The federal system is a form of government where two sovereign governmental orders share powers with a strict constitution. Nowadays, the federal system is recognized as a solution for the coexistence of communities between which there are certain differences in cultural, social, racial, linguistic, and religious spheres. The first examples of a federal system naturally overlap with the first appearance of the constitutions, which are the constituent elements of the federal system. Because of this, the origin of modern theories related to the federal system is based on this overlap. However, the first debates on this subject that contained valuable insights and experiences appeared before modern federal systems and constitutions. Therefore, pre-modern discussions should also be taken into account in a retrospective way in order to fully understand the federal system of the modern era
Ağaoğulları, M. Ali, Akal, B. Cemal, Köker, Levent, (1994), Kral Devlet ya da Ölümlü Tanrı, 1. Baskı, (Ankara:İmge Kitabevi).
Arısoy, Alper, (2010), “Avrupa‟da Federalizm Geleneği ve Avrupa Bütünleşmesinde Federalist Akımlar” Ege Akademik Bakış, 10 (4), 1195-1206.
Armitage, David, (2004), “John Locke, Carolina, and the Two Treatises of Government”, Political Theory, 32 (5): 602-627.
Aroney, Nicholas, (2009), “Before Federalism? Thomas Aquinas, Jean Quidort and Nicolas Cusanus”, Ward, Ann, ve Ward, Lee, (Der.), The Ashgate Research Companion to Federalism, (USA-Canada-New England :Ashgate Publishing Limited): 31-49.
Mccoy, Charles S., Baker, J. Wayne, (1991), Fountainhead of Federalism: Heinrich Bullinger and the Covenantal Tradition, (USA: Westminster/John Knox Publishing).
Baker, J. Wayne, (1993), “The Covenantal Basis for the Development of Swiss Political Federalism: 1291-1848”, Publius: Communal and Individual Liberty in Swiss Federalism, 23(2): 19-41.
Baker, J. Wayne, (1998), “Heinrich Bullinger, the Covenant, and the Reformed Tradition in Retrospect” , The Sixteenth Century Journal, 29(2): 359-376.
Buck, R. J., (1972), “The Formation of the Boeotian League”, Classical Philology, 67 (2): 94-101.
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Coşkun, Gülçin Balamir, (2007), “Althusius ve Yerindenlik İlkesinin Kökenleri” İ.Ü. Siyasal Bilgiler Fakültesi Dergisi, No:37;1-16.
Cross, Frank B. (2002-2003), “The Folly of Federalism”, Cardozo Law Review, 24 (1): 3-28.
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De Freitas, Shaun A. (2003), Samuel Rutherford on Law and Covenant: The Impact Of TheologicoPolitical Federalism On Constitutional Theory, Department of Constitutional Law and Legal Philosophy, at the University of the Free State,, (02/10/2011).
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Elazar, Daniel J. (1994), Federalism and the Way to Peace, Reflections Paper No:3, (Canada: Institute of Intergovernmental Relations).
Elazar, Daniel, J. (1991a), “The Multi-faceted Covenant: The Biblical Approach to the Problem of Organizations, Constitutions, and Liberty as Reflected in the Thought of Johannes Althusius”, Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs Publications,, (02/10/2011).
Elazar, Daniel J. (1991b), “Federal System of the World: A Handbook of Federal, Confederal and Autonomy Arrangements”, Jerusalem Center for Political Affairs,, (13-02-2011).
Elazar, J. Daniel J. (1991c), “Federal Models of (Civil) Authority”, Journal of Church & Studies, 33 (2): 231-254.
Elazar, Daniel J. (1990), “Althusius and Federalism as Grand Design”, Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs,, (15-02-2012).
Elazar, Daniel J. (1980), “The Political Theory of Covenant: Biblical Origins and Modern Developments”, Publius: Covenant, Polity, and Constitutionalism, 10 (4): 16-30.
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Endo, Ken, (2001), “Subsidiarity & its Enemies:To What Extent Is Sovereignty Contested in the Mixed Commonwealth of Europe?”, Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies: European Forum Series, 24:1-42., (09- 04-2013).
