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Dış Yardımda Amerikan, Çin ve Türk Yaklaşımları

Year 2018, Volume: 53 Issue: 1, 63 - 86, 08.05.2018


Yaklaşık yetmiş yıldır uluslararası ilişkilerde önde gelen politika
araçlarından birisi olmasına karşın dış yardımın alıcı ülkelere etkisi halen tam
olarak açığa kavuşturulmuş değildir. Amerika Birleşik Devletleri (ABD)
tarafından oluşturulan dış yardım yaklaşımının resmi hedefleri arasında
gelişmekte olan ülkelerde refahı artırma, fiziki altyapıyı geliştirme, eğitim
düzeyini yükseltme ve çocuk ölümlerini azaltmanın yanı sıra yolsuzlukla mücadele
ve demokratikleşme teşviki bulunmaktadır. Ancak, literatür bu yaklaşımın birçok
ülkede ekonomik krizlere, darbelere ve iç çatışmalara yol açtığına işaret
etmektedir. Bu tablonun sebepleri arasında, donör ülkelerin stratejik
çıkarlarının yardımın resmi hedeflerinin önüne geçmesinin yanı sıra, alıcı
ülkelerin yapısal ve kültürel farklılıklarının göz ardı edilmesi gösterilmektedir.
Öte yandan, 2000’li yıllardan başlayarak Çin ve Türkiye kendi dış yardım
yaklaşımlarını geliştirmişlerdir. Çin alıcı ülkelerden siyasi reform talep etmeden
başta petrol olmak üzere enerji altyapısına odaklanmış ve Afrika’nın 1 numaralı
ihracat ortağı haline gelmiştir. Türkiye ise yardımlarında sosyal altyapılar ve
hizmetler sektörüne ağırlık verirken alıcı ülkelerle tarihi ve kültürel
bağlarını güçlendirmektedir. Makale önce söz konusu üç yaklaşımın çerçevelerini
çizmekte, daha sonra bu farklılıkların alıcı ve donör ülkeler için doğuracağı
muhtemel sonuçları tartışmaktadır. 


