Geçmişten Günümüze Cruciferae (Lahanagiller) Familyası: Sistematiği ve Filogenisi
Year 2019,
Volume: 6 Issue: 2, 10 - 24, 31.08.2019
Ayşe Erden
Yusuf Menemen
İlk olarak Jussieu tarafından Latince bir betimle geçerli olarak yayınlanan Cruciferae
familyası içerisinde meyve, embriyo ve tüy gibi karakterlerde gözlemlenen geniş homoplazi
dikkate alınmadan yapılan supragenerik sınıflandırmalar son derece yapay olup, familyanın
filogenetik ve taksonomik çalışmalarında çok sınırlı bir değere sahiptir. Moleküler biyoloji ve
biyoinformatik alanındaki gelişmeler bitki sistematiği ve filogenetik alanda, özellikle de
ekonomik ve etnobotanik açıdan önemli olan Cruciferae familyasında devrim yapmıştır.
Familya içerisinde ana soyların akrabalık ilişkileri yapılan moleküler çalışmalarla büyük
ölçüde aydınlatılmış olmasına rağmen, oymak düzeyinde akrabalık ilişkileri hakkında yeterli
bilgi henüz ortaya konmamıştır. Supragenerik sınıflandırmanın olgunlaşması için, daha fazla
moleküler belirtecin kullanıldığı ve daha fazla taksonun yer aldığı moleküler çalışmalara
ihtiyaç bulunmaktadır.
- Al-Shehbaz, I.A. (1984). The tribes of Cruciferae (Brassicaceae), in the southeastern United States. J. Arnold Arbor. 65: 343-373.
Al-Shehbaz, I.A., Beilstein, M.A. ve Kellogg, E.A. (2006). Systematics and phylogeny of the Brassicaceae: An overview. Pl. Syst. Evol. 259: 89-120.
Al-Shehbaz, I.A., German, D.A., Karl, R., Jordon-Thaden, I. ve Koch, M. A. (2011). Nomenclatural adjustments in the tribe Arabideae. Plant Div. Evol. 129: 71–76.
Al-Shehbaz, I.A.(2012). A generic and tribal synopsis of the Brassicaceae (Cruciferae). Taxon 61 (5): 931–954. Al-Shehbaz, I.A., German, D.A., Mummenhoff, K., Moazzeni, H. (2014). Systematics, tribal placements, and synopses
of the Malcolmia s.l. segregates (Brassicaceae). Harvard Papers in Botany 19: 53-71.
Anonim, BrassiBase, Tools and biological resources for Brassicaceae characters and trait studies. Ruprecht-Karls-
Universitat Heidelberg, (Erişim tarihi: 11.12.2018).
Appel, O. ve Al-Shehbaz, I.A. (2003). Cruciferae. Şu eserde: Kubitzki K., Bayer C. (edlr.). The Families and Genera
of Vascular Plants, 75–174. Springer, Berlin.
Barnéoud, J. M. (1845). Schizopetaleae. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 1, 16: 68.
Beilstein, M.A., Al-Shehbaz, I.A. ve Kellogg, E.A. (2006).Brassicaceae phylogeny and trichome evolution. Am. J. Bot.
93: 607–619.
Bentham, G. ve Hooker, J.D. (1862–1883). Genera Plantarum Ad Exemplaria Imprimis In Herbariis Kewensibus
Servata Definita 3. London.
Boissier, E. (1842) Plantae aucherianae orientales enumeratae, cum novarum specierum descriptione. Annales des
Sciences Naturelles: Botanique, sér. 2(17): 45–90; 150–205; 381–390. Boissier, E. (1867). Cruciferae. Flora
Orientalis. 1: 139-410, Genova ve Basel: H. Georg.
Chen H., Deng T., Yue J., Al-Shehbaz I.A. ve Sun H. (2016). Molecular phylogeny reveals the non-monophyly of tribe
Yinshanieae (Brassicaceae) and description of a new tribe, Hillielleae. Plant Diversity 38: 171-182.
Davis, P.H. (ed.). (1965). Cruciferae. Flora of Turkey and the East Aegean Islands, 1: 248-495. Edinburgh Univ.
Press, Edinburgh.
De Candolle, A. P. (1821). Cruciferae. Systema Naturale, 2: 139–700. Treuttel ve Würtz, Paris.
