Research Article
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“God Showed Us the Way to Cleveland”: Introductory Remarks on the Relation Between Health Tourism and Human Rights

Year 2015, Volume: 70 Issue: 4, 1003 - 1039, 16.12.2015


In recent times, in which health has been transformed from a public service into a commercial activity, health tourism has become a topic of discussion for human rights law. Health tourism can be defined as the movement of a person to a country other than the one he/she is resident at in order to get health services; and can be sub-categorised in three types of activities such as either emergency or regular surgeries and operations of a basic nature, discretionary operations and medical interventions and thermal tourism. Besides its close relations with a number of human rights, health tourism particularly contacts with the right to health at several levels. This article on one side endeavours to ground the protection of health tourism under the right to health; on the other side, it scrutinises the probability of infringement of the right to health of individuals who are under the jurisdiction of a state (which provides health services) and attempts to harmonise these two conflicting interests. The article also strives to reveal the relation between health tourism and other legal issues that fall into the field of human rights law such as abortion and euthanasia. In brief, the article describes the relation between health tourism and human rights in a general view.


  • Chapman, Audrey (2014), “The Impact of Reliance on Private Sector Health Services on the Right to Health”, Health and Human Rights Journal, 16 (1): 122-133.
  • Cohen I., Glenn (2010), “Protecting Patients with Passports: Medical Tourism and the PatientProtective Argument”, Iowa Law Review, 95: 1467-1567.
  • Cohen I., Glenn (2011), “Medical Tourism, Access to Health Care, and Global Justice”, Virginia Journal of International Law, 52(1): 1-14.
  • Cohen I., Glenn (2012), “Circumvention Tourism”, Cornell Law Review, 97: 101-186.
  • Cortez, Nathan (2008), “Patients Without Borders: The Emerging Global Market for Patients and the Evolution of Modern Health Law”, Indiana Law Journal, 83:71-132.
  • Cortez, Nathan (2010), “Recalibrating the Legal Risks of Cross-Border Health Care”, Yale Journal of Health Policy, Law, and Ethics, 10: 1-89.
  • Cortez, Nathan (2010-2011), “Embracing the New Geography of Health Care: A Novel Way to Cover Those Left Out of Health Reform”, Sourthern California Law Review, 84: 859-931.
  • DeRenzo, Lesley N. (2011), “Stem Cell Tourism: The Challenge and Promise of International Regulation of Embryonic Stem Cell-Based Therapies”, Case Western Reserve Journal of International Law, 43: 877-918.
  • Ertan, İzzet Mert (2012), Uluslararası Boyutlarıyla Sağlık Hakkı, (İstanbul: Legal Yayınları).
  • Gemalmaz, H. Burak (2009), Avrupa İnsan Hakları Sözleşmesinde Mülkiyet Hakkı (İstanbul: Beta Yay.).
  • Gemalmaz, Semih (2010a), İnsan Hakları Hukuku Belgeleri, I. Cilt – Bölgesel Sistemler (İstanbul: Legal Yayınları).
  • Gemalmaz, Semih (2010b), İnsan Hakları Hukuku Belgeleri, II. Cilt – Uluslararası Sistemler (İstanbul: Legal Yayınları).
  • General Comment No. 3 (1990), The nature of States parties obligations (Art. 2, para.1) (Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, 14/12/1990).
  • General Comment No. 14 (2000), The Right to the Highest Attainable Standard of Health (Art. 12) (Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, 11/08/2000).
  • Gilmartin, Mary ve White, Allen (2011), “Interrogating Medical Tourism: Ireland, Abortion, and Mobility Rights”, SIGNS: Journal of Women in Culture and Society, 36(2): 275-280.
  • Gluck, Elisabeth (2008), “ „Incredible (Accreditable) India‟: Trends in Hospital Accreditation Coexistent With the Growth of Medical Tourism in India”, St Louis University Journal of Health Law and Policy, 1: 459-491.
  • Gruskin, Sofia, vd. (ed.) (2005), Perspectives on Health and Human Rights (New York-London: Routledge).
  • Hazarika, Indrajit (2010), “Medical Tourism: Its Potential Impact on the Health Workforce and Health Systems in India”, Health Policy and Planning, 25: 248-251.
