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The Importance of Self-Management Strategies and The Role of Nurses in The Management of Chronic Diseases

Year 2021, Volume: 4 Issue: 1, 9 - 13, 29.01.2021


Chronic diseases that increase rapidly as the strength goes on; it ranks first among the causes of death and disability, affectsthe health system negatively and causes social burden. In the management of chronic diseases, which have become animportant public health problem, not only medication and education are sufficient, but they also need to take an active role insteps such as nutrition, activity-exercise, symptom control, and self-monitoring. For this reason, self-management strategiesthat give responsibility to the individual for the management of his disease and ensure integration with health services; it isimportant for the prevention and relief of the symptoms of chronic diseases. Studies show that self-management strategiesmake important contributions to the successful management of common chronic diseases such as asthma, chronic obstructivepulmonary disease (COPD), stroke, diabetes, epilepsy and cancer that lead to disability and death. It is important that nurseswho communicate directly with individuals with chronic diseases and maintain their care, integrate their self-managementstrategies into the care plan and directly empower them in the management of self-management strategies. The purpose ofthis review is to explain what self-management strategies are in the management of chronic diseases, how to use them, theircontribution to health services and their importance in terms of nursing.


  • Barlow J, Sturt J, Hearnshaw H. (2002a). Self-management interventions for people with chronic conditions in primary care: Examples from arthritis, asthma and diabetes. Health Education Journal 61, 365–378.
  • Barlow J, Wright C, Sheasby J, Turner A, Hainsworth J. (2002b). Self-management approaches for people with chronic conditions: a review. Patient Educ Couns 48(2), 177-187.
  • Bodenheimer T. (2003). Interventions to improve chronic illness care: evaluating their effectiveness. Dis Manag 6(2), 63-71. doi: 10.1089/109350703321908441.
  • Bradley PM, Lindsay B, Fleeman N. (2016). Care delivery and self management strategies for adults with epilepsy. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 4, 2(2):CD006244. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD006244.pub3.
  • Captieux M, Pearce G, Parke HL, Epiphaniou E, Wild S, Taylor SJC, Pinnock H. (2018). Supported self-management for people with type 2 diabetes: a meta-review of quantitative systematic reviews. BMJ Open 14, 8(12). doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2018-024262.
  • Compton P, Monahan G, Simmons-Cody H. (1999). Motivational interviewing: an effective brief intervention for alcohol and drug abuse patients. Nurse Pract 24(11), 27-28.
  • Coster S, Li Y, Norman IJ. (2020). Cochrane reviews of educational and self-management interventions to guide nursing practice: A review. Int J Nurs Stud 110:103, 698. doi: 10.1016/j.ijnurstu.2020.103698.
  • Dufour SP, Graham S, Friesen J, Rosenblat M, Rous C, Richardson J. (2014). Physiotherapists supporting self-management through health coaching: a mixed methods program evaluation. Physiother Theory Pract 1, 1–10.
  • Fortin M, Haggerty J, Almirall J, Bouhali T, Sasseville M, Lemieux M. (2014). Lifestyle factors and multimorbidity: a cross sectional study. BMC Public Health 14, 686.
  • Fryer CE, Luker JA, McDonnell MN, Hillier SL. (2016). Self management programmes for quality of life in people with stroke. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 22(8):CD010442. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD010442.pub2.
  • Grady PA, Gough LL, (2014). Self-management: a comprehensive approach to management of chronic conditions. American journal of public health, 104(8), e25–e31.
  • Grey M, Schulman-Green D, Knafl K, Reynolds N. (2015). A revised self and family management framework. Nurs Outlook 63, 162-170.
  • Hodkinson A, Bower P, Grigoroglou C, Zghebi SS, Pinnock H, Kontopantelis E, Panagioti M. (2020). Self-management interventions to reduce healthcare use and improve quality of life among patients with asthma: systematic review and network meta-analysis. BMJ 18;370:m2521. doi: 10.1136/bmj.m2521.
  • Lenferink A, Brusse-Keizer M, van der Valk PD, Frith PA, Zwerink M, Monninkhof EM, van der Palen J, Effing TW. (2017). Self-management interventions including action plans for exacerbations versus usual care in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 4;8(8):CD011682. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD011682.pub2.
  • Lorig KR, Holman H. (2003). Self-management education: history, definition, outcomes, and mechanisms. Ann Behav Med 26(1), 1-7.
  • Miller WR, Lasite S, Ellis RB, Buelow JM. (2014). Chronic disease self-management: a hybrid concept analysis. Nurs Outlook 63(2), 154-161.
  • Narasimhan M, Kapila M. (2019). Implications of self-care for health service provision. Bulletin of the World Health Organization 97:76-76A. doi:
  • Novak M, Costantini L, Schnelder S, Beanlands H. (2013). Approaches to self-management in chronic illness. Semin Dial 26(2), 188-194.
  • Ögel K. (2009). Motivasyonel Görüşme Tekniği. Türkiye Klinikleri J Psychiatry-Special Topic 2(2), 41-44.
  • Ruiz S, Brady TJ, Glasgow RE, Birkel R, Spafford M. (2014). Chronic condition self-management surveillance: what is and what should be measured? Prev Chronic Dis, 11:E103.
  • Schulman-Green D, Jaser S, Martin F, Alonzo A, Grey M, McCorkle R, Redeker NS, Reynolds N, Whittemore R. (2012). Processes of self-management in chronic illness. J Nurs Scholarsh 44(2), 136-144. doi: 10.1111/j.1547-5069.2012.01444.x.
  • The Royal Australian College of General Practitioners [RACGP]. (2002). Chronic condition self-management guidelines. Summary for Nurses and Allied Health Professionals. Erişim linki:
  • Tülüce D. (2020). Özyönetim. Gürhan N, Sözbir ŞY, Polat Ü. Hemşirelik Alanında Kullanılan Kavram Beceri Ve Modeller Ankara: Nobel Tıp Kitapevleri, 157-164.
  • van Dongen SI, de Nooijer K, Cramm JM, Francke AL, Oldenmenger WH, Korfage IJ, Witkamp FE, Stoevelaar R, van der Heide A, Rietjens JA. (2020). Self-management of patients with advanced cancer: A systematic review of experiences and attitudes. Palliat Med 34(2), 160-178. doi: 10.1177/0269216319883976.
  • Walker JG, Jackson HJ, Littlejohn GO. (2004). Models of adjustment to chronic illness: using the example of rheumatoid arthritis. Clin Psychol Rev 24, 461–488.
  • World Health Organization. (2020a). Noncommunicable diseases progress monitor 2020. Erişim linki:
  • World Health Organization. (2020b). The top 10 causes of death. Factsheet No. 310. Erişim linki:

