Psilocybe semilanceata Fries Kumber Strophariaceae : a new hallucinogenic mushroom for Turkey
Year 2016,
Volume: 3 Issue: 1, 34 - 40, 01.01.2016
Ayşegül Topcu Sesli
Ertuğrul Sesli
Psilocybe semilanceata Fries Kummer was recorded first time from Turkey, as a result of examination of the specimens collected from Hıdırnebi High Plateau TrabzonAkçaabat . Field and laboratory images, description, Turkish name and a brief discussion about the new record are provided
- Akata, I. ve Doğan, H.H. (2015). Orbiliaceae for Turkish Ascomycota: Three new records. Bangladeş Journal of Botany 44: 91–95.
- Breitenbach, J. ve Kränzlin, F. (1995). Fungi of Switzerland. 4th ed., s: 368. Verlag Mykologia, Luzer.
- Clémençon, H. (2009). Methods for working with macrofungi, s: 88. IHW-Verlag, Berchtesgaden.
- Doğan, H.H. ve Kurt, F. (2016). New macrofungi records from Turkey and macrofungal diversity of Pozantı-Adana. Turkish Journal of Botany 40: 209-217.
- Kaya, A., Uzun, Y., Karacan, İ.H. ve Yakar, S. (2016). Contributions to Turkish Pyronemataceae from Gaziantep Province. Turkish Journal of Botany 40: (Basımda).
- Knudsen, H. ve Vesterholt, J. (2008). Funga Nordica: Agaricoid, Boletoid and Cyphelloid Genera, s: 965 Narayana Press, Copenhagen.
- NCBI (National Center for Biotechnology Information) (2013): (30.03.2016).
- Sesli, E. ve Denchev, C.M. (2014). Mycotaxon Web sayfası. Erişim yeri: http://www. /weblists.html [erişim tarihi: 29 .03. 2016].
- Sesli, E., Vizzzini, A., Enrico, E. ve Contu, M. (2016). Clitolyophyllum akcaabatense gen. nov., sp. nov. (Agaricales, Tricholomatineae), a new fan shaped clitocyboid agaric from Turkey. Botany 94: 73–80.
- Solak, M.H., Işıloğlu, M., Kalmış, E. ve Allı, H. (2015). Macrofungi of Turkey. Checklist vol 2. Üniversiteliler Ofset, İzmir, 280 pp.
- Stamets, P. (1996). Psilocybin mushrooms of the World, s: 245. Ten Speed Press, California.
- Vizzini, A., Antonín, V., Sesli, E. ve Contu, M. (2015). Gymnopus trabzonensis sp. nov. (Omphalotaceae) and Tricholoma virgatum var. fulvoumbonatum var. nov. (Tricholomataceae), two new white-spored agarics from Turkey. Phytotaxa 226: 119–130.
- White, T.J., Bruns, T., Lee, S. ve Taylor, J.W. (1990). Amplification and direct sequencing of fungal ribosomal RNA genes for phylogenetics. Şu eserde: Innis, M.A., Gelfand, D.H., Sninsky, J.J., White, T.J. (eds.). PCR protocols: a guide to methods and applications, s: 315–322. Academic Press Inc., New York.
Psilocybe semilanceata Fries Kumber Strophariaceae : Türkiye için yeni bir halüsinojen mantar
Year 2016,
Volume: 3 Issue: 1, 34 - 40, 01.01.2016
Ayşegül Topcu Sesli
Ertuğrul Sesli
Psilocybe semilanceata Fries Kummer, Hıdırnebi Yaylası’ndan Trabzon-Akçaabat toplanan örneklerin analizi sonucu Türkiye’den ilk kez kaydedilmiştir. Yeni kayıt; betim, arazi ve mikroskobik resimler, Türkçe isim ve kısa bir tartışma ile birlikte verilmiştir
- Akata, I. ve Doğan, H.H. (2015). Orbiliaceae for Turkish Ascomycota: Three new records. Bangladeş Journal of Botany 44: 91–95.
- Breitenbach, J. ve Kränzlin, F. (1995). Fungi of Switzerland. 4th ed., s: 368. Verlag Mykologia, Luzer.
- Clémençon, H. (2009). Methods for working with macrofungi, s: 88. IHW-Verlag, Berchtesgaden.
- Doğan, H.H. ve Kurt, F. (2016). New macrofungi records from Turkey and macrofungal diversity of Pozantı-Adana. Turkish Journal of Botany 40: 209-217.
- Kaya, A., Uzun, Y., Karacan, İ.H. ve Yakar, S. (2016). Contributions to Turkish Pyronemataceae from Gaziantep Province. Turkish Journal of Botany 40: (Basımda).
- Knudsen, H. ve Vesterholt, J. (2008). Funga Nordica: Agaricoid, Boletoid and Cyphelloid Genera, s: 965 Narayana Press, Copenhagen.
- NCBI (National Center for Biotechnology Information) (2013): (30.03.2016).
- Sesli, E. ve Denchev, C.M. (2014). Mycotaxon Web sayfası. Erişim yeri: http://www. /weblists.html [erişim tarihi: 29 .03. 2016].
- Sesli, E., Vizzzini, A., Enrico, E. ve Contu, M. (2016). Clitolyophyllum akcaabatense gen. nov., sp. nov. (Agaricales, Tricholomatineae), a new fan shaped clitocyboid agaric from Turkey. Botany 94: 73–80.
- Solak, M.H., Işıloğlu, M., Kalmış, E. ve Allı, H. (2015). Macrofungi of Turkey. Checklist vol 2. Üniversiteliler Ofset, İzmir, 280 pp.
- Stamets, P. (1996). Psilocybin mushrooms of the World, s: 245. Ten Speed Press, California.
- Vizzini, A., Antonín, V., Sesli, E. ve Contu, M. (2015). Gymnopus trabzonensis sp. nov. (Omphalotaceae) and Tricholoma virgatum var. fulvoumbonatum var. nov. (Tricholomataceae), two new white-spored agarics from Turkey. Phytotaxa 226: 119–130.
- White, T.J., Bruns, T., Lee, S. ve Taylor, J.W. (1990). Amplification and direct sequencing of fungal ribosomal RNA genes for phylogenetics. Şu eserde: Innis, M.A., Gelfand, D.H., Sninsky, J.J., White, T.J. (eds.). PCR protocols: a guide to methods and applications, s: 315–322. Academic Press Inc., New York.