  • Hill, Tamara L. (2011), “The Spread of Antibiotic-Resistant Bacteria through Medical Tourism and Transmission Prevention Under the International Health Regulations”, Chicago Journal of International Law, 12: 273-308.
  • Howze, Kerrie S. (2007), “Medical Tourism: Symptom or Cure?”, Georgia Law Review, 41: 1013- 1052.
  • Kalogjera, Liliana M. (2007), “New Means of Increasing the Transplant Organ Supply- Ethical and Legal Issues”, Human Rights, 34: 19-23.
  • Kinney, Eleanor D. (2010), “Realizing The International Human Right to Health: The Challenge of For-Profit Health Care”, West Virginia Law Review, 113: 49-66.
  • Klaus, Michael (2006), “Outsourcing Vital Operations: What if U.S. Health Care Costs Drive Patients Overseas for Surgery”, Quinnipiac Health Law Journal, 9: 219-247.
  • Lunt, Neil vd (2011), Medical Tourism: Treatments, Markets and Health System Implications: A Scoping Review (OECD, Directorate for Employment, Labour and Social Affairs), (
  • Mclean, Thomas R. (2008-2009), “The Global Market for Health Care: Economics and Regulation”, Wisconsin International Law Journal, 26(3): 591-645.
  • Mendoza, Roger Lee (2010), “Price Deflation and the Underground Organ Economy in the Philippines”, Journal of Public Health, 33(1): 101-107.
  • Milliyet, (2009), ( =siyaset&ArticleID=1067352&Date=05.03.2009&b=Rabbime%20sordum%20Cleveland% 20yazdi&ver=20).
  • Mirrer-Singer, Philip (2007), “Medical Malpractice Overseas: The Legal Uncertainty Surrounding Medical Tourism”, Law and Contemporary Problems, 70: 211-232.
  • Nair, Manisha ve Webster, Premila (2012), “Health Professionals‟ Migration in Emerging Market Economies: Patterns, Causes and Possible Solutions”, Journal of Public Health, 35(1): 157-163 (Advance Access Publication, 24 October 2012).
  • OHCHR (2011), Summary prepared by the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights in accordance with paragraph 15 (c) of the annex to Human Rights Council resolution 5/1 (A/HRC/WG.6/12/THA/3, 25 July 2011).
  • Pachanee, Cha-Aim ve Wibulpolprasert, Suwit (2006), “Incoherent Policies on Universal Coverage of Health Insurance and Promotion of International Trade in Health Services in Thailand”, Health Policy and Planning, 21(4): 310-318 (Advance Acess Publication, 25 May 2006).
  • Panitch, Leo ve Leys, Colin (ed.) (2009), Kapitalizmde Sağlık: Sağlıksızlık Semptomları (İstanbul: Yordam Kitap) (Çev. Umut Haskan).
  • Parsiyar, Angeleque (2009), “Medical Toruism: The Commodification of Health Care in Latin America”, Law and Business Review of the Americas, 15: 379-404.
  • Pasquale, Frank (2009-2010), “Access to Medicine in an Era of Fractal Inequality”, Annals of Health Law, 19(2): 269-310.
  • Roberts, Erica D. (2009), “When the Storehouse is Empty, Unconscionable Contracts Bound: Why Transplant Tourism Should not be Ignored?”, Howard Law Journal, 52: 747-789.
  • Rogers, Benjamin A. vd. (2011), “Country – to – Country Transfer of Patients and the Risk of MultiResistant Bacterial Infection”, Clinical Infections Diseases, 53(1): 49-56.
  • Shenfield, F. vd. (2010), “Cross Border Reproductive Care in Six European Countries”, Human Reproduction, 25(6): 1361-1368.
  • Smith, Kristen (2012), “The Problematization of Medical Tourism: A Critique of Neoliberalism”, Developing World Bioethics, 12(1): 1-8.
  • Srinivas, Rohith (2009), “Exploring the Potential for American Death Tourism, Michigan State University Journal of Medicine and Law, 13: 91-122.
  • Steklof, Cary D. (2010), “Medical Tourism and the Legal Impediments to Recovery in Cases of Medical Malpractice”, Washington University Global Studies Law Review, 9: 721-742.
  • Synder, Jeremy, Valorie A. Crooks ve Rory Johnston (2012), “Perceptions of the Ethics of Medical Tourism: Comparing Patient and Academic Perspectives, Public Health Ethics, 5(1): 38- 46.
  • Turner, Leigh G. (2011), “Quality in Health Care and Globalization of Health Services: Accreditation and Regulatory Oversight of Medical Tourism Companies”, International Journal for Quality in Health Care, 23(1): 1–7.