Kronik Hastalıkların Yönetiminde Öz Yönetim Stratejilerinin Önemi ve Hemşirenin Rolü

Year 2021, Volume: 4 Issue: 1, 9 - 13, 29.01.2021


Güç geçtikçe hızla artan kronik hastalıklar; ölüm ve sakatlık nedenleri arasında ilk sırada yer almakta, sağlık sistemini olumsuzyönde etkilemekte ve toplumsal yüke neden olmaktadır. Önemli bir halk sağlığı sorunu haline gelen kronik hastalıklarınyönetiminde sadece ilaç tedavisi ve eğitim yeterli olmamakta, bunların yanı sıra beslenme, aktivite- egzersiz, semptom kontrolü,kendi kendine izlem gibi basamaklarda da aktif rol alması gerekmektedir. Bu nedenle bireye hastalığının yönetimi için sorumlulukveren ve sağlık hizmetleriyle entegrasyonu sağlayan öz yönetim stratejileri; kronik hastalıkların semptomlarının önlenmesi vegiderilmesi açısından önemlidir. Yapılan çalışmalar öz yönetim stratejilerinin astım, kronik obstrüktif akciğer hastalığı (KOAH),inme, diyabet, epilepsi ve kanser gibi sık görülen, sakatlıklara ve ölüme yol açan kronik hastalıkların başarılı yönetilmesine önemlikatkılar sağladığını göstermektedir. Kronik hastalığa sahip bireylerle doğrudan iletişim kuran ve bakımını sürdüren hemşirelerinöz yönetim stratejilerini bakım planı içerisine entegre etmesi, öz yönetim stratejilerinin yönetiminde doğrudan yetkilendirilmesiönemlidir. Bu derlemenin amacı, kronik hastalıkların yönetiminde öz yönetim stratejilerinin neler olduğu, nasıl kullanılacağı,sağlık hizmetlerine katkıları ve hemşirelik açısından önemini açıklamaktır.