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Gemalmaz, Burak H., (2010), “Johannes Althusıus‟da Simbiyosis, Halk Egemenliği, Devlet ve Direnme Hakkı”, İÜHFM, C. LXVIII (1-2): 43- 60.
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Greer, Scott L. (Der.), (2006), Territory, Democracy and Justice Regionalism and Federalism in Western Democracies, (New York: Palgrave Macmillan).1-18.
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Hegg, Tim, (1989), “The Covenant of Grant and Abrahimic Covenant”, Regional Evangelical Theological Society,, (09-12-2013) 1- 13.
Hueglin, Thomas, (1999), Early Modern Concepts for a Late Modern World Althusius on Community and Federalism, (Canada: Wilfrid Laurier University Press).
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Federal Sistemlerde Geriye Bakış: Modern Dönem Öncesi Yaklaşımlar
Federal sistem, egemenlik yetkilerine sahip iki yönetim düzeninin katı bir anayasayla devlet yetkilerini paylaştıkları siyasal bir örgütlenme biçimidir. Günümüzde federal sistem, özellikle aralarında kültürel, sosyolojik, ırksal, dilsel, dinsel ve benzeri farklılıklar bulunan toplulukların bir arada yaşayabilmeleri açısından bir tür çözüm aracı olarak kabul görmektedir. Ancak bu devlet biçimine yönelik tartışmalar, sistemi, toplumsal veya siyasal bir zorunluluk veyahut hukuksal bir tercih gibi farklı açılardan ele alınmaktadır. Federal sistemlerin ilk ortaya çıktığı örneklerle, sistemin kurucu unsuru olan anayasaların ilk ortaya çıkışı doğal olarak örtüşmektedir. Bu nedenle federal sisteme ilişkin modern teorilerin başlangıç noktası da bu örtüşmeye dayanmaktadır. Ancak bu alana ilişkin tartışmalar, federal sistem ile anayasaların ortaya çıktığı dönemlerin daha öncesine dayanır. Bu nedenle anayasalar ile federal sistemin ilk ortaya çıkışına kadar olan süreç, modern dönem öncesi federal sistem tartışmalarına ilişkindir. Modern dönem öncesi federal sistem teorileri, hem anayasaların hem de federal sistemin ortaya çıkmasına kaynaklık etmişlerdir. Bu yönde modern dönem öncesi önemli fikirler, anlaşma ve federalizm düşüncelerine dayanır. Modern dönem öncesi federal sistemlere ilişkin bu düşünceler, farklılıkların bir arada yaşamaları yönünde deneyimleri ortaya koymaktadır. Modern dönemde federal sisteme yönelik değerlendirmeler, modern dönem öncesi teorik tartışma ve deneyimlere geriye bakışı gerekli kılmaktadır. Zira federal sistemin bugünkü çerçevesi, modern dönem öncesi düşünce ve deneyimlerin birer ürünü olarak kabul edilebilir.
Ağaoğulları, M. Ali, Akal, B. Cemal, Köker, Levent, (1994), Kral Devlet ya da Ölümlü Tanrı, 1. Baskı, (Ankara:İmge Kitabevi).
Arısoy, Alper, (2010), “Avrupa‟da Federalizm Geleneği ve Avrupa Bütünleşmesinde Federalist Akımlar” Ege Akademik Bakış, 10 (4), 1195-1206.
Armitage, David, (2004), “John Locke, Carolina, and the Two Treatises of Government”, Political Theory, 32 (5): 602-627.
Aroney, Nicholas, (2009), “Before Federalism? Thomas Aquinas, Jean Quidort and Nicolas Cusanus”, Ward, Ann, ve Ward, Lee, (Der.), The Ashgate Research Companion to Federalism, (USA-Canada-New England :Ashgate Publishing Limited): 31-49.
Mccoy, Charles S., Baker, J. Wayne, (1991), Fountainhead of Federalism: Heinrich Bullinger and the Covenantal Tradition, (USA: Westminster/John Knox Publishing).
