis, New York.
  • Weingaertner, C., Moberg, Å. (2011). Exploring social sustainability: Learning from perspectives on urban development and companies and products, Sustainable Development, 22, 122–133.
  • Willard, B. (2005). Next sustainability wave: Building boardroom buy-in, New Society Publishers,
  • Woodcraft, S., Hackett, T. & Caistor-Arendar, L. (2011). Design for social sustainability: A framework for creating thriving new communities, Published by Future Communities.
There are 51 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Articles

Özlem Tuna This is me

İbrahim Kılıç This is me

Publication Date September 29, 2020
Submission Date March 14, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2020 Volume: 20 Issue: 3


APA Tuna, Ö., & Kılıç, İ. (2020). The Effect of Environmental and Social Sensitivities on Corporate Reputation. Anadolu Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 20(3), 255-270.


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