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Avrupa’da Popülist Radikal Sağ ve Kültür Savaşları: İtalya’nn Kardeşleri Partisi Örneği

Year 2025, Volume: 80 Issue: 1, 135 - 158, 13.03.2025


Popülist radikal sağ siyasetin kültür savaşları ile yakın ilişkisi bulunmaktadır. Kültür savaşları popülizmin yükselişini açıklamakta kullanılan bir değişken olmasının yanı sıra, popülist radikal sağ ideoloji ve siyasetin önemli bir bileşenini oluşturmaktadır. Ekonomik açıdan sosyal politikaları dışlamayan ama neoliberalizmi temel alan, siyaseten otoriterlik ve kültürel olarak muhafazakârlık paydalarında buluşan popülist radikal sağ partiler toplumlarında var olan kültürel bölünmeleri siyasal çıkarları için kullanmaktadırlar. Ancak bu partilerin kültür savaşlarındaki tutumları sadece iktidar stratejileriyle açıklanamaz. Çünkü bu partiler ideolojik olarak muhafazakâr kültürel programa sahip ve liberal/sol değerlere karşı kültür savaşları yürüten partilerdir. Siyasal sistemde yerleşik birer güce dönüştükçe bu alanda daha etkili hale gelmektedirler. İtalya’da 2022 yılında iktidara gelen İtalya’nın Kardeşleri Partisi (Fratelli d’Italia – FdI) bu anlamda dikkate değer bir örnektir. “Tanrı, Aile ve Anavatan” değerleri temelindeki söylemleri FdI’nin iktidar yürüyüşünde ve hükümet politikalarında etkili olmuştur. Liberal/sol kültürel değerlerin İtalya’daki hegemonyasını kırmayı amaçladığını ilan eden FdI örneği, popülistlerin kültür savaşlarında Batı Avrupa’da da güç kazanmakta olduğunu göstermektedir.

Ethical Statement

Bu çalışma 7-8 Ekim 2023 tarihleri arasında Bilkent Üniversitesi’nde gerçekleştirilen Siyasi İlimler Türk Derneği II. Ulusal Siyaset Bilimi Kongresi’nde sunulan bildirinin geliştirilmiş halidir. Öz’ün İngilizce’ye çevirisinde DeepL çeviri uygulaması kullanılmıştır.


  • Amante, Angelo (2023), “Italian First! Meloni’s Nationalists Defend Cultural Identity at the Risk of Irking EU”, (15.03.2024). Ansa (2023a), “FdI Aims to Ban Foreign Words”, (22.03.2024).
  • Ansa (2023b), “Govt Presents Decrees on Insect Products in Food”, “ (22.03.2024).
  • Barša, Pavel, Zora Hesová ve Ondřej Slačálek (2021), Culture Wars in the Middle of Europe, Central European Culture Wars: Beyond Post-Communism and Populism (Prague: Filozofická Fakulta Univerzity Karlovy).
  • Basketter, Simon (2022), “Why We Say the Brothers of Italy are Fascists”, Socialist Worker, (30.07.2024).
  • Betz, Hans-Georg (1993), “The New Politics of Resentment: Radical Right-Wing Populist Parties in Western Europe”, Comparative Politics, 25 (4): 413-427.
  • Betz, Hans-Georg (1994), Radical Right-Wing Populism in Western Europe (Houndsmill&London: Macmillan).
  • Bordignon, Fabio, Luigi Ceccarini ve James L. Newell (2023), “Introduction: Italian Voters—Where They Have Come From and Where They Are Going”, Bordignon, Fabio, Luigi Ceccarini ve James L. Newell (Der.), Italy at the Polls 2022 The Right Strikes Back (London: Palgrave Macmillan): 1-22.
  • Bornschier, Simon (2010), “The New Cultural Divide and the Two-Dimensional Political Space in Western Europe”, West European Politics, 33 (3): 419-444.
  • Broder, David (2023a), “Giorgia Meloni’s Bootstrap Ideology”, (14.05.2024).
  • Broder, David (2023b), “Giorgia Meloni’s Government Declares War on Same-Sex Parents”, (14.03.2024).
  • Burdeau, Cain (2023), “Italy’s Meloni Turns to Culture After Muted Debut”, (17.03.2024).
