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Year 2020, Issue: 100, 22 - 31, 27.04.2020


Bu makale Orta Asya Türkçesi geleneğine bağlı olmayan Kıpçak Türkçesi yazı dillerinin tarihindeki bazı meselelere değinmektedir. Codex Cumanicus, Kıpçak Türkçesinde yazılan ilk önemli yadigar olup konuşulan Kuman dilinin özelliklerini tam olarak yansıtmaktadır. Memlük Kıpçakçasının Arap harfli imla sistemi “Kara ölüm” olarak adlandırılan veba salgınları döneminde değişmiş olabilirken Eski Tatarca gibi diller veba salgınının akabinde oluşmuştur. Daha sonraki dönemde gelişen Ermeni Kıpçakçası, Doğu Avrupa Kıpçak Türkçesindeki ünsüz uyumunu doğru biçimde yansıtıyor. Nihayetinde makale Kazan Tatarcası ve Kazakça’yı örnek alarak modern Kiril alfabelerinin modern Kıpçak Türkçesi dillerindeki benzerliklerini nasıl gizlediğini göstermeye çalışmaktadır.


  • 1. Arat, Reşit Rahmeti. “Türk Şivelerinin Tasnifi”. Türkiyat Mecmuası, 10, 59-138. 1953.
  • 2. Menges, Karl H. The Turkic Languages and Peoples: An Introduction to Turkic Studies. Veröffentlichungen der Societas Uralo-Altaica 42. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz. 1968.
  • 3. Tekin, Talat. “Türk Dil ve Diyalektlerinin Yeni Bir Tasnifi”. Erdem 5:13 (Ocak), 141-168. 1989.
  • 4. Schönig, Claus. “A new Attempt to Classify the Turkic Languages” (1). Turkic Languages 1, 117-133. 1997.
  • 5. Schönig, Claus. “A new Attempt to Classify the Turkic Languages” (2). Turkic Languages 1, 262-277. 1997.
  • 6. Schönig, Claus. “A new Attempt to Classify the Turkic Languages” (3). Turkic Languages 2, 130-151. 1998.
  • 7. Baskakov, N.A. Vvedenie v izuçenie tyurkskix yazïkov. 2nd edition. Moscow. 1969.
  • 8. Tenishev, Ė. (ed). Yazïki mira: Tyurkskie yazïki. Bishkek. 1997.
  • 9. Caferoğlu, Ahmet. Türk Dili Tarihi, i-ii. İstanbul: Edebiyat Fakültesi Basımevi. 1970-1974.
  • 10. Clauson, Sir Gerard. Turkish and Mongolian Studies. London: The Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland. 1962.
  • 11. Róna-Tas, András. The Periodization and Sources of Chuvash Linguistic History. Chuvash Studies. Róna-Tas, András (ed). Budapest. 113-169. 1982.
  • 12. Róna-Tas, András. An Introduction to Turkology, Studia Uralo-Altaica 33. Szeged. 1991.
  • 13. Johanson, Lars. The History of Turkic. The Turkic Languages, Lars Johanson and Éva A. Csató. (ed). London-New York: Routledge. 81-125. 1998.
  • 14. Ercilasun, Ahmet Bican. Başlangıçtan Yirminci Yüzyıla Türk Dili Tarihi. Ankara: Akçağ. 2004.
  • 15. Kuun, G. (ed). Codex Cumanicus. Budapest Oriental Reprints B1. Budapest. 1981.
  • 16. Garkavets, A.N. Codex Cumanicus. Vtoroe polnoe izdanie. Almaty: Almaty-Bolashak. 2019.
  • 17. Ligeti, L. “Prolegomena to the Codex Cumanicus”. Acta Orientalia Hungarica 35, 1-54. 1981. [Reprinted in: Kuun, 1981.]
  • 18. Rabghūzī, The Stories of the Prophets: Qisas al-anbiyā’. An Eastern Turkish Version, I-II. H.E. Boeschoten et alia (ed-trans). Leiden: Brill. 1995.
  • 19. Schamiloglu, Uli. “The End of Volga Bulgarian”. Varia Eurasiatica. Festschrift für Professor András Róna Tas. Szeged. 157-163. 1991.
  • 20. Benedictow, O.J. The Black Death, 1346–1353: The Complete History. Woodbridge, Suffolk, Boydell. 2004.
  • 21. Schamiloglu, Uli. “Ortaçağ Dillerinden Modern Dillere: Avrupa ve Türk Dünyasında Yeni Edebi Dillerin Varlığa Gelmesi”. IV. Dünya Dili Türkçe Sempozyumu Bildirileri. 22-24 Aralık 2011, Muğla, I-II.
  • Mehmet Naci Önal (ed). Ankara, I, 501-507. 2012.
  • 22. Ermers, Robert. Arabic Grammars of Turkic. The Arabic Linguistic Model Applied to Foreign Languages & Translation of ’Abū Ḥayyān al-’Andalusī’s Kitāb al-Idrāk li-Lisān al-’Atrāk. Leiden: Brill. 1999.
  • 23. Flemming, Barbara. “Ein alter Irrtum bei der chronologischen Einordnung des Tarǧumān turkī wa `aǧamī wa muġalī”. Der Islam 44, 226-229. 1968.
  • 24. Schamiloglu, Uli. “Gravestones and the History of Medieval Tatar Civilization: A Brief Overview (Nadgrobnye kamni i istoriya srednevekovoy tatarskoy tsivilizatsii: Kratkiy obzor)”. Islam i tyurkskiy
  • mir: Problemy obrazovaniya, yazyka, literatury, istorii i religii. Materialy VIII mezhdunarodnoy tyurkologicheskoy konferentsii (Islam and Turkic World: Problems of Education, Language, Literature,
  • History and Religion. Materials of VIII International Turkic Conference). Kazan: Yelabuga Institute of Kazan Federal University – Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University. 76–80. 2016.
  • 25. Jankowski, Henryk. “Kazakh Linguistics in Kazakhstan: An outline”. Turkic Languages 18, 128–158. 2014.
  • 26. Pritsak, Omeljan. “Das Kiptschakische. B. Armenisch-Kiptschakisch. Deny, Jean et al. (ed)”. Philologiae Turcicae Fundamenta. I, Wiesbaden: Fr. Steiner Verlag. 260–271. 1959.


