Fruiting bodies were collected from Sevinç Neighborhood, Maçka, Trabzon. Entoloma subserrulatum Peck Hesler was found as new record for Turkey according to the literature survey. New record was given with description, field and microscopic pictures and a brief discussion
Akata, I. (2017). Macrofungal diversity of Belgrad Forest (İstanbul). Kastamonu Üniversitesi Orman Fakültesi Dergisi 17: 150-164.
Allı, H., Şen, İ. ve Altuntaş, D. (2016). Macrofungi of Iznik province. Commun. Fac. Sci. Univ. Ank. 25: 7-24. Bas, C., Kuyper, T.W., Noordeloos, M.E. ve Vellinga, E.C. (1988). Flora Agaricina Neerlandica. Vol. 1. Balkema, Rotterdam, the Netherlands.
Clémençon, H. (2009). Methods for working with macrofungi. IHW-Verlag, Berchtesgaden. Co-David, D., Langeveld, D. ve Noordeloos, M.E. (2009). Molecular phylogeny, and spore evolution of Entolomataceae. Persoonia 23: 147-176.
Doğan, H.H. ve Kurt, F. (2016). New macrofungi records from Turkey and macrofungal diversity of Pozantı-Adana. Turk J Bot. 40: 209-217.
Kaya, A., Uzun, Y., Keleş, A. ve Demirel, K. (2010). Three coprinoid macrofungi taxa, new to Turkey. Turk J Bot. 34: 351-354.
Kirk, P.M, Cannon, P.F, Minter, D.W ve Stalpers, J.A. (2008). Dictionary of the Fungi (10th ed.). CABI, Wallingford.
Knudsen, H. ve Vesterholt, J. (2008). Funga Nordica: Agaricoid, Boletoid and Cyphelloid Genera. Narayana Press, Copenhagen.
Früktifikasyon organları Trabzon, Maçka, Sevinç Mahallesi’nden toplanmıştır. Entoloma subserrulatum Peck Hesler literatür araştırmasına göre Türkiye için yeni kayıt olarak saptanmıştır. Yeni kayıt betim, arazi ve mikroskobik resimler ve kısa bir tartışma ile birlikte verilmiştir
Akata, I. (2017). Macrofungal diversity of Belgrad Forest (İstanbul). Kastamonu Üniversitesi Orman Fakültesi Dergisi 17: 150-164.
Allı, H., Şen, İ. ve Altuntaş, D. (2016). Macrofungi of Iznik province. Commun. Fac. Sci. Univ. Ank. 25: 7-24. Bas, C., Kuyper, T.W., Noordeloos, M.E. ve Vellinga, E.C. (1988). Flora Agaricina Neerlandica. Vol. 1. Balkema, Rotterdam, the Netherlands.
Clémençon, H. (2009). Methods for working with macrofungi. IHW-Verlag, Berchtesgaden. Co-David, D., Langeveld, D. ve Noordeloos, M.E. (2009). Molecular phylogeny, and spore evolution of Entolomataceae. Persoonia 23: 147-176.
Doğan, H.H. ve Kurt, F. (2016). New macrofungi records from Turkey and macrofungal diversity of Pozantı-Adana. Turk J Bot. 40: 209-217.
Kaya, A., Uzun, Y., Keleş, A. ve Demirel, K. (2010). Three coprinoid macrofungi taxa, new to Turkey. Turk J Bot. 34: 351-354.
Kirk, P.M, Cannon, P.F, Minter, D.W ve Stalpers, J.A. (2008). Dictionary of the Fungi (10th ed.). CABI, Wallingford.
Knudsen, H. ve Vesterholt, J. (2008). Funga Nordica: Agaricoid, Boletoid and Cyphelloid Genera. Narayana Press, Copenhagen.