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Uluslararası Ticaret Üzerindeki Etkileri Açısından Avrupa Yeşil Mutabakatı

Year 2024, , 351 - 367, 04.06.2024


Dünyada çevre ve iklim değişikliği konusu 20. yüzyılın sonlarında önem kazanmış ve ülkelerin bu alandaki işbirlikleri giderek artırmıştır. Özellikle Birleşmiş Milletler (BM) çatısı altında imzalanan çerçeve
protokoller konuya ilgiyi artırmış ve konuyu uluslararası alanda dikkat çekici bir alan haline getirmiştir. Bu süreçte, Avrupa Birliği (AB) aktif rol oynamış ve Avrupa Yeşil Mutabakatı ile dünyada bu alanda somut adımlar atan ilk aktör olmuştur. Yeşil Mutabakat, AB için çok geniş bir politika alanında yeni düzenlemeler getirmiş ve konuya ilişkin tüm alanlarda standartların yeniden belirlenmesine neden olacak bir çerçeve düzenleme teşkil etmiştir. Uluslararası alanda bir normatif güç olma rolünü koruyan AB’nin benimsediği davranışlar, uygulandıkça davranış kalıplarını içeren yollar çizmektedir. Çevre ve iklim değişikliği alanı da AB’nin küresel düzeyde etkin olduğu bir alandır ve belirlenen kuralların etkilerinin küresel düzeyde görülmesi beklenmektedir. Bu noktada AB’nin kurduğu ticari ilişkiler, benimsenen anlayış ve kuralların yayılmasında önemli bir kanal olacaktır. AB’nin imzaladığı tercihli ticaret anlaşmalarına konuya ilişkin hükümler koyması bu durumun en önemli göstergesi olarak karşımıza çıkmaktadır.