Year 2020, Issue: 100, 22 - 31, 27.04.2020


This article examines several issues in the history of Kipchak Turkic written languages, which do not emerge from the Central Asian Turkic literary tradition. The earliest major text in Kipchak Turkic, the Codex Cumanicus, is a Latin-script transcription and represents the features of spoken Cuman accurately. The Arabic orthographic system of Mamluk Kipchak may have changed during the Black Death, while some languages such as Old Tatar emerged in the aftermath of the Black Death. Later, Armeno-Kipchak seems to accurately represent the consonant harmony of East European Kipchak Turkic. The article concludes by showing, in the example of Kazan Tatar and Kazakh, how modern Cyrillic-based alphabets mask similarities in phonology between modern Kipchak Turkic languages.


  • 1. Arat, Reşit Rahmeti. “Türk Şivelerinin Tasnifi”. Türkiyat Mecmuası, 10, 59-138. 1953.
  • 2. Menges, Karl H. The Turkic Languages and Peoples: An Introduction to Turkic Studies. Veröffentlichungen der Societas Uralo-Altaica 42. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz. 1968.
  • 3. Tekin, Talat. “Türk Dil ve Diyalektlerinin Yeni Bir Tasnifi”. Erdem 5:13 (Ocak), 141-168. 1989.
  • 4. Schönig, Claus. “A new Attempt to Classify the Turkic Languages” (1). Turkic Languages 1, 117-133. 1997.
  • 5. Schönig, Claus. “A new Attempt to Classify the Turkic Languages” (2). Turkic Languages 1, 262-277. 1997.
  • 6. Schönig, Claus. “A new Attempt to Classify the Turkic Languages” (3). Turkic Languages 2, 130-151. 1998.
  • 7. Baskakov, N.A. Vvedenie v izuçenie tyurkskix yazïkov. 2nd edition. Moscow. 1969.
  • 8. Tenishev, Ė. (ed). Yazïki mira: Tyurkskie yazïki. Bishkek. 1997.
  • 9. Caferoğlu, Ahmet. Türk Dili Tarihi, i-ii. İstanbul: Edebiyat Fakültesi Basımevi. 1970-1974.
  • 10. Clauson, Sir Gerard. Turkish and Mongolian Studies. London: The Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland. 1962.
  • 11. Róna-Tas, András. The Periodization and Sources of Chuvash Linguistic History. Chuvash Studies. Róna-Tas, András (ed). Budapest. 113-169. 1982.
  • 12. Róna-Tas, András. An Introduction to Turkology, Studia Uralo-Altaica 33. Szeged. 1991.
  • 13. Johanson, Lars. The History of Turkic. The Turkic Languages, Lars Johanson and Éva A. Csató. (ed). London-New York: Routledge. 81-125. 1998.
  • 14. Ercilasun, Ahmet Bican. Başlangıçtan Yirminci Yüzyıla Türk Dili Tarihi. Ankara: Akçağ. 2004.
  • 15. Kuun, G. (ed). Codex Cumanicus. Budapest Oriental Reprints B1. Budapest. 1981.
  • 16. Garkavets, A.N. Codex Cumanicus. Vtoroe polnoe izdanie. Almaty: Almaty-Bolashak. 2019.
  • 17. Ligeti, L. “Prolegomena to the Codex Cumanicus”. Acta Orientalia Hungarica 35, 1-54. 1981. [Reprinted in: Kuun, 1981.]
