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Neoliberalizm ve Feminist Politikada " Sınıfsal Tutum" Arayışları

Year 2012, Volume: 67 Issue: 04, 125 - 146, 01.04.2012


Feminizmin 1980 sonrası hakim yönelimi, politik olarak bölüşüm sorunlarından kimlik ve farklılık sorunlarına geçişi, kuramsal olarak da fenomenolojik ve hermeneutik modellerin hakimiyetini içeriyordu. Aynı yıllar, feminist hareketin, tarihinde daha önce hiç tecrübe etmediği ölçüde yerel ve küresel düzeyde hızla kurumsallaşmasına da tanık oldu ve bu süreç yer yer neoliberalizm küresel yeniden yapılanmasının temel aktörleriyle yakın ilişkilere, hatta işbirliğine evrildi. Nihayet, feminizmin geçmiş 30 yılından bugün geriye, Hester Eisenstein’in tabiriyle, “Marksizmle mutsuz evlilikten kapitalizmle tehlikeli flörte” dönüşen sorunlu bir ilişki kaldı. Bu geçmiş şimdi, kapitalizmin küresel krizi koşullarında feminizmin kendi konumu yeniden tarif etme ihtiyacının bir parçası olarak sorgulanmaktadır. Feminist politikada sınıfsal tutum sorunu, söz konusu sorgulamanın önemli alanlarından birini oluşturmaktadır. Bu çalışma, feminist yakın geçmişe dönük çözümlemeleri gözden geçirerek, neoliberalizme karşı feminist politikada sınıfsal ekseninin anlamını hakkında bir tartışma yürütmekte, bu amaçla, feminist yakın tarihe ilişkin bir sorgulama çerçevesi geliştirmektedir.