  • Baysal, Başar and Karakaş, Uluç (2017) “Climate Change and Security: Different Perceptions, Different Approaches Climate”, Uluslararası İlişkiler Dergisi, Özel Sayı: Paris İklim Zirvesi ve Yansımaları, 14(54): 21-44.
  • Brauch, Hans G. (2012), “Güvenliğin Yeniden Kavramsallaştırılması: Barış, Güvenlik, Kalkınma ve Çevre Kavramsal Dörtlüsü,” Uluslararası İlişkilerde Çatışmadan Güvenliğe, Mustafa Aydın, Hans Günter Brauch, Necati Polat, Mitat Celikpala, Ursula Oswald Spring (Ed.), (Istanbul, Istanbul Bilgi University Press): 167-196.
  • Bradford, Anu (2019), The Brussels Effect: How the European Union Rules The World, New York, Oxford University Press.
  • Dalby, Simon (2008), “Güvenlik ve Çevre Bağlantılarına Yeniden Bakmak,” Uluslararası İlişkiler Dergisi, Özel Sayı: Güvenlik, 5(18): 179-195.
  • De Lombaerde, Philippe and Kingah, Stephen (2014), “Introduction: EU Free Trade Agreements and Constitutional Rights ,” European Law Journal, EULJ2100.
  • EU General Secretariat (2011), “EU Treaty and Treaty on the Functioning of the EU”, (December,19 2020).
  • EU Official Journal (Eurolex) (2010), “Growth and World Affairs trade Policy As A Core Component of The EU's 2020 Strategy (From the commission to the European Parliament, The Council, The European Economics And The social committee and the Committee of the Regions Trade)”, COM(2010) 612 final (Brussels).
  • EU Official Journal (Eurolex), “The European Green Deal (Communication From the Commission)”, COM(2019) 640 final, (Brussels).
  • European Commission (2019), “EU As A Global Leader: The European Green Deal,” (Brussels).
  • European Commission (2020a), “EU-Japan Economic Partnership Agreement Text”, agreement/ (December,20 2020).
  • European Commission (2020b), “A European Green Deal”, priorities-2019-2024/european-green-deal_en (December 10, 2020).
  • European Commission (2020c), “EU-Singapore Free Trade Agreement Text”, (December,20 2020).
  • European Commission, “EU Trade Policy and Sustainable Development”, trade/policy/policy-making/sustainable-development/#_environmental-protection (February 17, 2021).
  • European Commission (2006), “Global Europe: Competing Of The World: A Contribution to the EU's Growth and Jobs Strategy (Communication From the commission to the Council, The European Parliament, The European Economics and the Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions)”, COM(2006) 567 final (Brussels).
  • European Commission, “REPowerEU: affordable, secure and sustainable energy for Europe,” energy-europe_en (March, 2023).
  • European Commission (2022), “REPower the EU by engaging with energy partners in a changing world,” Factsheet on the International Energy Strategy, Brussels.
  • European Commission, “Von Der Leyen Commission: One Year On (1 December 2019 - 1 December 2020),” commission_ en.pdf (December 15, 2020).
  • EU Report (2016), “Shared Vision, Common Action: A Stronger Europe: A Global Strategy for the European Union's Foreign And Security Policy” (Luxembourg: EU Publication Office).
  • Hey, Christian (2007), “EU Environmental Policies: A short history of the policy strategies,” EU Environmental Policy Handbook: A Critical Analysis of EU Environmental Legislation, European Environmental Bureau (EEB).
  • Lamy, Pascal, Pons, Genevieve and Leturcq, Pierre (2020a), “Greening EU Trade 3: A European border carbon Adjustment Proposal ,” Notre Europa Jacques Delors Institute policy Paper, Accessed December 20, 2020, content/uploads/2020/ 06/PP_200603_Greeningtrade3 _Lamy-Pons-Leturcq_EN-1.pdf .
  • Lamy, Pascal, Pons, Genevieve and Leturcq, Pierre (2020b), “ Greening EU Trade 4: How to ' green ' trade agreements ?”, Notre Europa jacques Delors Institute policy paper, GreeningTrade4_Lamy-et-al._EN.pdf (December 15, 2020).
  • Lamy, Pascal, Pons, Genevieve and Leturcq, Pierre (2019), “Greening the European Union's Trade Policy : The Economics Of Trade And The Environment,” Notre Europa Jacques Delors Institute Policy Paper, Issue: 245, (December 10, 2020).
  • Manners, Ian (2002), Normative Power Europe: A Contradiction In Terms, JCMS 2002 Volume 40(2). pp. 235–258. Paterson, Matthew (2001), “Green Politics”, Theories of International Relations, Scott Burchill vd. (Ed.), (New York: Palgrave-Macmillan): 235-254.
  • Ticaret Bakanlığı (2021), Yeşil Mutabakat Eylem Planı, 28421b23/MUTABAKAT%20YE%C5%9E%C4%B0L.pdf.
  • UNFCCC (2020a), “Emission Trading,” Accessed December 12 2020,
  • UNFCCC (2020b), “The Paris Agreement,” Accessed December 12, 2020, .
  • WTO (2020a), “The Doha Mandate on Multilateral Environmental Agreements (MEAs)”, envir_e/envir_neg_mea_e.htm (December 21, 2020).
  • WTO (2020b) , “Goods Council Consider EU Plans for Carbon Taxes on Certain Imports”, good_11jun20_ e.htm (December 10, 2020).
  • WTO (2020c), “Brexit, EU's carbon border adjustment mechanism take center stage at Market Access Committee,” mark_16nov20_ e.htm (December 10, 2020).
  • WTO (2020d), “ Future WTO environment work in the spotlight , as members report on two new initiatives”, (December 10, 2020).
  • Von Der Leyen, Ursula (2019), “A Union That Strives For More: My agenda for Europe- Guidelines for the Next European Commission 2019-2024”, beta-political/files/political-guidelines-nextcommission_en.pdf (December 10, 2020).
  • Young, Alasdair R., (2015) “The European Union as a global regulator? Context and comparison,” Journal of European Public Policy, 22(9), 1233-1252, DOI:10.1080/13501763.2015. 1046902.

