Research Article
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Ahmetler Kanyonu (Antalya-Türkiye) ve Çevresinin Liken Oluşturan ve Likenikol Mantarları

Year 2020, Volume: 7 Issue: 2, 38 - 50, 24.08.2020


Liken alg ve/veya mavi bakteri ile mantarın bir araya gelmesiyle oluşmuş simbiyotik ortaklıktır. Bu ortaklığa ismini veren likenize mantardır. Liken üzerinde yaşayan mantar türleri de bu ekolojik birlikteliğin bir parçası olarak tanımlanmakta ve alanların likenize ve likenikol mantar zenginliği üzerine Dünya’da ve Türkiye’de pek çok çalışma yapılmaktadır. Bu çalışmada da, Antalya’nın büyük çoğunluğu Manavgat İlçesi sınırlarında bulunan Ahmetler Kanyonu ve çevresinin likenize ve likenikol mantarlarının zenginliği incelenmiştir. Mart 2015 – Mayıs 2015 tarihleri arasında alanda yapılan çalışmalar sonucunda 15 takım, 32 familya, 84 cinse ait 175 takson likenize ve 2 likenikol mantar tespit edilmiştir. Likenikol taksonlardan Hysterium pulicare Pers., likenize taksonlardan Pertusaria carneopallida (Nyl.) Anzi ve Pertusaria rhodiensis Erichs. Türkiye için yeni kayıttır. Ayrıca tespit edilen taksonlardan 29’u Antalya için yeni kayıt olarak tanımlanmıştır.

Supporting Institution

Akdeniz Üniversitesi Bilimsel Araştırma Projeleri Koordinasyon Birimi

Project Number



Bu çalışmada maddi destekte bulunan Akdeniz Üniversitesi Bilimsel Araştırma Projeleri Koordinasyon Birimi’ne (Proje no:FBA-2014-88) teşekkür ederim.