Don, D. (1831). A General History Of The Dichlamydeous Plants 1. J.G. London ve F. Rivington.
Fournier, E. (1865). Recherches anatomiques et taxonomiques sur la famille des Cruciféres et sur lè
genre Sisymbrium en particular. Doctorate, Faculty of Sciences, Paris.
Franzke, A., Lysak. M.A., Al-Shehbaz, I.A., Koch, M.A. ve Mummenhoff, K. (2011).Cabbage family affairs: the
evolutionary history of Brassicaceae. Trends Plant Sci. 16: 108–116.
German, D.A. (2010).A checklist and the system of the Cruciferae of Altai. Komarovia. 6 (2): 80–88.
German D.A. ve Al-Shehbaz I.A. (2010).Nomenclatural novelties in miscellaneous Asian Brassicaceae (Cruciferae).
Nordic Journal of Botany 28 (6): 646–651.
German, D. A. ve Friesen, N. (2014). Shehbazia (Shehbazieae, Cruciferae), a new monotypic genus and tribe of hybrid
origin from Tibet. Turczaninowia 17(4): 17–23.
Güner, A., Aslan, S., Ekim, T., Vural, M., Babaç, M.T. (edlr.). (2012). Brassicaceae. Türkiye Bitkileri Listesi (Damarlı
Bitkiler), 246-299. Nezahat Gökyiğit Botanik Bahçesi ve Flora Araştırmaları Derneği Yayını, İstanbul.
Hayek, A. (1911). Entwurf Eines Cruciferensystemes Auf Phylogenetischer Grundlage. Beiheifte Botanisches
Centralblatt 27: 127–335.
Huang, C.-H., Sun, R., Hu, Y., Zeng, L. P., Zhang, N., Cai, L. M., Zhang, Q., Koch, M. A., Al-Shehbaz, I. A., Edger, P.
P., Pires, J. C., Tan, D.-Y., Zhong, Y. ve Ma., H. (2016). Resolution of Brassicaceae phylogeny using nuclear genes uncovers nested radiations and supports convergent morphological evolution. Molec. Biol. Evol. 33: 394–412.
Janchen, E. (1942). Das System der Cruciferen. Oesterr. Bot. Zeit. 91: 1–18.
Jussieu, A.L. 1789. Cruciferae. Genera Plantarum Secundum Ordines Naturales Disposita, Juxta Methodum In
Horto Regio Parisiensi Exaratam, 237-242. V. Herissant ve T. Barrois, Paris.
Kiefer, M., Schmickl, R., German, D.A., Mandáková, T., Lysak, M.A., Al-Shehbaz, I.A., Franzke, A., Mummenhoff, K., Stamatakis, A. ve Koch, M.A. (2014). BrassiBase: Introduction to a novel knowledge database on Brassicaceae evolution. Plant Cell Physiology 55(1): e3(1‒9).
Koch, M., Al-Shehbaz, I. A. ve Mummenhoff, K. (2003). Molecular systematics, evolution and population biology in the mustard family (Brassicaceae). Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden 90: 151–171.
Koch, M. (2003). Molecular phylogenetics, evolution and population biology in the Brassicaceae. Şu eserde: Sharma AK, Sharma A, (edlr.). Plant Genome: Biodiversity And Evolution, 1 (Phanerogams): 1–35. Science Publishers, New Hampshire.
Koch, M. ve Al-Shehbaz, I.A. (2004). Taxonomic and phylogenetic evaluation of the American Thlaspi Species: identity and relationship to the Eurasian genus Noccaea (Brassicaceae). Syst.Bot. 29: 375–384.
Koch, M. ve Bernhardt, K.G. (2004). Comparative biogeography of the cytotypes of annual Microthlaspi perfoliatum (Brassicaceae) in Europe using isozymes and cpDNA data: Refugia,diversity centers, and postglacial colonization. Amer. J. Bot. 91:114–124.
Koch, M.A. ve Kiefer, C. (2006). Molecules and Migration: Biogeographical Studies in Cruciferous Plants. Pl. Syst. Evol. 259: 121–142.
Koch, M.A. (2012). Mid-Miocene divergence of Ionopsidium and Cochlearia and its impact on the systematics and biogeography of the tribe Cochlearieae (Brassicaceae). Taxon 61(1):76-92.
Linnaeus, C. (1753). Species Plantarum. 2: 666. Salvius, Stocholm.