  • Acker, J. (2000) “Revisiting Class: Thinking From Gender, Race and Organization”, Social Politics, Summer: 192-214.
  • Alvarez, S. E. (1999) “The Latin American Feminist NGO “Boom”, International Feminist Journal of Politics, 1(2): 181-209.
  • Amargi: Aylık Feminist Dergi (2006) “Projen Var mı” Dosyası, Sayı: 3.
  • Aslan, Ö. ve Gambetti, Z. (2011) “Provincializing Fraser’s History: Feminism and Neoliberalism”, History of the Present: A Journal of Critical History, 1(1): 130-147.
  • Baden, S. ve Goetz, Anne M. (1998) “Who needs (sex) when you can have (gender)? Conflicting discourses on gender at Beijing”, Feminist Visions of Development: Gender, Analysis and Policy, (Ed.) C. Jackson, R. Pearson, London & New York: Routledge.
  • Batliwala, S. ve Dhanraj, D. (2007) “Gender myths that instrumentalize women: a view from Indian front line”, Feminisms in Development: Contradictions, Contestations & Challenges, (Ed.) A. Cornwall, E. Harrison ve A. Whitehead, London & New York: Zed Books.
  • Bezonson, K. ve Luxton, M. (ed.) (2006) Social Reproduction: Feminist Political Economy Challenges Neo-liberalism, Montreal & Kingston: McGill-Queens’s University Press.
  • Bora, A. (2006) “Eyleme Güvenmek”, Amargi: Feminist Dergi. Sayı: 2, 88-90.
  • Bulbeck, C. (2007) “Hailing the ‘Authentic Other’: Constructing The Third World Women As Aid Recipient in Donor NGO Agendas”, Sustainable Feminisms: Advances in Gender Research. (Ed.) S. Sonita, Vol. 11, Oxford: Elsevier Ltd.
  • Castro, Mary G. (2001) “Engendering Powers in Neoliberal Times in Latin America: Reflections from the Left on Feminisms and Feminisms”, Çev. L. Hallewell. Latin American Perspectives, 28(6): 17-37.
  • Cornwall, A., J. Gideon K. Wilson (2008) “Introduction: Reclaiming Feminism: Gender and Neoliberalism”, IDS Bulletin, 39(December): 1-9.
  • Craig, D. ve Porter, D. (2005) “The Third Way and The Third World: Poverty Reduction and Social Inclusion Strategies in the Rise of ‘Inclusive’ Liberalism”, Review of International Political Economy, 12(2): 226-263.
  • Craske, N. (1998) “Remasculanisation and the neoliberal state in Latin America”, Gender, Politics and the State, (Ed.) V. Randall, G. Waylen. London-New York: Routledge.
  • Çoban, A. (2008) “Feminizmden Kadın Hareketine ve STK’ya”, Amargi: Aylık Feminist Dergi, Sayı: 10, 29-31.
  • de la Rocha, M. Gonzalez (2007) “The Construction of the Myth of Survival”, Development and Change, 38(1): 45-66.
  • Ecevit, Y. (2007) “Yoksulluğa Karşı Feminist Strateji İçin”, Amarji: Aylık Feminist Dergi, Sayı: 6, 14- 17.
  • Eisenstein, H. (2005) “A Dangerous Liaison? Feminist and Corporate Globalization”, Science and Society, 69(3): 487-518.
  • Eisenstein, H. (2009) Feminism Seduced: How Global Elites Use Women’s Labour and Ideas to Exploit the World, Boulder & London: Paradigm Publishers.
  • Eisenstein, Z. (1981) “Reform and/or Revolution: Towards a Unified Women’s Movement”, The Unhappy Marriage of Marxism and Feminism: A Debate on Class and Patriarch, (Ed.) L. Sargent. London: Pluto Press.
  • Epstein, B. (2002) “Feminist Consciousness after the Women’s Movement”, Monthly Review, 54(4): 31-37.
  • Ferguson, S. (1999) “Building on the Strengths of the Socialist Feminist Tradition”, Critical Sociology, 25(1): 1-15.
  • Fraser, N. (2009) “Feminism, Capitalism and the Cunning of History”, New Left Review, No. 56 (March-April): 97-117.
  • Funk, N. (2012) “Contra Fraser on Feminism and Neoliberalism”, Hypatia, 10 (10): 1-19.
  • Gimenez, M. E. (2005) “Capitalism and the Oppression of Women: Marx Revisited”, Science and Society, 69(1): 11-32.
  • Goetz, Anne M. (2007) “Political Cleaners: Women as the New Anti-Corruption Force?”, Development and Change, 38(1): 87–105.
  • Hartmann, H. (2006) Marksizm’le Feminizmin Mutsuz Evliliği, Çev. G. Aygen, İstanbul: Agora Kitaplığı.
  • Helvacıoğlu, F. (2009) “Projecilik”, Feminist Politika, Sayı: 1, 16-17.
  • Holmstrom, N. (2003) “The Socialist Feminist Project”, Monthly Review, 54(10): 38-48.
  • hooks, b. (2000) Where We Stand: Class Matters, London & New York: Routledge.
  • Kabeer, N. (2003) Gender Mainstreaming in Poverty Eradication and the Millennium Development Goals: A handbook for policy-makers and other stakeholders, London: The Commonwealth Secretariat.
  • Kornbluh, Felicia A. (1996) “Review Essay: The New Literature on Gender and the Welfare State: The U.S. Case”, Feminist Studies, 22(1): 171-197.
  • Lombardo, E. ve Meier, P. (2007) “European Union Gender Policy Since Beijing: Shifting Concepts and Agendas”, Multiple Meanings of Gender Equality: A Critical Frame Analysis of Gender Policies in Europe. (Ed.) M. Verloo, Budapeste-New York: Central European University Press.
  • Morgan, S. (2009) “Theorising Feminist History: A Thirty-Year Restrospective”, Women’s History Review, 18(3): 381-407.
  • Moser, C. O. N (1998) “The Asset Vulnerability Framework: Reassessing Urban Poverty Reduction Strategies”, World Development, 26: 1-19.
  • Özuğurlu, A. (2010) “Feminizmin Yakın Tarihine Eleştirel Bir Bakış: ‘Kapitalizmle Flört’ Üzerine”, 21. Yüzyılın Eşiğinde Kadınlar: Değişim ve Güçlenme, Cilt 2, Bildiri Kitabı, Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi: İzmir.
  • Özuğurlu, A. (2006) “Sosyal Sermaye: Kamunun Trajedisi ya da Emeğin Sömürgeleştirilmesinde Yeni Bir Eşik”, Akdeniz İİBF Dergisi, 6(12): 188-213.
  • Savran, G. ve Tura, N. (ed.) (1992) Kadının Görünmeyen Emeği: Maddi Bir Feminizm Üzerine, İstanbul: Kardelen Yayınları.
  • Strobel, P. (1996) “From poverty to exclusion: a wage-earning society or a society of human rights?”, International Social Science Journal, June (148): 173-190.
  • Weber, H. (2004) “The ‘new economy’ and social risk: banking on the poor?”, Review of International Political Economy, 11(2): 356-386.
  • Wilson, K. (2008) “Reclaiming ‘Agency’, Reasserting Resistance”, IDS Bulletin, 39(6): 83-91.
  • Wilson, K. (2007) “Agency”, The Impact of Feminism on Political Concepts and Debates, (Ed.) G. Blakeley, V. Bryson, Manchester-New York: Manchester University Press.

