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Anaplasmosisli Keçilerde Bazı Oksidatif Stres Parametreleri ile Element Seviyeleri

Yıl 2019, Cilt: 2 Sayı: 4 - Ek sayı, 173 - 178, 30.12.2019


Anaplasma türlerinin meydana getirdiği anaplasmosis, tropik ve subtropik iklim bölgelerindeki memeli hayvanlardagörülen enfeksiyöz bir hastalıktır. Bu çalışma, anaplasmosis ile doğal enfekte keçilerde, bazı oksidatif stres parametleriile element düzeylerini tespit etmek için yapıldı. Bu çalışmanın materyalini Van Büyükşehir Belediyesi Mezbahanesinekesim için getirilen ortalama 1.5-2 yaşlarında Kıl keçisi oluşturdu. 91 keçiden alınan kan örneklerinin, klinik veparazitolojik incelenmesi (giemsa boyalı perifer kan frotileri ve serolojik yöntem (cELISA)) sonucu anaplasmosistanısı konulan 35 keçi enfekte grup ve tanı konulmayan 10 adet keçi sağlıklı grup olarak kullanıldı. Her bir hayvanınvena jugularisinden antikoagulantsız tüplere alınan kanlar 2000 rpm devirde 10 dk santrifüj edilerek serumlarıçıkarıldı. Elde edilen serumlarda malondialdehit (MDA) ve glutatyon (GSH) seviyeleri ile katalaz (CAT) enzim aktivitesispetkrofotometrik yöntemle, element (bakır, demir, magnezyum, potasyum, çinko, sodyum, mangan ve kalsiyum)analizi ise atomik absorpsiyon spektrometresinde (AAS, Thermo Scientific, Model: İCE-3000 series) yapıldı. Eldeedilen verilerin, istatistik hesaplamaları SPSS 22 programı (Mann-Whitney U testi) kullanılarak yapıldı. Sağlıklı grubagöre, enfekte keçilerinde, oksidatif stres belirteçi olan MDA seviyesinin önemli oranda arttığı, GSH seviyesi ile CATenzim aktivitesi ise azaldığı görüldü (P<0.05). Bununla birlikte anaplasmosisli keçilerde bakır ve demir miktarlarınınönemli oranda arttığı, magnezyum, potasyum, çinko, sodyum, mangan ve kalsiyum seviyelerinin ise azaldığı (P<0.05)tespit edildi. Anaplasmosisli keçilerde oksidatif stres parametreleri ile element seviyeleri önemli oranda değişiklikgösterdi. Bu bulgu hastalığın ayrıca tanı, prognoz ve tedavisinin değerlendirmesinde yararlı olabilir.