  • Alkayış, M.F., Aslan, S., Aydınkal, R.M., Candan, M., Çıngay, B., Gençler Özkan, A.M., Güner, A., Halıcı, M.G., John, V., Kadıoğlu, Z., Kanoğlu, S.S., Keskin, M., Kültür, Ş., Öztekin, M., Öztürk, Ş., Tufan Çetin, Ö., Tuğ, G.N., Türk, A., Yaşarkan, O. ve Yavuz, Y. (2017). Türkçe Liken Adları. Şu eserde: John, V. ve Türk, A. (edlr.). Türkiye Likenleri Listesi. Nezahat Gökyiğit Botanik Bahçesi Yayını. İstanbul 831 ss.
  • Arup, U., Søchting, U. ve Frödén, P. (2013). A new taxonomy of the family Teloschistaceae. Nordic Journal of Botany 31(1): 016-083.
  • Atvur, S. (2014). Baraj politikalarına karşı toplumsal tepkiler: Hindistan ve Türkiye’deki toplumsal hareketlerin karşılaştırılması. Yönetim ve Ekonomi: Celal Bayar Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi 21(1): 281-298.
  • Breuss, O. (1990). Die Flechtengattung Catapyrenium in Europa. Stapfia 23, Linz, 110 pp.
  • Carballal, R. ve López, E. (1983). Novedades para la flora l¡ quénica gallega. Lazaroa 5, 277-281.
  • Christensen, S.N. (2000). Lichens from thickets of Buxus, Carpinus and Juniperus on Mt Vourinos, Makedhonia, North Central Greece. Willdenowia 30(2), 375-387.
  • Clauzade, G. ve Roux, C. (1985). Likenoj De Okcidenta Eûropo Ilustrita Determinlibro, Bulletin de la Société Botanique du Centre-Ouest Nouvelle série- Numéro Spécial, Royan, France, 893 pp.
  • Degtjarenko, P., Tõrra, T., Mandel, T., Marmor, L., Saag, A., Scheidegger, C. ve Randlane, T. (2018). Unconstrained gene flow between populations of a widespread epiphytic lichen Usnea subfloridana (Parmeliaceae, Ascomycota) in Estonia. Fungal biology 122(8): 731-737.
  • Diederich, P. ve Van den Boom, P. (2017). Sclerococcum phaeophysciae and S. toensbergii, two new lichenicolous asexual Ascomycetes, with a revised key to the species of Sclerococcum. Bulletin de la Société des naturalistes luxembourgeois 119, 71-78.
  • Fryday, A. ve Coppins, B. 1997. Keys to sterile, crustose saxicolous and terricolous lichens occurring in the British Isles. Lichenologist 29 (4): 301-332.
  • GBIF Secretariat, (2019). Pertusaria rhodiensis GBIF Backbone Taxonomy. Checklist dataset accessed via on 2019-12-11.
  • GBIF Secretariat. (2019). Hysterium pulicare GBIF Backbone Taxonomy. Checklist dataset accessed via on 2019-12-11.
  • Giordani, P., Nicora, P., Rellini, I., Brunialti, G. ve Elix, J.A. (2002). The lichen genus Xanthoparmelia (Ascomycotina, Parmeliaceae) in Italy. Lichenologist 34 (3): 189-198.
  • Halici, M.G., Kocakaya, M., Sweeney, K., Fankhauser, J.D. ve Schmitt, I. (2010). Pertusaria paramerae (Pertusariales, Ascomycota), a species with variable secondary chemistry, and a new lichen record for Turkey. Nova Hedwigia 91(1-2): 223-230.
  • Hansen, E.S. (2011). A contribution to the lichen flora of the Kobbefjord area, West Greenland. Botanica Lithuanica 17(4).
  • Ihlen, P.G. ve Wedin M. (2008). An annotated key to the lichenicolous Ascomycota (including mitosporic morphs) of Sweden. Nova Hedwigia 86(3-4): 275-365.
  • John, V. (1996). Preliminary catalogue of lichenised and lichenicolous fungi of Mediterranean Turkey, Bocconea (6): 173-216.
  • John, V. ve Turk, A. (2017). Türkiye Likenleri Listesi. Nezahat Gökyiğit Botanik Bahçesi Yayını, İstanbul, 831 s.
  • Kirschbaum, U. ve Sipman, H.J. (2018). Lichen Records from Northern Cyprus. Herzogia 31(1): 245-252.
  • Kocakaya M, Halıcı M.G. ve Aksoy A (2009). Lichens and lichenicolous fungi of Kızıldağ (Derebucak, Konya). Turkish Journal of Botany 33: 105–112.
  • Kocakaya, M., Halıcı, M.G. ve Aksoy, A. (2014). Lichenized and lichenicolous fungi of Gevne valley (Konya, Antalya). Turkish Journal of Botany 38(2): 358-369.
  • Maire, R. ve Politis, J. (1940). Fungi Hellenici. Actes Inst. Bot. Univ. Athénes 1: 27-179.
