Research Article
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Year 2024, Volume: 13 Issue: 2, 259 - 267, 28.08.2024



  • Allison, K. C., Lundgren, J. D., O’Reardon, J. P., Martino, N. S., Sarwer, D. B., Wadden, T. A., Crosby, R. D., Engel, S. G., & Stunkard, A. J. (2008). The Night Eating Questionnaire (NEQ): Psychometric properties of a measure of severity of the Night Eating Syndrome. Eating Behaviors, 9(1), 62–72.
  • Arslantas, H., Dereboy, F., Yuksel, R., & Inalkac, S. (2020). Validity and Reliability of the Turkish Version of the Emotional Eater Questionnaire (EEQ-TR). Turkish Journal of Psychiatry 31(2), 122-130.
  • Atasoy, N., Saracli, O., Konuk, N., Ankarali, H., Guriz, S., Akdemir, A., Sevincer, G., & Atik, L. (2014). The reliability and validity of Turkish version of The Night Eating Questionnaire in psychiatric outpatient population. Anatolian Journal of Psychiatry, 15(3), 238.
  • Atik, D., Neşe, A., & Özcan Yüce, U. (2019). Ölçek Geliştirme Çalışması: Hedonistik Yeme Ölçeği. Acta Medica Alanya, 3(2), 147–153.
  • Barnhart, W. R., Braden, A. L., & Jordan, A. K. (2020). Negative and positive emotional eating uniquely interact with ease of activation, intensity, and duration of emotional reactivity to predict increased binge eating. Appetite, 151, 104688.
  • Bourdier, L., Morvan, Y., Kotbagi, G., Kern, L., Romo, L., & Berthoz, S. (2018). Examination of emotion-induced changes in eating: A latent profile analysis of the Emotional Appetite Questionnaire. Appetite, 123, 72–81.
  • Braden, A., Musher-Eizenman, D., Watford, T., & Emley, E. (2018). Eating when depressed, anxious, bored, or happy: Are emotional eating types associated with unique psychological and physical health correlates? Appetite, 125, 410–417.
  • Bruzas, M. B., & Allison, K. C. (2019). A Review of the Relationship between Night Eating Syndrome and Body Mass Index. Current Obesity Reports, 8(2), 145–155.
  • Calugi, S., Dalle Grave, R., & Marchesini, G. (2009). Night eating syndrome in class II–III obesity: metabolic and psychopathological features. International Journal of Obesity, 33(8), 899–904.
  • Cı̇vı̇l Arslan, F., Tı̇ryakı̇, A., Sağlam Aykut, D., Özkorumak, E., Çalişkan İlter, Z., & Günaydin, D. (2015). The Prevalence of Night Eating Syndrome among Outpatient Overweight or Obese Individuals with Serious Mental Illness. Türk Psikiyatri Dergisi. 26(4), 242–248.
  • Demirel, B., Yavuz, K., Karadere, M., Safak, Y., & Turkcapar, M. (2014). The Emotional Appetite Questionnaire (EMAQ)’s Reliability and Validity and Relationship with Body Mass Index and Emotional Schemas. Journal of Cognitive-Behavioral Psychotherapy and Research, 3(3), 171.
  • Eray, A., Ateş, E., & Set, T. (2019). Investigation of Night Eating Syndrome Frequency in Adults in a Family Health Center. Turkish Journal of Family Medicine and Primary Care, 13(3), 300–304.
  • Erkaya, Z. B., Oğuzöncül, A. F., & Kurt, O. (2020). Bir Sağlık Hizmetleri Meslek Yüksekokulundaki Öğrencilerde Duygusal İştah ile Obezite Arasındaki İlişkinin Değerlendirilmesi. BAUN Sağ Bil Derg, 9(1), 37–44.
  • Escandón-Nagel, N., Peró, M., Grau, A., Soriano, J., & Feixas, G. (2018). Emotional eating and cognitive conflicts as predictors of binge eating disorder in patients with obesity. International Journal of Clinical and Health Psychology, 18(1), 52–59.
  • Farhangi, M. A. (2019). Night Eating Syndrome and Its Relationship with Emotional Eating, Sleep Quality and Nutritional Status Among Adolescents’ Boys. Community Mental Health Journal, 55(8), 1411–1418.
  • Garaulet, M., Canteras, M., Morales, E., López-Guimera, G., Sánchez-Carracedo, D., & Corbalán-Tutau, M. D. (2012). Validation of a questionnaire on emotional eating for use in cases of obesity: the Emotional Eater Questionnaire (EEQ). Nutricion Hospitalaria, 27(2), 645–651.
  • Gunduz, N., Akhalil, M., Sevgi, E. N., Üniversitesi, D., Fakültesi, S. B., Ve, B., & Bölümü, D. (2020). Hedonik Açlık. Izmir Democracy University Health Sciences Journal 3(1), 80–96.
  • He, J., Huang, F., Yan, J., Wu, W., Cai, Z., & Fan, X. (2018). Prevalence, demographic correlates, and association with psychological distress of night eating syndrome among Chinese college students. Psychology, Health & Medicine, 23(5), 578–584.
  • Ibrahim, M., Thearle, M. S., Krakoff, J., & Gluck, M. E. (2016). Perceived stress and anhedonia predict short-and long-term weight change, respectively, in healthy adults. Eating Behaviors, 21, 214–219.
  • Konttinen, H., Männistö, S., Sarlio-Lähteenkorva, S., Silventoinen, K., & Haukkala, A. (2010). Emotional eating, depressive symptoms and self-reported food consumption. A population-based study. Appetite, 54(3), 473–479.
  • Köse, S., & Şanlıer, N. (2015). Hedonic Hunger and Obesity: Review. Turkiye Klinikleri Journal of Endocrinology, 10(1), 16–23.
  • Lutter, M., & Nestler, E. J. (2009). Homeostatic and Hedonic Signals Interact in the Regulation of Food Intake. The Journal of Nutrition, 139(3), 629–632.
  • Meule, A., Allison, K. C., & Platte, P. (2014). Emotional Eating Moderates the Relationship of Night Eating with Binge Eating and Body Mass. European Eating Disorders Review, 22(2), 147–151.
  • Nasirzadeh, Y., Kantarovich, K., Wnuk, S., Okrainec, A., Cassin, S. E., Hawa, R., & Sockalingam, S. (2018). Binge Eating, Loss of Control over Eating, Emotional Eating, and Night Eating After Bariatric Surgery: Results from the Toronto Bari-PSYCH Cohort Study. Obesity Surgery, 28(7), 2032–2039.
  • Nolan, L. J., & Geliebter, A. (2012). Night eating is associated with emotional and external eating in college students. Eating Behaviors, 13(3), 202–206.
  • Rasouli, A., Moludi, J., Foroumandi, E., Shahsavari, S., & Ebrahimi, B. (2019). Emotional eating in relation to anthropometric indices and dietary energy intake based on gender. Mediterranean Journal of Nutrition and Metabolism, 12(2), 131–139.
  • Riccobono, G., Iannitelli, A., Pompili, A., Iorio, C., Stratta, P., Rossi, R., Bersani, G., & Pacitti, F. (2020). Night Eating Syndrome, circadian rhythms and seasonality: a study in a population of Italian university students. Rivista Di Psichiatria, 55(1), 47–52.
  • Saleh-Ghadimi, S., Dehghan, P., Abbasalizad Farhangi, M., Asghari-Jafarabadi, M., & Jafari-Vayghan, H. (2019). Could emotional eating act as a mediator between sleep quality and food intake in female students? BioPsychoSocial Medicine, 13(1), 15.
  • Sevincer, G. M., Ince, E., Taymur, I., & Konuk, N. (2016). Night Eating Syndrome Frequency in University Students: Association with Impulsivity, Depression, and Anxiety. Klinik Psikofarmakoloji Bülteni-Bulletin of Clinical Psychopharmacology, 26(3), 238–247.
  • WHO. (2000). Obesity: preventing and managing the global epidemic. Report of a WHO consultation. World Health Organization Technical Report Series, 894, i–xii, 1–253.
  • Yu, Y., Vasselli, J. R., Zhang, Y., Mechanick, J. I., Korner, J., & Peterli, R. (2015). Metabolic vs. hedonic obesity: a conceptual distinction and its clinical implications. Obesity Reviews, 16(3), 234–247.