  • Akış ME, Dede S. (2009). Babesiosisli koyunlarda çinko vebakır konsantrasyonları ve karbonik anhidraz enzimaktivitesinin saptanması. YYU Veteriner Fakultesi Dergisi,20 (2): 33-37.
  • Biçek K, Değer Y, Değer S. (2005). Some Biochemical andHaematological Parameters of Sheep Infected withBabesia species. YYÜ Vet Fak Derg, 16 (1):33-35
  • Chaudhuri S, Varshney JP, Patra RC. (2008). Erythrocyticantioxidant defense, lipid peroxidase level and blood iron,zinc and copper concentrations in dogs naturally infectedwith Babesia gibsoni. Res. Vet. Sci., 85: 120-124
  • Chiou SP, Yokoyama N, Igarashi I, Kitoh K, Takashima Y. (2012).Serum of Babesia rodhaini infected mice down regulatescatalase activity of healthy erythrocytes. Exp. Parasitol.132: 327–333.
  • Col R, Uslu U. (2007). Changes in selected serum coponents incattle naturally infected with Theileria annulata. Bull. Vet.Inst. Pulawy, 51: 15-18.
  • Crnogaj M, Cerón JJ, Šmit I, Kiš I, Gotić J, Brkljačić M,Matijatko V, Rubio CP, Kučer N, Mrljak V. (2017). Relation ofantioxidant status at admission and disease severity andoutcome in dogs naturally infected with Babesia caniscanis. BMC Vet Res, 13:114.
  • De U, Dey S, Banerjee P and Sahoo M. (2012). Correlationsamong Anaplasma marginale parasitemia and markersof oxidative stress in crossbred calves. Tropical AnimalHealth and Production, 44: 385–388.
  • Dede S, Deger Y, Deger S, Tanrıtanır P. (2008). Plasma levelsof zinc, copper, copper/zinc ratio, and activity of carbonicanhydrase in equine piroplasmosis. Biol Trace Elem Res,125: 41-45.
  • Deger S, Deger Y, Bicek K, Ozdal N, and Gul A. (2009). Statusof lipid peroxidation, antioxidants, and oxidation productsof nitric oxide in equine babesiosis: status of antioxidantand oxidant in equine babesiosis. Journal of EquineVeterinary Science, 29(10): 743-747
  • Değer S, Biçek K, Değer Y. (2005). Theileriosisli sığırlarda bazıbiyokimyasal parametrelerdeki (Demir, Bakır, Vit C, Vit E)değişiklikler. YYÜ Vet Fak Derg, 16: 49-50.
  • El-Ashker M, Hotzel H, Gwida M, El-Beskawy M, Silaghi C,Tomaso H. (2015). Molecular biological identification ofBabesia, Theileria, and Anaplasma species in cattle inEgypt using PCR assays, gene sequence analysis and anovel DNA microarray. Vet Parasitol, 30(3-4):329-34.
  • Ergönül S, Kontaş Aşkar T. (2009). Anaplasmosis’li sığırlardaısı şok protein (HSP), malondialdehit (MDA), nitrik oksit(NO) ve interlökin (IL-6, IL-10) düzeylerinin araştırılması.Kafkas Univ Vet Fak Derg, 15 (4): 575-79.
  • Esmaeilnejad B, Tavassoli M, Asri-Rezaei S, Dalir NaghadehB. (2012). Evaluation of antioxidant status and oxidativestress in sheep naturally infected with Babesia ovis. VetParasitol, 185: 124-130.
  • Garba UM, Sackey AKB, Agbede RIS, Tekdek LB and Bisalla M.(2012). Plasma total protein, serum calcium and inorganicphosphate levels in Nigerian horses with naturalpiroplasmosis. J. Phys. Pharm. Adv., 2: 117-121.
  • Goth L. (1991). A simple method for determi-nation of serumcatalase activity and revision of reference range. ClinChim Acta; 196: 143-152.
  • Hashem MA, Neamat-Allah ANF, Gheith MA. (2018). A studyon bovine babesiosis and treatment with reference tohematobiochemical and molecular diagnosis. Slov VetRes, 55: 165–73
  • Jalali SM, Bahrami S, Rasooli A, Hasanvand S. (2016).Evaluation of oxidant/antioxidant status, trace minerallevels, and erythrocyte osmotic fragility in goats naturallyinfected with Anaplasma ovis. Trop Anim Health Prod,48:1175–1181.
  • Khan IA, Khan A, Hussaın A, Rıaz A, Azız A. (2011). Hematobiochemicalalterations in cross bred cattle affected withbovine Theileriosis in semi arid zone. Pakistan. Vet. J., 31:137-140.
  • Koenhemsi L, Ateş Alkan F, Morganti G, Barutçu BÜ, OrEM. (2019). Evaluation of trace elements in equinepiroplasmosis. Medycyna weterynaryjna, 75(02):6230·
  • Kozat S, Yüksek N, Altuğ N, Ağaoğlu ZT, Erçin F. (2003).Studies on the effect of iron preparations in addition tobabesiosis treatment on the haematological and somemineral levels in sheep naturally infected with Babesiaovis. YYÜ Vet Fak Derg, 14(2): 18-21.
  • Mert H, Mert N, Dogan I, Cellat M, Yasar S. (2008). Elementstatus in different breeds of dogs. Biol Trace Elem Res.,125(2):154-9.
  • Morton S, Robert DJ. (1993). Unicam AAS Methods, ManualIssue 2 (05/93) Universty of Bristol, UK Placer ZA,Cushman LL, Johnson BC. Estimation of product of lipidperoxidation (malonyl dialdehyde) in biochemical systems.Anal Biochem, 16: 359–364.
  • Razavi SM, Nazifi S, Bateni M. (2011). Rakhshandehroo E.Alterations of erythrocyte antioxidant mechanisms:antioxidant enzymes, lipid peroxidation and serum traceelements associated with anemia in bovine tropicaltheileriosis. Veterinary parasitoloji, 180 (3-4): 209-214.
  • Rezai, SA and Dalir-Naghadeh B. (2006). Evaluation ofantioxidant status and oxidative stress in cattle naturallyinfected with Theileria annulata. Vet Parasitol., 142: 179-186.
  • Sedlak J, Lindsay R.H. 1968, Estimation of total, proteinbound,and nonprotein sulfhydryl groups in tissue withEllman’s reagent, Anal Biochem, 25:192-205
  • Shabana II, Alhadlag NM, Zaraket H. (2018). Diagnostic toolsof caprine and ovine anaplasmosis: a direct comparativestudy. BMC Veterinary Research, 14:165.
  • Takeet M, Adeleye A, Adebayo O and Akande F. (2009).Haematology and serum biochemical alteration in stressinduced equine theileriosis. A case report. Science WorldJournal, 4(2): 19-21.
  • Vidhyalakshmi TM, Raval SK, Parikh PV, Patel PV. (2018).Biochemical alterations in Horses Infected with Theileriaequi. The Indian Journal of Veterinary Sciences &Biotechnology, 14(2): 30-33.
  • Zaeemi M, Razmi GR, Mohammadi GR, Abedi V, YaghfooriS. (2016). Evaluation of serum biochemical profile inTurkoman horses and donkeys infected with Theileriaequi. Rev Méd Vét, 167(11-12): 301–309.