"Rabbim Cleveland Dedi": Sağlık Turizmi-İnsan Hakları İlişkisi Üzerine Başlangıç Notları

Year 2015, Volume: 70 Issue: 4, 1003 - 1039, 16.12.2015


Sağlığın bir kamu hizmetinden ticari faaliyetin konusuna dönüştüğü son yıllarda, insan hakları
hukuku bakımından tartışmaya açık olgulardan biri sağlık turizmidir. Sağlık turizmi kişinin mukim olduğu
ülke dışındaki bir başka ülkeye sağlık hizmeti almak üzere seyahat etmesi olarak tanımlanabilir ve temel
nitelikteki acil ya da olağan/rutin operasyonlar ve ameliyatlar; isteğe bağlı operasyonlar ve tıbbi müdahaleler
ile termal turizm olarak üç kategoride değerlendirilebilir. Bir dizi insan hakkıyla yakından ilişkili olan sağlık
turizmi, verili kapsamı çerçevesinde, sağlık hakkıyla birçok noktada temas etmektedir. Makale bir yandan
sağlık turizminin sağlık hakkı kapsamında korunmasını temellendirmeye çalışırken, diğer yandan hizmet
sağlayan devletteki bireylerin sağlık hakkının bu turizm faaliyetinden olumsuz etkilenmesi olasılığını
irdelemekte ve çatışan iki değeri uyumlaştırma denemesinde bulunmaktadır. Makalede sağlık turizminin
kürtaj ve ötanazi gibi insan hakları hukukunun alanına giren başkaca hukuki meselelerle ilişkisi de açığa
çıkartılmaya çalışılmıştır. Nihayetinde çalışmada bir genel resim olarak sağlık turizmi-insan hakları ilişkisi
ortaya koyulmaktadır.