The European Green Deal in Terms of Impacts on International Trade

Year 2024, , 351 - 367, 04.06.2024


Environment and climate change in the world gained importance at the end of the 20th century and the cooperation of countries in this area gradually increased. Especially the framework protocols signed under the umbrella of the United Nations (UN) made the subject a remarkable area in the international arena. The European Union (EU) became the first actor in the world to take concrete steps in this field with the European Green Deal. The Green Deal has introduced new regulations in a wide range of policy areas. The behaviors adopted by the EU, which maintains its role as a normative power in the international arena, draws paths that include behavioral patterns as implemented. The field of environment and climate change is also an area where the EU is active at the global level, and the effects of the determined rules expected to be seen at the global level. At this point, the trade relations will be a significant channel in the dissemination of the understanding
and rules adopted by the EU. The fact that the EU has put provisions on the subject in the preferential trade agreements it has signed is the most substantial indicator of this situation


  • Baysal, Başar and Karakaş, Uluç (2017) “Climate Change and Security: Different Perceptions, Different Approaches Climate”, Uluslararası İlişkiler Dergisi, Özel Sayı: Paris İklim Zirvesi ve Yansımaları, 14(54): 21-44.
  • Brauch, Hans G. (2012), “Güvenliğin Yeniden Kavramsallaştırılması: Barış, Güvenlik, Kalkınma ve Çevre Kavramsal Dörtlüsü,” Uluslararası İlişkilerde Çatışmadan Güvenliğe, Mustafa Aydın, Hans Günter Brauch, Necati Polat, Mitat Celikpala, Ursula Oswald Spring (Ed.), (Istanbul, Istanbul Bilgi University Press): 167-196.
  • Bradford, Anu (2019), The Brussels Effect: How the European Union Rules The World, New York, Oxford University Press.
  • Dalby, Simon (2008), “Güvenlik ve Çevre Bağlantılarına Yeniden Bakmak,” Uluslararası İlişkiler Dergisi, Özel Sayı: Güvenlik, 5(18): 179-195.
  • De Lombaerde, Philippe and Kingah, Stephen (2014), “Introduction: EU Free Trade Agreements and Constitutional Rights ,” European Law Journal, EULJ2100.
  • EU General Secretariat (2011), “EU Treaty and Treaty on the Functioning of the EU”, (December,19 2020).
  • EU Official Journal (Eurolex) (2010), “Growth and World Affairs trade Policy As A Core Component of The EU's 2020 Strategy (From the commission to the European Parliament, The Council, The European Economics And The social committee and the Committee of the Regions Trade)”, COM(2010) 612 final (Brussels).
  • EU Official Journal (Eurolex), “The European Green Deal (Communication From the Commission)”, COM(2019) 640 final, (Brussels).
  • European Commission (2019), “EU As A Global Leader: The European Green Deal,” (Brussels).
  • European Commission (2020a), “EU-Japan Economic Partnership Agreement Text”, agreement/ (December,20 2020).
  • European Commission (2020b), “A European Green Deal”, priorities-2019-2024/european-green-deal_en (December 10, 2020).
  • European Commission (2020c), “EU-Singapore Free Trade Agreement Text”, (December,20 2020).
  • European Commission, “EU Trade Policy and Sustainable Development”, trade/policy/policy-making/sustainable-development/#_environmental-protection (February 17, 2021).
  • European Commission (2006), “Global Europe: Competing Of The World: A Contribution to the EU's Growth and Jobs Strategy (Communication From the commission to the Council, The European Parliament, The European Economics and the Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions)”, COM(2006) 567 final (Brussels).
  • European Commission, “REPowerEU: affordable, secure and sustainable energy for Europe,” energy-europe_en (March, 2023).
  • European Commission (2022), “REPower the EU by engaging with energy partners in a changing world,” Factsheet on the International Energy Strategy, Brussels.
  • European Commission, “Von Der Leyen Commission: One Year On (1 December 2019 - 1 December 2020),” commission_ en.pdf (December 15, 2020).
  • EU Report (2016), “Shared Vision, Common Action: A Stronger Europe: A Global Strategy for the European Union's Foreign And Security Policy” (Luxembourg: EU Publication Office).
  • Hey, Christian (2007), “EU Environmental Policies: A short history of the policy strategies,” EU Environmental Policy Handbook: A Critical Analysis of EU Environmental Legislation, European Environmental Bureau (EEB).
  • Lamy, Pascal, Pons, Genevieve and Leturcq, Pierre (2020a), “Greening EU Trade 3: A European border carbon Adjustment Proposal ,” Notre Europa Jacques Delors Institute policy Paper, Accessed December 20, 2020, content/uploads/2020/ 06/PP_200603_Greeningtrade3 _Lamy-Pons-Leturcq_EN-1.pdf .
  • Lamy, Pascal, Pons, Genevieve and Leturcq, Pierre (2020b), “ Greening EU Trade 4: How to ' green ' trade agreements ?”, Notre Europa jacques Delors Institute policy paper, GreeningTrade4_Lamy-et-al._EN.pdf (December 15, 2020).
  • Lamy, Pascal, Pons, Genevieve and Leturcq, Pierre (2019), “Greening the European Union's Trade Policy : The Economics Of Trade And The Environment,” Notre Europa Jacques Delors Institute Policy Paper, Issue: 245, (December 10, 2020).
  • Manners, Ian (2002), Normative Power Europe: A Contradiction In Terms, JCMS 2002 Volume 40(2). pp. 235–258. Paterson, Matthew (2001), “Green Politics”, Theories of International Relations, Scott Burchill vd. (Ed.), (New York: Palgrave-Macmillan): 235-254.
  • Ticaret Bakanlığı (2021), Yeşil Mutabakat Eylem Planı, 28421b23/MUTABAKAT%20YE%C5%9E%C4%B0L.pdf.
  • UNFCCC (2020a), “Emission Trading,” Accessed December 12 2020,
  • UNFCCC (2020b), “The Paris Agreement,” Accessed December 12, 2020, .
  • WTO (2020a), “The Doha Mandate on Multilateral Environmental Agreements (MEAs)”, envir_e/envir_neg_mea_e.htm (December 21, 2020).
  • WTO (2020b) , “Goods Council Consider EU Plans for Carbon Taxes on Certain Imports”, good_11jun20_ e.htm (December 10, 2020).
  • WTO (2020c), “Brexit, EU's carbon border adjustment mechanism take center stage at Market Access Committee,” mark_16nov20_ e.htm (December 10, 2020).
  • WTO (2020d), “ Future WTO environment work in the spotlight , as members report on two new initiatives”, (December 10, 2020).
  • Von Der Leyen, Ursula (2019), “A Union That Strives For More: My agenda for Europe- Guidelines for the Next European Commission 2019-2024”, beta-political/files/political-guidelines-nextcommission_en.pdf (December 10, 2020).
  • Young, Alasdair R., (2015) “The European Union as a global regulator? Context and comparison,” Journal of European Public Policy, 22(9), 1233-1252, DOI:10.1080/13501763.2015. 1046902.
There are 32 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects International Relations
Journal Section Research Articles