Some Oxidative Stress Parameters and Element Levels in Anaplasmosis Goats

Yıl 2019, Cilt: 2 Sayı: 4 - Ek sayı, 173 - 178, 30.12.2019


Anaplasmosis caused by Anaplasma species is an infectious disease in mammals in tropical and subtropical climaticregions. This study was performed to determine some oxidative stress parameters and element levels in naturallyinfected goats with anaplasmosis. The material of this study consisted of Hair goats aged 1.5-2 years who werebrought to the Slaughterhouse of Van Metropolitan Municipality for slaughtering. Blood samples were collected from91 goats. 35 goat infected groups diagnosed as anaplasmosis and 10 goat undiagnosed goats were used as healthygroup after clinical and parasitological examination (giemsa stained peripheral blood frots and serological method(cELISA)). Blood was taken from the animal’s vena jugularis. The blood samples were taken into anticoagulant tubesand centrifuged at 2000 rpm for 10 minutes. Serum malondialdehyde (MDA) and glutathione (GSH) levels with catalase(CAT) enzyme activity were determined by spectrophotometric method and element (copper, iron, magnesium,potassium, zinc, sodium, manganese and calcium) analysis were performed in atomic absorption spectrometer (AAS,Thermo Scientific, Model: ICE-3000 series). Statistical analysis of the data was performed using SPSS 22 program(Mann-Whitney U test). It was observed that oxidative stress marker MDA level was significantly increased and GSHlevel with CAT enzyme activity decreased in infected goats compared to healthy group (P <0.05). However, it wasfound that copper and iron levels increased significantly and magnesium, potassium, zinc, sodium, manganese andcalcium levels decreased in goats with anaplasmosis (P <0.05). Anaplasmosis goats showed significant changes inoxidative stress parameters and element levels. This finding may be useful in the diagnosis, prognosis and treatmentof the disease.