Mummenhoff, K. ve Zunk, K. (1991). Should Thlaspi (Brassicaceae) be split? Preliminary evidence from isoelectric
focusing analysis of Rubisco. Taxon 40: 427-434.
Mummenhoff, K. Ve Koch, M. (1994). Chloroplast DNA restriction site variation and phylogenetic relationships in
the genus Thlaspi sensu lato Brassicaceae. Syst. Bot. 19: 73–88.
Mummenhoff, K., Franzke, A. ve Koch, M. (1997a).Molecular data reveal convergence in fruit characters used in the
classification of Thlaspi s.l. (Brassicaceae). Bot. J. Linn. Soc. 125: 183–199.
Mummenhoff, K., Franzke, A. ve Koch, M. (1997b).Molecular phylogenetics of Thlaspi s.l. Brassicaceae) based on
chloroplast DNA restriction site variation and sequences of the internal transcribed spacers of nuclear
ribosomal DNA. Canad. J. Bot. 75: 469–482.
Nikolov, L.A., Shushkov, P., Nevado, B., Gan, X., Ihsan A. Al-Shehbaz, Filatov, D., Bailey, C.D., ve Tsiantis, M. (2019).
Resolving the backbone of the Brassicaceae phylogeny for investigating trait diversity. New Phytologist 222:
Prantl, K. (1891). Cruciferae. Şu eserde: A. Engler ve K. Prantl (edlr.). Die natürlichen Pflanzenfamilien, 145–206.
W. Engelmann, Leipzig.
Schulz, O.E. (1936). Cruciferae. Şu eserde: Engler, A., Harms, H. (eds.). Die natürlichen Pflanzenfamilien, 17B: 227-
658. W. Engelmann, Leipzig.
Warwick S.I., Francis A. ve Gugel P.K. (2009). Guide to Wild Germplasm of Brassica and Allied Crops (tribe
Brassiceae, Brassicaceae) 3rd Edition. Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Ottawa.
Warwick, S.I., Mummenhoff, K., Sauder, C.A., Koch, M.A. ve Al- Shehbaz, I.A. (2010). Closing the gaps: phylogenetic relationships in the Brassicaceae based on DNA sequence data of nuclear ribosomal ITS region. PI. Syst. Evol.
285: 209-232.
Warwick, S.I., Sauder, C.A. ve Al-Shehbaz, I.A. (2011). Systematic position of Ivania, Scoliaxon, and Phravenia
(Brassicaceae). Taxon 60(4):1156-1164.
Zunk, K., Mummenhoff, K., Koch, M. ve Hurka, H. (1996). Phylogenetic relationships of Thlaspi s.l. (subtribe
Thlaspidinae, Lepidieae) and allied genera based on chloroplast DNA restriction-site variation. Theor. Appl. Genet. 92: 375–381.
Year 2019,
Volume: 6 Issue: 2, 10 - 24, 31.08.2019
Ayşe Erden
Yusuf Menemen
- Al-Shehbaz, I.A. (1984). The tribes of Cruciferae (Brassicaceae), in the southeastern United States. J. Arnold Arbor. 65: 343-373.
Al-Shehbaz, I.A., Beilstein, M.A. ve Kellogg, E.A. (2006). Systematics and phylogeny of the Brassicaceae: An overview. Pl. Syst. Evol. 259: 89-120.
Al-Shehbaz, I.A., German, D.A., Karl, R., Jordon-Thaden, I. ve Koch, M. A. (2011). Nomenclatural adjustments in the tribe Arabideae. Plant Div. Evol. 129: 71–76.
Al-Shehbaz, I.A.(2012). A generic and tribal synopsis of the Brassicaceae (Cruciferae). Taxon 61 (5): 931–954. Al-Shehbaz, I.A., German, D.A., Mummenhoff, K., Moazzeni, H. (2014). Systematics, tribal placements, and synopses
of the Malcolmia s.l. segregates (Brassicaceae). Harvard Papers in Botany 19: 53-71.
Anonim, BrassiBase, Tools and biological resources for Brassicaceae characters and trait studies. Ruprecht-Karls-
Universitat Heidelberg, (Erişim tarihi: 11.12.2018).
Appel, O. ve Al-Shehbaz, I.A. (2003). Cruciferae. Şu eserde: Kubitzki K., Bayer C. (edlr.). The Families and Genera
of Vascular Plants, 75–174. Springer, Berlin.
