Research Article
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Year 2018, Volume: 7 Issue: 1, 211 - 237, 31.07.2018


The Bosnian War
between 1992 and 1995 prepared proper conditions for political and economic
reconstruction of Bosnia-Herzegovina in the disintegration process of
Yugoslavia. After the war and great destruction, Bosnia-Herzegovina was
reconstructed with the intervention of the USA and the Western European states
(especially Germany, the UK, France), and the Dayton Agreement as a very
complex and fragmented federation in the political sphere and a periphery
capitalist country in the economic sphere. More importantly, the Western
states’ intervention and the Dayton arrangements created an “international
protectoral rule” in Bosnia-Herzegovina under the control and command of the
USA, the Western European states and international organizations. This painful
destruction and political-economic reconstruction process in Bosnia-Herzegovina
is discussed and explained in the article.


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  • BEGIC, Kasim I., Bosna I Hercegovina Od Vanceove Misije Do Daytonskog Sporazum (1991-1996), Bosanska Knjiga, Sarajevo 1997.
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  • BORA, Tanıl, Bosna-Hersek: Yeni Dünya Düzeninin Av Sahası, Birikim Yayınları, Istanbul 1994.
  • _____, Yugoslavya: Milliyetçiliğin Provokasyonu, Birikim Yayınları, Istanbul 1995.
  • BOSKOVSKA, Tanja and KLANJSEK, Petra, “The Former Yugoslav Countries’ Model: The Case of Bosnia, Croatia, Macedonia, Monte Negro, Serbia and Slovenia”, in How Are Different Capitalist Systems Coping With The Current Crisis?, (ed.) Janez Prasnikar, Casnik Finance, Ljubljana 2009, pp. 195-127.
  • BUMAZOVIC, Tufik, “Bosnia and Herzegovina: Economic Factors and Obstacles of Political Stability”, Eurasia Studies, No. 14, Summer-Autumn 1998, pp. 20-51.
  • CEKIC, Smail, The Aggression against the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina, KULT/B, Sarajevo 2005.
  • CHANDLER, David, “Balkan Statebuilding: Governance but not Government”, in International Balkan Congress: Interaction among the Balkan Nations, (ed.) Caner Sancaktar, TASAM Publication, Istanbul 2009, pp. 155-179.
  • _____, “Bosnia: The Democracy Paradox”, Current History, Vol. 100, No. 644, March 2001, pp. 114-119.
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  • COHEN, Lenard J., “Whose Bosnia?: The Politics of Nation Building”, Current History, Vol. 97, No. 617, March 1998, pp. 103-112.
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  • COUSENS, Elizabeth M. and CATER, Charles, Towards Peace in Bosnia: Implementing the Dayton Accords, Lynne Rienner Publishers, Boulder and London 2001.
  • Europe Report, No 209: Federation of Bosnia And Herzegovina - a parallel crisis, International Crisis Group, 28 September 2010, (08.07.2013).
  • FRIEDMAN, Francine, Bosnia and Herzegovina: A Polity on the Brink, Routledge, London 2004.
  • IZZETBEGOVIC, Aliya, Bosna Mucizesi, (trans.) Fatmanur Altun and Rıfat Ahmedoğlu, Yöneliş, Istanbul 2003.
  • JANKOVIC, Nada, “Reconstruction of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Balkans”, in International Balkan Congress: Interaction among the Balkan Nations, (ed.) Caner Sancaktar, TASAM Publication, Istanbul 2009, pp. 235-239.
  • KARATAY, Osman, Ba’de Harabi’l Bosna, İz Yayıncılık, Istanbul 1997.
  • KLEMENCIC, Matjaz and ZAGAR, Mitja, The Former Yugoslavia’s Diverse Peoples, ABC-CLIO, Santa Barbara, Denver and Oxford 2004.
  • MACIC, Becir, “Civil Society in the Process of Reconciliation in Bosnia and Herzegovina”, in 3rd International Balkan Congress: Role of CSOs and Think Tank Institutions in Regional Cooperation in the Balkans, (ed.) Caner Sancaktar, TASAM Publication, Istanbul 2010, pp. 421-430.
  • MALCOLM, Noel, Bosna, (trans.) Aşkım Karadağlı, Om Yayınevi, Istanbul 1999.
  • NAJETOVIC, Dzemal, Britanska Politika u Bosni i Hercegovini (1992-1995), DES, Sarajevo 2008.
  • OLIVER, Ian, War & Peace in the Balkans: Diplomacy of Conflict in the Former Yugoslavia, I.B. Tauris, London and New York 2005.
  • RAMET, Sabrina P., Balkan Babel: The Disintegration of Yugoslavia from the Death of Tito to the War for Kosovo, Westview Press, Boulder and Oxford 1999.
  • _____, Thinking about Yugoslavia: Scholarly Debates about the Yugoslav Breakup and the Wars in Bosnia and Kosovo, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 2005.
  • SOBUTAY, Tülay and AKGÜN, Cem, Bosna-Hersek Ülke Etüdü, Istanbul Ticaret Odası Yayınları, Istanbul 1998.
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  • WOODWARD, Susan L., “The West and International Organizations”, in Yugoslavia and After: A Study in Fragmentation, Despair and Rebirth, (ed.) David A. Dyaker and Ivan Vejvoda, Longman, London and New York 1996, pp. 155-176.
  • ZECIC, Dzevad and SERDAREVIC, Nino, “Bosnia and Herzegovina as Focal Point in Linking Asian and European Capital Markets: Socioeconomic Analysis and Recommendations”, in 2nd International Balkan Congress: Socioeconomic Cooperation and Development in the Balkans, (ed.) Caner Sancaktar, TASAM Publication, Istanbul 2010, pp. 47-59.
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Year 2018, Volume: 7 Issue: 1, 211 - 237, 31.07.2018


