Writing Rules

Publication Guidelines of Journal of Turcology
Manuscript Review Process
Since 2002, the academic magazine Journal of Turkology has been publishing research papers in the field of Turkology. Each year, four issues are released.
The DergiPark (Turkology » Home Page (dergipark.org.tr) platform is used for the journal's publication procedures. Submitted manuscripts are initially reviewed for compliance with the journal's publication guidelines. The evaluation procedure excludes manuscripts that do not adhere to the journal's publication guidelines.
The "Double-Blind Refereeing" system is used in the journal Turkology. The identity of the writers are withheld when the Editorial Board sends the articles to the two referees who will evaluate them. The review procedure is carried out in a way that completely conceals the names of both the article's authors and the referees. The article is up for review for 15 days. This time frame may be extended by the editor if deemed necessary. The article may be forwarded to a third referee if one report is favorable and the other is unfavorable. Alternatively, the Editorial Board may decide to reject the article altogether after considering both reports. The referees' and the Editorial Board's comments, suggestions, and correction requests are taken into account by the authors. If there are any points they disagree with, they can explain why in a separate report to the Editorial Board. For five years, referee reports are kept.
Each issue may contain a maximum of 10 (ten) copyright pieces and 2 (two) translated articles. Each author is limited to publishing 1 (one) copyright article or 1 (one) translation in the same calendar year.
The papers that are approved for publication are released in an issue that the Editorial Board deems appropriate.
Manuscripts that have been translated must go through the same publishing procedure as manuscripts with copyrights.
With the editor's consent, book reviews might be published without being sent to the reviewers.
Publication Guidelines:
Manuscripts in Turkish, Kazakh, English, and Russian that have never been published before and are based on fundamental and applied research in the subject of Turkology studies are acceptable for publication in the journal of Turkology. If the grade "generated from the thesis" is taken away and the requirements for the originality report are satisfied, articles created from the thesis may be published. Also articles about necrology and book reviews are acceptable. The ethics committee report should be uploaded to the system if necessary in the papers that are submitted to the journal. The journal's editors take a report on the originality of the papers submitted. The procedure for articles with 75% original content is started.
The APA 6th Edition format and the following spelling guidelines should be followed when writing articles:

A. Title
Title should be 12 words or less, bolded, and written in capital letters. The article titles should be written in four different languages—Turkish, Kazakh, English, and Russian—and should be pertinent to the content.
B. Author's name
The author(s)' name(s) and address should not be included in the article file (es). The author(s) must register with the DergiPark system and fill out their profile information before the article submission. DergiPark provides access to information on the author(s).
C. Abstract
Abstracts should be between 150 and 200 words long, produced in four different languages, and convey the core of the content. The abstract should be written in four languages and should be between 150 and 200 words long, giving the gist of the research. The abstract shouldn't contain any sources, figures, charts, notes, etc. Just below the abstract, there should be at least 5 keywords included. Keywords should be written in four different languages. The English and Kazakh abstracts for an article written in English should be placed on the first page. If the manuscript is written in English, the Kazakh and English abstracts should be located on the first page, and the Turkish and Russian abstracts should be located at the end of the manuscript. If the manuscript is written in a language other than English, the abstract in that language and the English abstract should be on the first page, the other two appearing at the end of the text.
Ç) Text of Article
Manuscripts must be written in Times New Roman using the MS Word software. The article's total word count, including footnotes, references, and abstracts, should not exceed 10,000. The article should begin with an introduction that states the article's hypothesis. The main section, which can be supported by intermediate and subheadings, should then contain data, observations, opinions, comments, and discussions. Finally, the conclusion section should explain the conclusions reached by providing evidence. The percentage of citations in papers that are brief should not exceed 25%.
When utilized, figures, tables, maps, and photos should not encroach on the writing space and, if necessary, should each be on a different page. The names and numbers of figures and tables should correspond to the information they contain. Under these appendices, numbers and titles should be put in font size 10. The contents of tables and figures should be written in Times New Roman 10 point.
D) Template: Within the parameters of the following order, manuscripts must be prepared as MS Word files (.doc /.docx extension) as well as PDF files (.pdf extension).
Font: Times New Roman
Font Size: 11 p.
Footnote Font Size: 9 p.
Line spacing: Single
Paragraph Spacing: 6 nk
Paragraph Indent: 1 cm
Left Margin: 3 cm
Right Margin: 2 cm
Top Margin: 3 cm
Bottom Margin: 2 cm
E) Citation and References: APA 6th edition must be used when writing articles. Three-line maximum literal citations must be given in the text and enclosed in quotation marks. A separate paragraph 1.25 cm to the right and left of the line, with a font size of 10 points, must be used for quotations that are longer than three lines. In the text, references should appear in the following order:
Parenthetical Quotations:
It is stated that “….” (Maraş, 2002, p. 24).