  • Akış ME, Dede S. (2009). Babesiosisli koyunlarda çinko vebakır konsantrasyonları ve karbonik anhidraz enzimaktivitesinin saptanması. YYU Veteriner Fakultesi Dergisi,20 (2): 33-37.
  • Biçek K, Değer Y, Değer S. (2005). Some Biochemical andHaematological Parameters of Sheep Infected withBabesia species. YYÜ Vet Fak Derg, 16 (1):33-35
  • Chaudhuri S, Varshney JP, Patra RC. (2008). Erythrocyticantioxidant defense, lipid peroxidase level and blood iron,zinc and copper concentrations in dogs naturally infectedwith Babesia gibsoni. Res. Vet. Sci., 85: 120-124
  • Chiou SP, Yokoyama N, Igarashi I, Kitoh K, Takashima Y. (2012).Serum of Babesia rodhaini infected mice down regulatescatalase activity of healthy erythrocytes. Exp. Parasitol.132: 327–333.
  • Col R, Uslu U. (2007). Changes in selected serum coponents incattle naturally infected with Theileria annulata. Bull. Vet.Inst. Pulawy, 51: 15-18.
  • Crnogaj M, Cerón JJ, Šmit I, Kiš I, Gotić J, Brkljačić M,Matijatko V, Rubio CP, Kučer N, Mrljak V. (2017). Relation ofantioxidant status at admission and disease severity andoutcome in dogs naturally infected with Babesia caniscanis. BMC Vet Res, 13:114.
  • De U, Dey S, Banerjee P and Sahoo M. (2012). Correlationsamong Anaplasma marginale parasitemia and markersof oxidative stress in crossbred calves. Tropical AnimalHealth and Production, 44: 385–388.
  • Dede S, Deger Y, Deger S, Tanrıtanır P. (2008). Plasma levelsof zinc, copper, copper/zinc ratio, and activity of carbonicanhydrase in equine piroplasmosis. Biol Trace Elem Res,125: 41-45.
  • Deger S, Deger Y, Bicek K, Ozdal N, and Gul A. (2009). Statusof lipid peroxidation, antioxidants, and oxidation productsof nitric oxide in equine babesiosis: status of antioxidantand oxidant in equine babesiosis. Journal of EquineVeterinary Science, 29(10): 743-747
  • Değer S, Biçek K, Değer Y. (2005). Theileriosisli sığırlarda bazıbiyokimyasal parametrelerdeki (Demir, Bakır, Vit C, Vit E)değişiklikler. YYÜ Vet Fak Derg, 16: 49-50.
  • El-Ashker M, Hotzel H, Gwida M, El-Beskawy M, Silaghi C,Tomaso H. (2015). Molecular biological identification ofBabesia, Theileria, and Anaplasma species in cattle inEgypt using PCR assays, gene sequence analysis and anovel DNA microarray. Vet Parasitol, 30(3-4):329-34.
  • Ergönül S, Kontaş Aşkar T. (2009). Anaplasmosis’li sığırlardaısı şok protein (HSP), malondialdehit (MDA), nitrik oksit(NO) ve interlökin (IL-6, IL-10) düzeylerinin araştırılması.Kafkas Univ Vet Fak Derg, 15 (4): 575-79.
  • Esmaeilnejad B, Tavassoli M, Asri-Rezaei S, Dalir NaghadehB. (2012). Evaluation of antioxidant status and oxidativestress in sheep naturally infected with Babesia ovis. VetParasitol, 185: 124-130.
  • Garba UM, Sackey AKB, Agbede RIS, Tekdek LB and Bisalla M.(2012). Plasma total protein, serum calcium and inorganicphosphate levels in Nigerian horses with naturalpiroplasmosis. J. Phys. Pharm. Adv., 2: 117-121.
  • Goth L. (1991). A simple method for determi-nation of serumcatalase activity and revision of reference range. ClinChim Acta; 196: 143-152.
  • Hashem MA, Neamat-Allah ANF, Gheith MA. (2018). A studyon bovine babesiosis and treatment with reference tohematobiochemical and molecular diagnosis. Slov VetRes, 55: 165–73
  • Jalali SM, Bahrami S, Rasooli A, Hasanvand S. (2016).Evaluation of oxidant/antioxidant status, trace minerallevels, and erythrocyte osmotic fragility in goats naturallyinfected with Anaplasma ovis. Trop Anim Health Prod,48:1175–1181.
  • Khan IA, Khan A, Hussaın A, Rıaz A, Azız A. (2011). Hematobiochemicalalterations in cross bred cattle affected withbovine Theileriosis in semi arid zone. Pakistan. Vet. J., 31:137-140.
  • Koenhemsi L, Ateş Alkan F, Morganti G, Barutçu BÜ, OrEM. (2019). Evaluation of trace elements in equinepiroplasmosis. Medycyna weterynaryjna, 75(02):6230·
  • Kozat S, Yüksek N, Altuğ N, Ağaoğlu ZT, Erçin F. (2003).Studies on the effect of iron preparations in addition tobabesiosis treatment on the haematological and somemineral levels in sheep naturally infected with Babesiaovis. YYÜ Vet Fak Derg, 14(2): 18-21.
  • Mert H, Mert N, Dogan I, Cellat M, Yasar S. (2008). Elementstatus in different breeds of dogs. Biol Trace Elem Res.,125(2):154-9.
  • Morton S, Robert DJ. (1993). Unicam AAS Methods, ManualIssue 2 (05/93) Universty of Bristol, UK Placer ZA,Cushman LL, Johnson BC. Estimation of product of lipidperoxidation (malonyl dialdehyde) in biochemical systems.Anal Biochem, 16: 359–364.
  • Razavi SM, Nazifi S, Bateni M. (2011). Rakhshandehroo E.Alterations of erythrocyte antioxidant mechanisms:antioxidant enzymes, lipid peroxidation and serum traceelements associated with anemia in bovine tropicaltheileriosis. Veterinary parasitoloji, 180 (3-4): 209-214.
  • Rezai, SA and Dalir-Naghadeh B. (2006). Evaluation ofantioxidant status and oxidative stress in cattle naturallyinfected with Theileria annulata. Vet Parasitol., 142: 179-186.
  • Sedlak J, Lindsay R.H. 1968, Estimation of total, proteinbound,and nonprotein sulfhydryl groups in tissue withEllman’s reagent, Anal Biochem, 25:192-205
  • Shabana II, Alhadlag NM, Zaraket H. (2018). Diagnostic toolsof caprine and ovine anaplasmosis: a direct comparativestudy. BMC Veterinary Research, 14:165.
  • Takeet M, Adeleye A, Adebayo O and Akande F. (2009).Haematology and serum biochemical alteration in stressinduced equine theileriosis. A case report. Science WorldJournal, 4(2): 19-21.
  • Vidhyalakshmi TM, Raval SK, Parikh PV, Patel PV. (2018).Biochemical alterations in Horses Infected with Theileriaequi. The Indian Journal of Veterinary Sciences &Biotechnology, 14(2): 30-33.
  • Zaeemi M, Razmi GR, Mohammadi GR, Abedi V, YaghfooriS. (2016). Evaluation of serum biochemical profile inTurkoman horses and donkeys infected with Theileriaequi. Rev Méd Vét, 167(11-12): 301–309.
Toplam 29 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Sağlık Kurumları Yönetimi
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Uğur Özdek

