Exploring Nature of Science Understandings of Turkish Pre-service Science Teachers
Year 2011,
Volume: 5 Issue: 2, 6 - 17, 01.12.2011
Serhat İrez
Mustafa Çakır
Hayati Şeker
- Abd-El-Khalick, F., & Lederman, N.G. (1999). Success of the attempts to ımprove science teachers' conceptions of the nature of science: A Review of the Literature. Paper presented at the 5th International History, Philosophy and Science Teaching Conference, Como, Italy.
- Abell, S.K., & Bryan, L.A. (1997). Reconceptualizing the elementary science methods course using a reflection orientation. Journal of Science Teacher Education 8(3), 153-166.
- Akerson, V.L., Abd-El-khalick, F., & Lederman, N.G. (2000). Influence of a reflective explicit activity-based approach on elementary teachers' conceptions of nature of science. Journal of Research in Science Teaching 37(4), 295-317.
- Aldridge, J., Taylor, P., & Chen, C.C. (1997). Development, validation and use of the Beliefs About Science and School Science Questionnaire. Paper presented at the National
- Association of Research in Science Teaching Annual Conference, USA Bell, R. L., & Lederman, N.G. (2003). Understandings of the nature of science and decision making on science and technology based ıssues. Science Education, 87, 352-377.
- Bentley, M. L., & Fleury, S.C. (1998). Of starting points and destinations: teacher education and the nature of science. In W. F. McComas (Ed.), The nature of science in science education: rationales and strategies. Dordrecth: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
- Cakici, Y. (2001). Exploring upper primary level Turkish pupils' understanding of nutrition and digestion. Unpublished EdD thesis, University of Nottingham, Nottingham.
- Cimer, A. (2004). A study of Turkish biology teachers’ and students’ views of effective teaching for ımproving teaching in schools and teacher education. Unpublished EdD Thesis,University of Nottingham, Nottingham.
- Eichinger, D. C., Abell, S.K., & Dagher, Z.R. (1997). Developing a graduate level science education course on the nature of science. Science & Education, 6, 417-429.
- Gallagher, J. J. (1991). Prospective and practicing secondary school science teachers' knowledge and beliefs about the philosophy of science. Science Education, 75(1), 121- 133.
- Guo, C-J. (2007). Issues in science learning: An international perspective. In S. K. Abell & N.
- G. Lederman (Eds), Handbook of research on science education (pp. 227-256). London: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
- Hammrich, P.L. (1997). Confronting teacher candidates' conceptions of the nature of science. Journal of Science Teacher Education 8(2), 141-151.
- Irez, S. (2006). Are we prepared?: An assessment of preservice science teacher educators' beliefs about nature of science. Science Education, 90(6), 1113-1143.
- Irez, S. & Cakir, M. (2006). Critical reflective approach to teach the nature of science: a rationale and review of strategies. Journal of Turkish Science Education, 3(2), 19-35
- Jenkins, E. W. (1997). Scientific and technological literacy for citizenship: what can we learn from the research and other evidence. In S. Sjoberg and E. Kallerud (Eds.), Science, technology and citizenship: the public understanding of science and technology in science education and research policy. (pp. 29-50). Oslo: Norwegian Institute for Studies in Research and Higher Education.
- Kuhn, T. (1970). The structure of scientific revolutions. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
- Lainer, J.E., & Little J.W. (1986). Research in teacher education. In M.C. Wittrock (ed.), Handbook of research on teaching (3rd edition). New York: Macmillan
- Lakatos, I. (1970). Falsification and the methodology of scientific research programmes. In
- Lakatos, I. and Musgrave, A. (Eds), Criticism and the growth of knowledge,. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp.91-196
- Leavitt, H.B. (1991). Issues and problems in teacher education: An international handbook. Westport, CT: Greenwood.
- Lederman, N. G. (1992). Students' and teachers' conceptions of the nature of science: a review of the research. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 29(4), 331-359.