Parenthetical Quotations with Author’s Name in the Text:
As Maraş (2002) states, “…..” (p. 24).

Narrative Quotations:
As Maraş stated (2002), ….. (p. 24).

Narrative Quotations with Author’s Name in the Text
It is stated that … (Maraş, 2002).

No Author
It is stated that “….” (Çuvaşskiye Predaniye, 1834, p. 5).
It is stated in the book Chuvaşskiye Predaniye (1834) that “…” (p. 5).
The term "Anonymous" may also be used as the author name in studies whose author is unknown. Use "Anonymous" as the author's name in the bibliography in this instance.
In another work it is stated that “….” (Anonymous, 1834, p. 5).

Multiple Works by the Same Author, Published in the Same Year:
(Güzel, 2020a, p. 457, 2020b, p. 455)

Two Authors:
It is stated that “….” (Bayram & Flakhova, 2018, p. 217).
Bayram and Falakhova (2018) state that… (p.217).
It is stated that …. (Bayram & Flakhova, 2018).

3 or More Authors
In works with three, four, or five authors, all of the authors are listed if their names are mentioned for the first time in the text. Before writing the last name of the author, the conjunction "and" is used:
Terentyeva, Yefimova and Semenova state that… (2007, p. 394).

The initial author's name and "et seq" are written in subsequent citations.
Terentyeva et al. (2007), state “…” (p. 394).

It is stated that … (Terentyeva et al., 2007).
(Zheltov vd., 2009, p. 57)

2 or More Sources:
(Allen, 1998, p. 55; Ivanics & Usmanov, 2002, p. 22; Sela, 2011, p. 55)

Citing Secondary Sources:
(Clauson, 1962, as cited in Tekin, 2003, p. 19). Primary sources - should NOT be included in the references list.

Writers Who Share the Same Last Name
(N. İ. Yegorov, 1995, p. 57; V. G. Yegorov, 1964, p. 13)

New Edition of an Earlier Edition
(Timofeyev, 1972/2014).

Digital texts
Video or Movie
(The movie's title, year) (Uzun Hikâye, 2012).
Referring to any video or movie's hour, minute, or second:

Podcast/ YouTube
It must be stated if the video or podcast has an author, a title, or a registration date. When referencing time in hours, minutes, or seconds, the following format should be used:

Other Sources
Ali Yüksel states that … (Cumhuriyet, 2014).

The preceding sequence should be used when referencing web pages in the content. The text title should be used in place of the author name in references where it is unavailable.
The date of access should be entered in place of the current date. Only use the footnote for explanations; if the information in the footnote needs to be cited, use the in-text citation approach as described above.
Bibliography: The authors' last names should be listed in the order listed below at the conclusion of the manuscript. Words like “Publisher” and “Publishing” must not be used when mentioning the publishers of the works included in the bibliography.
Allen, F. J. (1998). Islamic Historiography and “Bulghar” Identity Among the Tatars and Bashkirs of Russia. Leiden-Boston-Köln: Brill.
Ögel, B. (2001). Dünden Bugüne Türk Kültürünün Gelişme Çağları. Ankara: Türk Dünyası Araştırmaları Vakfı.
Zheltov, P., Fomin, E., & Luutonen, J. (2009). Reverse Dictionary of Chuvash. Helsinki: Société Finno-Ougrienne.
Journal Articles:
Demir, N., & Yılmaz, E. (2002). Çuvaşça Bir Öykü: Asker Karısı. Türkbilig, (4), 29-47.
Güzel, S. (2020a). Çuvaş Dil Bilimi Çalışmalarının Büyük İsmi N. İ. Aşmarin. Tehlikedeki Diller Dergisi, 10(17), 457-459.
Conference Proceedings:
Arıkan, İ. (2014). G. T. Timofeyev’in “Tăhăr’yal” Adlı Eserine Göre XX. yy. Başında Çuvaşlar. In B. Bayram (Ed.), Milliyetlerin Kesişme Noktası: İdil-Ural Çalıştayı Bildiri Kitabı (12-13 Nisan 2014) (ss. 385-394). Kırklareli: Kırklareli Üniversitesi Yayınları.
Two or More Works by the Same Author:
Sorted by year:
İnan, A. (1954). Tarihte ve Bugün Şamanizm Materyaller ve Araştırmalar. Ankara: TTK.
İnan, A. (1976). Eski Türk Dini Tarihi. Ankara: Kültür Bakanlığı.

