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Year 2014, Volume: 3 Issue: 1, 41 - 44, 30.04.2014


The exfoliation of the primary teeth and eruption of permanent teeth is a normal physiological event through growth and development process. Caries lesion and early extraction is commonly seen in first permanent molar teeth. Early extraction can cause primer contacts, occlusal disorders, shifts in the lower jaw and thus may lead to temporomandibular joint problems. When a permanent first molar teeth shooting, many factors should be considered, and if necessary a multidisciplinary approach to the treatment plan should be done carefully. Clinical practice and patient cooperation in determining the medical, dental, social and should be evaluated together with the stories.This review includes guidance of the patient in case of early molar loss and affects of early loss of the first molar teeth.


  • 1. Gill DS, Lee RT, Tredwin CJ. Treatment planning for the loss of first permanent molars. Dent update 2001;28(6):304-8.
  • 2. Anthony S and Ianc C: Practical treatment planing for the pedodontic patient, 1. baskı, s.43-49, Mosby Co, London (1992).
  • 3. Ong DC, Bleakley JE. Compromised first permanent molars: an orthodontic perspective. Aust Dent J 2010;55(1):2-14.
  • 4. Cameron A, and Widmer R. Handbook of pediatric dentistry, 2nd edn, p. 277-278, Mosby Co, Barcelona, Spain(1997).
  • 5. Lee W, Wing-Kit R, İkegami T. Maxillary second molar extractions in ortodontıc treatment. World J Orthod 2008;9:52-61.
  • 6. Correa A. Mala F. Ursi W. Simone J. Dentoalveolar changes after unilateral extractions of mandibular first molars and their influence on third molar development and position. World J Orthod 2010;11:55-60.
  • 7. Kırzıoğlu Z, Ertürk MS. Reconstruction and recovery of hemisectioned teeth using direct fiber-reinforced composite resin: case report. J Dent Child 2008;75(1):95-8.
  • 8. Andrews LF. The six keys to normal occlusion. Am J Orthod. 1972;62(3):296-309.
  • 9. Telli A, Aytan S. Birinci büyük azı dişlerinin zorunlu erken çekimine bağlı dental arklarda görülen değişiklikler. Türk Ort derg 1989;2(1):138-143.
  • 10. Ay S, Agar U, Biçakçi AA, Köşger HH. Changes in mandibular third molar angle and position after unilateral mandibular first molar extraction. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 2006;129(1):36-41.
  • 11. Conway M, Petrucci D. Three cases of first permanent molar extractions where extraction of the adjacent second deciduous molar is also indicated. Dent Update 2005;32(6):338-40.
  • 12. Yip L, McKeown HF, Sandler PJ. Two cases of molar root resorption. Dent Update 2003;30(4):200-4.
  • 13. Yavuz I, Baydaş B, Ikbal A, Dağsuyu IM, Ceylan I. Effects of early loss of permanent first molars on the development of third molars. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 2006;130(5):634-8.
  • 14. Jälevik B, Klingberg GA. Dental treatment, dental fear and behaviour management problems in children with severe enamel hypomineralization of their permanent first molars. Int J Paediatr Dent 2002;12(1):24-32.
  • 15. Normando AD, Maia FA, Ursi WJ, Simone JL. Dentoalveolar changes after unilateral extractions of mandibular first molars and their influence on third molar development and position. World J Orthod 2010;11(1):55-60.
  • 16. Çağlaroğlu M, Kilic N, Erdem A. Effects of early unilateral first molar extraction on skeletal asymmetry. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 2008;134(2):270-5.
  • 17. Kırzıoğlu Z, Ceyhan D. Erken 6 yaş dişi çekim zamanı! 15. Türk Pedodonti Derneği Kongresi, 17-21 Ekim 2007, Antalya.
  • 18. Seddon JL. Extraction of four first molars: a case for a general practitioner? J Orthod 2004;31(2):80-5.
  • 19. Kusayama M, Motohashi N, Kuroda T. Relationship between transverse dental anomalies and skeletal asymmetry. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 2003;123(3):329-37.
  • 20. Ülgen M: Ortodontik Tedavi Prensipleri, 2.Baskı, s.203-205, Ankara Üniversitesi Basımevi, Ankara (2001).
  • 21. Kiki A, Kiliç N, Oktay H. Condylar asymmetry in bilateral posterior crossbite patients. Angle Orthod 2007;77(1):77-81.
  • 22. Rose JM, Sadowsky C, BeGole EA, Moles R. Mandibular skeletal and dental asymmetry in Class II subdivision malocclusions. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 1994;105(5):489-95.
  • 23. Inui M, Fushima K, Sato S. Facial asymmetry in temporomandibular joint disorders. J Oral Rehabil 1999;26(5):402-6.
  • 24. Pirttiniemi P, Kantomaa T, Lahtela P. Relationship between craniofacial and condyle path asymmetry in unilateral cross-bite patients. Eur J Orthod 1990;12(4):408-13.
  • 25. Bishara SE, Cummins DM, Jakobsen JR, Zaher AR. Dentofacial and soft tissue changes in Class II, division 1 cases treated with and without extractions. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop. 1995;107(1):28-37.