  • Marmor, L., Tõrra, T., Saag, L. ve Randlane, T. (2011). Effects of forest continuity and tree age on epiphytic lichen biota in coniferous forests in Estonia. Ecological Indicators 11(5): 1270-1276.
  • McCune, B. (1993). Gradients in epiphyte biomass in three Pseudotsuga-Tsuga forests of different ages in western Oregon and Washington. Bryologist, 405-411.
  • Moberg, R. (1977). The lichen genus Physcia and allied genera in Fennoscandia, Stockholm, Symbolae Botanicae Upsaliensis 22(1): 1-108.
  • Mugambi, G.K. ve Huhndorf, S. M. (2009). Parallel evolution of hysterothecial ascomata in ascolocularous fungi (Ascomycota, Fungi). Systematics and Biodiversity, 7(4): 453-464.
  • Nascimbene, J., Nimis, P. L., ve Ravera, S. (2013). Evaluating the conservation status of epiphytic lichens of Italy: a red list. Plant Biosystems-An International Journal Dealing with all Aspects of Plant Biology 147(4): 898-904.
  • Nash, T. (2008). Lichen Biology. Second Edition Arizona State University, USA.
  • Nimis, P.L. and John, V. (1998). A contribution to the lichen flora of Mediterranean Turkey. Cryptogamie Bryologie Lichénologie 19: 35-58.
  • Otálora, M. A., Jørgensen, P. M. and Wedin, M. (2014). A revised generic classification of the jelly lichens, Collemataceae. Fungal diversity 64(1): 275-293.
  • Øvstedal, D.O. (1980). Lichen Communities on Alnus incana in North Norway. The Lichenologist 12(2): 189-197.
  • Randlane, T., Jüriado, I., Suija, A., Lõhmus, P. ve Leppik, E. (2008). Lichens in the new red list of Estonia. Folia Cryptogamica Estonica 44: 113-120.
  • Schwendener, S. (1867). Über die wahre Natur der Flechten.Verhandlungen der Schweizerischen Naturforschenden Gesellschaft in Rheinfelden 51: 88-90.
  • Sharma, O. P. (1989). Textbook of fungi. Tata McGraw-Hill Education.
  • Sipman, H.J. ve Raus, T. (2002). An inventory of the lichen flora of Kalimnos and parts of Kos (Dodecanisos, Greece). Willdenowia 32(2): 351-393.
  • Sipman, H.J. ve Raus, T. (2015). Lichens and lichenicolous fungi from the island of Chios (Aegean Sea, Greece). Herzogia 28(2): 496-520.
  • Smith, C.W., Aptroot, A., Coppins, B.J., Fletcher, A., Gilbert, O.L., James, P.W. ve Wolseley, P.A. (2009). The Lichens of Great Britain and Ireland. British Lichen Society, London. 1046 pp.
  • Spribille, T., Schultz, M., Breuss, O. ve Bergmeier, E. (2006). Notes on the lichens and lichenicolous fungi of western Crete (Greece). Herzogia 19: 125-148.
  • Tarasova, V., Sonina, A., Androsova, V. ve Stepanchikova, I. (2015). The lichens of forest rocky communities of mountain Olovgora (Arkhangelsk Region, Northwest Russia). Folia Cryptogamica Estonica 52: 51-62.
  • Tufan Çetin Ö., Sert H. ve Sümbül H. (2007). Hysteriaceous fungi of Southern Anatolia. Mycotaxon 101: 179-187.
  • Tufan, Ö., Sümbül, H. ve Özdemir Türk, A. (2005). The lichen flora of the Termessos National Park in southwestern Turkey. Mycotaxon 94: 43-46, incl.
  • Tufan-Cetin, Ö. ve Sumbul, H. (2011). Lichens of the Köprülü Canyon National Park in Turkey (Ananomous; in Regional annoted mycobiotas new to, Mycotaxon 115: 534-536.
  • Wasser, S.P. and Nevo, E. (2005). Lichen-forming, lichenicolous and allied fungi of Israel. A.R.G. Ganter Verlag K.-G., Ruggell, 384 pp.
  • Wirth, V. (1995). Die Flechten Baden–Württembergs. Teil: 1-2, Eugen GmbH & Co. Stuttgart, 1006 pp.
  • Yazıcı, K. (1999). Lichen flora of Trabzon. Turkish Journal of Botany, 23(2): 97-112.
  • Zervakis, G., Lizon, P., Dimou, D. ve Polemis, E. (1999). Annotated check-list of the Greek macrofungi. II. Ascomycotina. Mycotaxon 72: 487-506.
  • Zhao, Z. T., Ren, Q. ve Aptroot, A. (2004). An annotated key to the lichen genus Pertusaria in China. The Bryologist 107(4): 531-541.
Year 2020, Volume: 7 Issue: 2, 38 - 50, 24.08.2020