  • Caramani, Daniele ve Luca Manucci (2019), “National Past and Populism: the Reelaboration of Fascism and Its Impact on Right-Wing Populism in Western Europe”, West European Politics, 42 (6): 1159-1187.
  • Carboni, Kevin (2023), “Cos'è la Convenzione di Istanbul che Lega e Fratelli d'Italia Non Hanno Voluto Sostenere”,'uguaglianza%20tra%20uomo,e%20violazione%20dei%20diritti%20umani. (16.03.2024).
  • Chueri, Juliana (2023), “What Distinguishes Radical Right Welfare Chauvinism? Excluding Different Migrant Groups from the Welfare State”, Journal of European Social Policy, 33 (1): 84-100.
  • Di Donfrancesco, Gabriele (2023), “Italy's LGBTQ+ Community Decries Government's Attacks on Same-Sex Parental Rights”, (16.03.2024).
  • Diamanti, Ilvo (2007), “The Italian Centre-Right and Centre-Left: Between Parties and ‘the Party’”, West European Politics, 30 (4): 733-762.
  • Dodman, Benjamin (2022), “We’ve Tried Them All, Except Meloni’: Far-Right Leader Tipped to Become Italy’s First Female PM”, (15.03.2024).
  • Donà, Alessia (2022), “The Rise of the Radical Right in Italy: the Case of Fratelli d’Italia”, Journal of Modern Italian Studies, 27 (5): 775-794.
  • European Conservatives and Reformists Group (2024), (15.03.2024).
  • European Parliament Political Groups (2024), (29.07.2024).
  • Fratelli d’Italia (2024), (15.03.2024).
  • Fratelli d’Italia (2022a), “Programma- Elezzioni Politiche 25 Settembre 2022. Pronti per Risollevare l’Italia, (15.03.2024).
  • Fratelli d’Italia (2022b), “Accordo Quadro di Programma per un Governo di Centrodestra”, (15.03.2024).
  • Garzia, Diego (2019), “The Italian Election of 2018 and the First Populist Government of Western Europe”, West European Politics, 42 (3): 670-680.
  • Garzia, Diego (2023), “The Italian Parliamentary Election of 2022: the Populist Radical Right Takes Charge”, West European Politics, 46 (5): 1038-1048.
  • Gidron, Noam ve Peter A. Hall (2017), “The Politics of Social Status: Economic and Cultural Roots of the Populist Right”, The British Journal of Sociology, 68 (1): 57-84.
  • Hafez, Farid (2023), “Italy: Meloni’s Islamophobic Policies are Pushing Muslims to the Margins”, (15.03.2024).
  • Holesch, Adam ve Piotr Zagórski (2022), “Does Fratelli d’Italia’s Rise to Government Signal a New Era for the Far right in Europe?”, (15.03.2024).
  • Hesova, Zora (2023), “Culture Wars in Central Europe: A Different Playbook with Evolving Actors”. Illiberalism Studies Program, Culture Wars Papers, 38: 1-4 (15.03.2024).
  • Hunter, James Davison (1991), Culture Wars: The Struggle to Define America (New York: Basic Books).
  • Hunter, James Davison (2021) “How ‘the Culture War’ Could Break Democracy”, , (15.03.2024).
  • Ivarsflaten, Elisabeth (2008), “What Unites Right-Wing Populists in Western Europe?” Re-examining Grievance Mobilization Models in Seven Successful Cases”, Comparative Political Studies, 41 (1): 3-23.
  • Jossa, Stefano (2023), “Dante Was the Founder of Italy’s Right Wing, Claims Culture Minister – An Expert Explains Why He’s Wrong”, (16.03.2024).
  • Kaya, Ayhan ve Ayşe Tecmen (2019), “Europe versus Islam? Right-Wing Populist Discourse and the Construction of a Civilizational Dimension”, The Review of Faith & International Affairs, 17 (1): 49-64.
  • Kaval, Allan (2023), “Giorgia Meloni's Right-Wing Government Takes on Italy's Culture Sector”, (16.03.2024).
  • Kriesi, Hanspeter, Edgar Grande, Romain Lachat, Martin Dolezal, Simon Bornschier ve Timotheos Frey (2006), “Globalization and the Transformation of the National Political Space: Six European Countries Compared”, European Journal of Political Research, 45 (6): 921-956.
