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Toplumsal Vatandaşlık ve Neo-Liberalizm Sorunu

Year 2009, Volume: 64 Issue: 01, 247 - 274, 01.01.2009



  • ALTVATER, Elmar (1985), “Yeni Liberal Karşı-Devrimin Müptezelliği,” ZARAKOLU R. (der.), Kriz, Neo-Liberalizm ve Reagan Dosyası (İstanbul: Alan).
  • BALIBAR, Etienne (1987), “Propositions on citizenship,” Ethics, 98/1.
  • BALIBAR, Etienne (1991), “The Citizen Subject”, E. Cadava vd. (der) Who Comes After the Subject içinde (New York: Routledge).
  • BARBALET, J. M. (1988), Citizenship, Rights, Struggle and Class Inequality (Minneapolis: University of Minneapolis Press).
  • BARBALET, J. M. (1993), “Citizenship, class Inequality and Resentment,” TURNER, B.S. (der.), Citizenship and Social Theory 36-57, (London: Sage): 36-57.
  • BARRY, Norman (1990), Welfare (Open University Press).
  • BENDIX, Reinhard (1964), Nation-Building and Citizenship: Studies of Our Changing Social Order (New York: Jonh Wiley and Sons).
  • BRUBAKER, Rogers, (1992), Citizenship and Nationhood in France and Germany (Cambridge: Harvard University Press).
  • BOOKCHIN, Murray (1987), The Rise of Urbanisation and the Decline of Citizenship (San Fransisco: Sierra Club Books).
  • BOWLES, Samuel / GINTIS, Herbert (1996), Demokrasi ve Kapitalizm (İstanbul: Ayrıntı).
  • BUĞRA, Ayşe (2007), “AKP Döneminde Sosyal Politika ve Vatandaşlık,” Toplum ve Bilim, 108: 143- 166.
  • CASASSAS, David (2007), “Basic Income and the Republican Ideal,” Basic Income Studies, 2/2.
  • CLARKE, P. Barry, (1994), Citizenship (Londra: Pluto Press).
  • CASTEL, Robert (2004), Sosyal Güvencesizlik (İstanbul: İletişim Yayınları).
  • GAMBLE, Andrew (1988), The Free Economy and The Strong State, (Durham: Duke University Press).
  • GIDDENS, Anthony (1981), A Contemporary Critique of Historical Materialism (London: McMillan).
  • GUNSTEREN, Herman, (1994), “Four Conceptions of Citizenship,” STEENBERGEN, B. (der.), The Condition of Citizenship (London: Sage): 36-49.
  • GUTMAN, Amy (der.) (1998), Work and Welfare (Princeton: Princeton University Press).
  • FRASER, Nancy / GORDON Linda (1994), “Civil Citizenship Against Social Citizenship,” STEENBERGEN, B. (der.), The Condition of Citizenship (London:Sage): 90-108.
  • FRIEDMAN, Milton / FRIEDMAN, Rose (1990), Free to Choose: A Personal Statement (New York: Harvest).
  • HABERMAS, Jurgen (1981), “The New Social Movements,” Telos, 49.
  • HABERMAS, Jurgen (1989), The Structural Transformation of the Public Sphere (UK: Polity).
  • HABERMAS, Jurgen (1996), Between Facts and Norms (UK: Polity).
  • HARVEY, David (1997), Postmodernliğin Durumu (İstanbul: Metis).
  • HAYEK, Friedrich (1994), Kanun, Yasama Faaliyeti ve Özgürlük, Kurallar ve Düzen (İstanbul: İş Bankası Yayınları).
  • HAYEK, Friedrich (1995), Kölelik Yolu (Ankara: Liberal Düşünce).
  • HAYEK, Friedrich (1997), Hukuk, Yasama ve Özgürlük: Özgür bir Toplumun Siyasi Düzeni (İstanbul: İş Bankası Yayınları).
  • HEATER, Derek (1990), “Citizenship: The Civic Ideal in World History,” Politics and Education, (London & New York: Longman).
  • HINDESS, Barry (1993), “Citizenship in the Modern West,” TURNER, B.S. (der.), Citizenship and Social Theory (Londra: Sage).
  • HOCHSCHILD, L. Jennifer, (1988), “Race, Class, Power and the American Welfare State,” GUTMAN, A. (der.), Democracy and the Welfare State (Princeton) : 157-185.
  • JESSOP, Bob (1990), State Theory: Putting Capitalist States in their Place (London: Polity).
  • JESSOP, Bob (1994), “The Transition to post-Fordism and the Schumpeterian Workfare Satate,” BURROWS, R. / LOADER, B. (eds.), Towards a Post-Fordist Welfare State içinde (Londra: Routledge).
  • LACLAU, Ernesto / MOUFFE, Chantal (1985), Hegemony and Socialist Strategy: Towards a Radical Democratic Politics (London: Verso).
  • LUHMANN, Niclos (1990), Political Theory in the Welfare State (New York: Walter de Gruyter).
  • MARSHALL, T.H. / BOTTOMORE, Tom (1992), Citizenship and Social Class (London: Pluto Press).
  • MANN, Michael (1987), “Ruling Class Strategies and Citizenship,” Sociology, 21/3.
  • MOUFFE, Chantal (1992), “Democratic Citizenship and the Political Community,” MOUFFE, C. (der.), Dimensions of Radical Democracy: Pluralism, Citizenship, Community: 225– 240.
  • MOUFFE, Chantal (1988), “The Civics Lesson,” The New Statesman and Society, No.7
  • MORRIS, Lydia (1994), Dangerous Classes: The Underclass and Social Citizenship (London: Routledge).
  • MURRAY, Charles (1984), Losing Ground: American Social Policy: 1950–1980 (New York: Basics Book).
  • MURRAY, C (1990), “The British Underclass,” The Public Interest, 99: 4-28.
  • NOZICK, Robert (1974), Anarchy, State and Utopia (London: Blackwell).
  • OLDFIELD, Adrian (1990), “Citizenship: An Unnatural Practice?,” Political Quarterly 61/2: 176- 187.
  • PATEMAN, Carole (1988), “The Patriarchal Welfare State,” GUTMAN, A. (der.), Democracy and the Welfare State ( Princeton): 231-261.
  • PETTIT, Philip (2007), “A Republican Right to Basic Income,” Basic Income Studies, 2/2.
  • RANCIERE, Jacques (2007), Siyasalın Kıyısında (İstanbul: Metis).
  • RIESENBERG, Peter (1992), Citizenship in the Western Tradition: Plato to Rousseau (Chapel Hill: The University of North Carolina Press).
  • ROCHE, Maurice (1987), “Citizenship, Social Theory and Social Change”, Theory and Society, 16/1-3: 363-399.
  • SAUNDERS, Peter (1993), “Citizenship in a Liberal Society,” TURNER, B.S. (der.), Citizenship and Social Theory: 57-91.
  • TURNER, S. Brian (1986), Citizenship and Capitalism: The Debate Over Reformism (Londra: Allen & Unwin).
  • TURNER, S. Brian (1992), “Outline of a Theory of Citizenship,” MOUFFE, C. (der.), Dimensions of Radical Democracy: Pluralism, Citizenship, Community: 33-63.
  • TWINE, Fred (1994), Citizenship and Social Rights: The Interdependence of Self and Society (Londra: Sage).
  • WAGNER, Peter (1996), Modernliğin Sosyolojisi: Özgürlük ve Cezalandırma (Ankara: Sarmal).
  • WILSON, W. J (1987), The Truly Disadvantaged: The Inner City, The Underclass and the Pubic Policy (Chicago: The University of Chicago Press).
  • WOLIN, Sheldon (1987), “Democracy and the Welfare State,” Political Theory, 5/4.
  • WORLD BANK (1997), World Development Report (Oxford: Oxford University Press).