- Lederman, N., Wade, P., & Bell, R.L. (1998). Assessing understanding of the nature of science: a historical perspective. In W. F. McComas (Ed.), The nature of science in science education: rationales and strategies (pp. 331-350). Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
- McComas, W. F., Clough, M.P., & Almozroa, H. (1998). The role and character of the nature of science in science education. In W. F. McComas (Ed.), The nature of science in science education: rationales and strategies (pp. 3-39). Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
- Meichtry, Y. J. (1999). The nature of science and scientific knowledge: ımplications for a preservice elementary methods course. Science & Education, 8, 273-286.
- Mellado, V. (1997). Pre-service teachers' classroom practice and their conceptions of the nature of science. Science & Education, 6, 331-354.
- Nott, M., & Wellington, J. (1998). Eliciting, interpreting and developing teachers' understandings of the nature of science. Science & Education, 7(6), 579-594. O'Hear, A. 1990. Introduction to the philosophy of science. Oxford: Clarendon Press.
- Ryder, J. (2001). Identifying science understanding for functional scientific literacy: ımplications for school science education. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association (AERA), Seattle, WA.
- Summers, M. K. (1982). Philosophy of science in the science teacher education curriculum. European Journal of Science Education, 4(1), 19-27
- Tairab, H. H. (2001). Pre-Service teachers' views of the nature of science and technology before and after a science teaching methods course. Research in Education, 65, 81-87.
- Tobin, K., & McRobbie, C.J. (1997). Beliefs about the nature of science and the enacted science curriculum. Science & Education, 6, 355-371
- Turkmen, L., & Bonstetter, R. (1998). Inclusion of the nature of science in Turkish science education curriculum (K-11): As a different approach. Science Education International, 9(4), 15-19.
Exploring Nature of Science Understandings of Turkish Pre-service Science Teachers
Year 2011,
Volume: 5 Issue: 2, 6 - 17, 01.12.2011
Serhat İrez
Mustafa Çakır
Hayati Şeker
Aiming at contributing to the literature and informing the program developers, this study presents research findings regarding the Turkish prospective science teachers’ understanding of the nature of science. 168 prospective elementary and secondary science teachers participated in the study. The participants’ views on the nature of science were assessed through a questionnaire. The results of the study confirmed those conducted in other countries. The findings indicated that prospective science teachers in Turkey, like their counterparts in the world, generally had uninformed views about the scientific enterprise.
- Abd-El-Khalick, F., & Lederman, N.G. (1999). Success of the attempts to ımprove science teachers' conceptions of the nature of science: A Review of the Literature. Paper presented at the 5th International History, Philosophy and Science Teaching Conference, Como, Italy.
- Abell, S.K., & Bryan, L.A. (1997). Reconceptualizing the elementary science methods course using a reflection orientation. Journal of Science Teacher Education 8(3), 153-166.
- Akerson, V.L., Abd-El-khalick, F., & Lederman, N.G. (2000). Influence of a reflective explicit activity-based approach on elementary teachers' conceptions of nature of science. Journal of Research in Science Teaching 37(4), 295-317.
- Aldridge, J., Taylor, P., & Chen, C.C. (1997). Development, validation and use of the Beliefs About Science and School Science Questionnaire. Paper presented at the National
- Association of Research in Science Teaching Annual Conference, USA Bell, R. L., & Lederman, N.G. (2003). Understandings of the nature of science and decision making on science and technology based ıssues. Science Education, 87, 352-377.
- Bentley, M. L., & Fleury, S.C. (1998). Of starting points and destinations: teacher education and the nature of science. In W. F. McComas (Ed.), The nature of science in science education: rationales and strategies. Dordrecth: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
- Cakici, Y. (2001). Exploring upper primary level Turkish pupils' understanding of nutrition and digestion. Unpublished EdD thesis, University of Nottingham, Nottingham.