  • La Repubblica (2022), “Ecco il Discorso Integrale di Giorgia Meloni alla Camera per la Fiducia al Governo”, (16.03.2024).
  • La Stampa (2023), "Meloni? Oggi Onoriamo la Resistenza", (16.03.2024).
  • Meloni, Giorgia (2017), “Famiglia e Natalità”, (22.03.2024). Meloni, Giorgia (2019), “Il Discorso Integrale di Giorgia Meloni in Piazza San Giovanni a Roma”, (22.03.2024).
  • Meloni, Giorgia (2022), “Giorgia Meloni Incita i Militanti di Vox in Spagna: "No alla Lobby Lgbt, sì alla Famiglia Tradizionale", (15.03.2024).
  • Meloni, Giorgia (2023), “Il 25 Aprile Sia la Festa della Libertà: I Valori Democratici Ora Difendiamoli in Ucraina. Fascismo, Noi Incompatibili con Qualsiasi Nostalgia”, , (15.03.2024).
  • Mudde, Cas (2004), “The Populist Zeitgeist”, Government and Opposition, 34 (4): 541-563.
  • Mudde, Cas (2007), Populist Radical Right Parties in Europe (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press).
  • Newell, James L. (2022), “What Giorgia Meloni’s Maiden Speech to Parliament Told Us About Italy’s Future”, (16.03.2024).
  • Newth, George (2022), “Giorgia Meloni and the Return of Fascism: How Italy Got There?”, The Week, (30.07.2024). Norris, Pippa ve Ronald Inglehart (2019), Cultural Backlash - Trump, Brexit, and Authoritarian Populism (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press).
  • Noury, Abdul ve Gerard Roland (2020), “Identity Politics and Populism in Europe”, Annual Review of Political Science, 23: 421–39.
  • Oesch, Daniel (2008), “Explaining Workers’ Support for Right-Wing Populist Parties in Western Europe: Evidence from Austria, Belgium, France, Norway, and Switzerland”, International Political Science Review, 29 (3): 349-373. Oswald, Michael (Der.) (2022), The Palgrave Handbook of Populism (London: Palgrave Macmillan).
  • Öner, Selcen (2022), “‘Europe’ of Populist Radical Right and the Case of Lega of Salvini: Pioneer of a ‘Parochial Europe’?, European Politics and Society, 23 (1): 62-77.
  • Öner, Selcen (2023), “Mainstreaming and Normalization of the Far-Right: Wind of Change Before the 2024 European Elections”, (22.03.2024).
  • Politico (2024), “Germany – National Parliament Voting Intention”, (22.03.2024).
  • Puleo, Leonardo ve Gianluca Piccolino (2022), “Back to the Post-Fascist Past or Landing in the Populist Radical Right? The Brothers of Italy between Continuity and Change”, South European Society and Politics, 27 (3): 359-383.
  • Puleo, Leonardo ve Gianluca Piccolino (2003), “Brothers of Italy is not a Post or Neo-fascist Party, But It Might Pose an Illiberal Challenge”, The Loop – The ECPR’s Political Science Blog, (31.07.2024).
  • Rensmann, Lars (2017), “The Noisy Counter-Revolution: Understanding the Cultural Conditions and Dynamics of Populist Politics in Europe in the Digital Age”, Politics and Governance, 5 (4): 123-135.
  • Roberts, Kenneth M. (2017), “Populism and Populist Parties”, Rovira Kaltwasser, Cristobal, Paul Taggart, Paulina Ochoa Espejo ve Pierre Ostiguy (Der.), The Oxford Handbook of Populism (Oxford: Oxford University Press): 287-304.
  • Roberts, Hannah (2023), “The Purge: Meloni Clears Critics out of Italian Culture”, (16.03.2024).
  • Rovira Kaltwasser, Cristobal, Paul Taggart, Paulina Ochoa Espejo ve Pierre Ostiguy (Der.) (2017), The Oxford Handbook of Populism (Oxford: Oxford University Press).
  • Saylan, İbrahim (2021), “Padanya’dan İtalya’ya: Lega ve Popülizmin Değişken Hedefleri”, Aknur, Müge ve İbrahim Saylan (Der.), Batı Avrupa’da Popülist Radikal Sağ Partiler (Ankara: Nobel Yayınları): 385-430.