Two Works by the Same Author Published in the Same Year
İnan, A. (1976a). Eski Türk Dini Tarihi. Ankara: Kültür Bakanlığı.
İnan, A. (1976b). Tarihte ve Bugün Şamanizm Materyaller ve Araştırmalar. Ankara: TTK.

Anonymous Source
Çuvaşskiye Predaniye. (1834). Çeboksarı: TKİ.

A Translation
Ligeti, L. (1986). Bilinmeyen İç Asya. (S. Karatay, Trans.). Ankara: TDK.

Book with Editor(s)
E. Yılmaz, B. Bayram, & F. Ersoy (Eds.) (2019). Çağdaş Çuvaş Edebiyatının Kurucusu Konstantin V. İvanov Kitabı. Ankara: Nobel Bilimsel Eserler.
Özbek, M. (Ed.) (2005). Kamusal Alan. İstanbul: Hil.

Chapter from a Book
Durmuş, O. (2019). Narspi’nin Çağdaş Türk Lehçelerine Çevirileri. In E. Yılmaz, B. Bayram, & F. Ersoy (Eds.), Çağdaş Çuvaş Edebiyatının Kurucusu Konstantin V. İvanov Kitabı (pp. 65-89). Ankara: Nobel Bilimsel Eserler.

Book with Multiple Editions
Kafesoğlu, İ. (2016). Türk Millî Kültürü (40th ed.). İstanbul: Ötüken.

Work/Webpage on a Website:
In the bibliography, references to online texts should be listed in the following order:
Surname, N. (Access date). Title of work/webpaage. Site or page name. URL.
(In references without an Anonymous source, the same procedure must be used, but the text's title must be omitted rather than the author's name.)

Digital Sources
According to the order of use, URL-1 is listed in the article as URL-2, and URL is provided in the bibliography.
URL-1 https://tr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seyhun
URL-2 https://tr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ceyhun

Digital Newspaper Articles
Ercilasun, A. B. (2022, 2 January). Oğuzname Nedir? https://www.yenicaggazetesi.com.tr/oguzname-nedir-496936h.htm

Unpublished Thesis/Dissertation
Durmuş. O. (2009). Çuvaşçanın Şekil Bilgisi. (Doctoral dissertation). Trakya Üniversitesi / Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Edirne.

Balkans: History. (1987). Encyclopaedia Britannica In (15th ed., vol. 14, pp. 570-588). Chicago: Encyclopaedia Britannica.

Devellioğlu, F. (2013). Osmanlıca- Türkçe Ansiklopedik Lugat (30th ed.). Ankara: Aydın.

Türk Dil Kurumu. (2005). . . .

Özdemir, Y. A. (2020). Saim Sakaoğlu ile Konya ve Halk Edebiyatı Üzerine Söyleşi 1. Pusula Haber, 2020, April 27. Retrieved 2023, January 4. https://www.pusulahaber.com.tr/saim-sakaoglu-ile-konya-ve-halk-edebiyati-uzerine-soylesi1-1357059h.htm

Sınav, O. (Director) (2012). Uzun Hikâye [Motion picture]. Türkiye: Sinegraf Film.