  • 18. Rabghūzī, The Stories of the Prophets: Qisas al-anbiyā’. An Eastern Turkish Version, I-II. H.E. Boeschoten et alia (ed-trans). Leiden: Brill. 1995.
  • 19. Schamiloglu, Uli. “The End of Volga Bulgarian”. Varia Eurasiatica. Festschrift für Professor András Róna Tas. Szeged. 157-163. 1991.
  • 20. Benedictow, O.J. The Black Death, 1346–1353: The Complete History. Woodbridge, Suffolk, Boydell. 2004.
  • 21. Schamiloglu, Uli. “Ortaçağ Dillerinden Modern Dillere: Avrupa ve Türk Dünyasında Yeni Edebi Dillerin Varlığa Gelmesi”. IV. Dünya Dili Türkçe Sempozyumu Bildirileri. 22-24 Aralık 2011, Muğla, I-II.
  • Mehmet Naci Önal (ed). Ankara, I, 501-507. 2012.
  • 22. Ermers, Robert. Arabic Grammars of Turkic. The Arabic Linguistic Model Applied to Foreign Languages & Translation of ’Abū Ḥayyān al-’Andalusī’s Kitāb al-Idrāk li-Lisān al-’Atrāk. Leiden: Brill. 1999.
  • 23. Flemming, Barbara. “Ein alter Irrtum bei der chronologischen Einordnung des Tarǧumān turkī wa `aǧamī wa muġalī”. Der Islam 44, 226-229. 1968.
  • 24. Schamiloglu, Uli. “Gravestones and the History of Medieval Tatar Civilization: A Brief Overview (Nadgrobnye kamni i istoriya srednevekovoy tatarskoy tsivilizatsii: Kratkiy obzor)”. Islam i tyurkskiy
  • mir: Problemy obrazovaniya, yazyka, literatury, istorii i religii. Materialy VIII mezhdunarodnoy tyurkologicheskoy konferentsii (Islam and Turkic World: Problems of Education, Language, Literature,
  • History and Religion. Materials of VIII International Turkic Conference). Kazan: Yelabuga Institute of Kazan Federal University – Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University. 76–80. 2016.
  • 25. Jankowski, Henryk. “Kazakh Linguistics in Kazakhstan: An outline”. Turkic Languages 18, 128–158. 2014.
  • 26. Pritsak, Omeljan. “Das Kiptschakische. B. Armenisch-Kiptschakisch. Deny, Jean et al. (ed)”. Philologiae Turcicae Fundamenta. I, Wiesbaden: Fr. Steiner Verlag. 260–271. 1959.


Year 2020, Issue: 100, 22 - 31, 27.04.2020


В данной статье рассматриваются несколько вопросов в истории кыпчакской тюркской письменности, которые не вытекают из среднеазиатской тюркской литературной традиции. Самый ранний основной текст на кипчакском тюркском языке, Кодекс Куманикус является транскрипцией на латинском алфавите и точно представляет черты разговорного куманского языка. Арабская орфографическая система мамлюка кипчака, возможно, изменилась во время чумы «Черной смерти», в то время как некоторые языки, такие как древний татарский, появились после Черной смерти. Позже, Армено-кыпчак, кажется, точно представляет согласную гармонию восточноевропейских кыпчакских тюрков. В заключение статья показывает на примере казанских татар и казахов, как современные кириллические алфавиты маскируют сходство в фонологии между современными кыпчакскими тюркскими языками.


