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Dünya Fındık Üretiminde ABD’nin Yeri ve Geleceği

Year 2023, , 109 - 120, 29.10.2023


ABD’de fındık tarımının %99’u Oregon eyaletinin Willamette vadisinde gerçekleştirilmektedir. Vadide ağaçların ölümüne yol açan fındık yanıklığı hastalığı (EFB: Anisogramma anomala) yaygındır ve ancak yoğun ilaçlama sayesinde üretim yapılabilmektedir. Sökülen bahçeler nedeniyle üretim alanı 1990’larda azalma eğilimine girmiştir. Öte yandan Oregon State Üniversitesinde (OSU) ıslah çalışmaları sayesinde son 20 yılda önemli değişimler yaşanmıştır. Gassaway çeşidinde genetik dayanıklılık keşfedilmesi ve genin aktarılarak Jefferson, McDonald, PloyO ve Yamhill gibi verimli ve kaliteli yeni çeşitler geliştirilmesi fındık tarımını kurtarmış ve yeni bir ivme kazandırmıştır. Doku kültürleri tekniği ile hızla çoğaltılan bu çeşitler ile 2012 yılından itibaren plantasyonlarda hızlı bir artış gerçekleşmiş ve üretim miktarı 77.500 tona ulaşmıştır. Dikili alan toplamı 2023 itibariyle 376.000 dekara çıkmıştır ancak bunların 1/3’ü henüz verim çağında değildir. Bu nedenle önümüzdeki 5-10 yıl içinde üretimin 100.000 tonu geçmesi beklenmektedir. Yeni bahçelerde sık dikim (6x3m), yer üstü ve yer altı damla sulama, fertigasyon, makinalı budama gibi modern teknikler uygulanmaktadır. Öte yandan, ABD’nin doğusunda Rutgers Üniversitesinde (New Jersey) 1996 yılında başlayan fındık ıslahı çalışmaları OSU ile iş birliği halinde devam etmektedir. 2020 yılında tescil edilen, soğuklara ve EFB’ye dayanıklılığını Corylus americana’dan alan Beast çeşidinin adaptasyon çalışmaları devam etmektedir. Daha önceden aşırı soğuk ve EFB baskısı nedeniyle fındığın yetiştirilemediği ABD’nin doğu ve orta eyaletlerinde fındık yetiştirilmeye başlanması beklenmektedir. Bu nedenle, uzun vadede üretimde büyük artış yaşanabileceği ve ABD’nin dünya fındık üretiminde söz sahibi olabileceği değerlendirilmektedir.


Oregon State Üniversitesi fındık ıslahı programını ve Willamette vadisi fındık sektörünü inceleme ziyaretini mümkün kılan Prof.Dr. Shawn Mehlenbacher'e şükranlarımı sunarım.