  • Şener, Pelin (2022), “İtalya’nın Erkek Kardeşleri’nin Kadın Başbakanı: ‘Tanrı, Aile, Anavatan’ diyen Meloni”, (22.03.2024).
  • Taroor, Ishaan (2022), “The Mainstreaming of the West’s Far Right is Complete”, (16.03.2024).
  • Tg24 (2023a), "Aveva 364 Giorni per Andare a Praga", (17.03.2024).
  • Tg24 (2023b), “Rdc, Stop dal 2024. Quanto Costeranno Assegno d’inclusione e Supporto Formazione e Lavoro?”, (17.03.2024).
  • Valbruzzi, Marco ve Sofia Ventura (2023), “Fratelli d’Italia and Lega What is the Recipe for Success of Italian Populism?, (17.03.2024).
  • Vampa, Davide (2023), Brothers of Italy – A New Populist Wave In An Unstable Party System (Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan).
  • Vercesi, Michelangelo (2023), “Society and Territory: Making Sense of Italian Populism from a Historical Perspective”, Journal of Contemporary European Studies, 31 (1): 111-131.
  • Zulianello, Mattia (2022), “Italian General Election 2022: The Populist Radical Right Goes Mainstream”, Political Insight, 13 (4): 20-23.

Populist Radical Right in Europe and Culture Wars: The Case of Fratelli d’Italia

Year 2025, Volume: 80 Issue: 1, 135 - 158, 13.03.2025


Populist radical right politics has a close relationship with culture wars. In addition to being a variable used to explain the rise of populism, culture wars constitute an important component of populist radical right ideology and politics. Populist radical right parties, which do not exclude social policies in economic terms but are based on neoliberalism, political authoritarianism, and cultural conservatism, use the cultural divisions in their societies for their political interests. However, the attitudes of these parties in culture wars cannot be explained only by their power strategies. Because these parties have an ideologically conservative cultural program and wage culture wars against liberal/ left values. As they become an established power in the political system, they become more effective in this field. The Brothers of Italy (Fratelli d'Italia, or FdI), which came to power in Italy in 2022, is a notable example in this sense. Its discourses based on the values of "God, Family, and Homeland" have been influential in FdI's march to power and government policies. The example of FdI, which declared that it aims to break the hegemony of liberal/left cultural values in Italy, shows that populists are gaining power in Western Europe in the culture wars.


  • Amante, Angelo (2023), “Italian First! Meloni’s Nationalists Defend Cultural Identity at the Risk of Irking EU”, (15.03.2024). Ansa (2023a), “FdI Aims to Ban Foreign Words”, (22.03.2024).
  • Ansa (2023b), “Govt Presents Decrees on Insect Products in Food”, “ (22.03.2024).
  • Barša, Pavel, Zora Hesová ve Ondřej Slačálek (2021), Culture Wars in the Middle of Europe, Central European Culture Wars: Beyond Post-Communism and Populism (Prague: Filozofická Fakulta Univerzity Karlovy).
  • Basketter, Simon (2022), “Why We Say the Brothers of Italy are Fascists”, Socialist Worker, (30.07.2024).
  • Betz, Hans-Georg (1993), “The New Politics of Resentment: Radical Right-Wing Populist Parties in Western Europe”, Comparative Politics, 25 (4): 413-427.
  • Betz, Hans-Georg (1994), Radical Right-Wing Populism in Western Europe (Houndsmill&London: Macmillan).
  • Bordignon, Fabio, Luigi Ceccarini ve James L. Newell (2023), “Introduction: Italian Voters—Where They Have Come From and Where They Are Going”, Bordignon, Fabio, Luigi Ceccarini ve James L. Newell (Der.), Italy at the Polls 2022 The Right Strikes Back (London: Palgrave Macmillan): 1-22.
  • Bornschier, Simon (2010), “The New Cultural Divide and the Two-Dimensional Political Space in Western Europe”, West European Politics, 33 (3): 419-444.
  • Broder, David (2023a), “Giorgia Meloni’s Bootstrap Ideology”, (14.05.2024).
  • Broder, David (2023b), “Giorgia Meloni’s Government Declares War on Same-Sex Parents”, (14.03.2024).
