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Yaşlı Erkek Bireylerde Yürüyüş Futbolunun Seçilmiş Fiziksel Uygunluk Parametreleri ve Geriatrik Depresyona Etkisinin İncelenmesi

Year 2024, Volume: 13 Issue: 2, 406 - 412, 28.08.2024


Yaşlı Erkek Bireylerde Yürüyüş Futbolunun Seçilmiş Fiziksel Uygunluk Parametreleri ve Geriatrik Depresyona Etkisinin İncelenmesi
Amaç: Bu çalışma yürüyüş futbolunun yaşlı erkek bireylerde seçilmiş fiziksel uygunluk parametreleri ve geriatrik depresyona etkisini incelemek amacı ile yapılmıştır. Gereç ve Yöntem: Araştırma ön-son test deneysel bir çalışma olup Marmaris Tazelenme Üniversitesi öğrencileri ve Marmaris te yaşayan tesadüfi örneklem yolu ile seçilen bireyleri kapsamaktadır. Katılımcıların 17 si kontrol, 17 si deney grubunu oluşturmuştur.Katılımcılara Senior Fitnest Test ve Geriatrik Depresyon Ölçeği uygulanmıştır.Bulgular: Çalışmaya katılan bireylerin yaş ortalaması 69±5.61; boy ortalamaları 1.71±0.06 vücut ağırlık ortalamaları ise 80.7±0.83 olarak belirlenmiştir. Verilerin normal dağılımda olduğu tespit edilmiş ve parametrik testler uygulanmıştır. Deney grubu katılımcılarının sandalyede otur-kalk, 8 adım kalk yürü, sandalyede otur-uzan ve geriatrik depresyon ölçeği ön-son test sonuçları arasında anlamlı bir farklılık bulunduğu (p<0.01), kontrol grubunun tüm değişkenleri ön-son test ölçüm sonuçlarında bir farklılığın meydana gelmediği görülmüştür. Pearson Kolelasyon analizine göre sandalyede otur kalk değişkeninin 8 adım yürü testi, otur uzan testi ve geriatrik depresyon ve katılımcıların yaşı ile olumlu bir ilişkisi olduğu; 8 adım yürü değişkeninin geriatrik depresyon ile olumlu ilişkisi bulunduğu görülmüştür. Sonuç: Yürüyüş futbolunun yaşlı erkek bireylere fiziksel ve psikolojik açıdan olumlu etki ettiği söylenebilir.
Anahtar Kelimeler: Geriatri, depresyon, fiziksel uygunluk, yaşlı erkekler, yürüyüş futbolu.