Barnéoud, J. M. (1845). Schizopetaleae. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 1, 16: 68.
Beilstein, M.A., Al-Shehbaz, I.A. ve Kellogg, E.A. (2006).Brassicaceae phylogeny and trichome evolution. Am. J. Bot.
93: 607–619.
Bentham, G. ve Hooker, J.D. (1862–1883). Genera Plantarum Ad Exemplaria Imprimis In Herbariis Kewensibus
Servata Definita 3. London.
Boissier, E. (1842) Plantae aucherianae orientales enumeratae, cum novarum specierum descriptione. Annales des
Sciences Naturelles: Botanique, sér. 2(17): 45–90; 150–205; 381–390. Boissier, E. (1867). Cruciferae. Flora
Orientalis. 1: 139-410, Genova ve Basel: H. Georg.
Chen H., Deng T., Yue J., Al-Shehbaz I.A. ve Sun H. (2016). Molecular phylogeny reveals the non-monophyly of tribe
Yinshanieae (Brassicaceae) and description of a new tribe, Hillielleae. Plant Diversity 38: 171-182.
Davis, P.H. (ed.). (1965). Cruciferae. Flora of Turkey and the East Aegean Islands, 1: 248-495. Edinburgh Univ.
Press, Edinburgh.
De Candolle, A. P. (1821). Cruciferae. Systema Naturale, 2: 139–700. Treuttel ve Würtz, Paris.
Don, D. (1831). A General History Of The Dichlamydeous Plants 1. J.G. London ve F. Rivington.
Fournier, E. (1865). Recherches anatomiques et taxonomiques sur la famille des Cruciféres et sur lè
genre Sisymbrium en particular. Doctorate, Faculty of Sciences, Paris.
Franzke, A., Lysak. M.A., Al-Shehbaz, I.A., Koch, M.A. ve Mummenhoff, K. (2011).Cabbage family affairs: the
evolutionary history of Brassicaceae. Trends Plant Sci. 16: 108–116.
German, D.A. (2010).A checklist and the system of the Cruciferae of Altai. Komarovia. 6 (2): 80–88.
German D.A. ve Al-Shehbaz I.A. (2010).Nomenclatural novelties in miscellaneous Asian Brassicaceae (Cruciferae).
Nordic Journal of Botany 28 (6): 646–651.
German, D. A. ve Friesen, N. (2014). Shehbazia (Shehbazieae, Cruciferae), a new monotypic genus and tribe of hybrid
origin from Tibet. Turczaninowia 17(4): 17–23.
Güner, A., Aslan, S., Ekim, T., Vural, M., Babaç, M.T. (edlr.). (2012). Brassicaceae. Türkiye Bitkileri Listesi (Damarlı
Bitkiler), 246-299. Nezahat Gökyiğit Botanik Bahçesi ve Flora Araştırmaları Derneği Yayını, İstanbul.
Hayek, A. (1911). Entwurf Eines Cruciferensystemes Auf Phylogenetischer Grundlage. Beiheifte Botanisches
Centralblatt 27: 127–335.
Huang, C.-H., Sun, R., Hu, Y., Zeng, L. P., Zhang, N., Cai, L. M., Zhang, Q., Koch, M. A., Al-Shehbaz, I. A., Edger, P.
P., Pires, J. C., Tan, D.-Y., Zhong, Y. ve Ma., H. (2016). Resolution of Brassicaceae phylogeny using nuclear genes uncovers nested radiations and supports convergent morphological evolution. Molec. Biol. Evol. 33: 394–412.
Janchen, E. (1942). Das System der Cruciferen. Oesterr. Bot. Zeit. 91: 1–18.
Jussieu, A.L. 1789. Cruciferae. Genera Plantarum Secundum Ordines Naturales Disposita, Juxta Methodum In
Horto Regio Parisiensi Exaratam, 237-242. V. Herissant ve T. Barrois, Paris.
Kiefer, M., Schmickl, R., German, D.A., Mandáková, T., Lysak, M.A., Al-Shehbaz, I.A., Franzke, A., Mummenhoff, K., Stamatakis, A. ve Koch, M.A. (2014). BrassiBase: Introduction to a novel knowledge database on Brassicaceae evolution. Plant Cell Physiology 55(1): e3(1‒9).