Baker, J. Wayne, (1993), “The Covenantal Basis for the Development of Swiss Political Federalism: 1291-1848”, Publius: Communal and Individual Liberty in Swiss Federalism, 23(2): 19-41.
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Buck, R. J., (1972), “The Formation of the Boeotian League”, Classical Philology, 67 (2): 94-101.
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Cross, Frank B. (2002-2003), “The Folly of Federalism”, Cardozo Law Review, 24 (1): 3-28.
Davis, Rufus, S. (1978), The Federal Principle: A Journey Through Time In Quest of Meaning, (USA:University of California Press).
De Freitas, Shaun A. (2003), Samuel Rutherford on Law and Covenant: The Impact Of TheologicoPolitical Federalism On Constitutional Theory, Department of Constitutional Law and Legal Philosophy, at the University of the Free State,, (02/10/2011).
De Villiers, Bertus, (1994), Evaluating Federal Systems, (South Africa: Juta and Co. Ltd., The Netherlands:Martnus Nijhoff Publishers).
Drake, D. Frederick, NELSON, R. Lynn, (1999), States’ Rights and American Federalism: A Documentary History, (USA:Greenwood Press).
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Elazar, Daniel J. (1995), “Covenant & Polity in Biblical Israel: Biblical Foundations & Jewish Expressions The Covenant Tradition in Politics”, Volume 1, Introduction Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs: The Idea of Covenant,, (17-07-2011).
Elazar, Daniel J. (1994), Federalism and the Way to Peace, Reflections Paper No:3, (Canada: Institute of Intergovernmental Relations).
Elazar, Daniel, J. (1991a), “The Multi-faceted Covenant: The Biblical Approach to the Problem of Organizations, Constitutions, and Liberty as Reflected in the Thought of Johannes Althusius”, Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs Publications,, (02/10/2011).
Elazar, Daniel J. (1991b), “Federal System of the World: A Handbook of Federal, Confederal and Autonomy Arrangements”, Jerusalem Center for Political Affairs,, (13-02-2011).
Elazar, J. Daniel J. (1991c), “Federal Models of (Civil) Authority”, Journal of Church & Studies, 33 (2): 231-254.
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Elazar, Daniel J. (1987), Exploring Federalism, (USA: University of Alabama Press).
Endo, Ken, (2001), “Subsidiarity & its Enemies:To What Extent Is Sovereignty Contested in the Mixed Commonwealth of Europe?”, Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies: European Forum Series, 24:1-42., (09- 04-2013).
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Epstein, David F. (1986), The Political Theory of the Federalist, (Chicago-London: The University of Chicago Press).
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Freeman, Edward A. (1893), History of Federal Government In Greece And Italy, (Edited by J. B. Bury), 2nd Ed., (Macmillan and Co.: London-New York).
Frosini, Tommaso E. (2010), “The Gamble of Fiscal Federalism in Italy”, Forum of Federations: Occasional Paper Series 7, 1(1): 124-146., (12-01-2014).
Gemalmaz, Burak H., (2010), “Johannes Althusıus‟da Simbiyosis, Halk Egemenliği, Devlet ve Direnme Hakkı”, İÜHFM, C. LXVIII (1-2): 43- 60.
Ginsburg, Tom ve Dixon, Rosalind, (2011), Comparative Constitutional Law, (UK-USA: Edward Elgar Publishing Limited).
Goldman, Lawrence, (Ed.), (2008), Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay: The Federalist Papers, Oxford World‟s Classics, (United States: Oxford University Press).
Gönenç, Levent, (1999), “Siyaset Bilimi ve Anayasalar”, Ankara Üniversitesi Siyasal Bilgiler Fakültesi Dergisi, 54 (3): 95-131.
Göztepe, Ece, (2012), “Anayasa Yargısı ve Demokrasi”, Toplum ve Bilim, (123), 43vd.
Greer, Scott L. (Der.), (2006), Territory, Democracy and Justice Regionalism and Federalism in Western Democracies, (New York: Palgrave Macmillan).1-18.