Project Number



  • Alkayış, M.F., Aslan, S., Aydınkal, R.M., Candan, M., Çıngay, B., Gençler Özkan, A.M., Güner, A., Halıcı, M.G., John, V., Kadıoğlu, Z., Kanoğlu, S.S., Keskin, M., Kültür, Ş., Öztekin, M., Öztürk, Ş., Tufan Çetin, Ö., Tuğ, G.N., Türk, A., Yaşarkan, O. ve Yavuz, Y. (2017). Türkçe Liken Adları. Şu eserde: John, V. ve Türk, A. (edlr.). Türkiye Likenleri Listesi. Nezahat Gökyiğit Botanik Bahçesi Yayını. İstanbul 831 ss.
  • Arup, U., Søchting, U. ve Frödén, P. (2013). A new taxonomy of the family Teloschistaceae. Nordic Journal of Botany 31(1): 016-083.
  • Atvur, S. (2014). Baraj politikalarına karşı toplumsal tepkiler: Hindistan ve Türkiye’deki toplumsal hareketlerin karşılaştırılması. Yönetim ve Ekonomi: Celal Bayar Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi 21(1): 281-298.
  • Breuss, O. (1990). Die Flechtengattung Catapyrenium in Europa. Stapfia 23, Linz, 110 pp.
  • Carballal, R. ve López, E. (1983). Novedades para la flora l¡ quénica gallega. Lazaroa 5, 277-281.
  • Christensen, S.N. (2000). Lichens from thickets of Buxus, Carpinus and Juniperus on Mt Vourinos, Makedhonia, North Central Greece. Willdenowia 30(2), 375-387.
  • Clauzade, G. ve Roux, C. (1985). Likenoj De Okcidenta Eûropo Ilustrita Determinlibro, Bulletin de la Société Botanique du Centre-Ouest Nouvelle série- Numéro Spécial, Royan, France, 893 pp.
  • Degtjarenko, P., Tõrra, T., Mandel, T., Marmor, L., Saag, A., Scheidegger, C. ve Randlane, T. (2018). Unconstrained gene flow between populations of a widespread epiphytic lichen Usnea subfloridana (Parmeliaceae, Ascomycota) in Estonia. Fungal biology 122(8): 731-737.
  • Diederich, P. ve Van den Boom, P. (2017). Sclerococcum phaeophysciae and S. toensbergii, two new lichenicolous asexual Ascomycetes, with a revised key to the species of Sclerococcum. Bulletin de la Société des naturalistes luxembourgeois 119, 71-78.
  • Fryday, A. ve Coppins, B. 1997. Keys to sterile, crustose saxicolous and terricolous lichens occurring in the British Isles. Lichenologist 29 (4): 301-332.
  • GBIF Secretariat, (2019). Pertusaria rhodiensis GBIF Backbone Taxonomy. Checklist dataset accessed via on 2019-12-11.
  • GBIF Secretariat. (2019). Hysterium pulicare GBIF Backbone Taxonomy. Checklist dataset accessed via on 2019-12-11.
  • Giordani, P., Nicora, P., Rellini, I., Brunialti, G. ve Elix, J.A. (2002). The lichen genus Xanthoparmelia (Ascomycotina, Parmeliaceae) in Italy. Lichenologist 34 (3): 189-198.
  • Halici, M.G., Kocakaya, M., Sweeney, K., Fankhauser, J.D. ve Schmitt, I. (2010). Pertusaria paramerae (Pertusariales, Ascomycota), a species with variable secondary chemistry, and a new lichen record for Turkey. Nova Hedwigia 91(1-2): 223-230.
  • Hansen, E.S. (2011). A contribution to the lichen flora of the Kobbefjord area, West Greenland. Botanica Lithuanica 17(4).
  • Ihlen, P.G. ve Wedin M. (2008). An annotated key to the lichenicolous Ascomycota (including mitosporic morphs) of Sweden. Nova Hedwigia 86(3-4): 275-365.
  • John, V. (1996). Preliminary catalogue of lichenised and lichenicolous fungi of Mediterranean Turkey, Bocconea (6): 173-216.
  • John, V. ve Turk, A. (2017). Türkiye Likenleri Listesi. Nezahat Gökyiğit Botanik Bahçesi Yayını, İstanbul, 831 s.
  • Kirschbaum, U. ve Sipman, H.J. (2018). Lichen Records from Northern Cyprus. Herzogia 31(1): 245-252.
  • Kocakaya M, Halıcı M.G. ve Aksoy A (2009). Lichens and lichenicolous fungi of Kızıldağ (Derebucak, Konya). Turkish Journal of Botany 33: 105–112.
  • Kocakaya, M., Halıcı, M.G. ve Aksoy, A. (2014). Lichenized and lichenicolous fungi of Gevne valley (Konya, Antalya). Turkish Journal of Botany 38(2): 358-369.
  • Maire, R. ve Politis, J. (1940). Fungi Hellenici. Actes Inst. Bot. Univ. Athénes 1: 27-179.
  • Marmor, L., Tõrra, T., Saag, L. ve Randlane, T. (2011). Effects of forest continuity and tree age on epiphytic lichen biota in coniferous forests in Estonia. Ecological Indicators 11(5): 1270-1276.
