Year 2024,
Volume: 14 Issue: 2, 99 - 108, 31.07.2024
Hamzaga D. Orudzhev
Gahire L. Shahbazova
- [1] E. Abdukadirov, On the Green function of the Sturm-Liouville equation with
operator coefficients, DAN SSSR, 195(3), 1970, 519-522.
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equation on a semi-axis, Izv. AN Azerb. SSR, ser. phys.-tech. mat. sc., 6,
1980, 8-12.
- [3] G.I. Aslanov, Asymptotics of the number of eigen-values of ordinary differential equations with operator coefficients in a semi-axis, DAN Azerb. SSR,
3(3), 1976, 3-7.
- [4] G.I. Aslanov, On a higher order Green function with a normal operator
coefficients, Spectralnaya teoria operatorov, ”Elm”, Baku, 1982, 23-27.
- [5] M. Bayramoglu, Asymptotics of the number of eigen-values of ordinary differential operators with operator coefficients, In: Funksion. analiz. i ego
primenenie, ”Elm”, Baku, 1971, 144-166.
- [6] I.Ts. Hochberg, M.G. Krein, Introduction to theory of not self-adjoint operatorsa. ”Nauka”, Moscow, 1965.
- [7] M.G. Dushdurov, On the Green function of the Sturm-Liouville equation with
normal operator coefficients on a semi-axis, Dep.VINITI, 3249-82, 12p.
- [8] G.I. Kasumova, Investigation of the Green function of second order equations
with normal operator coefficients on the axis, Transactions of NASA, issue
math. and mechanics series of physical-technical and mathematical science,
XXVIII(4), 2008, 59-64.
- [9] E.G. Kleiman, On the Green function of the Sturm-Liouville equation with
a normal operator coefficient, Vestnik Moskovskogo Univ., 5, 1974, 97-105.
- [10] A.G. Kostyuchenko, B.M. Levitan, On asymptotic behavior of eigen-values
of the Sturm-Liouville operator problem, Funksion. analiz. i ego primenenie,
1(I), 1967, 86-96.
- [11] B.M. Levitan, Studying the Green function of the Sturm-Liouville equation
with an operator coefficients, Matem. sbornik, 76 (118)(2), 1968, 239-270.
- [12] H.D. Orudzhev, Q.L. Shahbazova, Investigation of the Resolvent of equation
of second order with normal operator coefficients on the semi-axis, Nonlinear
Analysis and Differential equations, 2(3), 2014, 117-123.
Investigation of The Resolvent Kernel of a Higher Order Differential Equation With Normal Operator Coefficients On The Semi-Axis
Year 2024,
Volume: 14 Issue: 2, 99 - 108, 31.07.2024
Hamzaga D. Orudzhev
Gahire L. Shahbazova
Green function of a 2n-th order differential equation with normal coefficients
on the half-axis is studied. We first consider the Green function of our equation with
“frozen” coefficients. Using Levi’s method, we obtain a Fredholm-type integral equation
for the Green function of our problem, whose kernel is a Green function of a problem
with constant coefficients. We prove an existence and uniqueness theorem for this integral
equation in some Banach spaces of operator-valued functions. The main result of this
paper is a theorem stating that the solution of the obtained integral equation is a Green
function of our problem.
- [1] E. Abdukadirov, On the Green function of the Sturm-Liouville equation with
operator coefficients, DAN SSSR, 195(3), 1970, 519-522.
- [2] A.A. Abudov, On the Green function of a higher order operator-differential
equation on a semi-axis, Izv. AN Azerb. SSR, ser. phys.-tech. mat. sc., 6,
1980, 8-12.
- [3] G.I. Aslanov, Asymptotics of the number of eigen-values of ordinary differential equations with operator coefficients in a semi-axis, DAN Azerb. SSR,
3(3), 1976, 3-7.
- [4] G.I. Aslanov, On a higher order Green function with a normal operator
coefficients, Spectralnaya teoria operatorov, ”Elm”, Baku, 1982, 23-27.
- [5] M. Bayramoglu, Asymptotics of the number of eigen-values of ordinary differential operators with operator coefficients, In: Funksion. analiz. i ego
primenenie, ”Elm”, Baku, 1971, 144-166.
- [6] I.Ts. Hochberg, M.G. Krein, Introduction to theory of not self-adjoint operatorsa. ”Nauka”, Moscow, 1965.
- [7] M.G. Dushdurov, On the Green function of the Sturm-Liouville equation with
normal operator coefficients on a semi-axis, Dep.VINITI, 3249-82, 12p.
- [8] G.I. Kasumova, Investigation of the Green function of second order equations
with normal operator coefficients on the axis, Transactions of NASA, issue
math. and mechanics series of physical-technical and mathematical science,
XXVIII(4), 2008, 59-64.
- [9] E.G. Kleiman, On the Green function of the Sturm-Liouville equation with
a normal operator coefficient, Vestnik Moskovskogo Univ., 5, 1974, 97-105.
- [10] A.G. Kostyuchenko, B.M. Levitan, On asymptotic behavior of eigen-values
of the Sturm-Liouville operator problem, Funksion. analiz. i ego primenenie,
1(I), 1967, 86-96.
- [11] B.M. Levitan, Studying the Green function of the Sturm-Liouville equation
with an operator coefficients, Matem. sbornik, 76 (118)(2), 1968, 239-270.
- [12] H.D. Orudzhev, Q.L. Shahbazova, Investigation of the Resolvent of equation
of second order with normal operator coefficients on the semi-axis, Nonlinear
Analysis and Differential equations, 2(3), 2014, 117-123.