Year 2009, Volume: 64 Issue: 01, 247 - 274, 01.01.2009


Bu yazının amacı vatandaşlığın siyasal içeriği ile toplumsal içeriği arasındaki zorunlu bağı vurgulayarak, neo-liberal vatandaşlık kavrayışının görünmez kıldığı bir boyutu öne çıkarmaktır. Vatandaşlık özellikle içinde bulunduğumuz neo-liberal momentte sadece siyasi ve hukuki bir bağa indirgenme tehlikesiyle karşı karşıyadır. Neo-liberal müdahale nedeniyle bugün vatandaşlığın toplumsal içeriği giderek daha fazla zedelenmektedir. Yukarıdaki saptamalar ışığında ben bu yazıda iki amacı gerçekleştirmeye çalışacağım. Yazının ilk bölümünde aslen ‘siyasal’ bir kavram olmakla birlikte vatandaşlığın Atina’da ilk icat edilişinden bu yana zorunlu ve özel bir toplumsal içeriğe sahip olduğunu göstermeye çalışacağım. Dolayısıyla hem tarihsel hem de kavramsal olarak vatandaşlık ile toplumsal eşitlik fikri arasındaki bağ ikincil ve/veya arızi olarak nitelenemez. Bu temel teze bağlı olarak yazının ikinci bölümünde neo-liberal evrede hem tarihsel hem kavramsal olarak bu toplumsal içeriğin nasıl zedelendiğini ve dolayısıyla bizzat vatandaşlık kurumunun kendisinin nasıl tehdit edildiğini açıklamaya çalışacağım.