Gustafsson, Harald, (1998), “The Conglomerate State: A Perspective on State Formation in Early Modern Europe”, Scandinavian Journal of History, 23 (3-4): 189-213. Hammond, John, S. (2009), Political Theory: An Encyclopedia of Contemporary and Classic Terms, (London:Greenwood Press).
Hegg, Tim, (1989), “The Covenant of Grant and Abrahimic Covenant”, Regional Evangelical Theological Society,, (09-12-2013) 1- 13.
Hueglin, Thomas, (1999), Early Modern Concepts for a Late Modern World Althusius on Community and Federalism, (Canada: Wilfrid Laurier University Press).
Hueglin, Thomas, (2003), “Federalism at the Crossroads: Old Meanings, New Significance”, Canadian Journal of Political Science, 36 (2): 223-278.
Hueglin, Thomas, (1979), “Johannes Althusius: Medieval Constitutionalist or Modern Federalist?”, Publius: Federalism as Grand Design, 9 (4): 11-31.
Johnstad, Tom, (1997), “Co-operatives and Federations”, Journal of Co-operative Studies, 89, 30: (1) 48-60.
Kefale, Asnake, (2009), Federalism and Ethnic Conflict in Ethiopia: A Comparative Study of the Somali and Benishangul-Gumuz Region, Doctoral Thesis, Leiden University Department of Political Science of the Leiden., (05-12-2013).
Kincaid, John, (2005), “Comparative Conclusion”, Kincaid, John, Tarr, G. Alan, (Der.), Constitutional Origins, Structure, and Change in Federal Countries, (Canada-USA: McGill-Queens University Press): 410-448.
King, Preston, (1982), Federalism and Federation, (Baltimore, Great Britain: Johns Hopkins University Press, Biddles Ltd).
Koch, Bettina, (2009), “Johannes Althusius: Between Secular Federalism and the Religious State”, Ward, Ann, ve Ward, Lee, (Der.), The Ashgate Research Companion to Federalism, (USA-Canada-New England :Ashgate Publishing Limited): 75-91.
Hueglin, Thomas, (1999), “Government, Governance, Governmentality: Understanding the EU as a Project of Universialsim”, Kohler-Koch, Beate, Eising, Rainer, (Der.), The Transformation of Governance in the European Union, (London:Routledge) 249-267.
Laresen, J. A. O, (1952), “The Assembly of the Aetolian League”, Transactions and Proceedings of the American Philological Association, (83), 9.
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Çelik Ulusoy D. Federal Sistemlerde Geriye Bakış: Modern Dönem Öncesi Yaklaşımlar. SBF Dergisi. January 2015;69(4):739-776. doi:10.16987/ausbf.55993
Çelik Ulusoy, Demet. “Federal Sistemlerde Geriye Bakış: Modern Dönem Öncesi Yaklaşımlar”. Ankara Üniversitesi SBF Dergisi 69, no. 4 (January 2015): 739-76.
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D. Çelik Ulusoy, “Federal Sistemlerde Geriye Bakış: Modern Dönem Öncesi Yaklaşımlar”, SBF Dergisi, vol. 69, no. 4, pp. 739–776, 2015, doi: 10.16987/ausbf.55993.
Çelik Ulusoy, Demet. “Federal Sistemlerde Geriye Bakış: Modern Dönem Öncesi Yaklaşımlar”. Ankara Üniversitesi SBF Dergisi 69/4 (January 2015), 739-776.
Çelik Ulusoy D. Federal Sistemlerde Geriye Bakış: Modern Dönem Öncesi Yaklaşımlar. SBF Dergisi. 2015;69:739–776.
Çelik Ulusoy, Demet. “Federal Sistemlerde Geriye Bakış: Modern Dönem Öncesi Yaklaşımlar”. Ankara Üniversitesi SBF Dergisi, vol. 69, no. 4, 2015, pp. 739-76, doi:10.16987/ausbf.55993.
Çelik Ulusoy D. Federal Sistemlerde Geriye Bakış: Modern Dönem Öncesi Yaklaşımlar. SBF Dergisi. 2015;69(4):739-76.