  • 1. Arat, Reşit Rahmeti. “Türk Şivelerinin Tasnifi”. Türkiyat Mecmuası, 10, 59-138. 1953.
  • 2. Menges, Karl H. The Turkic Languages and Peoples: An Introduction to Turkic Studies. Veröffentlichungen der Societas Uralo-Altaica 42. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz. 1968.
  • 3. Tekin, Talat. “Türk Dil ve Diyalektlerinin Yeni Bir Tasnifi”. Erdem 5:13 (Ocak), 141-168. 1989.
  • 4. Schönig, Claus. “A new Attempt to Classify the Turkic Languages” (1). Turkic Languages 1, 117-133. 1997.
  • 5. Schönig, Claus. “A new Attempt to Classify the Turkic Languages” (2). Turkic Languages 1, 262-277. 1997.
  • 6. Schönig, Claus. “A new Attempt to Classify the Turkic Languages” (3). Turkic Languages 2, 130-151. 1998.
  • 7. Baskakov, N.A. Vvedenie v izuçenie tyurkskix yazïkov. 2nd edition. Moscow. 1969.
  • 8. Tenishev, Ė. (ed). Yazïki mira: Tyurkskie yazïki. Bishkek. 1997.
  • 9. Caferoğlu, Ahmet. Türk Dili Tarihi, i-ii. İstanbul: Edebiyat Fakültesi Basımevi. 1970-1974.
  • 10. Clauson, Sir Gerard. Turkish and Mongolian Studies. London: The Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland. 1962.
  • 11. Róna-Tas, András. The Periodization and Sources of Chuvash Linguistic History. Chuvash Studies. Róna-Tas, András (ed). Budapest. 113-169. 1982.
  • 12. Róna-Tas, András. An Introduction to Turkology, Studia Uralo-Altaica 33. Szeged. 1991.
  • 13. Johanson, Lars. The History of Turkic. The Turkic Languages, Lars Johanson and Éva A. Csató. (ed). London-New York: Routledge. 81-125. 1998.
  • 14. Ercilasun, Ahmet Bican. Başlangıçtan Yirminci Yüzyıla Türk Dili Tarihi. Ankara: Akçağ. 2004.
  • 15. Kuun, G. (ed). Codex Cumanicus. Budapest Oriental Reprints B1. Budapest. 1981.
  • 16. Garkavets, A.N. Codex Cumanicus. Vtoroe polnoe izdanie. Almaty: Almaty-Bolashak. 2019.
  • 17. Ligeti, L. “Prolegomena to the Codex Cumanicus”. Acta Orientalia Hungarica 35, 1-54. 1981. [Reprinted in: Kuun, 1981.]
  • 18. Rabghūzī, The Stories of the Prophets: Qisas al-anbiyā’. An Eastern Turkish Version, I-II. H.E. Boeschoten et alia (ed-trans). Leiden: Brill. 1995.
  • 19. Schamiloglu, Uli. “The End of Volga Bulgarian”. Varia Eurasiatica. Festschrift für Professor András Róna Tas. Szeged. 157-163. 1991.
  • 20. Benedictow, O.J. The Black Death, 1346–1353: The Complete History. Woodbridge, Suffolk, Boydell. 2004.
  • 21. Schamiloglu, Uli. “Ortaçağ Dillerinden Modern Dillere: Avrupa ve Türk Dünyasında Yeni Edebi Dillerin Varlığa Gelmesi”. IV. Dünya Dili Türkçe Sempozyumu Bildirileri. 22-24 Aralık 2011, Muğla, I-II.
  • Mehmet Naci Önal (ed). Ankara, I, 501-507. 2012.
  • 22. Ermers, Robert. Arabic Grammars of Turkic. The Arabic Linguistic Model Applied to Foreign Languages & Translation of ’Abū Ḥayyān al-’Andalusī’s Kitāb al-Idrāk li-Lisān al-’Atrāk. Leiden: Brill. 1999.
  • 23. Flemming, Barbara. “Ein alter Irrtum bei der chronologischen Einordnung des Tarǧumān turkī wa `aǧamī wa muġalī”. Der Islam 44, 226-229. 1968.
  • 24. Schamiloglu, Uli. “Gravestones and the History of Medieval Tatar Civilization: A Brief Overview (Nadgrobnye kamni i istoriya srednevekovoy tatarskoy tsivilizatsii: Kratkiy obzor)”. Islam i tyurkskiy
  • mir: Problemy obrazovaniya, yazyka, literatury, istorii i religii. Materialy VIII mezhdunarodnoy tyurkologicheskoy konferentsii (Islam and Turkic World: Problems of Education, Language, Literature,
  • History and Religion. Materials of VIII International Turkic Conference). Kazan: Yelabuga Institute of Kazan Federal University – Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University. 76–80. 2016.
  • 25. Jankowski, Henryk. “Kazakh Linguistics in Kazakhstan: An outline”. Turkic Languages 18, 128–158. 2014.
  • 26. Pritsak, Omeljan. “Das Kiptschakische. B. Armenisch-Kiptschakisch. Deny, Jean et al. (ed)”. Philologiae Turcicae Fundamenta. I, Wiesbaden: Fr. Steiner Verlag. 260–271. 1959.