  • Anonim. (2003). U.S. hazelnut industry organizations. Proceedings and membership roster of Nut Growers Society of Oregon, Washington and British Columbia, pp: 7-8.
  • Anonim. (2019). Census of Agriculture 2017, Oregon. USDA national statistical service.
  • Anonim. (2021). New Oregon State hazelnut varieties expand Production. National Nut Grower. (Erişim tarihi: 15.08.2023).
  • Anonim. (2022). Oregon Annual Statistical Bulletin (October 2022). USDA, National Agricultural Statistics Service - Northwest Regional Office. p.55.
  • Bassil, N., & Mehlenbacher, S. (2023). Hazelnut ‘Gasaway’ – EFB Resistance. In: Volk GM, Chen K, Byrne P (Eds.) Plant Genetic Resources: Success Stories. Fort Collins, Colorado: Colorado State University. (Erişim tarihi: 10.08.2023).
  • Erdoğan, V. (2001). Amerika Birleşik Devletler’ inde fındık yetiştiriciliğinin durumu. Ekin, 5(18), 70-76.
  • Erdoğan, V. (2002). Amerika Birleşik Devletler’ inde fındık tarımında uygulanan kültürel işlemler ve Türkiye ile ticari ilişkiler, Ekin, 6 (19), 44-51.
  • FAO. (2021). Food and Agricultural Organization (Erişim tarihi: 10.08.2023).
  • Gusinow, S. (2022). Oregon hazelnut growers are feeling the crunch. National Nut Grower. (Erişim tarihi: 10.08.2023).
  • Hummer, K. (2001). Historical notes on hazelnuts in Oregon. Acta Horticulturae 556, 25-28.
  • Lagerstedt, H.B. (1975). Filberts. p: 456-489. In: J. Janick and J.N. Moore (eds.). Advances in Fruit Breeding Purdue University Press, Indiana.
  • Mehlenbacher, S.A. & Thompson, T.E. (1994). Filbert. HortScience 29(9), 946.
  • Mehlenbacher, S.A., & Olsen, J. (1997). The hazelnut industry in Oregon, USA. Acta Horticulturae, 445, 337-345.
  • Mehlenbacher, S.A., Smith, D.C., McCluskey, R.L., Snelling, J.W., Molnar, T.J., & Clare, A. (2023). OSU 541.147 Hazelnut. HortScience 58(3), 333–337.
  • Muehlbauer, M., Capik, J., & Molnar, T.J. (2021). Choosing Plants for a Hazelnut Orchard in New Jersey. Cooperative Extension Bulletin E368.
  • Molnar, T.J., Goffreda, J.C., & Funk, C.R. (2005). Developing Hazelnuts for the Eastern Unites States. Acta Horticulturae, 686, 609-618.
  • Molnar, T.J., & Capik, J.M. (2020). Rutgers Hazelnut 2020: Brief Overview on Production, Orchard Design, Cultivars, Orchard Establishment. (Erişim tarihi. 15.08.2023).
  • O’Connor, P. (2022). Oregon’s Hazelnut Harvest. (Erişim tarihi: 15.08.2023).
  • Olsen, J.L. (1991). Year round management practices in Oregon hazelnut orchards. Annual Report of the Northern Nut Growers Association pp: 24-29.
  • Olsen, J.L. (1997). Nut Growers Society Summer Tour. Proceedings and membership roster of Nut Growers Society of Oregon, Washington and British Columbia. pp: 81-90.
  • Olsen, J.L. (2001). Nut growers handbook. Proceedings and membership roster of Nut Growers Society of Oregon, Washington and British Columbia. pp: 16 - 25.
  • Olsen, J.L. (2002). Growing hazelnuts in the Pacific Northwest. Oregon State University Extension Service, OR. Extension circular 1219.
  • Perez, X. (2023). W37: Hazelnut Update. (Erişim tarihi: 15.08.2023).
  • Rigetti, T. (1994). Boron applications in hazelnuts. Proceedings and membership roster of Nut Growers Society of Oregon, Washington and British Columbia. pp: 86 – 91.
  • Rockey, C.C.D. (2023). Climate of Salem. 3rd Revision (February 2023). (Erişim tarihi 10.08.2023). Thompson, M.M., Lagerstedt, H.B., & Mehlenbacher, S.A. (1996). Hazelnuts. p.125-184 In: J. Janick and J.N. Moore (eds.). Fruit Breeding, V.3, Nuts. Villey and Sons Inc., New York.
  • Wiman, N., Pscheidt, J.W., & Moretti, M. (2023). Pest Management Guides for hazelnuts (2003, Willamette Valley). Oregon State University Extension Service, EM 8328.

Current Position and Future Plans of the USA in World Hazelnut Production

Year 2023, , 109 - 120, 29.10.2023


Willamette valley of Oregon state produces 99% of the USA’s hazelnuts. In the valley, hazelnut blight disease (EFB: Anisogramma anomala), which kills the trees is widespread, and production has been achieved by intensive fungicide applications. Due to the removal of diseased orchards the production area tended to decrease in the 1990s. However, hazelnut-breeding efforts of Oregon State University (OSU) have resulted in significant changes within last 20 years and saved the hazelnut farming. By transferring the resistance gene discovered in the Gassaway pollinizer, new cultivars with high yield and quality such as Jefferson, McDonald, PloyO and Yamhill were developed. These cultivars were rapidly propagated by micropropagation that there has been a rapid increase in plantations since 2012. The production has reached to 77.500 tons. As of 2023, the total planted area has increased to 37.600 ha, but 1/3 of it is at juvenile age. Therefore, production is expected to exceed 100.000 tons within next 5-10 years. Modern techniques such as dense planting (6x3m), above ground and underground drip irrigation, fertigation and machine pruning are applied in new orchards. On the other hand, hazelnut breeding studies, which started in 1996 at Rutgers University (New Jersey) in the east of the USA, continue in cooperation with OSU. A new cultivar named Beast, which carries resistance to cold and EFB from Corylus americana was registered in 2020. Now, adaptation studies are underway that hazelnut cultivation is expected to begin in the Eastern and Middle states of the USA, where hazelnuts could not be grown in the past due to extreme cold and EFB pressure. Thus, increased production in large quantities would enable USA to be a major producer in the long term.