  • Arnold, J. T., Bruce-Low, S., & Sammut, L. (2015). The im-pact of 12 weeks walking football on health and fitness in males over 50 years of age. British Medical Journal, Open Sport & Exercise Medicine, 1(1), bmjsem-2015.
  • Arslan S. (2019). Yaşlılarda meydana gelen fizyolojik psikolojik ve sosyolojik değişiklikler. İçinde: Aylaz R. (editör). Yaşlı sağlığı ve hemşirelik bakım.Malatya, İnönü Üniversitesi Yayınevi, 65-84.
  • Barbosa, A., Brito, J., Costa, J., Figueiredo, P., Seabra, A., & Mendes, R. (2020). Feasibility and safety of a walking football program in middle-aged and older men with type 2 diabetes. Progress in Cardiovascular Diseases, 63(6), 786-791.
  • Burke W. J., Roccaforte W. H., & Wengel S. P. (1991).The short form of the Geriatric Depression Scale: a compari-son with the 30-item form. Journal Geriatr Psychiatry Neurology, 4, 173–8.
  • Carthy, A., Byrne, J., & Barrie, J. (2017). A Whole New Ball-game: Does participating in a walking football club lead to increased levels of social engagement? Conference Pa-pers. Research Centre for Psychology Education and Emotional Intelligence.
  • Durmaz, B., Soysal, P., Ellidokuz, H., & Isik, A. T. (2018). Validity and reliability of geriatric depression scale-15 (short form) in Turkish older adults. Northern Clinics of Istanbul, 5(3), 216–220.
  • Eastman, J. K., & Iyer, R. (2004). The elderly's uses and atti-tudes towards the Internet. Journal of Consumer Market-ing, 21 (3), 208-220.
  • DSÖ. (2021).Ageing and health. World health organization. Date of access:12.04.2023
  • DSÖ. (2015). World report on ageing and health:World healthorganization. Date of access: 23.05.2023
  • Hallal P. C., Andersen L. B., Bull F.C., Guthold R, Haskell W, & Ekelund U. (2012). Global physical activity levels: sur-veillance progress, pitfalls, and prospects. Lancet. 380(9838): 247-257.
  • Harper, L. D., Field, A., Corr, L. D., & Naughton, R. J. (2019). The physiological, physical, and biomechanical demands of walking football: Implications for exercise prescription and future research in older adults. Journal of Aging and Physical Activity, 28(3), 478-488.
  • Hunt, K., Wyke, S., Gray, CM., Anderson, A.S., Brady, A., Bunn, C., Donnan, PT., Fenwick, E., Grieve, E., Leish-man, J., Miller, E., Mutrie, N., Rauchhaus, P., White, A., & Treweek, S. (2014). A gender-sensitised weight loss and healthy living programme for overweight and obese men delivered by Scottish Premier League football clubs (FFIT): A pragmatic randomised controlled. Open Access article distributed under the terms of CC BY-NC-ND. by Elsevier Ltd.
  • Knapik, J. J., Meredith, CN., Jones, BH., Suek, L., Young, VR., & Evans, WJ. (1985). Influence of fasting on carbo-hydrate and fat metabolism during rest and exercise in men. Journal Applied Physiology.
  • Krustrup, P., Williams, C. A., Mohr, M., Hansen, P. R., Helge, E. W., Elbe, A. M., & Brito, J. (2018). The “football is medicine” platform-scientific evidence, large‐scale im-plementation of evidence‐based concepts and future per-spectives. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports, 28, 3-7.
  • Madsen, M., Krustrup, P., & Larsen, M. N. (2021). Exercise intensity during walking football for men and women aged 60+ in comparison to traditional small-sided foot-ball–a pilot study. Managing Sport and Leisure, 26(4), 259-267.
  • McBain, T., & Broom, D. (2022). O2-8 Effects of a 12-week walking football intervention on cardiovascular disease risk factors in an older adult population: a randomised controlled trial in the UK, European Journal of Public Health, Volume 32, Issue Supplement_2, September, ckac094.016.
  • McEwan, G., Buchan, D., Cowan, D., Arthur, R., Sanderson, M., & Macrae, E. (2019). Recruiting older men to walking football: A pilot feasibility study. Explore, 15(3), 206-214.
  • Özmen, T., & Contarlı., N. (2023). Yaşlılarda Fiziksel Aktivite ve Sağlık. Unika Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi. 3(1), 452-459.
  • Rikli, R. E., & Jones, C. J. (2001). Senior fitness test manual. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics.
  • Salle, D. D. A., Newton, R. U., & Heil, D. P. (2023). The Walking Cadence Threshold Associated With A Moder-ate Metabolic Intensity During Competitive Walking Football: 2554. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 55(9S), 844-844.
  • Sarı E. (2013). Edirne Merkezinde Ev Ortamında Yaşayan 65 Yaş ve Üstü Yaşlılarda Yaşam Kalitesi. Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Hemşirelik Anabilim Dalı. Yüksek Lisans Tezi. Trakya Üniversitesi.
  • Sivaramakrishnan, H., Quested, E., Cheval, B., Thøgersen-Ntoumani, C., Gucciardi, D. F., & Ntoumanis, N. (2023). Predictors of intentions of adults over 35 years to partici-pate in walking sport programs: A social-ecological mixed-methods approach. Scandinavian Journal of Med-icine & Science in Sports, 33(8), 1412–1430.
  • Song, D., & Doris, S. F. (2019). Effects of a moderate-inten-sity aerobic exercise programme on the cognitivefunction and quality of life of community-dwelling elderly people with mild cognitive impairment: Arandomised controlled trial. International Journal Nursing Studies, 93, 97-105.
  • Soygüden, A., & Cerit, E. (2015). Yaşlılar İçin Egzersiz Uy-gulamalarının Önemi, Hitit Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi. 8(1), 197-224.
  • Stenner, B. J., Buckley, J. D., & Mosewich, A. D. (2020). Rea-sons why older adults play sport: A systematic review. Journal of Sport and Health Science, 9(6), 530–541.
  • Taylor, D., & Pringle, A. (2022). Investigating the effect of walking football on the mental and social wellbeing of Men. Soccer & Society, 23(7), 805-820.
  • UN-DESA. (2017). World population aging 2017 – Highlights (ST/ESA/SER.A/397) (P. D. Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Trans.): United Nations.
  • Penedo, F. J., & Dahn, JR. (2005). Exercise and well-being: a review of mental and physical health benefits associated with physical activity. Curr Opin Psychiatry. 18(2): 189-193.
  • Zainudin, S. B., Salle, D. D. A., & Aziz, A. R. (2022). Walking Football During Ramadan Fasting for Cardiometabolic and Psychological Health Benefits to the Physically Chal-lenged and Aged Populations. Frontiers in Nutrition, 8, 779863.
  • White, R. L., McInerney, A., Young, C., Elston, R., Dogramaci, S. N., Fitzsimons, L., & Bennie, A. (2021). Understanding Participant Experiences of Walking Foot-ball in Australia. Western Sydney University. Penrith, N.S.W.
  • Zorba, E., & Saygın, Ö. (2009). Physical activity and physical fitness. Inceler offset.