Year 2014, Volume: 3 Issue: 1, 41 - 44, 30.04.2014


Büyüme-gelişim ile birlikte süt dişlerinin düşmesi ve daimi dişlerin sürmesi, normal fizyolojik bir olaydır. Daimi dişlerin kaybı sıklıkla çürük ile birlikte görülmektedir. Erken çekimin en fazla görülen dişler birinci büyük azı dişleridir. Bu durumlar, okluzal bozukluklara, erken temaslara ve alt çenede kaymalara dolayısıyla temporamandibular eklem sorunlarına yol açabilmektedir. Daimi birinci büyük azı dişinin çekimine karar verildiğinde, birçok faktör göz önünde bulundurulmalı, tedavi planı dikkatlice yapılmalı ve gerektiğinde multidisipliner bir yaklaşım sağlanmalıdır. Klinik uygulamalar ve hasta kooperasyonunun belirlenmesinde medikal, sosyal ve dişsel hikâyeler birlikte değerlendirilmelidir.Bu makale birinci büyük azı dişlerinin erken kaybedildiği durumlarda hasta yönlendirilmesi ve sonuçları içermektedir.


  • 1. Gill DS, Lee RT, Tredwin CJ. Treatment planning for the loss of first permanent molars. Dent update 2001;28(6):304-8.
  • 2. Anthony S and Ianc C: Practical treatment planing for the pedodontic patient, 1. baskı, s.43-49, Mosby Co, London (1992).
  • 3. Ong DC, Bleakley JE. Compromised first permanent molars: an orthodontic perspective. Aust Dent J 2010;55(1):2-14.
  • 4. Cameron A, and Widmer R. Handbook of pediatric dentistry, 2nd edn, p. 277-278, Mosby Co, Barcelona, Spain(1997).
  • 5. Lee W, Wing-Kit R, İkegami T. Maxillary second molar extractions in ortodontıc treatment. World J Orthod 2008;9:52-61.
  • 6. Correa A. Mala F. Ursi W. Simone J. Dentoalveolar changes after unilateral extractions of mandibular first molars and their influence on third molar development and position. World J Orthod 2010;11:55-60.
  • 7. Kırzıoğlu Z, Ertürk MS. Reconstruction and recovery of hemisectioned teeth using direct fiber-reinforced composite resin: case report. J Dent Child 2008;75(1):95-8.
  • 8. Andrews LF. The six keys to normal occlusion. Am J Orthod. 1972;62(3):296-309.
  • 9. Telli A, Aytan S. Birinci büyük azı dişlerinin zorunlu erken çekimine bağlı dental arklarda görülen değişiklikler. Türk Ort derg 1989;2(1):138-143.
  • 10. Ay S, Agar U, Biçakçi AA, Köşger HH. Changes in mandibular third molar angle and position after unilateral mandibular first molar extraction. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 2006;129(1):36-41.
  • 11. Conway M, Petrucci D. Three cases of first permanent molar extractions where extraction of the adjacent second deciduous molar is also indicated. Dent Update 2005;32(6):338-40.
  • 12. Yip L, McKeown HF, Sandler PJ. Two cases of molar root resorption. Dent Update 2003;30(4):200-4.
  • 13. Yavuz I, Baydaş B, Ikbal A, Dağsuyu IM, Ceylan I. Effects of early loss of permanent first molars on the development of third molars. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 2006;130(5):634-8.
  • 14. Jälevik B, Klingberg GA. Dental treatment, dental fear and behaviour management problems in children with severe enamel hypomineralization of their permanent first molars. Int J Paediatr Dent 2002;12(1):24-32.
  • 15. Normando AD, Maia FA, Ursi WJ, Simone JL. Dentoalveolar changes after unilateral extractions of mandibular first molars and their influence on third molar development and position. World J Orthod 2010;11(1):55-60.
  • 16. Çağlaroğlu M, Kilic N, Erdem A. Effects of early unilateral first molar extraction on skeletal asymmetry. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 2008;134(2):270-5.
  • 17. Kırzıoğlu Z, Ceyhan D. Erken 6 yaş dişi çekim zamanı! 15. Türk Pedodonti Derneği Kongresi, 17-21 Ekim 2007, Antalya.
  • 18. Seddon JL. Extraction of four first molars: a case for a general practitioner? J Orthod 2004;31(2):80-5.
  • 19. Kusayama M, Motohashi N, Kuroda T. Relationship between transverse dental anomalies and skeletal asymmetry. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 2003;123(3):329-37.
  • 20. Ülgen M: Ortodontik Tedavi Prensipleri, 2.Baskı, s.203-205, Ankara Üniversitesi Basımevi, Ankara (2001).
  • 21. Kiki A, Kiliç N, Oktay H. Condylar asymmetry in bilateral posterior crossbite patients. Angle Orthod 2007;77(1):77-81.
  • 22. Rose JM, Sadowsky C, BeGole EA, Moles R. Mandibular skeletal and dental asymmetry in Class II subdivision malocclusions. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 1994;105(5):489-95.
  • 23. Inui M, Fushima K, Sato S. Facial asymmetry in temporomandibular joint disorders. J Oral Rehabil 1999;26(5):402-6.
  • 24. Pirttiniemi P, Kantomaa T, Lahtela P. Relationship between craniofacial and condyle path asymmetry in unilateral cross-bite patients. Eur J Orthod 1990;12(4):408-13.
  • 25. Bishara SE, Cummins DM, Jakobsen JR, Zaher AR. Dentofacial and soft tissue changes in Class II, division 1 cases treated with and without extractions. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop. 1995;107(1):28-37.
There are 25 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Derlemeler

Zuhal Kırzıoğlu This is me

Begüm Gök

Publication Date April 30, 2014
Submission Date August 27, 2013
Published in Issue Year 2014 Volume: 3 Issue: 1


APA Kırzıoğlu, Z., & Gök, B. (2014). BİRİNCİ BÜYÜK AZI DİŞİ ERKEN KAYBI VE ETKİLERİ –DERLEME. Balıkesir Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi, 3(1), 41-44.

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