  • Chapman, Audrey (2014), “The Impact of Reliance on Private Sector Health Services on the Right to Health”, Health and Human Rights Journal, 16 (1): 122-133.
  • Cohen I., Glenn (2010), “Protecting Patients with Passports: Medical Tourism and the PatientProtective Argument”, Iowa Law Review, 95: 1467-1567.
  • Cohen I., Glenn (2011), “Medical Tourism, Access to Health Care, and Global Justice”, Virginia Journal of International Law, 52(1): 1-14.
  • Cohen I., Glenn (2012), “Circumvention Tourism”, Cornell Law Review, 97: 101-186.
  • Cortez, Nathan (2008), “Patients Without Borders: The Emerging Global Market for Patients and the Evolution of Modern Health Law”, Indiana Law Journal, 83:71-132.
  • Cortez, Nathan (2010), “Recalibrating the Legal Risks of Cross-Border Health Care”, Yale Journal of Health Policy, Law, and Ethics, 10: 1-89.
  • Cortez, Nathan (2010-2011), “Embracing the New Geography of Health Care: A Novel Way to Cover Those Left Out of Health Reform”, Sourthern California Law Review, 84: 859-931.
  • DeRenzo, Lesley N. (2011), “Stem Cell Tourism: The Challenge and Promise of International Regulation of Embryonic Stem Cell-Based Therapies”, Case Western Reserve Journal of International Law, 43: 877-918.
  • Ertan, İzzet Mert (2012), Uluslararası Boyutlarıyla Sağlık Hakkı, (İstanbul: Legal Yayınları).
  • Gemalmaz, H. Burak (2009), Avrupa İnsan Hakları Sözleşmesinde Mülkiyet Hakkı (İstanbul: Beta Yay.).
  • Gemalmaz, Semih (2010a), İnsan Hakları Hukuku Belgeleri, I. Cilt – Bölgesel Sistemler (İstanbul: Legal Yayınları).
  • Gemalmaz, Semih (2010b), İnsan Hakları Hukuku Belgeleri, II. Cilt – Uluslararası Sistemler (İstanbul: Legal Yayınları).
  • General Comment No. 3 (1990), The nature of States parties obligations (Art. 2, para.1) (Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, 14/12/1990).
  • General Comment No. 14 (2000), The Right to the Highest Attainable Standard of Health (Art. 12) (Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, 11/08/2000).
  • Gilmartin, Mary ve White, Allen (2011), “Interrogating Medical Tourism: Ireland, Abortion, and Mobility Rights”, SIGNS: Journal of Women in Culture and Society, 36(2): 275-280.
  • Gluck, Elisabeth (2008), “ „Incredible (Accreditable) India‟: Trends in Hospital Accreditation Coexistent With the Growth of Medical Tourism in India”, St Louis University Journal of Health Law and Policy, 1: 459-491.
  • Gruskin, Sofia, vd. (ed.) (2005), Perspectives on Health and Human Rights (New York-London: Routledge).
  • Hazarika, Indrajit (2010), “Medical Tourism: Its Potential Impact on the Health Workforce and Health Systems in India”, Health Policy and Planning, 25: 248-251.
  • Hill, Tamara L. (2011), “The Spread of Antibiotic-Resistant Bacteria through Medical Tourism and Transmission Prevention Under the International Health Regulations”, Chicago Journal of International Law, 12: 273-308.
  • Howze, Kerrie S. (2007), “Medical Tourism: Symptom or Cure?”, Georgia Law Review, 41: 1013- 1052.
  • Kalogjera, Liliana M. (2007), “New Means of Increasing the Transplant Organ Supply- Ethical and Legal Issues”, Human Rights, 34: 19-23.
  • Kinney, Eleanor D. (2010), “Realizing The International Human Right to Health: The Challenge of For-Profit Health Care”, West Virginia Law Review, 113: 49-66.
  • Klaus, Michael (2006), “Outsourcing Vital Operations: What if U.S. Health Care Costs Drive Patients Overseas for Surgery”, Quinnipiac Health Law Journal, 9: 219-247.
  • Lunt, Neil vd (2011), Medical Tourism: Treatments, Markets and Health System Implications: A Scoping Review (OECD, Directorate for Employment, Labour and Social Affairs), (
  • Mclean, Thomas R. (2008-2009), “The Global Market for Health Care: Economics and Regulation”, Wisconsin International Law Journal, 26(3): 591-645.
  • Mendoza, Roger Lee (2010), “Price Deflation and the Underground Organ Economy in the Philippines”, Journal of Public Health, 33(1): 101-107.
  • Milliyet, (2009), ( =siyaset&ArticleID=1067352&Date=05.03.2009&b=Rabbime%20sordum%20Cleveland% 20yazdi&ver=20).
  • Mirrer-Singer, Philip (2007), “Medical Malpractice Overseas: The Legal Uncertainty Surrounding Medical Tourism”, Law and Contemporary Problems, 70: 211-232.
  • Nair, Manisha ve Webster, Premila (2012), “Health Professionals‟ Migration in Emerging Market Economies: Patterns, Causes and Possible Solutions”, Journal of Public Health, 35(1): 157-163 (Advance Access Publication, 24 October 2012).
  • OHCHR (2011), Summary prepared by the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights in accordance with paragraph 15 (c) of the annex to Human Rights Council resolution 5/1 (A/HRC/WG.6/12/THA/3, 25 July 2011).
  • Pachanee, Cha-Aim ve Wibulpolprasert, Suwit (2006), “Incoherent Policies on Universal Coverage of Health Insurance and Promotion of International Trade in Health Services in Thailand”, Health Policy and Planning, 21(4): 310-318 (Advance Acess Publication, 25 May 2006).
  • Panitch, Leo ve Leys, Colin (ed.) (2009), Kapitalizmde Sağlık: Sağlıksızlık Semptomları (İstanbul: Yordam Kitap) (Çev. Umut Haskan).
  • Parsiyar, Angeleque (2009), “Medical Toruism: The Commodification of Health Care in Latin America”, Law and Business Review of the Americas, 15: 379-404.
  • Pasquale, Frank (2009-2010), “Access to Medicine in an Era of Fractal Inequality”, Annals of Health Law, 19(2): 269-310.
  • Roberts, Erica D. (2009), “When the Storehouse is Empty, Unconscionable Contracts Bound: Why Transplant Tourism Should not be Ignored?”, Howard Law Journal, 52: 747-789.
  • Rogers, Benjamin A. vd. (2011), “Country – to – Country Transfer of Patients and the Risk of MultiResistant Bacterial Infection”, Clinical Infections Diseases, 53(1): 49-56.
  • Shenfield, F. vd. (2010), “Cross Border Reproductive Care in Six European Countries”, Human Reproduction, 25(6): 1361-1368.
  • Smith, Kristen (2012), “The Problematization of Medical Tourism: A Critique of Neoliberalism”, Developing World Bioethics, 12(1): 1-8.
  • Srinivas, Rohith (2009), “Exploring the Potential for American Death Tourism, Michigan State University Journal of Medicine and Law, 13: 91-122.
  • Steklof, Cary D. (2010), “Medical Tourism and the Legal Impediments to Recovery in Cases of Medical Malpractice”, Washington University Global Studies Law Review, 9: 721-742.
  • Synder, Jeremy, Valorie A. Crooks ve Rory Johnston (2012), “Perceptions of the Ethics of Medical Tourism: Comparing Patient and Academic Perspectives, Public Health Ethics, 5(1): 38- 46.
  • Turner, Leigh G. (2011), “Quality in Health Care and Globalization of Health Services: Accreditation and Regulatory Oversight of Medical Tourism Companies”, International Journal for Quality in Health Care, 23(1): 1–7.
There are 42 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Articles