Neoliberalism and Revisiting Class Perspective in Feminist Politics

Year 2012, Volume: 67 Issue: 04, 125 - 146, 01.04.2012


The shift from distributional issues to identity problems in politics and the dominance of hermeneutical and phenomenological models in social theory were the main tendencies of the recent history of feminism. This period also witnessed the successful institutionalisation of women’s movement at both domestic and international level, which has also partly evolved to the close relations, even collaborations, with the main global actors of neoliberalism. As Hester Eisentein argues, today what remains from the past 30 years of feminism is that the problem of ‘a dangerous liaison’ with capitalism. This recent past is now examined as a part of the need for the redefining of feminist standing under the conditions of global crisis of capitalism. Revisiting the class perspectives constitutes one of the crucial matters within the self-critical orientation of feminism to its own history. This study aims to discuss the meaning of class axis in the feminist politics by reviewing the last 30 years of women’s movement and to develop analysis framework for investigation of the recent past of feminism 


  • Acker, J. (2000) “Revisiting Class: Thinking From Gender, Race and Organization”, Social Politics, Summer: 192-214.
  • Alvarez, S. E. (1999) “The Latin American Feminist NGO “Boom”, International Feminist Journal of Politics, 1(2): 181-209.
  • Amargi: Aylık Feminist Dergi (2006) “Projen Var mı” Dosyası, Sayı: 3.
  • Aslan, Ö. ve Gambetti, Z. (2011) “Provincializing Fraser’s History: Feminism and Neoliberalism”, History of the Present: A Journal of Critical History, 1(1): 130-147.
  • Baden, S. ve Goetz, Anne M. (1998) “Who needs (sex) when you can have (gender)? Conflicting discourses on gender at Beijing”, Feminist Visions of Development: Gender, Analysis and Policy, (Ed.) C. Jackson, R. Pearson, London & New York: Routledge.
  • Batliwala, S. ve Dhanraj, D. (2007) “Gender myths that instrumentalize women: a view from Indian front line”, Feminisms in Development: Contradictions, Contestations & Challenges, (Ed.) A. Cornwall, E. Harrison ve A. Whitehead, London & New York: Zed Books.
  • Bezonson, K. ve Luxton, M. (ed.) (2006) Social Reproduction: Feminist Political Economy Challenges Neo-liberalism, Montreal & Kingston: McGill-Queens’s University Press.
  • Bora, A. (2006) “Eyleme Güvenmek”, Amargi: Feminist Dergi. Sayı: 2, 88-90.
  • Bulbeck, C. (2007) “Hailing the ‘Authentic Other’: Constructing The Third World Women As Aid Recipient in Donor NGO Agendas”, Sustainable Feminisms: Advances in Gender Research. (Ed.) S. Sonita, Vol. 11, Oxford: Elsevier Ltd.
  • Castro, Mary G. (2001) “Engendering Powers in Neoliberal Times in Latin America: Reflections from the Left on Feminisms and Feminisms”, Çev. L. Hallewell. Latin American Perspectives, 28(6): 17-37.
  • Cornwall, A., J. Gideon K. Wilson (2008) “Introduction: Reclaiming Feminism: Gender and Neoliberalism”, IDS Bulletin, 39(December): 1-9.
  • Craig, D. ve Porter, D. (2005) “The Third Way and The Third World: Poverty Reduction and Social Inclusion Strategies in the Rise of ‘Inclusive’ Liberalism”, Review of International Political Economy, 12(2): 226-263.
  • Craske, N. (1998) “Remasculanisation and the neoliberal state in Latin America”, Gender, Politics and the State, (Ed.) V. Randall, G. Waylen. London-New York: Routledge.
  • Çoban, A. (2008) “Feminizmden Kadın Hareketine ve STK’ya”, Amargi: Aylık Feminist Dergi, Sayı: 10, 29-31.
  • de la Rocha, M. Gonzalez (2007) “The Construction of the Myth of Survival”, Development and Change, 38(1): 45-66.