  • Barlow J, Sturt J, Hearnshaw H. (2002a). Self-management interventions for people with chronic conditions in primary care: Examples from arthritis, asthma and diabetes. Health Education Journal 61, 365–378.
  • Barlow J, Wright C, Sheasby J, Turner A, Hainsworth J. (2002b). Self-management approaches for people with chronic conditions: a review. Patient Educ Couns 48(2), 177-187.
  • Bodenheimer T. (2003). Interventions to improve chronic illness care: evaluating their effectiveness. Dis Manag 6(2), 63-71. doi: 10.1089/109350703321908441.
  • Bradley PM, Lindsay B, Fleeman N. (2016). Care delivery and self management strategies for adults with epilepsy. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 4, 2(2):CD006244. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD006244.pub3.
  • Captieux M, Pearce G, Parke HL, Epiphaniou E, Wild S, Taylor SJC, Pinnock H. (2018). Supported self-management for people with type 2 diabetes: a meta-review of quantitative systematic reviews. BMJ Open 14, 8(12). doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2018-024262.
  • Compton P, Monahan G, Simmons-Cody H. (1999). Motivational interviewing: an effective brief intervention for alcohol and drug abuse patients. Nurse Pract 24(11), 27-28.
  • Coster S, Li Y, Norman IJ. (2020). Cochrane reviews of educational and self-management interventions to guide nursing practice: A review. Int J Nurs Stud 110:103, 698. doi: 10.1016/j.ijnurstu.2020.103698.
  • Dufour SP, Graham S, Friesen J, Rosenblat M, Rous C, Richardson J. (2014). Physiotherapists supporting self-management through health coaching: a mixed methods program evaluation. Physiother Theory Pract 1, 1–10.
  • Fortin M, Haggerty J, Almirall J, Bouhali T, Sasseville M, Lemieux M. (2014). Lifestyle factors and multimorbidity: a cross sectional study. BMC Public Health 14, 686.
  • Fryer CE, Luker JA, McDonnell MN, Hillier SL. (2016). Self management programmes for quality of life in people with stroke. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 22(8):CD010442. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD010442.pub2.
  • Grady PA, Gough LL, (2014). Self-management: a comprehensive approach to management of chronic conditions. American journal of public health, 104(8), e25–e31.
  • Grey M, Schulman-Green D, Knafl K, Reynolds N. (2015). A revised self and family management framework. Nurs Outlook 63, 162-170.
  • Hodkinson A, Bower P, Grigoroglou C, Zghebi SS, Pinnock H, Kontopantelis E, Panagioti M. (2020). Self-management interventions to reduce healthcare use and improve quality of life among patients with asthma: systematic review and network meta-analysis. BMJ 18;370:m2521. doi: 10.1136/bmj.m2521.
  • Lenferink A, Brusse-Keizer M, van der Valk PD, Frith PA, Zwerink M, Monninkhof EM, van der Palen J, Effing TW. (2017). Self-management interventions including action plans for exacerbations versus usual care in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 4;8(8):CD011682. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD011682.pub2.
  • Lorig KR, Holman H. (2003). Self-management education: history, definition, outcomes, and mechanisms. Ann Behav Med 26(1), 1-7.
  • Miller WR, Lasite S, Ellis RB, Buelow JM. (2014). Chronic disease self-management: a hybrid concept analysis. Nurs Outlook 63(2), 154-161.
  • Narasimhan M, Kapila M. (2019). Implications of self-care for health service provision. Bulletin of the World Health Organization 97:76-76A. doi:
  • Novak M, Costantini L, Schnelder S, Beanlands H. (2013). Approaches to self-management in chronic illness. Semin Dial 26(2), 188-194.
  • Ögel K. (2009). Motivasyonel Görüşme Tekniği. Türkiye Klinikleri J Psychiatry-Special Topic 2(2), 41-44.
  • Ruiz S, Brady TJ, Glasgow RE, Birkel R, Spafford M. (2014). Chronic condition self-management surveillance: what is and what should be measured? Prev Chronic Dis, 11:E103.
  • Schulman-Green D, Jaser S, Martin F, Alonzo A, Grey M, McCorkle R, Redeker NS, Reynolds N, Whittemore R. (2012). Processes of self-management in chronic illness. J Nurs Scholarsh 44(2), 136-144. doi: 10.1111/j.1547-5069.2012.01444.x.
  • The Royal Australian College of General Practitioners [RACGP]. (2002). Chronic condition self-management guidelines. Summary for Nurses and Allied Health Professionals. Erişim linki:
  • Tülüce D. (2020). Özyönetim. Gürhan N, Sözbir ŞY, Polat Ü. Hemşirelik Alanında Kullanılan Kavram Beceri Ve Modeller Ankara: Nobel Tıp Kitapevleri, 157-164.
  • van Dongen SI, de Nooijer K, Cramm JM, Francke AL, Oldenmenger WH, Korfage IJ, Witkamp FE, Stoevelaar R, van der Heide A, Rietjens JA. (2020). Self-management of patients with advanced cancer: A systematic review of experiences and attitudes. Palliat Med 34(2), 160-178. doi: 10.1177/0269216319883976.
  • Walker JG, Jackson HJ, Littlejohn GO. (2004). Models of adjustment to chronic illness: using the example of rheumatoid arthritis. Clin Psychol Rev 24, 461–488.
  • World Health Organization. (2020a). Noncommunicable diseases progress monitor 2020. Erişim linki:
  • World Health Organization. (2020b). The top 10 causes of death. Factsheet No. 310. Erişim linki:
There are 27 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Health Care Administration
Journal Section Articles