1992 ve 1995 yılları arasında yaşanılmış
olan Bosna Savaşı, Yugoslavya’nın parçalanması sürecinde Bosna-Hersek’te
siyasal ve ekonomik yeniden yapılanma için uygun bir ortam yarattı. Savaş ve
büyük yıkım sonrasında Bosna-Hersek, ABD ile Batı Avrupalı devletlerin
(özellikle Almanya, Birleşik Krallık, Fransa) müdahaleleri ve Dayton Anlaşması
tarafından siyasal alanda son derece karmaşık ve parçalı bir federasyon olarak
ve ekonomik alanda bir çevre kapitalist ülke olarak yeniden yapılandırıldı.
Daha da önemlisi, Batılı devletlerin müdahaleleri ve Dayton düzenlemeleri ABD
ile Batı Avrupalı devletlerin ve başlıca uluslararası örgütlerin kontrol ve
komutası altında Bosna-Hersek’te bir “uluslararası himaye yönetimi” oluşturdu.
Makalede, Bosna-Hersek’te yaşanılmış olan bu son derece sancılı yıkım ve
siyasal-ekonomik yeniden yapılanma süreci eleştirel biçimde tartışılıp


  • BABUNA, Aydın, Bir Ulusun Doğuşu: Geçmişten Günümüze Boşnaklar, Tarih Vakfı Yurt Yayınları, Istanbul 2000.
  • BEGIC, Kasim I., Bosna I Hercegovina Od Vanceove Misije Do Daytonskog Sporazum (1991-1996), Bosanska Knjiga, Sarajevo 1997.
  • Board of Principals, (12.02.2018).
  • BORA, Tanıl, Bosna-Hersek: Yeni Dünya Düzeninin Av Sahası, Birikim Yayınları, Istanbul 1994.
  • _____, Yugoslavya: Milliyetçiliğin Provokasyonu, Birikim Yayınları, Istanbul 1995.
  • BOSKOVSKA, Tanja and KLANJSEK, Petra, “The Former Yugoslav Countries’ Model: The Case of Bosnia, Croatia, Macedonia, Monte Negro, Serbia and Slovenia”, in How Are Different Capitalist Systems Coping With The Current Crisis?, (ed.) Janez Prasnikar, Casnik Finance, Ljubljana 2009, pp. 195-127.
  • BUMAZOVIC, Tufik, “Bosnia and Herzegovina: Economic Factors and Obstacles of Political Stability”, Eurasia Studies, No. 14, Summer-Autumn 1998, pp. 20-51.
  • CEKIC, Smail, The Aggression against the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina, KULT/B, Sarajevo 2005.
  • CHANDLER, David, “Balkan Statebuilding: Governance but not Government”, in International Balkan Congress: Interaction among the Balkan Nations, (ed.) Caner Sancaktar, TASAM Publication, Istanbul 2009, pp. 155-179.
  • _____, “Bosnia: The Democracy Paradox”, Current History, Vol. 100, No. 644, March 2001, pp. 114-119.
  • _____, “Building Trust in Public Institutions? Good Governance and Anti-corruption in Bosnia-Herzegovina”, Ethnopolitics, Vol. 5, No. 1, March 2006, pp. 85-99.
  • COHEN, Lenard J., “Whose Bosnia?: The Politics of Nation Building”, Current History, Vol. 97, No. 617, March 1998, pp. 103-112.
  • Constitution of Bosnia and Herzegovina, 20-%20Constitutions/BH/BH%20CONSTITUTION%20.pdf (02.11.2017).
  • Constitution of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, %2013-97.pdf (02.11.2017).
  • Constitution of the Republika Srpska, (02.11.2017).
  • COUSENS, Elizabeth M. and CATER, Charles, Towards Peace in Bosnia: Implementing the Dayton Accords, Lynne Rienner Publishers, Boulder and London 2001.
  • Europe Report, No 209: Federation of Bosnia And Herzegovina - a parallel crisis, International Crisis Group, 28 September 2010, (08.07.2013).
  • FRIEDMAN, Francine, Bosnia and Herzegovina: A Polity on the Brink, Routledge, London 2004.