  • Anonim. (2003). U.S. hazelnut industry organizations. Proceedings and membership roster of Nut Growers Society of Oregon, Washington and British Columbia, pp: 7-8.
  • Anonim. (2019). Census of Agriculture 2017, Oregon. USDA national statistical service.
  • Anonim. (2021). New Oregon State hazelnut varieties expand Production. National Nut Grower. (Erişim tarihi: 15.08.2023).
  • Anonim. (2022). Oregon Annual Statistical Bulletin (October 2022). USDA, National Agricultural Statistics Service - Northwest Regional Office. p.55.
  • Bassil, N., & Mehlenbacher, S. (2023). Hazelnut ‘Gasaway’ – EFB Resistance. In: Volk GM, Chen K, Byrne P (Eds.) Plant Genetic Resources: Success Stories. Fort Collins, Colorado: Colorado State University. (Erişim tarihi: 10.08.2023).
  • Erdoğan, V. (2001). Amerika Birleşik Devletler’ inde fındık yetiştiriciliğinin durumu. Ekin, 5(18), 70-76.
  • Erdoğan, V. (2002). Amerika Birleşik Devletler’ inde fındık tarımında uygulanan kültürel işlemler ve Türkiye ile ticari ilişkiler, Ekin, 6 (19), 44-51.
  • FAO. (2021). Food and Agricultural Organization (Erişim tarihi: 10.08.2023).
  • Gusinow, S. (2022). Oregon hazelnut growers are feeling the crunch. National Nut Grower. (Erişim tarihi: 10.08.2023).
  • Hummer, K. (2001). Historical notes on hazelnuts in Oregon. Acta Horticulturae 556, 25-28.
  • Lagerstedt, H.B. (1975). Filberts. p: 456-489. In: J. Janick and J.N. Moore (eds.). Advances in Fruit Breeding Purdue University Press, Indiana.
  • Mehlenbacher, S.A. & Thompson, T.E. (1994). Filbert. HortScience 29(9), 946.
  • Mehlenbacher, S.A., & Olsen, J. (1997). The hazelnut industry in Oregon, USA. Acta Horticulturae, 445, 337-345.
  • Mehlenbacher, S.A., Smith, D.C., McCluskey, R.L., Snelling, J.W., Molnar, T.J., & Clare, A. (2023). OSU 541.147 Hazelnut. HortScience 58(3), 333–337.
  • Muehlbauer, M., Capik, J., & Molnar, T.J. (2021). Choosing Plants for a Hazelnut Orchard in New Jersey. Cooperative Extension Bulletin E368.
  • Molnar, T.J., Goffreda, J.C., & Funk, C.R. (2005). Developing Hazelnuts for the Eastern Unites States. Acta Horticulturae, 686, 609-618.
  • Molnar, T.J., & Capik, J.M. (2020). Rutgers Hazelnut 2020: Brief Overview on Production, Orchard Design, Cultivars, Orchard Establishment. (Erişim tarihi. 15.08.2023).
  • O’Connor, P. (2022). Oregon’s Hazelnut Harvest. (Erişim tarihi: 15.08.2023).
  • Olsen, J.L. (1991). Year round management practices in Oregon hazelnut orchards. Annual Report of the Northern Nut Growers Association pp: 24-29.
  • Olsen, J.L. (1997). Nut Growers Society Summer Tour. Proceedings and membership roster of Nut Growers Society of Oregon, Washington and British Columbia. pp: 81-90.
  • Olsen, J.L. (2001). Nut growers handbook. Proceedings and membership roster of Nut Growers Society of Oregon, Washington and British Columbia. pp: 16 - 25.
  • Olsen, J.L. (2002). Growing hazelnuts in the Pacific Northwest. Oregon State University Extension Service, OR. Extension circular 1219.
  • Perez, X. (2023). W37: Hazelnut Update. (Erişim tarihi: 15.08.2023).
  • Rigetti, T. (1994). Boron applications in hazelnuts. Proceedings and membership roster of Nut Growers Society of Oregon, Washington and British Columbia. pp: 86 – 91.
  • Rockey, C.C.D. (2023). Climate of Salem. 3rd Revision (February 2023). (Erişim tarihi 10.08.2023). Thompson, M.M., Lagerstedt, H.B., & Mehlenbacher, S.A. (1996). Hazelnuts. p.125-184 In: J. Janick and J.N. Moore (eds.). Fruit Breeding, V.3, Nuts. Villey and Sons Inc., New York.
  • Wiman, N., Pscheidt, J.W., & Moretti, M. (2023). Pest Management Guides for hazelnuts (2003, Willamette Valley). Oregon State University Extension Service, EM 8328.
There are 26 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Pomology and Treatment
Journal Section Derleme

Veli Erdoğan 0000-0003-0813-898X

Publication Date October 29, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023


APA Erdoğan, V. (2023). Dünya Fındık Üretiminde ABD’nin Yeri ve Geleceği. Akademik Ziraat Dergisi, 12(Özel Sayı), 109-120.