H. Gemalmaz This is me

İzzet Ertan This is me

Publication Date December 16, 2015
Submission Date December 15, 2015
Published in Issue Year 2015 Volume: 70 Issue: 4


APA Gemalmaz, H., & Ertan, İ. (2015). "Rabbim Cleveland Dedi": Sağlık Turizmi-İnsan Hakları İlişkisi Üzerine Başlangıç Notları. Ankara Üniversitesi SBF Dergisi, 70(4), 1003-1039.
AMA Gemalmaz H, Ertan İ. "Rabbim Cleveland Dedi": Sağlık Turizmi-İnsan Hakları İlişkisi Üzerine Başlangıç Notları. SBF Dergisi. December 2015;70(4):1003-1039. doi:10.1501/SBFder_0000002380
Chicago Gemalmaz, H., and İzzet Ertan. “‘Rabbim Cleveland Dedi’: Sağlık Turizmi-İnsan Hakları İlişkisi Üzerine Başlangıç Notları”. Ankara Üniversitesi SBF Dergisi 70, no. 4 (December 2015): 1003-39.
EndNote Gemalmaz H, Ertan İ (December 1, 2015) "Rabbim Cleveland Dedi": Sağlık Turizmi-İnsan Hakları İlişkisi Üzerine Başlangıç Notları. Ankara Üniversitesi SBF Dergisi 70 4 1003–1039.
IEEE H. Gemalmaz and İ. Ertan, “‘Rabbim Cleveland Dedi’: Sağlık Turizmi-İnsan Hakları İlişkisi Üzerine Başlangıç Notları”, SBF Dergisi, vol. 70, no. 4, pp. 1003–1039, 2015, doi: 10.1501/SBFder_0000002380.
ISNAD Gemalmaz, H. - Ertan, İzzet. “‘Rabbim Cleveland Dedi’: Sağlık Turizmi-İnsan Hakları İlişkisi Üzerine Başlangıç Notları”. Ankara Üniversitesi SBF Dergisi 70/4 (December 2015), 1003-1039.
JAMA Gemalmaz H, Ertan İ. "Rabbim Cleveland Dedi": Sağlık Turizmi-İnsan Hakları İlişkisi Üzerine Başlangıç Notları. SBF Dergisi. 2015;70:1003–1039.
MLA Gemalmaz, H. and İzzet Ertan. “‘Rabbim Cleveland Dedi’: Sağlık Turizmi-İnsan Hakları İlişkisi Üzerine Başlangıç Notları”. Ankara Üniversitesi SBF Dergisi, vol. 70, no. 4, 2015, pp. 1003-39, doi:10.1501/SBFder_0000002380.
Vancouver Gemalmaz H, Ertan İ. "Rabbim Cleveland Dedi": Sağlık Turizmi-İnsan Hakları İlişkisi Üzerine Başlangıç Notları. SBF Dergisi. 2015;70(4):1003-39.