  • Adam, Christopher S., David L. Bevan. Aid and the Supply Side: Public Investment, Export Performance, and Dutch Disease in Low-Income Countries”, The World Bank Economic Review, Vol. 20, No. 2, 2006, pp. 261-290.
  • Alesina, Alberto and Beatrice Weder. “Do Corrupt Governments Receive Less Foreign Aid?”, The American Economic Review, Vol. 92, No. 4, 2002, pp. 1126-1137.
  • Alesina, Alberto and David Dollar. “Who Gives Foreign Aid to Whom and Why?”, Journal of Economic Growth, No. 5, Mart 2000, pp. 33–63.
  • Apodaca, Clair. “U.S. Human Rights Policy and Foreign Assistance: A Short History”, Institute of International Relations and Area Studies, Ritsumeikan University, No. 3, 2005, pp. 63-80
  • Ball, Richard and Christopher Johnson. “Political, Economic, and Humanitarian Motivations for PL 480 Food Aid: Evidence from Africa”, Economic Development and Cultural Change, Vol. 44, No. 3 April 1996, pp. 515-537.
  • Barrett, Christopher B. “Does Food Aid Stabilize Food Availability?”, Economic Development and Cultural Change, Vol. 49, No. 2, January 2001, pp. 335-349.
  • Behrman, Jere N. “Aid for Economic Development and the Objectives of United States Foreign Economic Policy”, Economic Development and Cultural Change, Vol. 4, No. 1, Chapter 1, October 1955, pp. 55-67.
  • Bengtsson, Niklas. “Catholics versus Protestants: On the Benefit Incidence of Faith-Based Foreign Aid”, Economic Development and Cultural Change, Vol. 61, No. 3, April 2013, pp. 479-502.
  • Bräutigam, Deborah A. and Stephen Knack. “Foreign Aid, Institutions, and Governance in Sub-Saharan Africa”, Economic Development and Cultural Change, Vol. 52, No. 2, January 2004, pp. 255-285.
  • Burnside, Craig and David Dollar. “Aid, Policies, and Growth: Revisiting the Evidence”, World Bank Policy Research Working Paper, No. 3251, March 2004.
  • Dietrich, Simone. “Donor Political Economies and the Pursuit of Aid Effectiveness. dietrich_Donor Political Economies and the Pursuit of Aid Effectiveness”, International Organization, Vol. 70, No. 1, December 2016, pp. 65-102.
  • Durdular, Arzu. “Çin’in “Kuşak-Yol” Projesi ve Türkiye-Çin İlişkilerine Etkisi”, Avrasya Etüdler, S. 49, No 1, 2016, s. 77-97.
  • Feyzioglu, Tarhan, Vinaya Swaroop and Min Zhu. “A Panel Data Analysis of the Fungibility of Foreign Aid”, The World Bank Economic Review, Vol. 12, No. 1, January 1998, pp. 29-58.
  • Girod, Desha M. and Jennifer L. Tobin. “Take the Money and Run: The Determinants of Compliance with Aid Agreements”, International Organization, Vol. 70, No. 1, December 2016, pp. 209-239.
  • Kalaycı, İrfan. “Deniz Ticareti ve Küresel Mali Kriz: İpek Yolu’nda Türkiye İçin Yeni Stratejiler”, Avrasya Etüdler, S. 45, No 3, 2013, s. 87-122.
  • Lancaster, Carol. Foreign Aid: Diplomacy, Development, Domestic Politics, University of Chicago Press, Chicago, 2007. Meernik, James, Eric L. Krueger and Steven C. Poe. “Testing Models of U.S. Foreign Policy: Foreign Aid during and after the Cold War”, The Journal of Politics, No. 60, Sayı 1, 1998, s. 63-85.
  • McGuire, Martin C. “Foreign Assistance, Investment, and Defense: A Methodological Study with an Application to Israel, 1960-1979”, Economic Development and Cultural Change, Vol. 35, No. 4, July 1987, pp. 847-873.
  • Pigato, Miria and Wenxia Tang. “China and Africa: Expanding Economic Ties in an Evolving Global Context”, World Bank Working Paper, No. 95161, 2015.
  • Ramalingam, Ben. Aid on the Edge of Chaos, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2014.
  • Roodman, David. “The Anarchy of Numbers: Aid, Development, and Cross-Country Empirics”, The World Bank Economic Review, Vol. 21, No. 2, 2007, pp. 255-277.
  • Rostow, Walt W. The Stages of Economic Growth: A Non-Communist Manifesto, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2nd edition (orj. 1960).
  • Shoultz, Lars. “U.S. Foreign Policy and Human Rights Violations in Latin America: A Comparative Analysis of Foreign Aid Distributions”, Comparative Politics, No. 13, Vol. 2, 1981, pp. 149-170. TİKA – SGPK Birimi, Kalkınma Yardımlarına İlişkin Tanımlar ve Örnekli Açıklamalar, Ankara, Kasım 2008.
  • Wiarda, Howard J. Political Development in Emerging Nations: Is There Still a Third World?, Thomson/Wadsworth, Stanford, 2004.
  • Zafar, Ali. “The Growing Relationship between China and Sub-Saharan Africa: Macroeconomic, Trade, Investment and Aid Links”, The World Bank Research Observer, Vol. 22, No. 1, Spring 2007, pp. 103-130.
  • African Development Bank, OECD Development Centre, United Nations Development Programme, “African Economic Outlook 2016: Sustainable Cities and Structural Transformation”,; access: 20.12.2017.
  • Birleşmiş Milletler, “United Nations Treaty Series, vol. 299”,; access: 20.12.2017.
  • Çam, Serdar. "Afrika'nın Geleceği Karartılamaz",; access: 20.12.2017.
  • Duggan, Briana. “How did a $12 Million Bridge Collapse in Kenya?”,; access: 07.02.2018.
  • Encyclopedia Brittanica, “Foreign Aid”; access: 20.12.2017.
  • Financial Times, “China Rethinks Approach After Surge in Lending to Risky Countries”,; access: 07.02.2018.
  • Liptak, Kevin, Nicole Gaouette ve Andrew Carey. “Trump Again Threatens to Cut Off Aid to Palestinians”, CNN International,; access: 07.02.2018.
  • Marsh, Jenni. “How a Hong Kong millionaire's bribery case exposes China's corruption problem in Africa”,; access: 07.02.2018.
  • OECD, “Geographical Distribution of Financial Flows to Developing Countries: Disbursements, Committments, Country Indicators”,; access: 20.12.2017.
  • OECD, “Net ODA”,; access: 20.12.2017.
  • OECD, “ODA by sector”,; access: 20.12.2017.
  • Sabah,; access: 07.02.2008.
  • Santos, Lean Alfred. “Building the whole picture of China's growing ODA”,; access: 20.12.2017.
  • Savun, Burcu ve Daniel C. Tirone. “Foreign Aid as a Counterterrorism Tool More Liberty, Less Terror?”, Journal of Conflict Resolution,; access: 07.02.2018.
  • The World Bank, “Net official development assistance received”,; access: 20.12.2017.
  • TİKA, “Türkiye Kalkınma Yardımları Raporu 2015”,
  • TİKA, “Kamerun’daki Gençlere Sağlık Taraması ve Eğitim,; access: 07.02.2018.
  • UNICEF, “China’s Foreign Aid”,; access: 20.12.2017.
  • UNOSSC, “What is South-South Cooperation?”,; access: 07.02.2018.
  • Zhang, Junyi. “Chinese Foreign Assisstance, Explained”,; access: 20.12.2017.
Year 2018, Volume: 53 Issue: 1, 63 - 86, 08.05.2018