Investigation of the Impact of Walking Football on Selected Physical Fitness Parameters and Geriatric Depression in Elderly Male Individuals

Year 2024, Volume: 13 Issue: 2, 406 - 412, 28.08.2024


Investigation of the Impact of Walking Football on Selected Physical Fitness Parameters and Geriatric Depression in Elderly Male Individuals
Objective: This study was conducted to examine the effect of walking football on selected physical fitness parameters and geriatric depression in elderly male individuals.Materials and Methods: The research is a pre-post test experimental study, and includes Marmaris Refresher University students and individuals living in Marmaris, selected through random sampling. Participants consisted of 17 control and 17 experimental groups. Senior Fitness Test and Geriatric Depression Scale were administered to the participants Findings: The average age of the individuals participating in the study was 69±5.61; Their average height was determined as 1.71±0.06 and their average body weight was 80.7±0.83. The data was determined to be normally distributed, and parametric tests were applied. It was observed that there was a significant difference (p<0.01) between the experimental group participants' pre-post test results of the CST, 8 foot Up-and Go Test and CSRT and GDS, and that there was no difference in the pre-post test measurement results of all variables of the control group. According to the Pearson Correlation analysis, a relationship was determined between the variables. Result: It can be said that walking football has a positive effect on elderly men physically and psychologically.
Key Words: Geriatrics, depression, physical fitness, elderly men, walking football.