  • Ecevit, Y. (2007) “Yoksulluğa Karşı Feminist Strateji İçin”, Amarji: Aylık Feminist Dergi, Sayı: 6, 14- 17.
  • Eisenstein, H. (2005) “A Dangerous Liaison? Feminist and Corporate Globalization”, Science and Society, 69(3): 487-518.
  • Eisenstein, H. (2009) Feminism Seduced: How Global Elites Use Women’s Labour and Ideas to Exploit the World, Boulder & London: Paradigm Publishers.
  • Eisenstein, Z. (1981) “Reform and/or Revolution: Towards a Unified Women’s Movement”, The Unhappy Marriage of Marxism and Feminism: A Debate on Class and Patriarch, (Ed.) L. Sargent. London: Pluto Press.
  • Epstein, B. (2002) “Feminist Consciousness after the Women’s Movement”, Monthly Review, 54(4): 31-37.
  • Ferguson, S. (1999) “Building on the Strengths of the Socialist Feminist Tradition”, Critical Sociology, 25(1): 1-15.
  • Fraser, N. (2009) “Feminism, Capitalism and the Cunning of History”, New Left Review, No. 56 (March-April): 97-117.
  • Funk, N. (2012) “Contra Fraser on Feminism and Neoliberalism”, Hypatia, 10 (10): 1-19.
  • Gimenez, M. E. (2005) “Capitalism and the Oppression of Women: Marx Revisited”, Science and Society, 69(1): 11-32.
  • Goetz, Anne M. (2007) “Political Cleaners: Women as the New Anti-Corruption Force?”, Development and Change, 38(1): 87–105.
  • Hartmann, H. (2006) Marksizm’le Feminizmin Mutsuz Evliliği, Çev. G. Aygen, İstanbul: Agora Kitaplığı.
  • Helvacıoğlu, F. (2009) “Projecilik”, Feminist Politika, Sayı: 1, 16-17.
  • Holmstrom, N. (2003) “The Socialist Feminist Project”, Monthly Review, 54(10): 38-48.
  • hooks, b. (2000) Where We Stand: Class Matters, London & New York: Routledge.
  • Kabeer, N. (2003) Gender Mainstreaming in Poverty Eradication and the Millennium Development Goals: A handbook for policy-makers and other stakeholders, London: The Commonwealth Secretariat.
  • Kornbluh, Felicia A. (1996) “Review Essay: The New Literature on Gender and the Welfare State: The U.S. Case”, Feminist Studies, 22(1): 171-197.
  • Lombardo, E. ve Meier, P. (2007) “European Union Gender Policy Since Beijing: Shifting Concepts and Agendas”, Multiple Meanings of Gender Equality: A Critical Frame Analysis of Gender Policies in Europe. (Ed.) M. Verloo, Budapeste-New York: Central European University Press.
  • Morgan, S. (2009) “Theorising Feminist History: A Thirty-Year Restrospective”, Women’s History Review, 18(3): 381-407.
  • Moser, C. O. N (1998) “The Asset Vulnerability Framework: Reassessing Urban Poverty Reduction Strategies”, World Development, 26: 1-19.
  • Özuğurlu, A. (2010) “Feminizmin Yakın Tarihine Eleştirel Bir Bakış: ‘Kapitalizmle Flört’ Üzerine”, 21. Yüzyılın Eşiğinde Kadınlar: Değişim ve Güçlenme, Cilt 2, Bildiri Kitabı, Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi: İzmir.
  • Özuğurlu, A. (2006) “Sosyal Sermaye: Kamunun Trajedisi ya da Emeğin Sömürgeleştirilmesinde Yeni Bir Eşik”, Akdeniz İİBF Dergisi, 6(12): 188-213.
  • Savran, G. ve Tura, N. (ed.) (1992) Kadının Görünmeyen Emeği: Maddi Bir Feminizm Üzerine, İstanbul: Kardelen Yayınları.
  • Strobel, P. (1996) “From poverty to exclusion: a wage-earning society or a society of human rights?”, International Social Science Journal, June (148): 173-190.
  • Weber, H. (2004) “The ‘new economy’ and social risk: banking on the poor?”, Review of International Political Economy, 11(2): 356-386.
  • Wilson, K. (2008) “Reclaiming ‘Agency’, Reasserting Resistance”, IDS Bulletin, 39(6): 83-91.
  • Wilson, K. (2007) “Agency”, The Impact of Feminism on Political Concepts and Debates, (Ed.) G. Blakeley, V. Bryson, Manchester-New York: Manchester University Press.
There are 41 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Articles