  • ALTVATER, Elmar (1985), “Yeni Liberal Karşı-Devrimin Müptezelliği,” ZARAKOLU R. (der.), Kriz, Neo-Liberalizm ve Reagan Dosyası (İstanbul: Alan).
  • BALIBAR, Etienne (1987), “Propositions on citizenship,” Ethics, 98/1.
  • BALIBAR, Etienne (1991), “The Citizen Subject”, E. Cadava vd. (der) Who Comes After the Subject içinde (New York: Routledge).
  • BARBALET, J. M. (1988), Citizenship, Rights, Struggle and Class Inequality (Minneapolis: University of Minneapolis Press).
  • BARBALET, J. M. (1993), “Citizenship, class Inequality and Resentment,” TURNER, B.S. (der.), Citizenship and Social Theory 36-57, (London: Sage): 36-57.
  • BARRY, Norman (1990), Welfare (Open University Press).
  • BENDIX, Reinhard (1964), Nation-Building and Citizenship: Studies of Our Changing Social Order (New York: Jonh Wiley and Sons).
  • BRUBAKER, Rogers, (1992), Citizenship and Nationhood in France and Germany (Cambridge: Harvard University Press).
  • BOOKCHIN, Murray (1987), The Rise of Urbanisation and the Decline of Citizenship (San Fransisco: Sierra Club Books).
  • BOWLES, Samuel / GINTIS, Herbert (1996), Demokrasi ve Kapitalizm (İstanbul: Ayrıntı).
  • BUĞRA, Ayşe (2007), “AKP Döneminde Sosyal Politika ve Vatandaşlık,” Toplum ve Bilim, 108: 143- 166.
  • CASASSAS, David (2007), “Basic Income and the Republican Ideal,” Basic Income Studies, 2/2.
  • CLARKE, P. Barry, (1994), Citizenship (Londra: Pluto Press).
  • CASTEL, Robert (2004), Sosyal Güvencesizlik (İstanbul: İletişim Yayınları).
  • GAMBLE, Andrew (1988), The Free Economy and The Strong State, (Durham: Duke University Press).
  • GIDDENS, Anthony (1981), A Contemporary Critique of Historical Materialism (London: McMillan).
  • GUNSTEREN, Herman, (1994), “Four Conceptions of Citizenship,” STEENBERGEN, B. (der.), The Condition of Citizenship (London: Sage): 36-49.
  • GUTMAN, Amy (der.) (1998), Work and Welfare (Princeton: Princeton University Press).
  • FRASER, Nancy / GORDON Linda (1994), “Civil Citizenship Against Social Citizenship,” STEENBERGEN, B. (der.), The Condition of Citizenship (London:Sage): 90-108.
  • FRIEDMAN, Milton / FRIEDMAN, Rose (1990), Free to Choose: A Personal Statement (New York: Harvest).
  • HABERMAS, Jurgen (1981), “The New Social Movements,” Telos, 49.
  • HABERMAS, Jurgen (1989), The Structural Transformation of the Public Sphere (UK: Polity).
  • HABERMAS, Jurgen (1996), Between Facts and Norms (UK: Polity).
  • HARVEY, David (1997), Postmodernliğin Durumu (İstanbul: Metis).
  • HAYEK, Friedrich (1994), Kanun, Yasama Faaliyeti ve Özgürlük, Kurallar ve Düzen (İstanbul: İş Bankası Yayınları).
  • HAYEK, Friedrich (1995), Kölelik Yolu (Ankara: Liberal Düşünce).
  • HAYEK, Friedrich (1997), Hukuk, Yasama ve Özgürlük: Özgür bir Toplumun Siyasi Düzeni (İstanbul: İş Bankası Yayınları).
  • HEATER, Derek (1990), “Citizenship: The Civic Ideal in World History,” Politics and Education, (London & New York: Longman).
  • HINDESS, Barry (1993), “Citizenship in the Modern West,” TURNER, B.S. (der.), Citizenship and Social Theory (Londra: Sage).
  • HOCHSCHILD, L. Jennifer, (1988), “Race, Class, Power and the American Welfare State,” GUTMAN, A. (der.), Democracy and the Welfare State (Princeton) : 157-185.
  • JESSOP, Bob (1990), State Theory: Putting Capitalist States in their Place (London: Polity).
  • JESSOP, Bob (1994), “The Transition to post-Fordism and the Schumpeterian Workfare Satate,” BURROWS, R. / LOADER, B. (eds.), Towards a Post-Fordist Welfare State içinde (Londra: Routledge).
  • LACLAU, Ernesto / MOUFFE, Chantal (1985), Hegemony and Socialist Strategy: Towards a Radical Democratic Politics (London: Verso).
  • LUHMANN, Niclos (1990), Political Theory in the Welfare State (New York: Walter de Gruyter).
  • MARSHALL, T.H. / BOTTOMORE, Tom (1992), Citizenship and Social Class (London: Pluto Press).
  • MANN, Michael (1987), “Ruling Class Strategies and Citizenship,” Sociology, 21/3.
  • MOUFFE, Chantal (1992), “Democratic Citizenship and the Political Community,” MOUFFE, C. (der.), Dimensions of Radical Democracy: Pluralism, Citizenship, Community: 225– 240.
  • MOUFFE, Chantal (1988), “The Civics Lesson,” The New Statesman and Society, No.7
  • MORRIS, Lydia (1994), Dangerous Classes: The Underclass and Social Citizenship (London: Routledge).
  • MURRAY, Charles (1984), Losing Ground: American Social Policy: 1950–1980 (New York: Basics Book).
  • MURRAY, C (1990), “The British Underclass,” The Public Interest, 99: 4-28.
  • NOZICK, Robert (1974), Anarchy, State and Utopia (London: Blackwell).
  • OLDFIELD, Adrian (1990), “Citizenship: An Unnatural Practice?,” Political Quarterly 61/2: 176- 187.
  • PATEMAN, Carole (1988), “The Patriarchal Welfare State,” GUTMAN, A. (der.), Democracy and the Welfare State ( Princeton): 231-261.
  • PETTIT, Philip (2007), “A Republican Right to Basic Income,” Basic Income Studies, 2/2.
  • RANCIERE, Jacques (2007), Siyasalın Kıyısında (İstanbul: Metis).
  • RIESENBERG, Peter (1992), Citizenship in the Western Tradition: Plato to Rousseau (Chapel Hill: The University of North Carolina Press).
  • ROCHE, Maurice (1987), “Citizenship, Social Theory and Social Change”, Theory and Society, 16/1-3: 363-399.
  • SAUNDERS, Peter (1993), “Citizenship in a Liberal Society,” TURNER, B.S. (der.), Citizenship and Social Theory: 57-91.
  • TURNER, S. Brian (1986), Citizenship and Capitalism: The Debate Over Reformism (Londra: Allen & Unwin).
  • TURNER, S. Brian (1992), “Outline of a Theory of Citizenship,” MOUFFE, C. (der.), Dimensions of Radical Democracy: Pluralism, Citizenship, Community: 33-63.
  • TWINE, Fred (1994), Citizenship and Social Rights: The Interdependence of Self and Society (Londra: Sage).
  • WAGNER, Peter (1996), Modernliğin Sosyolojisi: Özgürlük ve Cezalandırma (Ankara: Sarmal).
  • WILSON, W. J (1987), The Truly Disadvantaged: The Inner City, The Underclass and the Pubic Policy (Chicago: The University of Chicago Press).
  • WOLIN, Sheldon (1987), “Democracy and the Welfare State,” Political Theory, 5/4.
  • WORLD BANK (1997), World Development Report (Oxford: Oxford University Press).
There are 56 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Articles