The Interrelationship of Eating Behaviors in Overweight and Obese Adults

Year 2024, Volume: 13 Issue: 2, 259 - 267, 28.08.2024


Objective: Nutrition is a complex behavior influenced by both homeostatic and non-homeostatic processes. Emotional and environmental triggers can affect non-homeostatic processes, leading to hedonistic, emotional, and night eating. This study aimed to investigate the relationship between hedonistic eating, emotional eating, and night eating syndrome in overweight and obese adults. Materials and Methods: A total of 562 overweight and obese adults participated in the study. The data were collected using a general information and anthropometric measurements form, the Hedonistic Eating Scale (HES), the Emotional Eater Questionnaire (EEQ), and the Night Eating Questionnaire (NEQ). Results: Results showed that 8.2% of participants had emotional eating syndrome, and 25.6% had night eating syndrome. Obese participants were found to have higher rates of emotional eating and night eating syndrome than overweight participants. There were positive correlations between EEQ with HES (r=0.468, p<0.001); NEQ with HES (r=0.231, p<0.001); NEQ with EEQ (r=0.416, p<0.001); BMI and EEQ (r=0.128, p<0.01). Also, emotional eating increases night eating syndrome risk by 9%, while hedonic eating increases by 2%. The progression from overweight to obese was increased by 5.7% for emotional eating and 3.3% for night eating. Conclusion: The results suggest that there are significant associations between eating behaviors in overweight and obese individuals. This study provides insights and a better understanding of factors that trigger overeating in overweight and obese individuals.