Seher Gönen Şentürk 0000-0002-4785-6610

Publication Date January 29, 2021
Submission Date December 29, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2021 Volume: 4 Issue: 1


APA Gönen Şentürk, S. (2021). Kronik Hastalıkların Yönetiminde Öz Yönetim Stratejilerinin Önemi ve Hemşirenin Rolü. Avrasya Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi, 4(1), 9-13.
AMA Gönen Şentürk S. Kronik Hastalıkların Yönetiminde Öz Yönetim Stratejilerinin Önemi ve Hemşirenin Rolü. EurasianJHS. January 2021;4(1):9-13.
Chicago Gönen Şentürk, Seher. “Kronik Hastalıkların Yönetiminde Öz Yönetim Stratejilerinin Önemi Ve Hemşirenin Rolü”. Avrasya Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi 4, no. 1 (January 2021): 9-13.
EndNote Gönen Şentürk S (January 1, 2021) Kronik Hastalıkların Yönetiminde Öz Yönetim Stratejilerinin Önemi ve Hemşirenin Rolü. Avrasya Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi 4 1 9–13.
IEEE S. Gönen Şentürk, “Kronik Hastalıkların Yönetiminde Öz Yönetim Stratejilerinin Önemi ve Hemşirenin Rolü”, EurasianJHS, vol. 4, no. 1, pp. 9–13, 2021.
ISNAD Gönen Şentürk, Seher. “Kronik Hastalıkların Yönetiminde Öz Yönetim Stratejilerinin Önemi Ve Hemşirenin Rolü”. Avrasya Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi 4/1 (January 2021), 9-13.
JAMA Gönen Şentürk S. Kronik Hastalıkların Yönetiminde Öz Yönetim Stratejilerinin Önemi ve Hemşirenin Rolü. EurasianJHS. 2021;4:9–13.
MLA Gönen Şentürk, Seher. “Kronik Hastalıkların Yönetiminde Öz Yönetim Stratejilerinin Önemi Ve Hemşirenin Rolü”. Avrasya Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi, vol. 4, no. 1, 2021, pp. 9-13.
Vancouver Gönen Şentürk S. Kronik Hastalıkların Yönetiminde Öz Yönetim Stratejilerinin Önemi ve Hemşirenin Rolü. EurasianJHS. 2021;4(1):9-13.