Aynur Özuğurlu This is me

Publication Date April 1, 2012
Submission Date July 31, 2014
Published in Issue Year 2012 Volume: 67 Issue: 04


APA Özuğurlu, A. (2012). Neoliberalizm ve Feminist Politikada " Sınıfsal Tutum" Arayışları. Ankara Üniversitesi SBF Dergisi, 67(04), 125-146.
AMA Özuğurlu A. Neoliberalizm ve Feminist Politikada " Sınıfsal Tutum" Arayışları. SBF Dergisi. April 2012;67(04):125-146. doi:10.1501/SBFder_0000002266
Chicago Özuğurlu, Aynur. “Neoliberalizm Ve Feminist Politikada ‘ Sınıfsal Tutum’ Arayışları”. Ankara Üniversitesi SBF Dergisi 67, no. 04 (April 2012): 125-46.
EndNote Özuğurlu A (April 1, 2012) Neoliberalizm ve Feminist Politikada " Sınıfsal Tutum" Arayışları. Ankara Üniversitesi SBF Dergisi 67 04 125–146.
IEEE A. Özuğurlu, “Neoliberalizm ve Feminist Politikada ‘ Sınıfsal Tutum’ Arayışları”, SBF Dergisi, vol. 67, no. 04, pp. 125–146, 2012, doi: 10.1501/SBFder_0000002266.
ISNAD Özuğurlu, Aynur. “Neoliberalizm Ve Feminist Politikada ‘ Sınıfsal Tutum’ Arayışları”. Ankara Üniversitesi SBF Dergisi 67/04 (April 2012), 125-146.
JAMA Özuğurlu A. Neoliberalizm ve Feminist Politikada " Sınıfsal Tutum" Arayışları. SBF Dergisi. 2012;67:125–146.
MLA Özuğurlu, Aynur. “Neoliberalizm Ve Feminist Politikada ‘ Sınıfsal Tutum’ Arayışları”. Ankara Üniversitesi SBF Dergisi, vol. 67, no. 04, 2012, pp. 125-46, doi:10.1501/SBFder_0000002266.
Vancouver Özuğurlu A. Neoliberalizm ve Feminist Politikada " Sınıfsal Tutum" Arayışları. SBF Dergisi. 2012;67(04):125-46.