  • IZZETBEGOVIC, Aliya, Bosna Mucizesi, (trans.) Fatmanur Altun and Rıfat Ahmedoğlu, Yöneliş, Istanbul 2003.
  • JANKOVIC, Nada, “Reconstruction of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Balkans”, in International Balkan Congress: Interaction among the Balkan Nations, (ed.) Caner Sancaktar, TASAM Publication, Istanbul 2009, pp. 235-239.
  • KARATAY, Osman, Ba’de Harabi’l Bosna, İz Yayıncılık, Istanbul 1997.
  • KLEMENCIC, Matjaz and ZAGAR, Mitja, The Former Yugoslavia’s Diverse Peoples, ABC-CLIO, Santa Barbara, Denver and Oxford 2004.
  • MACIC, Becir, “Civil Society in the Process of Reconciliation in Bosnia and Herzegovina”, in 3rd International Balkan Congress: Role of CSOs and Think Tank Institutions in Regional Cooperation in the Balkans, (ed.) Caner Sancaktar, TASAM Publication, Istanbul 2010, pp. 421-430.
  • MALCOLM, Noel, Bosna, (trans.) Aşkım Karadağlı, Om Yayınevi, Istanbul 1999.
  • NAJETOVIC, Dzemal, Britanska Politika u Bosni i Hercegovini (1992-1995), DES, Sarajevo 2008.
  • OLIVER, Ian, War & Peace in the Balkans: Diplomacy of Conflict in the Former Yugoslavia, I.B. Tauris, London and New York 2005.
  • RAMET, Sabrina P., Balkan Babel: The Disintegration of Yugoslavia from the Death of Tito to the War for Kosovo, Westview Press, Boulder and Oxford 1999.
  • _____, Thinking about Yugoslavia: Scholarly Debates about the Yugoslav Breakup and the Wars in Bosnia and Kosovo, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 2005.
  • SOBUTAY, Tülay and AKGÜN, Cem, Bosna-Hersek Ülke Etüdü, Istanbul Ticaret Odası Yayınları, Istanbul 1998.
  • The General Framework Agreement for Peace in Bosnia and Herzegovina,, (21.01.2018).
  • The General Framework Agreement: Annex 1A,, (25.08.2017).
  • The General Framework Agreement: Annex 1B,, (26.08.2017).
  • The General Framework Agreement: Annex 3,, (26.08.2017).
  • The General Framework Agreement: Annex 7,, (12.04.2017).
  • The General Framework Agreement: Annex 10,, (09.04.2017).
  • WOODWARD, Susan L., “The West and International Organizations”, in Yugoslavia and After: A Study in Fragmentation, Despair and Rebirth, (ed.) David A. Dyaker and Ivan Vejvoda, Longman, London and New York 1996, pp. 155-176.
  • ZECIC, Dzevad and SERDAREVIC, Nino, “Bosnia and Herzegovina as Focal Point in Linking Asian and European Capital Markets: Socioeconomic Analysis and Recommendations”, in 2nd International Balkan Congress: Socioeconomic Cooperation and Development in the Balkans, (ed.) Caner Sancaktar, TASAM Publication, Istanbul 2010, pp. 47-59.
  •, (10.12.2017).
  •, (02.07.2017).
  •, (10.12.2017).
  •, (11.04.2017).
  •, (09.04.2001).
  •, (10.12.2012).
  •, (15.02.2018).
  •, (08.02.2018).
  •, (10.12.2017).
  •, (12.04.2017).
  •, (05.02.2018).
There are 48 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Research Article

Caner Sancaktar This is me 0000-0002-2272-9498

Publication Date July 31, 2018
Published in Issue Year 2018 Volume: 7 Issue: 1


APA Sancaktar, C. (2018). POLITICAL AND ECONOMIC RECONSTRUCTION IN BOSNIA-HERZEGOVINA. Balkan Araştırma Enstitüsü Dergisi, 7(1), 211-237.

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