Year 2020, Issue: 100, 22 - 31, 27.04.2020


Мақалада ортаазиялық түркі әдеби дәстүрінен туындайтын қыпшақ жазба ескерткіштері тілі тарихының кейбір мәселелері қарастырылады. Қыпшақ тіліндегі ең көне негізгі мәтін «Кодекс Куманикус» ауызекі куман тілінің ерекшеліктерін дәл көрсетеді. Мәмлүк қыпшақтарының арабша емле жүйесі «Қара өлім» немесе оба деп аталатын дерт кезінде өзгерген болуы мүмкін, себебі сол кезеңде ежелгі татар тілі сияқты кейбір тілдер пайда болған болатын. Кейінірек, армян қыпшақтары шығыс еуропалық қыпшақ түріктерінің дыбыс үндестігін дәлме-дәл бейнелейтін сияқты. Мақалада қазан татарлары және қазақ тілдерінен мысалдар келтіре отырып, бүгінгі кирилл алфавиті қазіргі қыпшақ және түркі тілдері арасындағы фонологиядағы ұқсастықты қалай жасыратындығы көрсетілген.


  • 1. Arat, Reşit Rahmeti. “Türk Şivelerinin Tasnifi”. Türkiyat Mecmuası, 10, 59-138. 1953.
  • 2. Menges, Karl H. The Turkic Languages and Peoples: An Introduction to Turkic Studies. Veröffentlichungen der Societas Uralo-Altaica 42. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz. 1968.
  • 3. Tekin, Talat. “Türk Dil ve Diyalektlerinin Yeni Bir Tasnifi”. Erdem 5:13 (Ocak), 141-168. 1989.
  • 4. Schönig, Claus. “A new Attempt to Classify the Turkic Languages” (1). Turkic Languages 1, 117-133. 1997.
  • 5. Schönig, Claus. “A new Attempt to Classify the Turkic Languages” (2). Turkic Languages 1, 262-277. 1997.
  • 6. Schönig, Claus. “A new Attempt to Classify the Turkic Languages” (3). Turkic Languages 2, 130-151. 1998.
  • 7. Baskakov, N.A. Vvedenie v izuçenie tyurkskix yazïkov. 2nd edition. Moscow. 1969.
  • 8. Tenishev, Ė. (ed). Yazïki mira: Tyurkskie yazïki. Bishkek. 1997.
  • 9. Caferoğlu, Ahmet. Türk Dili Tarihi, i-ii. İstanbul: Edebiyat Fakültesi Basımevi. 1970-1974.
  • 10. Clauson, Sir Gerard. Turkish and Mongolian Studies. London: The Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland. 1962.
  • 11. Róna-Tas, András. The Periodization and Sources of Chuvash Linguistic History. Chuvash Studies. Róna-Tas, András (ed). Budapest. 113-169. 1982.
  • 12. Róna-Tas, András. An Introduction to Turkology, Studia Uralo-Altaica 33. Szeged. 1991.
  • 13. Johanson, Lars. The History of Turkic. The Turkic Languages, Lars Johanson and Éva A. Csató. (ed). London-New York: Routledge. 81-125. 1998.
  • 14. Ercilasun, Ahmet Bican. Başlangıçtan Yirminci Yüzyıla Türk Dili Tarihi. Ankara: Akçağ. 2004.
  • 15. Kuun, G. (ed). Codex Cumanicus. Budapest Oriental Reprints B1. Budapest. 1981.
  • 16. Garkavets, A.N. Codex Cumanicus. Vtoroe polnoe izdanie. Almaty: Almaty-Bolashak. 2019.
  • 17. Ligeti, L. “Prolegomena to the Codex Cumanicus”. Acta Orientalia Hungarica 35, 1-54. 1981. [Reprinted in: Kuun, 1981.]