  • Allison, K. C., Lundgren, J. D., O’Reardon, J. P., Martino, N. S., Sarwer, D. B., Wadden, T. A., Crosby, R. D., Engel, S. G., & Stunkard, A. J. (2008). The Night Eating Questionnaire (NEQ): Psychometric properties of a measure of severity of the Night Eating Syndrome. Eating Behaviors, 9(1), 62–72.
  • Arslantas, H., Dereboy, F., Yuksel, R., & Inalkac, S. (2020). Validity and Reliability of the Turkish Version of the Emotional Eater Questionnaire (EEQ-TR). Turkish Journal of Psychiatry 31(2), 122-130.
  • Atasoy, N., Saracli, O., Konuk, N., Ankarali, H., Guriz, S., Akdemir, A., Sevincer, G., & Atik, L. (2014). The reliability and validity of Turkish version of The Night Eating Questionnaire in psychiatric outpatient population. Anatolian Journal of Psychiatry, 15(3), 238.
  • Atik, D., Neşe, A., & Özcan Yüce, U. (2019). Ölçek Geliştirme Çalışması: Hedonistik Yeme Ölçeği. Acta Medica Alanya, 3(2), 147–153.
  • Barnhart, W. R., Braden, A. L., & Jordan, A. K. (2020). Negative and positive emotional eating uniquely interact with ease of activation, intensity, and duration of emotional reactivity to predict increased binge eating. Appetite, 151, 104688.
  • Bourdier, L., Morvan, Y., Kotbagi, G., Kern, L., Romo, L., & Berthoz, S. (2018). Examination of emotion-induced changes in eating: A latent profile analysis of the Emotional Appetite Questionnaire. Appetite, 123, 72–81.
  • Braden, A., Musher-Eizenman, D., Watford, T., & Emley, E. (2018). Eating when depressed, anxious, bored, or happy: Are emotional eating types associated with unique psychological and physical health correlates? Appetite, 125, 410–417.
  • Bruzas, M. B., & Allison, K. C. (2019). A Review of the Relationship between Night Eating Syndrome and Body Mass Index. Current Obesity Reports, 8(2), 145–155.
  • Calugi, S., Dalle Grave, R., & Marchesini, G. (2009). Night eating syndrome in class II–III obesity: metabolic and psychopathological features. International Journal of Obesity, 33(8), 899–904.
  • Cı̇vı̇l Arslan, F., Tı̇ryakı̇, A., Sağlam Aykut, D., Özkorumak, E., Çalişkan İlter, Z., & Günaydin, D. (2015). The Prevalence of Night Eating Syndrome among Outpatient Overweight or Obese Individuals with Serious Mental Illness. Türk Psikiyatri Dergisi. 26(4), 242–248.
  • Demirel, B., Yavuz, K., Karadere, M., Safak, Y., & Turkcapar, M. (2014). The Emotional Appetite Questionnaire (EMAQ)’s Reliability and Validity and Relationship with Body Mass Index and Emotional Schemas. Journal of Cognitive-Behavioral Psychotherapy and Research, 3(3), 171.
  • Eray, A., Ateş, E., & Set, T. (2019). Investigation of Night Eating Syndrome Frequency in Adults in a Family Health Center. Turkish Journal of Family Medicine and Primary Care, 13(3), 300–304.
  • Erkaya, Z. B., Oğuzöncül, A. F., & Kurt, O. (2020). Bir Sağlık Hizmetleri Meslek Yüksekokulundaki Öğrencilerde Duygusal İştah ile Obezite Arasındaki İlişkinin Değerlendirilmesi. BAUN Sağ Bil Derg, 9(1), 37–44.
  • Escandón-Nagel, N., Peró, M., Grau, A., Soriano, J., & Feixas, G. (2018). Emotional eating and cognitive conflicts as predictors of binge eating disorder in patients with obesity. International Journal of Clinical and Health Psychology, 18(1), 52–59.
  • Farhangi, M. A. (2019). Night Eating Syndrome and Its Relationship with Emotional Eating, Sleep Quality and Nutritional Status Among Adolescents’ Boys. Community Mental Health Journal, 55(8), 1411–1418.
  • Garaulet, M., Canteras, M., Morales, E., López-Guimera, G., Sánchez-Carracedo, D., & Corbalán-Tutau, M. D. (2012). Validation of a questionnaire on emotional eating for use in cases of obesity: the Emotional Eater Questionnaire (EEQ). Nutricion Hospitalaria, 27(2), 645–651.
  • Gunduz, N., Akhalil, M., Sevgi, E. N., Üniversitesi, D., Fakültesi, S. B., Ve, B., & Bölümü, D. (2020). Hedonik Açlık. Izmir Democracy University Health Sciences Journal 3(1), 80–96.