  • Adam, Christopher S., David L. Bevan. Aid and the Supply Side: Public Investment, Export Performance, and Dutch Disease in Low-Income Countries”, The World Bank Economic Review, Vol. 20, No. 2, 2006, pp. 261-290.
  • Alesina, Alberto and Beatrice Weder. “Do Corrupt Governments Receive Less Foreign Aid?”, The American Economic Review, Vol. 92, No. 4, 2002, pp. 1126-1137.
  • Alesina, Alberto and David Dollar. “Who Gives Foreign Aid to Whom and Why?”, Journal of Economic Growth, No. 5, Mart 2000, pp. 33–63.
  • Apodaca, Clair. “U.S. Human Rights Policy and Foreign Assistance: A Short History”, Institute of International Relations and Area Studies, Ritsumeikan University, No. 3, 2005, pp. 63-80
  • Ball, Richard and Christopher Johnson. “Political, Economic, and Humanitarian Motivations for PL 480 Food Aid: Evidence from Africa”, Economic Development and Cultural Change, Vol. 44, No. 3 April 1996, pp. 515-537.
  • Barrett, Christopher B. “Does Food Aid Stabilize Food Availability?”, Economic Development and Cultural Change, Vol. 49, No. 2, January 2001, pp. 335-349.
  • Behrman, Jere N. “Aid for Economic Development and the Objectives of United States Foreign Economic Policy”, Economic Development and Cultural Change, Vol. 4, No. 1, Chapter 1, October 1955, pp. 55-67.
  • Bengtsson, Niklas. “Catholics versus Protestants: On the Benefit Incidence of Faith-Based Foreign Aid”, Economic Development and Cultural Change, Vol. 61, No. 3, April 2013, pp. 479-502.
  • Bräutigam, Deborah A. and Stephen Knack. “Foreign Aid, Institutions, and Governance in Sub-Saharan Africa”, Economic Development and Cultural Change, Vol. 52, No. 2, January 2004, pp. 255-285.
  • Burnside, Craig and David Dollar. “Aid, Policies, and Growth: Revisiting the Evidence”, World Bank Policy Research Working Paper, No. 3251, March 2004.
  • Dietrich, Simone. “Donor Political Economies and the Pursuit of Aid Effectiveness. dietrich_Donor Political Economies and the Pursuit of Aid Effectiveness”, International Organization, Vol. 70, No. 1, December 2016, pp. 65-102.
  • Durdular, Arzu. “Çin’in “Kuşak-Yol” Projesi ve Türkiye-Çin İlişkilerine Etkisi”, Avrasya Etüdler, S. 49, No 1, 2016, s. 77-97.
  • Feyzioglu, Tarhan, Vinaya Swaroop and Min Zhu. “A Panel Data Analysis of the Fungibility of Foreign Aid”, The World Bank Economic Review, Vol. 12, No. 1, January 1998, pp. 29-58.
  • Girod, Desha M. and Jennifer L. Tobin. “Take the Money and Run: The Determinants of Compliance with Aid Agreements”, International Organization, Vol. 70, No. 1, December 2016, pp. 209-239.
  • Kalaycı, İrfan. “Deniz Ticareti ve Küresel Mali Kriz: İpek Yolu’nda Türkiye İçin Yeni Stratejiler”, Avrasya Etüdler, S. 45, No 3, 2013, s. 87-122.
  • Lancaster, Carol. Foreign Aid: Diplomacy, Development, Domestic Politics, University of Chicago Press, Chicago, 2007. Meernik, James, Eric L. Krueger and Steven C. Poe. “Testing Models of U.S. Foreign Policy: Foreign Aid during and after the Cold War”, The Journal of Politics, No. 60, Sayı 1, 1998, s. 63-85.
  • McGuire, Martin C. “Foreign Assistance, Investment, and Defense: A Methodological Study with an Application to Israel, 1960-1979”, Economic Development and Cultural Change, Vol. 35, No. 4, July 1987, pp. 847-873.
  • Pigato, Miria and Wenxia Tang. “China and Africa: Expanding Economic Ties in an Evolving Global Context”, World Bank Working Paper, No. 95161, 2015.
  • Ramalingam, Ben. Aid on the Edge of Chaos, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2014.
  • Roodman, David. “The Anarchy of Numbers: Aid, Development, and Cross-Country Empirics”, The World Bank Economic Review, Vol. 21, No. 2, 2007, pp. 255-277.
  • Rostow, Walt W. The Stages of Economic Growth: A Non-Communist Manifesto, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2nd edition (orj. 1960).
  • Shoultz, Lars. “U.S. Foreign Policy and Human Rights Violations in Latin America: A Comparative Analysis of Foreign Aid Distributions”, Comparative Politics, No. 13, Vol. 2, 1981, pp. 149-170. TİKA – SGPK Birimi, Kalkınma Yardımlarına İlişkin Tanımlar ve Örnekli Açıklamalar, Ankara, Kasım 2008.
  • Wiarda, Howard J. Political Development in Emerging Nations: Is There Still a Third World?, Thomson/Wadsworth, Stanford, 2004.
  • Zafar, Ali. “The Growing Relationship between China and Sub-Saharan Africa: Macroeconomic, Trade, Investment and Aid Links”, The World Bank Research Observer, Vol. 22, No. 1, Spring 2007, pp. 103-130.
  • African Development Bank, OECD Development Centre, United Nations Development Programme, “African Economic Outlook 2016: Sustainable Cities and Structural Transformation”,; access: 20.12.2017.
  • Birleşmiş Milletler, “United Nations Treaty Series, vol. 299”,; access: 20.12.2017.
  • Çam, Serdar. "Afrika'nın Geleceği Karartılamaz",; access: 20.12.2017.
  • Duggan, Briana. “How did a $12 Million Bridge Collapse in Kenya?”,; access: 07.02.2018.
  • Encyclopedia Brittanica, “Foreign Aid”; access: 20.12.2017.
  • Financial Times, “China Rethinks Approach After Surge in Lending to Risky Countries”,; access: 07.02.2018.
  • Liptak, Kevin, Nicole Gaouette ve Andrew Carey. “Trump Again Threatens to Cut Off Aid to Palestinians”, CNN International,; access: 07.02.2018.
  • Marsh, Jenni. “How a Hong Kong millionaire's bribery case exposes China's corruption problem in Africa”,; access: 07.02.2018.
  • OECD, “Geographical Distribution of Financial Flows to Developing Countries: Disbursements, Committments, Country Indicators”,; access: 20.12.2017.
  • OECD, “Net ODA”,; access: 20.12.2017.
  • OECD, “ODA by sector”,; access: 20.12.2017.
  • Sabah,; access: 07.02.2008.
  • Santos, Lean Alfred. “Building the whole picture of China's growing ODA”,; access: 20.12.2017.
  • Savun, Burcu ve Daniel C. Tirone. “Foreign Aid as a Counterterrorism Tool More Liberty, Less Terror?”, Journal of Conflict Resolution,; access: 07.02.2018.
  • The World Bank, “Net official development assistance received”,; access: 20.12.2017.
  • TİKA, “Türkiye Kalkınma Yardımları Raporu 2015”,
  • TİKA, “Kamerun’daki Gençlere Sağlık Taraması ve Eğitim,; access: 07.02.2018.
  • UNICEF, “China’s Foreign Aid”,; access: 20.12.2017.
  • UNOSSC, “What is South-South Cooperation?”,; access: 07.02.2018.
  • Zhang, Junyi. “Chinese Foreign Assisstance, Explained”,; access: 20.12.2017.
There are 44 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Article