  • Burdeau, Cain (2023), “Italy’s Meloni Turns to Culture After Muted Debut”, (17.03.2024).
  • Caramani, Daniele ve Luca Manucci (2019), “National Past and Populism: the Reelaboration of Fascism and Its Impact on Right-Wing Populism in Western Europe”, West European Politics, 42 (6): 1159-1187.
  • Carboni, Kevin (2023), “Cos'è la Convenzione di Istanbul che Lega e Fratelli d'Italia Non Hanno Voluto Sostenere”,'uguaglianza%20tra%20uomo,e%20violazione%20dei%20diritti%20umani. (16.03.2024).
  • Chueri, Juliana (2023), “What Distinguishes Radical Right Welfare Chauvinism? Excluding Different Migrant Groups from the Welfare State”, Journal of European Social Policy, 33 (1): 84-100.
  • Di Donfrancesco, Gabriele (2023), “Italy's LGBTQ+ Community Decries Government's Attacks on Same-Sex Parental Rights”, (16.03.2024).
  • Diamanti, Ilvo (2007), “The Italian Centre-Right and Centre-Left: Between Parties and ‘the Party’”, West European Politics, 30 (4): 733-762.
  • Dodman, Benjamin (2022), “We’ve Tried Them All, Except Meloni’: Far-Right Leader Tipped to Become Italy’s First Female PM”, (15.03.2024).
  • Donà, Alessia (2022), “The Rise of the Radical Right in Italy: the Case of Fratelli d’Italia”, Journal of Modern Italian Studies, 27 (5): 775-794.
  • European Conservatives and Reformists Group (2024), (15.03.2024).
  • European Parliament Political Groups (2024), (29.07.2024).
  • Fratelli d’Italia (2024), (15.03.2024).
  • Fratelli d’Italia (2022a), “Programma- Elezzioni Politiche 25 Settembre 2022. Pronti per Risollevare l’Italia, (15.03.2024).
  • Fratelli d’Italia (2022b), “Accordo Quadro di Programma per un Governo di Centrodestra”, (15.03.2024).
  • Garzia, Diego (2019), “The Italian Election of 2018 and the First Populist Government of Western Europe”, West European Politics, 42 (3): 670-680.
  • Garzia, Diego (2023), “The Italian Parliamentary Election of 2022: the Populist Radical Right Takes Charge”, West European Politics, 46 (5): 1038-1048.
  • Gidron, Noam ve Peter A. Hall (2017), “The Politics of Social Status: Economic and Cultural Roots of the Populist Right”, The British Journal of Sociology, 68 (1): 57-84.
  • Hafez, Farid (2023), “Italy: Meloni’s Islamophobic Policies are Pushing Muslims to the Margins”, (15.03.2024).
  • Holesch, Adam ve Piotr Zagórski (2022), “Does Fratelli d’Italia’s Rise to Government Signal a New Era for the Far right in Europe?”, (15.03.2024).
  • Hesova, Zora (2023), “Culture Wars in Central Europe: A Different Playbook with Evolving Actors”. Illiberalism Studies Program, Culture Wars Papers, 38: 1-4 (15.03.2024).
  • Hunter, James Davison (1991), Culture Wars: The Struggle to Define America (New York: Basic Books).
  • Hunter, James Davison (2021) “How ‘the Culture War’ Could Break Democracy”, , (15.03.2024).
  • Ivarsflaten, Elisabeth (2008), “What Unites Right-Wing Populists in Western Europe?” Re-examining Grievance Mobilization Models in Seven Successful Cases”, Comparative Political Studies, 41 (1): 3-23.
  • Jossa, Stefano (2023), “Dante Was the Founder of Italy’s Right Wing, Claims Culture Minister – An Expert Explains Why He’s Wrong”, (16.03.2024).
  • Kaya, Ayhan ve Ayşe Tecmen (2019), “Europe versus Islam? Right-Wing Populist Discourse and the Construction of a Civilizational Dimension”, The Review of Faith & International Affairs, 17 (1): 49-64.
  • Kaval, Allan (2023), “Giorgia Meloni's Right-Wing Government Takes on Italy's Culture Sector”, (16.03.2024).
