Bu çalışmada, hatalara dayalı olarak yapılandırılan negatif bilgi kavramı tartışılmıştır. Deneme-yanılma yoluyla ve yansıtmacı analiz şeklinde yapılandırılan negatif bilginin teorik temelleri, yapılandırmacılık ve üstbilişe dayandırılmaktadır. Negatif bilgi, hedefe gitmeyen yolları gösteren zihnin uyarı işaretlerinin toplamı ve yapılmaması gerekenleri bilme (negatif uzmanlık) olarak tanımlanmaktadır. Negatif bilgi, kişisel gelişim, problem çözme ve bilgelik düzeyinde öğrenmede kritik bir öneme sahiptir. Pozitif bilgiye odaklı eğitimin sınırlılıklarına karşın; negatif bilgi, öğrenme sürecinde hataları “daha fazla hata yapmayı önleyecek” biçimde işe koşarak, öğrencilerin risk alma, yaratıcılık ve girişimcilik gibi özelliklerine destek sağlama potansiyeline sahiptir. Ayrıca okulların da, hatalarından ders çıkararak, “öğrenen örgütler” başarısızlıklar” olarak önemli bir işlev görebilir. Bu özellikleriyle negatif bilgi, pozitif bilgiyi tamamlayıcı olarak, öğrenmede bilinen yollara yeni perspektifler sağlayabilir
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Negative Knowledge Concept: Learning from Mistakes and Failures
Year 2010,
Volume: 1 Issue: 1, 14 - 22, 01.02.2010
In this paper, negative knowledge concept which is constructed based on mistakes has been discussed. The foundations of negative knowledge which are constructed through trial and error and reflective analysis have been based on constructivism and metacognition. Negative knowledge, as defined as the overall of warning signs of mind showing the ways that do not go to target and knowing what not to do (negative expertise). Negative knowledge is of critical importance in personal development, problem solving and learning in wisdom level. Despite the limitations of education focused on positive knowledge, negative knowledge has the potential to support students’ characteristics, such as taking risk, creativity and enterprise by using mistakes in a way that prevents more mistakes. Besides, negative knowledge may work out as “wise failures” in making individuals “learning organizations” by taking lessons from their mistakes at their schools. Negative knowledge, with all these features, as complementary of positive knowledge, can provide new perspectives for already known ways in learning.
Alpkan, L. ve Doğan, T. (2008). Stratejik planlama süreci bileşenlerinin firma performansına etkileri. Kocaeli Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 16(2), 21–47.
Argüden, Y. (2005). Her hata bir öğrenme fırsatıdır. Retrieved from http://www.arge.com 17/04/2009.
Balcı, T. (2009). Türkiye’de pek uygulanmayan yabancı dil öğretim yöntemleri üzerine. Retrieved from http://www. egitim.cu.edu.tr/myfiles/open.aspx?file=1143.doc12/04/2009.
Baumard, P., ve Starbuck, Wi. H. (2005). Learning from failures: Why it may not happen, Long Range Planning, 38, 281–298.
Bhekuzulu, K. (2006). The fundamental theory of knowledge. Retrieved from http://mpra.ub.uni- muenchen.de/373315/03/ 2009.
Bickhard, M.H. (2004). Negative knowledge and creativity. Retrieved from http://www.isd.mel.nist.gov 17/03/2009.
Bloom, S. B. (1984). The 2 sigma problem: The search for methods of group instruction as effective as one-to-one tutoring. Educational Researcher, 13(6), 4-16.
Bobinski, D. (2003). Risks, rewards and learning from mistakes. Retrieved from http://www.management- issues.com/2006/5/25/opinion/risks-rewards-and-learning-from mistakes.asp 08/03/2009.
Gartmeier, M. (2009). Negative knowledge in the nursing sector – investigating basic forms andfunctions. Retrieved from http:www.rwl5.uwc.ac.za 02/03/2009.
Gartmeier, M., Bauer, J., Gruber, H. ve Heid, H. (2008). Negative knowledge: Understanding professional learning and expertise. Vocations and Learning, 1, 87–103.
Gartmeier, M., Gruber, H. ve Heid, H. (2007). Negative knowledge as a promising perspective for research on learning and performance in workplace contexts. 5th int. Conference on Researching Work and Learning in Cape Town / South Africa, Dec 2007.
Harteis, C., Bauer, J., ve Gruber, H. (2008). The culture of learning from mistakes: How employees handle mistakes in everyday work. International Journal of Educational Research, 47(4), 223–231.
Heinze, A. (2005). Mistake-handling activities in the mathematics classroom. In Chick, H. L. ve Vincent, J. L. (Eds.). Proceedings of the 29th Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, Melbourne 3, 105-112.
Karadağ, Z. (2009). Hatalardan öğrenme yönteminin bilgisayar destekli matematik öğretiminde uygulanması. Retrieved from http://www.bilelim.net/tur/teknoloji/bilegt/Hatalardan_Ogrenme.pdf. 15/03/2009. Lambe, P. (2006). Negative knowledge, expertise and
organisations. Retrieved from
http://blog.jackvinson.com/archives 15/032009. Lehman, P. (2009). Learning from mistakes and failures. Retrieved from
Minsky, M. (1994). Negative expertise. International Journal of Expert Systems, 7(1), 13–19.
Parviainen, J. ve Eriksson, M. (2006). Negative knowledge, expertise and organisations. International Journal of Management Concepts and Philosophy, 2 (2), 140–153.
Pettinger, T. (2007). How to learn from mistakes: pettinger mistakes are opportunities to learn. Retrieved from http://www.pickthebrain.com/blog/how-to-learn-from-mistakes, 28/02/2009.
Reany, P. (1988). What is knowledge? Journal of Natural Philosophy 2, 7-14. Tauber, Y. (2009). The elusive horse. Retrieved from http://www.chabad.org/library/article_cdo/aid/63025/jewish/The-Elusive-Horse.htm 15/03/2009.
TDK (2009). Türk Dil Kurumu Sözlüğü. Retrieved from http://www.tdksozluk.com 02/03/2009.
Titiz, T. (1996). Temiz toplum, bilgi toplumu. Retrieved from http://www.tinaztitiz.com/yazi.php?id=467, 27/02/2009.
Tjosvold, D., Yu, Z., ve Hui, C. (2004). Team learning from mistakes: The contribution of cooperative goals and problem-solving. Journal of Management Studies, 41(7), 1223–1245.