  • He, J., Huang, F., Yan, J., Wu, W., Cai, Z., & Fan, X. (2018). Prevalence, demographic correlates, and association with psychological distress of night eating syndrome among Chinese college students. Psychology, Health & Medicine, 23(5), 578–584.
  • Ibrahim, M., Thearle, M. S., Krakoff, J., & Gluck, M. E. (2016). Perceived stress and anhedonia predict short-and long-term weight change, respectively, in healthy adults. Eating Behaviors, 21, 214–219.
  • Konttinen, H., Männistö, S., Sarlio-Lähteenkorva, S., Silventoinen, K., & Haukkala, A. (2010). Emotional eating, depressive symptoms and self-reported food consumption. A population-based study. Appetite, 54(3), 473–479.
  • Köse, S., & Şanlıer, N. (2015). Hedonic Hunger and Obesity: Review. Turkiye Klinikleri Journal of Endocrinology, 10(1), 16–23.
  • Lutter, M., & Nestler, E. J. (2009). Homeostatic and Hedonic Signals Interact in the Regulation of Food Intake. The Journal of Nutrition, 139(3), 629–632.
  • Meule, A., Allison, K. C., & Platte, P. (2014). Emotional Eating Moderates the Relationship of Night Eating with Binge Eating and Body Mass. European Eating Disorders Review, 22(2), 147–151.
  • Nasirzadeh, Y., Kantarovich, K., Wnuk, S., Okrainec, A., Cassin, S. E., Hawa, R., & Sockalingam, S. (2018). Binge Eating, Loss of Control over Eating, Emotional Eating, and Night Eating After Bariatric Surgery: Results from the Toronto Bari-PSYCH Cohort Study. Obesity Surgery, 28(7), 2032–2039.
  • Nolan, L. J., & Geliebter, A. (2012). Night eating is associated with emotional and external eating in college students. Eating Behaviors, 13(3), 202–206.
  • Rasouli, A., Moludi, J., Foroumandi, E., Shahsavari, S., & Ebrahimi, B. (2019). Emotional eating in relation to anthropometric indices and dietary energy intake based on gender. Mediterranean Journal of Nutrition and Metabolism, 12(2), 131–139.
  • Riccobono, G., Iannitelli, A., Pompili, A., Iorio, C., Stratta, P., Rossi, R., Bersani, G., & Pacitti, F. (2020). Night Eating Syndrome, circadian rhythms and seasonality: a study in a population of Italian university students. Rivista Di Psichiatria, 55(1), 47–52.
  • Saleh-Ghadimi, S., Dehghan, P., Abbasalizad Farhangi, M., Asghari-Jafarabadi, M., & Jafari-Vayghan, H. (2019). Could emotional eating act as a mediator between sleep quality and food intake in female students? BioPsychoSocial Medicine, 13(1), 15.
  • Sevincer, G. M., Ince, E., Taymur, I., & Konuk, N. (2016). Night Eating Syndrome Frequency in University Students: Association with Impulsivity, Depression, and Anxiety. Klinik Psikofarmakoloji Bülteni-Bulletin of Clinical Psychopharmacology, 26(3), 238–247.
  • WHO. (2000). Obesity: preventing and managing the global epidemic. Report of a WHO consultation. World Health Organization Technical Report Series, 894, i–xii, 1–253.
  • Yu, Y., Vasselli, J. R., Zhang, Y., Mechanick, J. I., Korner, J., & Peterli, R. (2015). Metabolic vs. hedonic obesity: a conceptual distinction and its clinical implications. Obesity Reviews, 16(3), 234–247.
There are 31 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Public Health Nutrition, Nutrition and Dietetics (Other)
Journal Section Articles

Hande Öngün Yılmaz 0000-0002-3497-567X

Gizem Köse 0000-0001-6612-6253

Ahmet Murat Günal 0000-0001-9109-1080

Bekir Kürşat Aydın 0000-0003-0054-6225

Salim Yılmaz 0000-0003-2405-5084

Publication Date August 28, 2024
Submission Date November 29, 2023
Acceptance Date January 21, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024 Volume: 13 Issue: 2


APA Öngün Yılmaz, H., Köse, G., Günal, A. M., Aydın, B. K., et al. (2024). The Interrelationship of Eating Behaviors in Overweight and Obese Adults. Balıkesir Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi, 13(2), 259-267.

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