  • Kriesi, Hanspeter, Edgar Grande, Romain Lachat, Martin Dolezal, Simon Bornschier ve Timotheos Frey (2006), “Globalization and the Transformation of the National Political Space: Six European Countries Compared”, European Journal of Political Research, 45 (6): 921-956.
  • La Repubblica (2022), “Ecco il Discorso Integrale di Giorgia Meloni alla Camera per la Fiducia al Governo”, (16.03.2024).
  • La Stampa (2023), "Meloni? Oggi Onoriamo la Resistenza", (16.03.2024).
  • Meloni, Giorgia (2017), “Famiglia e Natalità”, (22.03.2024). Meloni, Giorgia (2019), “Il Discorso Integrale di Giorgia Meloni in Piazza San Giovanni a Roma”, (22.03.2024).
  • Meloni, Giorgia (2022), “Giorgia Meloni Incita i Militanti di Vox in Spagna: "No alla Lobby Lgbt, sì alla Famiglia Tradizionale", (15.03.2024).
  • Meloni, Giorgia (2023), “Il 25 Aprile Sia la Festa della Libertà: I Valori Democratici Ora Difendiamoli in Ucraina. Fascismo, Noi Incompatibili con Qualsiasi Nostalgia”, , (15.03.2024).
  • Mudde, Cas (2004), “The Populist Zeitgeist”, Government and Opposition, 34 (4): 541-563.
  • Mudde, Cas (2007), Populist Radical Right Parties in Europe (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press).
  • Newell, James L. (2022), “What Giorgia Meloni’s Maiden Speech to Parliament Told Us About Italy’s Future”, (16.03.2024).
  • Newth, George (2022), “Giorgia Meloni and the Return of Fascism: How Italy Got There?”, The Week, (30.07.2024). Norris, Pippa ve Ronald Inglehart (2019), Cultural Backlash - Trump, Brexit, and Authoritarian Populism (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press).
  • Noury, Abdul ve Gerard Roland (2020), “Identity Politics and Populism in Europe”, Annual Review of Political Science, 23: 421–39.
  • Oesch, Daniel (2008), “Explaining Workers’ Support for Right-Wing Populist Parties in Western Europe: Evidence from Austria, Belgium, France, Norway, and Switzerland”, International Political Science Review, 29 (3): 349-373. Oswald, Michael (Der.) (2022), The Palgrave Handbook of Populism (London: Palgrave Macmillan).
  • Öner, Selcen (2022), “‘Europe’ of Populist Radical Right and the Case of Lega of Salvini: Pioneer of a ‘Parochial Europe’?, European Politics and Society, 23 (1): 62-77.
  • Öner, Selcen (2023), “Mainstreaming and Normalization of the Far-Right: Wind of Change Before the 2024 European Elections”, (22.03.2024).
  • Politico (2024), “Germany – National Parliament Voting Intention”, (22.03.2024).
  • Puleo, Leonardo ve Gianluca Piccolino (2022), “Back to the Post-Fascist Past or Landing in the Populist Radical Right? The Brothers of Italy between Continuity and Change”, South European Society and Politics, 27 (3): 359-383.
  • Puleo, Leonardo ve Gianluca Piccolino (2003), “Brothers of Italy is not a Post or Neo-fascist Party, But It Might Pose an Illiberal Challenge”, The Loop – The ECPR’s Political Science Blog, (31.07.2024).
  • Rensmann, Lars (2017), “The Noisy Counter-Revolution: Understanding the Cultural Conditions and Dynamics of Populist Politics in Europe in the Digital Age”, Politics and Governance, 5 (4): 123-135.
  • Roberts, Kenneth M. (2017), “Populism and Populist Parties”, Rovira Kaltwasser, Cristobal, Paul Taggart, Paulina Ochoa Espejo ve Pierre Ostiguy (Der.), The Oxford Handbook of Populism (Oxford: Oxford University Press): 287-304.
  • Roberts, Hannah (2023), “The Purge: Meloni Clears Critics out of Italian Culture”, (16.03.2024).
  • Rovira Kaltwasser, Cristobal, Paul Taggart, Paulina Ochoa Espejo ve Pierre Ostiguy (Der.) (2017), The Oxford Handbook of Populism (Oxford: Oxford University Press).