Senem Odaman Köse 0000-0002-4943-0365

Early Pub Date January 18, 2024
Publication Date June 4, 2024
Submission Date January 5, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2024


APA Odaman Köse, S. (2024). The European Green Deal in Terms of Impacts on International Trade. Ankara Üniversitesi SBF Dergisi, 79(2), 351-367.
AMA Odaman Köse S. The European Green Deal in Terms of Impacts on International Trade. SBF Dergisi. June 2024;79(2):351-367. doi:10.33630/ausbf.1230025
Chicago Odaman Köse, Senem. “The European Green Deal in Terms of Impacts on International Trade”. Ankara Üniversitesi SBF Dergisi 79, no. 2 (June 2024): 351-67.
EndNote Odaman Köse S (June 1, 2024) The European Green Deal in Terms of Impacts on International Trade. Ankara Üniversitesi SBF Dergisi 79 2 351–367.
IEEE S. Odaman Köse, “The European Green Deal in Terms of Impacts on International Trade”, SBF Dergisi, vol. 79, no. 2, pp. 351–367, 2024, doi: 10.33630/ausbf.1230025.
ISNAD Odaman Köse, Senem. “The European Green Deal in Terms of Impacts on International Trade”. Ankara Üniversitesi SBF Dergisi 79/2 (June 2024), 351-367.
JAMA Odaman Köse S. The European Green Deal in Terms of Impacts on International Trade. SBF Dergisi. 2024;79:351–367.
MLA Odaman Köse, Senem. “The European Green Deal in Terms of Impacts on International Trade”. Ankara Üniversitesi SBF Dergisi, vol. 79, no. 2, 2024, pp. 351-67, doi:10.33630/ausbf.1230025.
Vancouver Odaman Köse S. The European Green Deal in Terms of Impacts on International Trade. SBF Dergisi. 2024;79(2):351-67.