- Cimer, A. (2004). A study of Turkish biology teachers’ and students’ views of effective teaching for ımproving teaching in schools and teacher education. Unpublished EdD Thesis,University of Nottingham, Nottingham.
- Eichinger, D. C., Abell, S.K., & Dagher, Z.R. (1997). Developing a graduate level science education course on the nature of science. Science & Education, 6, 417-429.
- Gallagher, J. J. (1991). Prospective and practicing secondary school science teachers' knowledge and beliefs about the philosophy of science. Science Education, 75(1), 121- 133.
- Guo, C-J. (2007). Issues in science learning: An international perspective. In S. K. Abell & N.
- G. Lederman (Eds), Handbook of research on science education (pp. 227-256). London: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
- Hammrich, P.L. (1997). Confronting teacher candidates' conceptions of the nature of science. Journal of Science Teacher Education 8(2), 141-151.
- Irez, S. (2006). Are we prepared?: An assessment of preservice science teacher educators' beliefs about nature of science. Science Education, 90(6), 1113-1143.
- Irez, S. & Cakir, M. (2006). Critical reflective approach to teach the nature of science: a rationale and review of strategies. Journal of Turkish Science Education, 3(2), 19-35
- Jenkins, E. W. (1997). Scientific and technological literacy for citizenship: what can we learn from the research and other evidence. In S. Sjoberg and E. Kallerud (Eds.), Science, technology and citizenship: the public understanding of science and technology in science education and research policy. (pp. 29-50). Oslo: Norwegian Institute for Studies in Research and Higher Education.
- Kuhn, T. (1970). The structure of scientific revolutions. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
- Lainer, J.E., & Little J.W. (1986). Research in teacher education. In M.C. Wittrock (ed.), Handbook of research on teaching (3rd edition). New York: Macmillan
- Lakatos, I. (1970). Falsification and the methodology of scientific research programmes. In
- Lakatos, I. and Musgrave, A. (Eds), Criticism and the growth of knowledge,. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp.91-196
- Leavitt, H.B. (1991). Issues and problems in teacher education: An international handbook. Westport, CT: Greenwood.
- Lederman, N. G. (1992). Students' and teachers' conceptions of the nature of science: a review of the research. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 29(4), 331-359.
- Lederman, N., Wade, P., & Bell, R.L. (1998). Assessing understanding of the nature of science: a historical perspective. In W. F. McComas (Ed.), The nature of science in science education: rationales and strategies (pp. 331-350). Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
- McComas, W. F., Clough, M.P., & Almozroa, H. (1998). The role and character of the nature of science in science education. In W. F. McComas (Ed.), The nature of science in science education: rationales and strategies (pp. 3-39). Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
- Meichtry, Y. J. (1999). The nature of science and scientific knowledge: ımplications for a preservice elementary methods course. Science & Education, 8, 273-286.
- Mellado, V. (1997). Pre-service teachers' classroom practice and their conceptions of the nature of science. Science & Education, 6, 331-354.
- Nott, M., & Wellington, J. (1998). Eliciting, interpreting and developing teachers' understandings of the nature of science. Science & Education, 7(6), 579-594. O'Hear, A. 1990. Introduction to the philosophy of science. Oxford: Clarendon Press.
- Ryder, J. (2001). Identifying science understanding for functional scientific literacy: ımplications for school science education. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association (AERA), Seattle, WA.
- Summers, M. K. (1982). Philosophy of science in the science teacher education curriculum. European Journal of Science Education, 4(1), 19-27
- Tairab, H. H. (2001). Pre-Service teachers' views of the nature of science and technology before and after a science teaching methods course. Research in Education, 65, 81-87.
- Tobin, K., & McRobbie, C.J. (1997). Beliefs about the nature of science and the enacted science curriculum. Science & Education, 6, 355-371
- Turkmen, L., & Bonstetter, R. (1998). Inclusion of the nature of science in Turkish science education curriculum (K-11): As a different approach. Science Education International, 9(4), 15-19.