Alev Özkazanç This is me

Publication Date January 1, 2009
Submission Date July 31, 2014
Published in Issue Year 2009 Volume: 64 Issue: 01


APA Özkazanç, A. (2009). TOPLUMSAL VATANDAŞLIK VE NEO-LİBERALİZM SORUNU. Ankara Üniversitesi SBF Dergisi, 64(01), 247-274.
AMA Özkazanç A. TOPLUMSAL VATANDAŞLIK VE NEO-LİBERALİZM SORUNU. SBF Dergisi. January 2009;64(01):247-274. doi:10.1501/SBFder_0000002093
Chicago Özkazanç, Alev. “TOPLUMSAL VATANDAŞLIK VE NEO-LİBERALİZM SORUNU”. Ankara Üniversitesi SBF Dergisi 64, no. 01 (January 2009): 247-74.
EndNote Özkazanç A (January 1, 2009) TOPLUMSAL VATANDAŞLIK VE NEO-LİBERALİZM SORUNU. Ankara Üniversitesi SBF Dergisi 64 01 247–274.
IEEE A. Özkazanç, “TOPLUMSAL VATANDAŞLIK VE NEO-LİBERALİZM SORUNU”, SBF Dergisi, vol. 64, no. 01, pp. 247–274, 2009, doi: 10.1501/SBFder_0000002093.
ISNAD Özkazanç, Alev. “TOPLUMSAL VATANDAŞLIK VE NEO-LİBERALİZM SORUNU”. Ankara Üniversitesi SBF Dergisi 64/01 (January 2009), 247-274.
MLA Özkazanç, Alev. “TOPLUMSAL VATANDAŞLIK VE NEO-LİBERALİZM SORUNU”. Ankara Üniversitesi SBF Dergisi, vol. 64, no. 01, 2009, pp. 247-74, doi:10.1501/SBFder_0000002093.
Vancouver Özkazanç A. TOPLUMSAL VATANDAŞLIK VE NEO-LİBERALİZM SORUNU. SBF Dergisi. 2009;64(01):247-74.

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