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Evrimsel Oyun Olarak Kurumsal Kontrol Etkileşimi

Year 2007, , 155 - 166, 01.02.2007



  • CYERT, R.M / KANG, S-H. / KUMAR, P. (2002), "Corporate Governance, Takeovers, and Top. Management Compensation: Theory and Evidenee," Management Science, 48/4: 453- 469.
  • DAHYA, J.B. / MCCONNELL, J.J. (2005), "Outside Directors and Corporate Board Decisions," Journalaf Corporate Finance, 11(1 /2): 37.60.
  • GANDOLFO, G. (1996), Economic Dynamics (Berlin: Heidelberg; New York: Springer).
  • GARDNER, R. / MORRIS, M. (1991), "The Evolutionary Stability of Bluffing in a Class of Extensive Form Games," SELTEN, R. (Der.), Game Equilibrium Models i: Evolution and Game Dynamics (Berlin-Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag): 182-194.
  • HERMALlN, B.E. / WEISBACK, M.S. (2003), "Board of Directors as an Endogeneously Determined Institution: A Survey of Economic Literature," University of California, Berkeley Working Paper Series (FRBNY Economic Policy Review).
  • HU, X. / SHAPLEY, L.S. (2003), "'On Authority Distributions in Organizations: Controls," Games and Economic Behavior, 45: 153-170.
  • MASON, C.F. / GOnESMAN, A.A. / PREVOST, A.K. (2003), "Shareholder Intervention, Manageriat Resistance, and Corporate Control: A Nash Equilibrium Approach," The Quorterly Review of Economics and Finance, 43: 466-482.
  • NOE, T.H. / PI, L. (2000), "Learning Dynamics, Genetic Algorithms, and Corporate Takeovers," Journalaf Economic Dynamics and Control, 24: 189-217.
  • SAMUELSON, L. (1997), Evolutionary Games and Equilibrium Selection (Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press).
  • SCHLAG, K. H. (1997), "Why Imitate. and if so, How? A Bounded Rationality Approach to Multiarmed Bandits," Journalaf Economic Theory, 78: 127-159.
  • SELTEN, R. (1980), "A Note on Evolutionarily Stable Strategies in Asymmetric Animal Conflicts," Journal of Theoretical Biology. 84: 93-101.
  • SOYTAŞ, U. (2002), "EvrimselOyun Teorisi Üzerine Bir Not," Abant Izzet Baysal Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 5: 198.206.
  • SOYTAŞ, U. / BECKER, K.G. (2003), "Is Limit Pricing Evolutionarily Stable?," Journal of Evolutionary Eeonomies, 13/3: 281-288.
  • SOYTAŞ, U. (2005), "The Role of Fixed Costs in an Evolutionary Entry Game with Bertrand Players," Hacettepe /lBF Dergisi, 23/2: 207-219.
  • TAYLOR, P. / JONKER, L. (1978), "Evolutionarily Stable Strategies and Game Dynamics," Mathematieal Bioseienees, 40: 145-156.


Year 2007, , 155 - 166, 01.02.2007


Yatırımcı ve hedef yönetim arasındaki kurumsal kontrol etkileşimini modellemek için oyun teorisi uygun bir araçtır. Ancak geleneksel oyun teorisi araçları genelde birden fazla Nash dengesini işaret etmektedir. Bu makalede Mason ve diğerlerinde (2003) yer alan asimetrik bilgili etap oyunu, evrimsel ve dinamik bir kurumsal kontrol oyunu olarak modellenmiştir. Geniş denge kümeleri yerine, evrimsel oyunun çözümünde olası kararlı durum olabilecek sekiz vaka bulunmuştur. Yakalardaki seçimlerin evrimsel kararlı stratejiler olabilmeleri için gerekli olan kazanç yapılan ortaya konmuştur. Böylece popülasyondaki yatırımcı tipi olasılık dağılımı tahmin edildiğinde, oyunun tek kararlı durumunu bulmak mümkün olmaktadır. Bu denge oyuncuların rasyonel olduğu varsayımına dayanmamaktadır.