Koch, M., Al-Shehbaz, I. A. ve Mummenhoff, K. (2003). Molecular systematics, evolution and population biology in the mustard family (Brassicaceae). Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden 90: 151–171.
Koch, M. (2003). Molecular phylogenetics, evolution and population biology in the Brassicaceae. Şu eserde: Sharma AK, Sharma A, (edlr.). Plant Genome: Biodiversity And Evolution, 1 (Phanerogams): 1–35. Science Publishers, New Hampshire.
Koch, M. ve Al-Shehbaz, I.A. (2004). Taxonomic and phylogenetic evaluation of the American Thlaspi Species: identity and relationship to the Eurasian genus Noccaea (Brassicaceae). Syst.Bot. 29: 375–384.
Koch, M. ve Bernhardt, K.G. (2004). Comparative biogeography of the cytotypes of annual Microthlaspi perfoliatum (Brassicaceae) in Europe using isozymes and cpDNA data: Refugia,diversity centers, and postglacial colonization. Amer. J. Bot. 91:114–124.
Koch, M.A. ve Kiefer, C. (2006). Molecules and Migration: Biogeographical Studies in Cruciferous Plants. Pl. Syst. Evol. 259: 121–142.
Koch, M.A. (2012). Mid-Miocene divergence of Ionopsidium and Cochlearia and its impact on the systematics and biogeography of the tribe Cochlearieae (Brassicaceae). Taxon 61(1):76-92.
Linnaeus, C. (1753). Species Plantarum. 2: 666. Salvius, Stocholm.
Mummenhoff, K. ve Zunk, K. (1991). Should Thlaspi (Brassicaceae) be split? Preliminary evidence from isoelectric
focusing analysis of Rubisco. Taxon 40: 427-434.
Mummenhoff, K. Ve Koch, M. (1994). Chloroplast DNA restriction site variation and phylogenetic relationships in
the genus Thlaspi sensu lato Brassicaceae. Syst. Bot. 19: 73–88.
Mummenhoff, K., Franzke, A. ve Koch, M. (1997a).Molecular data reveal convergence in fruit characters used in the
classification of Thlaspi s.l. (Brassicaceae). Bot. J. Linn. Soc. 125: 183–199.
Mummenhoff, K., Franzke, A. ve Koch, M. (1997b).Molecular phylogenetics of Thlaspi s.l. Brassicaceae) based on
chloroplast DNA restriction site variation and sequences of the internal transcribed spacers of nuclear
ribosomal DNA. Canad. J. Bot. 75: 469–482.
Nikolov, L.A., Shushkov, P., Nevado, B., Gan, X., Ihsan A. Al-Shehbaz, Filatov, D., Bailey, C.D., ve Tsiantis, M. (2019).
Resolving the backbone of the Brassicaceae phylogeny for investigating trait diversity. New Phytologist 222:
Prantl, K. (1891). Cruciferae. Şu eserde: A. Engler ve K. Prantl (edlr.). Die natürlichen Pflanzenfamilien, 145–206.
W. Engelmann, Leipzig.
Schulz, O.E. (1936). Cruciferae. Şu eserde: Engler, A., Harms, H. (eds.). Die natürlichen Pflanzenfamilien, 17B: 227-
658. W. Engelmann, Leipzig.
Warwick S.I., Francis A. ve Gugel P.K. (2009). Guide to Wild Germplasm of Brassica and Allied Crops (tribe
Brassiceae, Brassicaceae) 3rd Edition. Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Ottawa.
Warwick, S.I., Mummenhoff, K., Sauder, C.A., Koch, M.A. ve Al- Shehbaz, I.A. (2010). Closing the gaps: phylogenetic relationships in the Brassicaceae based on DNA sequence data of nuclear ribosomal ITS region. PI. Syst. Evol.
285: 209-232.
Warwick, S.I., Sauder, C.A. ve Al-Shehbaz, I.A. (2011). Systematic position of Ivania, Scoliaxon, and Phravenia
(Brassicaceae). Taxon 60(4):1156-1164.
Zunk, K., Mummenhoff, K., Koch, M. ve Hurka, H. (1996). Phylogenetic relationships of Thlaspi s.l. (subtribe
Thlaspidinae, Lepidieae) and allied genera based on chloroplast DNA restriction-site variation. Theor. Appl. Genet. 92: 375–381.