Bekir Oğuz Bu kişi benim

Yeter Değer Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 30 Aralık 2019
Gönderilme Tarihi 30 Ekim 2019
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2019 Cilt: 2 Sayı: 4 - Ek sayı

Kaynak Göster

APA Özdek, U., Oğuz, B., & Değer, Y. (2019). Anaplasmosisli Keçilerde Bazı Oksidatif Stres Parametreleri ile Element Seviyeleri. Avrasya Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi, 2(4), 173-178.
AMA Özdek U, Oğuz B, Değer Y. Anaplasmosisli Keçilerde Bazı Oksidatif Stres Parametreleri ile Element Seviyeleri. AvrasyaSBD. Aralık 2019;2(4):173-178.
Chicago Özdek, Uğur, Bekir Oğuz, ve Yeter Değer. “Anaplasmosisli Keçilerde Bazı Oksidatif Stres Parametreleri Ile Element Seviyeleri”. Avrasya Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi 2, sy. 4 (Aralık 2019): 173-78.
EndNote Özdek U, Oğuz B, Değer Y (01 Aralık 2019) Anaplasmosisli Keçilerde Bazı Oksidatif Stres Parametreleri ile Element Seviyeleri. Avrasya Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi 2 4 173–178.
IEEE U. Özdek, B. Oğuz, ve Y. Değer, “Anaplasmosisli Keçilerde Bazı Oksidatif Stres Parametreleri ile Element Seviyeleri”, AvrasyaSBD, c. 2, sy. 4, ss. 173–178, 2019.
ISNAD Özdek, Uğur vd. “Anaplasmosisli Keçilerde Bazı Oksidatif Stres Parametreleri Ile Element Seviyeleri”. Avrasya Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi 2/4 (Aralık 2019), 173-178.
JAMA Özdek U, Oğuz B, Değer Y. Anaplasmosisli Keçilerde Bazı Oksidatif Stres Parametreleri ile Element Seviyeleri. AvrasyaSBD. 2019;2:173–178.
MLA Özdek, Uğur vd. “Anaplasmosisli Keçilerde Bazı Oksidatif Stres Parametreleri Ile Element Seviyeleri”. Avrasya Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi, c. 2, sy. 4, 2019, ss. 173-8.
Vancouver Özdek U, Oğuz B, Değer Y. Anaplasmosisli Keçilerde Bazı Oksidatif Stres Parametreleri ile Element Seviyeleri. AvrasyaSBD. 2019;2(4):173-8.