  • McCune, B. (1993). Gradients in epiphyte biomass in three Pseudotsuga-Tsuga forests of different ages in western Oregon and Washington. Bryologist, 405-411.
  • Moberg, R. (1977). The lichen genus Physcia and allied genera in Fennoscandia, Stockholm, Symbolae Botanicae Upsaliensis 22(1): 1-108.
  • Mugambi, G.K. ve Huhndorf, S. M. (2009). Parallel evolution of hysterothecial ascomata in ascolocularous fungi (Ascomycota, Fungi). Systematics and Biodiversity, 7(4): 453-464.
  • Nascimbene, J., Nimis, P. L., ve Ravera, S. (2013). Evaluating the conservation status of epiphytic lichens of Italy: a red list. Plant Biosystems-An International Journal Dealing with all Aspects of Plant Biology 147(4): 898-904.
  • Nash, T. (2008). Lichen Biology. Second Edition Arizona State University, USA.
  • Nimis, P.L. and John, V. (1998). A contribution to the lichen flora of Mediterranean Turkey. Cryptogamie Bryologie Lichénologie 19: 35-58.
  • Otálora, M. A., Jørgensen, P. M. and Wedin, M. (2014). A revised generic classification of the jelly lichens, Collemataceae. Fungal diversity 64(1): 275-293.
  • Øvstedal, D.O. (1980). Lichen Communities on Alnus incana in North Norway. The Lichenologist 12(2): 189-197.
  • Randlane, T., Jüriado, I., Suija, A., Lõhmus, P. ve Leppik, E. (2008). Lichens in the new red list of Estonia. Folia Cryptogamica Estonica 44: 113-120.
  • Schwendener, S. (1867). Über die wahre Natur der Flechten.Verhandlungen der Schweizerischen Naturforschenden Gesellschaft in Rheinfelden 51: 88-90.
  • Sharma, O. P. (1989). Textbook of fungi. Tata McGraw-Hill Education.
  • Sipman, H.J. ve Raus, T. (2002). An inventory of the lichen flora of Kalimnos and parts of Kos (Dodecanisos, Greece). Willdenowia 32(2): 351-393.
  • Sipman, H.J. ve Raus, T. (2015). Lichens and lichenicolous fungi from the island of Chios (Aegean Sea, Greece). Herzogia 28(2): 496-520.
  • Smith, C.W., Aptroot, A., Coppins, B.J., Fletcher, A., Gilbert, O.L., James, P.W. ve Wolseley, P.A. (2009). The Lichens of Great Britain and Ireland. British Lichen Society, London. 1046 pp.
  • Spribille, T., Schultz, M., Breuss, O. ve Bergmeier, E. (2006). Notes on the lichens and lichenicolous fungi of western Crete (Greece). Herzogia 19: 125-148.
  • Tarasova, V., Sonina, A., Androsova, V. ve Stepanchikova, I. (2015). The lichens of forest rocky communities of mountain Olovgora (Arkhangelsk Region, Northwest Russia). Folia Cryptogamica Estonica 52: 51-62.
  • Tufan Çetin Ö., Sert H. ve Sümbül H. (2007). Hysteriaceous fungi of Southern Anatolia. Mycotaxon 101: 179-187.
  • Tufan, Ö., Sümbül, H. ve Özdemir Türk, A. (2005). The lichen flora of the Termessos National Park in southwestern Turkey. Mycotaxon 94: 43-46, incl.
  • Tufan-Cetin, Ö. ve Sumbul, H. (2011). Lichens of the Köprülü Canyon National Park in Turkey (Ananomous; in Regional annoted mycobiotas new to, Mycotaxon 115: 534-536.
  • Wasser, S.P. and Nevo, E. (2005). Lichen-forming, lichenicolous and allied fungi of Israel. A.R.G. Ganter Verlag K.-G., Ruggell, 384 pp.
  • Wirth, V. (1995). Die Flechten Baden–Württembergs. Teil: 1-2, Eugen GmbH & Co. Stuttgart, 1006 pp.
  • Yazıcı, K. (1999). Lichen flora of Trabzon. Turkish Journal of Botany, 23(2): 97-112.
  • Zervakis, G., Lizon, P., Dimou, D. ve Polemis, E. (1999). Annotated check-list of the Greek macrofungi. II. Ascomycotina. Mycotaxon 72: 487-506.
  • Zhao, Z. T., Ren, Q. ve Aptroot, A. (2004). An annotated key to the lichen genus Pertusaria in China. The Bryologist 107(4): 531-541.
There are 47 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Structural Biology
Journal Section Makaleler

Özge Tufan Çetin 0000-0002-3145-5716

Project Number FBA-2014-88
Publication Date August 24, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2020 Volume: 7 Issue: 2


APA Tufan Çetin, Ö. (2020). Ahmetler Kanyonu (Antalya-Türkiye) ve Çevresinin Liken Oluşturan ve Likenikol Mantarları. Bağbahçe Bilim Dergisi, 7(2), 38-50.