  • 18. Rabghūzī, The Stories of the Prophets: Qisas al-anbiyā’. An Eastern Turkish Version, I-II. H.E. Boeschoten et alia (ed-trans). Leiden: Brill. 1995.
  • 19. Schamiloglu, Uli. “The End of Volga Bulgarian”. Varia Eurasiatica. Festschrift für Professor András Róna Tas. Szeged. 157-163. 1991.
  • 20. Benedictow, O.J. The Black Death, 1346–1353: The Complete History. Woodbridge, Suffolk, Boydell. 2004.
  • 21. Schamiloglu, Uli. “Ortaçağ Dillerinden Modern Dillere: Avrupa ve Türk Dünyasında Yeni Edebi Dillerin Varlığa Gelmesi”. IV. Dünya Dili Türkçe Sempozyumu Bildirileri. 22-24 Aralık 2011, Muğla, I-II.
  • Mehmet Naci Önal (ed). Ankara, I, 501-507. 2012.
  • 22. Ermers, Robert. Arabic Grammars of Turkic. The Arabic Linguistic Model Applied to Foreign Languages & Translation of ’Abū Ḥayyān al-’Andalusī’s Kitāb al-Idrāk li-Lisān al-’Atrāk. Leiden: Brill. 1999.
  • 23. Flemming, Barbara. “Ein alter Irrtum bei der chronologischen Einordnung des Tarǧumān turkī wa `aǧamī wa muġalī”. Der Islam 44, 226-229. 1968.
  • 24. Schamiloglu, Uli. “Gravestones and the History of Medieval Tatar Civilization: A Brief Overview (Nadgrobnye kamni i istoriya srednevekovoy tatarskoy tsivilizatsii: Kratkiy obzor)”. Islam i tyurkskiy
  • mir: Problemy obrazovaniya, yazyka, literatury, istorii i religii. Materialy VIII mezhdunarodnoy tyurkologicheskoy konferentsii (Islam and Turkic World: Problems of Education, Language, Literature,
  • History and Religion. Materials of VIII International Turkic Conference). Kazan: Yelabuga Institute of Kazan Federal University – Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University. 76–80. 2016.
  • 25. Jankowski, Henryk. “Kazakh Linguistics in Kazakhstan: An outline”. Turkic Languages 18, 128–158. 2014.
  • 26. Pritsak, Omeljan. “Das Kiptschakische. B. Armenisch-Kiptschakisch. Deny, Jean et al. (ed)”. Philologiae Turcicae Fundamenta. I, Wiesbaden: Fr. Steiner Verlag. 260–271. 1959.
There are 29 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Linguistics
Journal Section Research Articles

U. Schamıloglu This is me

Publication Date April 27, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2020 Issue: 100


Chicago Schamıloglu, U. “KIPÇAK TÜRKÇESI YAZI DILLERININ TARIHINDE BAZI MESELELER”. Türkoloji, no. 100 (April 2020): 22-31.
EndNote Schamıloglu U (April 1, 2020) KIPÇAK TÜRKÇESI YAZI DILLERININ TARIHINDE BAZI MESELELER. Türkoloji 100 22–31.
IEEE U. Schamıloglu, “KIPÇAK TÜRKÇESI YAZI DILLERININ TARIHINDE BAZI MESELELER”, Türkoloji, no. 100, pp. 22–31, April 2020.
MLA Schamıloglu, U. “KIPÇAK TÜRKÇESI YAZI DILLERININ TARIHINDE BAZI MESELELER”. Türkoloji, no. 100, 2020, pp. 22-31.
Vancouver Schamıloglu U. KIPÇAK TÜRKÇESI YAZI DILLERININ TARIHINDE BAZI MESELELER. Türkoloji. 2020(100):22-31.