Writing Rules

  • Article Preparation
    Language: Turkish, English and Arabic
    The journal's language is Turkish, English and Arabic.
    Article Types: Research article, compilation article, translated article, research note, obituary, meeting abstract, book review,
    However, authors are requested to be as concise as possible for the dissemination of the work.
    Article Format: Word
    Source Notation Style: Isnad footnoted. See https://www.isnadsistemi.org/guide/isnad2/isnad-dipnotlu/
    Author Change: Only processed before the article is accepted. Authors must carefully review the list and order of authors before submitting their articles and provide the definitive author list during the original submission.
    As of Volume: 5 Issue: 1 (June) of 2025, only one study per researcher will be accepted for publication in the same issue. In addition, the same researcher is not allowed to publish twice in the same year.

    Writing Rules:
    The following rules should be observed for article writing.
    1. The text of the article should be Times New Roman font size 12 for studies written in Turkish and English. Those written in Arabic should be Traditional Arabic font size 16.

    3. Footnotes should be in the same font size 9.

    4. Footnotes and bibliography should be arranged according to the ISNAD citation system.

    5. The persons, places, works and terms used in the article should be prepared based on the TDV Islamic Encyclopedia (https://islamansiklopedisi.org.tr/). The editor has the right to make minor changes to the spelling of the articles. Consistency should be maintained in spelling, capitalized and transcribed words.

    6. Articles written in Arabic must also include English and Turkish summaries.

    7. In articles written in Arabic, the bibliography must also be written in the Latin alphabet.

    8. In articles written in Arabic, the font is Traditional Arabic.

    9. Turkish, English and Arabic summaries must be a maximum of 250 words.
    10. All abstracts must contain at least three (3) keywords. ISNAD principles must be applied in the selection of keywords. See https://www.isnadsistemi.org/guide/isnad2/akademik-yazim/5-anahtar-kelimelerin-secimi/
    11. The original title and bibliographic information of a translated article must be stated in the text.

    12. If an article is produced from a thesis or symposium, this must be stated in accordance with publication ethics. See https://www.isnadsistemi.org/guide/isnad2/akademik-yazim/1-yayin-etigi/yayin-etigi-beyani/
    13. Balagh Journal is published twice a year in June and December. The deadline for submission of articles for the December issue is October 30, and for the June issue is April 30. Depending on the volume of article submissions, the journal may close submissions earlier.
    14. The scientific, intellectual and literary responsibilities of the published articles belong to the authors, and since the journal has an open access policy, the copyrights do not belong to the journal.

    15. A study sent to the journal must be between a minimum of 5000 words and a maximum of 9000 words.

    Source Citation Style
    Articles must be prepared according to the ISNAD Citation System.

Last Update Time: 12/9/24, 1:18:24 PM

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