  • CYERT, R.M / KANG, S-H. / KUMAR, P. (2002), "Corporate Governance, Takeovers, and Top. Management Compensation: Theory and Evidenee," Management Science, 48/4: 453- 469.
  • DAHYA, J.B. / MCCONNELL, J.J. (2005), "Outside Directors and Corporate Board Decisions," Journalaf Corporate Finance, 11(1 /2): 37.60.
  • GANDOLFO, G. (1996), Economic Dynamics (Berlin: Heidelberg; New York: Springer).
  • GARDNER, R. / MORRIS, M. (1991), "The Evolutionary Stability of Bluffing in a Class of Extensive Form Games," SELTEN, R. (Der.), Game Equilibrium Models i: Evolution and Game Dynamics (Berlin-Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag): 182-194.
  • HERMALlN, B.E. / WEISBACK, M.S. (2003), "Board of Directors as an Endogeneously Determined Institution: A Survey of Economic Literature," University of California, Berkeley Working Paper Series (FRBNY Economic Policy Review).
  • HU, X. / SHAPLEY, L.S. (2003), "'On Authority Distributions in Organizations: Controls," Games and Economic Behavior, 45: 153-170.
  • MASON, C.F. / GOnESMAN, A.A. / PREVOST, A.K. (2003), "Shareholder Intervention, Manageriat Resistance, and Corporate Control: A Nash Equilibrium Approach," The Quorterly Review of Economics and Finance, 43: 466-482.
  • NOE, T.H. / PI, L. (2000), "Learning Dynamics, Genetic Algorithms, and Corporate Takeovers," Journalaf Economic Dynamics and Control, 24: 189-217.
  • SAMUELSON, L. (1997), Evolutionary Games and Equilibrium Selection (Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press).
  • SCHLAG, K. H. (1997), "Why Imitate. and if so, How? A Bounded Rationality Approach to Multiarmed Bandits," Journalaf Economic Theory, 78: 127-159.
  • SELTEN, R. (1980), "A Note on Evolutionarily Stable Strategies in Asymmetric Animal Conflicts," Journal of Theoretical Biology. 84: 93-101.
  • SOYTAŞ, U. (2002), "EvrimselOyun Teorisi Üzerine Bir Not," Abant Izzet Baysal Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 5: 198.206.
  • SOYTAŞ, U. / BECKER, K.G. (2003), "Is Limit Pricing Evolutionarily Stable?," Journal of Evolutionary Eeonomies, 13/3: 281-288.
  • SOYTAŞ, U. (2005), "The Role of Fixed Costs in an Evolutionary Entry Game with Bertrand Players," Hacettepe /lBF Dergisi, 23/2: 207-219.
  • TAYLOR, P. / JONKER, L. (1978), "Evolutionarily Stable Strategies and Game Dynamics," Mathematieal Bioseienees, 40: 145-156.
There are 15 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Articles

Uğur Soytaş This is me

Publication Date February 1, 2007
Submission Date July 31, 2014
Published in Issue Year 2007


APA Soytaş, U. (2007). EVRİMSEL OYUN OLARAK KURUMSAL KONTROL ETKİLEŞİMİ. Ankara Üniversitesi SBF Dergisi, 62(02), 155-166.
AMA Soytaş U. EVRİMSEL OYUN OLARAK KURUMSAL KONTROL ETKİLEŞİMİ. SBF Dergisi. February 2007;62(02):155-166. doi:10.1501/SBFder_0000002023
Chicago Soytaş, Uğur. “EVRİMSEL OYUN OLARAK KURUMSAL KONTROL ETKİLEŞİMİ”. Ankara Üniversitesi SBF Dergisi 62, no. 02 (February 2007): 155-66.
EndNote Soytaş U (February 1, 2007) EVRİMSEL OYUN OLARAK KURUMSAL KONTROL ETKİLEŞİMİ. Ankara Üniversitesi SBF Dergisi 62 02 155–166.
IEEE U. Soytaş, “EVRİMSEL OYUN OLARAK KURUMSAL KONTROL ETKİLEŞİMİ”, SBF Dergisi, vol. 62, no. 02, pp. 155–166, 2007, doi: 10.1501/SBFder_0000002023.
ISNAD Soytaş, Uğur. “EVRİMSEL OYUN OLARAK KURUMSAL KONTROL ETKİLEŞİMİ”. Ankara Üniversitesi SBF Dergisi 62/02 (February 2007), 155-166.
MLA Soytaş, Uğur. “EVRİMSEL OYUN OLARAK KURUMSAL KONTROL ETKİLEŞİMİ”. Ankara Üniversitesi SBF Dergisi, vol. 62, no. 02, 2007, pp. 155-66, doi:10.1501/SBFder_0000002023.
Vancouver Soytaş U. EVRİMSEL OYUN OLARAK KURUMSAL KONTROL ETKİLEŞİMİ. SBF Dergisi. 2007;62(02):155-66.