  • Arnold, J. T., Bruce-Low, S., & Sammut, L. (2015). The im-pact of 12 weeks walking football on health and fitness in males over 50 years of age. British Medical Journal, Open Sport & Exercise Medicine, 1(1), bmjsem-2015.
  • Arslan S. (2019). Yaşlılarda meydana gelen fizyolojik psikolojik ve sosyolojik değişiklikler. İçinde: Aylaz R. (editör). Yaşlı sağlığı ve hemşirelik bakım.Malatya, İnönü Üniversitesi Yayınevi, 65-84.
  • Barbosa, A., Brito, J., Costa, J., Figueiredo, P., Seabra, A., & Mendes, R. (2020). Feasibility and safety of a walking football program in middle-aged and older men with type 2 diabetes. Progress in Cardiovascular Diseases, 63(6), 786-791.
  • Burke W. J., Roccaforte W. H., & Wengel S. P. (1991).The short form of the Geriatric Depression Scale: a compari-son with the 30-item form. Journal Geriatr Psychiatry Neurology, 4, 173–8.
  • Carthy, A., Byrne, J., & Barrie, J. (2017). A Whole New Ball-game: Does participating in a walking football club lead to increased levels of social engagement? Conference Pa-pers. Research Centre for Psychology Education and Emotional Intelligence.
  • Durmaz, B., Soysal, P., Ellidokuz, H., & Isik, A. T. (2018). Validity and reliability of geriatric depression scale-15 (short form) in Turkish older adults. Northern Clinics of Istanbul, 5(3), 216–220.
  • Eastman, J. K., & Iyer, R. (2004). The elderly's uses and atti-tudes towards the Internet. Journal of Consumer Market-ing, 21 (3), 208-220.
  • DSÖ. (2021).Ageing and health. World health organization. Date of access:12.04.2023
  • DSÖ. (2015). World report on ageing and health:World healthorganization. Date of access: 23.05.2023
  • Hallal P. C., Andersen L. B., Bull F.C., Guthold R, Haskell W, & Ekelund U. (2012). Global physical activity levels: sur-veillance progress, pitfalls, and prospects. Lancet. 380(9838): 247-257.
  • Harper, L. D., Field, A., Corr, L. D., & Naughton, R. J. (2019). The physiological, physical, and biomechanical demands of walking football: Implications for exercise prescription and future research in older adults. Journal of Aging and Physical Activity, 28(3), 478-488.
  • Hunt, K., Wyke, S., Gray, CM., Anderson, A.S., Brady, A., Bunn, C., Donnan, PT., Fenwick, E., Grieve, E., Leish-man, J., Miller, E., Mutrie, N., Rauchhaus, P., White, A., & Treweek, S. (2014). A gender-sensitised weight loss and healthy living programme for overweight and obese men delivered by Scottish Premier League football clubs (FFIT): A pragmatic randomised controlled. Open Access article distributed under the terms of CC BY-NC-ND. by Elsevier Ltd.
  • Knapik, J. J., Meredith, CN., Jones, BH., Suek, L., Young, VR., & Evans, WJ. (1985). Influence of fasting on carbo-hydrate and fat metabolism during rest and exercise in men. Journal Applied Physiology.
  • Krustrup, P., Williams, C. A., Mohr, M., Hansen, P. R., Helge, E. W., Elbe, A. M., & Brito, J. (2018). The “football is medicine” platform-scientific evidence, large‐scale im-plementation of evidence‐based concepts and future per-spectives. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports, 28, 3-7.
  • Madsen, M., Krustrup, P., & Larsen, M. N. (2021). Exercise intensity during walking football for men and women aged 60+ in comparison to traditional small-sided foot-ball–a pilot study. Managing Sport and Leisure, 26(4), 259-267.
  • McBain, T., & Broom, D. (2022). O2-8 Effects of a 12-week walking football intervention on cardiovascular disease risk factors in an older adult population: a randomised controlled trial in the UK, European Journal of Public Health, Volume 32, Issue Supplement_2, September, ckac094.016.
  • McEwan, G., Buchan, D., Cowan, D., Arthur, R., Sanderson, M., & Macrae, E. (2019). Recruiting older men to walking football: A pilot feasibility study. Explore, 15(3), 206-214.
  • Özmen, T., & Contarlı., N. (2023). Yaşlılarda Fiziksel Aktivite ve Sağlık. Unika Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi. 3(1), 452-459.
  • Rikli, R. E., & Jones, C. J. (2001). Senior fitness test manual. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics.
  • Salle, D. D. A., Newton, R. U., & Heil, D. P. (2023). The Walking Cadence Threshold Associated With A Moder-ate Metabolic Intensity During Competitive Walking Football: 2554. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 55(9S), 844-844.
  • Sarı E. (2013). Edirne Merkezinde Ev Ortamında Yaşayan 65 Yaş ve Üstü Yaşlılarda Yaşam Kalitesi. Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Hemşirelik Anabilim Dalı. Yüksek Lisans Tezi. Trakya Üniversitesi.
  • Sivaramakrishnan, H., Quested, E., Cheval, B., Thøgersen-Ntoumani, C., Gucciardi, D. F., & Ntoumanis, N. (2023). Predictors of intentions of adults over 35 years to partici-pate in walking sport programs: A social-ecological mixed-methods approach. Scandinavian Journal of Med-icine & Science in Sports, 33(8), 1412–1430.
  • Song, D., & Doris, S. F. (2019). Effects of a moderate-inten-sity aerobic exercise programme on the cognitivefunction and quality of life of community-dwelling elderly people with mild cognitive impairment: Arandomised controlled trial. International Journal Nursing Studies, 93, 97-105.
  • Soygüden, A., & Cerit, E. (2015). Yaşlılar İçin Egzersiz Uy-gulamalarının Önemi, Hitit Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi. 8(1), 197-224.
  • Stenner, B. J., Buckley, J. D., & Mosewich, A. D. (2020). Rea-sons why older adults play sport: A systematic review. Journal of Sport and Health Science, 9(6), 530–541.
  • Taylor, D., & Pringle, A. (2022). Investigating the effect of walking football on the mental and social wellbeing of Men. Soccer & Society, 23(7), 805-820.
  • UN-DESA. (2017). World population aging 2017 – Highlights (ST/ESA/SER.A/397) (P. D. Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Trans.): United Nations.
  • Penedo, F. J., & Dahn, JR. (2005). Exercise and well-being: a review of mental and physical health benefits associated with physical activity. Curr Opin Psychiatry. 18(2): 189-193.
  • Zainudin, S. B., Salle, D. D. A., & Aziz, A. R. (2022). Walking Football During Ramadan Fasting for Cardiometabolic and Psychological Health Benefits to the Physically Chal-lenged and Aged Populations. Frontiers in Nutrition, 8, 779863.
  • White, R. L., McInerney, A., Young, C., Elston, R., Dogramaci, S. N., Fitzsimons, L., & Bennie, A. (2021). Understanding Participant Experiences of Walking Foot-ball in Australia. Western Sydney University. Penrith, N.S.W.
  • Zorba, E., & Saygın, Ö. (2009). Physical activity and physical fitness. Inceler offset.
There are 31 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Physical Activity and Health, Physical Fitness
Journal Section Articles

Ülküm Erdoğan Yüce 0000-0002-9503-1840

Özcan Saygın 0000-0003-0380-586X

Publication Date August 28, 2024
Submission Date January 26, 2024
Acceptance Date April 21, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024 Volume: 13 Issue: 2


APA Erdoğan Yüce, Ü., & Saygın, Ö. (2024). Investigation of the Impact of Walking Football on Selected Physical Fitness Parameters and Geriatric Depression in Elderly Male Individuals. Balıkesir Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi, 13(2), 406-412.

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