  • Saylan, İbrahim (2021), “Padanya’dan İtalya’ya: Lega ve Popülizmin Değişken Hedefleri”, Aknur, Müge ve İbrahim Saylan (Der.), Batı Avrupa’da Popülist Radikal Sağ Partiler (Ankara: Nobel Yayınları): 385-430.
  • Şener, Pelin (2022), “İtalya’nın Erkek Kardeşleri’nin Kadın Başbakanı: ‘Tanrı, Aile, Anavatan’ diyen Meloni”, (22.03.2024).
  • Taroor, Ishaan (2022), “The Mainstreaming of the West’s Far Right is Complete”, (16.03.2024).
  • Tg24 (2023a), "Aveva 364 Giorni per Andare a Praga", (17.03.2024).
  • Tg24 (2023b), “Rdc, Stop dal 2024. Quanto Costeranno Assegno d’inclusione e Supporto Formazione e Lavoro?”, (17.03.2024).
  • Valbruzzi, Marco ve Sofia Ventura (2023), “Fratelli d’Italia and Lega What is the Recipe for Success of Italian Populism?, (17.03.2024).
  • Vampa, Davide (2023), Brothers of Italy – A New Populist Wave In An Unstable Party System (Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan).
  • Vercesi, Michelangelo (2023), “Society and Territory: Making Sense of Italian Populism from a Historical Perspective”, Journal of Contemporary European Studies, 31 (1): 111-131.
  • Zulianello, Mattia (2022), “Italian General Election 2022: The Populist Radical Right Goes Mainstream”, Political Insight, 13 (4): 20-23.
There are 65 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects European and Region Studies
Journal Section Research Articles

İbrahim Saylan 0000-0002-7395-9963

Early Pub Date January 10, 2025
Publication Date March 13, 2025
Submission Date March 31, 2024
Acceptance Date October 6, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2025 Volume: 80 Issue: 1


APA Saylan, İ. (2025). Avrupa’da Popülist Radikal Sağ ve Kültür Savaşları: İtalya’nn Kardeşleri Partisi Örneği. Ankara Üniversitesi SBF Dergisi, 80(1), 135-158.
AMA Saylan İ. Avrupa’da Popülist Radikal Sağ ve Kültür Savaşları: İtalya’nn Kardeşleri Partisi Örneği. SBF Dergisi. March 2025;80(1):135-158. doi:10.33630/ausbf.1462131
Chicago Saylan, İbrahim. “Avrupa’da Popülist Radikal Sağ Ve Kültür Savaşları: İtalya’nn Kardeşleri Partisi Örneği”. Ankara Üniversitesi SBF Dergisi 80, no. 1 (March 2025): 135-58.
EndNote Saylan İ (March 1, 2025) Avrupa’da Popülist Radikal Sağ ve Kültür Savaşları: İtalya’nn Kardeşleri Partisi Örneği. Ankara Üniversitesi SBF Dergisi 80 1 135–158.
IEEE İ. Saylan, “Avrupa’da Popülist Radikal Sağ ve Kültür Savaşları: İtalya’nn Kardeşleri Partisi Örneği”, SBF Dergisi, vol. 80, no. 1, pp. 135–158, 2025, doi: 10.33630/ausbf.1462131.
ISNAD Saylan, İbrahim. “Avrupa’da Popülist Radikal Sağ Ve Kültür Savaşları: İtalya’nn Kardeşleri Partisi Örneği”. Ankara Üniversitesi SBF Dergisi 80/1 (March 2025), 135-158.
JAMA Saylan İ. Avrupa’da Popülist Radikal Sağ ve Kültür Savaşları: İtalya’nn Kardeşleri Partisi Örneği. SBF Dergisi. 2025;80:135–158.
MLA Saylan, İbrahim. “Avrupa’da Popülist Radikal Sağ Ve Kültür Savaşları: İtalya’nn Kardeşleri Partisi Örneği”. Ankara Üniversitesi SBF Dergisi, vol. 80, no. 1, 2025, pp. 135-58, doi:10.33630/ausbf.1462131.
Vancouver Saylan İ. Avrupa’da Popülist Radikal Sağ ve Kültür Savaşları: İtalya’nn Kardeşleri Partisi Örneği. SBF Dergisi. 2025;80(1):135-58.