Murat Bayar This is me

Publication Date May 8, 2018
Published in Issue Year 2018 Volume: 53 Issue: 1


APA Bayar, M. (2018). Dış Yardımda Amerikan, Çin ve Türk Yaklaşımları. Avrasya Etüdleri, 53(1), 63-86.
AMA Bayar M. Dış Yardımda Amerikan, Çin ve Türk Yaklaşımları. Avrasya Etüdleri. May 2018;53(1):63-86.
Chicago Bayar, Murat. “Dış Yardımda Amerikan, Çin Ve Türk Yaklaşımları”. Avrasya Etüdleri 53, no. 1 (May 2018): 63-86.
EndNote Bayar M (May 1, 2018) Dış Yardımda Amerikan, Çin ve Türk Yaklaşımları. Avrasya Etüdleri 53 1 63–86.
IEEE M. Bayar, “Dış Yardımda Amerikan, Çin ve Türk Yaklaşımları”, Avrasya Etüdleri, vol. 53, no. 1, pp. 63–86, 2018.
ISNAD Bayar, Murat. “Dış Yardımda Amerikan, Çin Ve Türk Yaklaşımları”. Avrasya Etüdleri 53/1 (May 2018), 63-86.
JAMA Bayar M. Dış Yardımda Amerikan, Çin ve Türk Yaklaşımları. Avrasya Etüdleri. 2018;53:63–86.
MLA Bayar, Murat. “Dış Yardımda Amerikan, Çin Ve Türk Yaklaşımları”. Avrasya Etüdleri, vol. 53, no. 1, 2018, pp. 63-86.
Vancouver Bayar M. Dış Yardımda Amerikan, Çin ve Türk Yaklaşımları. Avrasya Etüdleri. 2018;53(1):63-86.