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Yüksek Eğitimde Toplam Kalite Yönetimi

Year 2009, Volume: 11 Issue: 15, 71 - 81, 28.04.2009


Toplam Kalite Yönetimi (TKY) anlayışı gün geçtikçe daha yaygın hale gelmekte ve son zamanlarda eğitim
kurumlarında uygulanması tartışılmaktadır. Mal üreten işletmeler gibi üniversitelerin de girdi, süreç, çıktı ve
müşterileri vardır. Üniversiteler, rekabetin getirdiği şartlar nedeniyle, iç ve dış müşterilerin tatmini, istek ve
beklentileri doğrultusunda, girdilerin, süreçlerin ve çıktıların niteliklerini arttırmak zorundadırlar. TKY, müşteri
tatminini hedefleyen (öğrenci, öğretim elemanı, kamu ve özel kuruluşlar, aileler), sürekli gelişmeyi destekleyen,
herkesin katılımını sağlayan, grup çalışmasını teşvik eden bir yönetim anlayışı ile üniversitelerde uygulanması
durumunda, bu kurumlara etkililik, verimlilik, dinamizm ve ekonomiklik kazandıracaktır. Bu çalışmada, eğitim
kurumlarının genel sorunları, kalite ve TKY’nin eğitimde tanımı, üniversitelerde müşteri kavramı ve eğitimin
kalitesini etkileyen unsurlar anlatılmıştır. Ayrıca, TKY yaklaşımının üniversitelerde başarıyla uygulanabilmesi
için çeşitli öneriler sunulmuştur.


  • Ayadi, N., Lejeune, F., Charrier, F., Charrier, B. and Merlin, A. 2003. Color stability of heat-treated wood during artificial weathering, Germany. Holz als Roh-und Werkstoff 61(3), 221–226.
  • Aydemir, D. Uludağ Göknarı (Abies bornmülleriana Mattf.) ve Yaygın Gürgen (Carpinus betulus L.) Odunlarının Bazı Fiziksel, Mekanik ve Teknolojik Özellikleri Üzerine Isıl İşlemin Etkisi. Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Zonguldak Karaelmas Üniversitesi: Zonguldak, Türkiye, 2007.
  • Bekhta, P. and Niemz, P. 2003. Effect of high temperature on the change in color, dimensional stability and mechanical properties of spruce wood, Germany. Holzforschung 57(5), 539–546.
  • Bengtsson, C., Jermer, J., Clang, A. and Ek-Olausson, B. 2003. Investigation of some technical properties of heat-treated wood, International Research Group on Wood Preservation, Brisbane, Austrialia. 18 – 23 May, Doc. No. IRG/WP 03-40266.
  • Bhuiyan, M. T. R., Hirai, N. and Sobue, N. 2001. Effect of intermittent heat treatment on crystallinity in wood cellulose, Japan. Journal of Wood Science 47(5), 336–341.
  • Bourgois, J., Janin, G. and Guyonnet, R. 1991. Measuring colour: a method of studying and optimising the chemical transformations of thermally-treated wood, Germany. Holzforschung 45(5):377–382.
  • Chang, C. I. and Keith, C. T. 1978. Properties of heat-darkened wood. II – Mechanical properties and gluability, Ottawa, Canada: Eastern Forest Products Laboratory, Fisheries and Environment, p. 1–19.
  • Charrier, B., Haluk, J. P. and Metche, M. 1995. Characterization of European Oakwood constituents acting in the brown discolouration during kiln drying, Germany. Holzforschung 49, 168-172.
  • Dinwoodie, J. M. 2000. Timber: its Nature and Behaviour, 2nd edn. E. and F.N. Spon, (Ed.), The Chemistry of Solid-Wood, USA. ACS Sym Series #208, p. 211–255.
  • Falkehag, S. I., Marton, J. and Adler, E. 1966. Chromophores in Kraft lignin, in: Lignin structure and reactions, USA. Journal of American Chem. p. 75-89.
  • Feist, W. C. and Sell, J. 1987. Weathering behaviour of dimensionally stabilized wood by heating under pressure of nitrogen gas, USA. Wood and Fiber Science 19(2), 183–195.
  • Fengel, D. and Wegener, G. 1989. Wood: Chemistry, Ultrastructure, Reactions. Walter De, Germany.
  • Garrote, G., Domínguez, H. and Parajó, J. C. 1999. Hydrothermal processing of lignocellulosic materials,
  • Germany. Holz als Roh – und Werkstoff 57 (3), 191–202. Green, D. W. 1999. Adjusting Modulus of Elasticity of Lumber for Changes in Temperature, USA. Forest
  • Products Journal 49 (10), 82–94. Gunduz, G., Niemz, P., and Aydemir, D. 2008. Changes in specific gravity and equilibrium moisture content in heat-treated fir (Abies nordmanniana subsp. bornmulleriana Mattf.) wood, Thailand. Drying Technology 26 (9), 1135 – 1139.
  • Gunduz, G., Korkut, S., and Sevim Korkut, D. 2007. The effects of heat treatment on physical and technological properties and surface roughness of Camiyani Black Pine (Pinus nigra Arn. subsp. pallasiana var. pallasiana) wood, USA. Bioresource Technology 99, 2275–2280.
  • Gunduz, G., Niemz, P. and Aydemir, D. 2007. Specific Gravity and Equilibrium of Moisture Content
  • Changes in Heat Treated Fir (Abies nordmanniana subsp. bornmulleriana Mattf.) Wood. 10th International IUFRO Division 5: Wood Drying Conference, August 26 – 30, Orono, Maine, USA. Gunduz, G. and Aydemir, D., 2008. The Effect of heat Treatment on Water Absorpsiyon and Dimensional
  • Stability of Anatolian Chestnut (Castanea sativa Mill.) Wood. The International Research Group on Wood Modification, IRG/WP 08 – 40407, 25 – 29 May, Istanbul, Turkey.
  • Hietala, S., Maunu, S. L., Sundholm, F., Jämsä, S. and Viitaniemi, P. 2002. Structure of thermally modified wood studied by liquid state NMR measurements, Germany. Holzforschung 56(5), 522–528.
  • Hillis, W. E. 1975. The Role of Wood Characteristics in High Temperature Drying, Japan. J. of Wood Sci. (2), 60-67.
  • Hillis, W. E., 1984: High temperature and chemical effects on wood stability. Wood Science and Technology 18: 281–293.
  • Hon, D. N. S. and Minemura, N. 1991 Color and Discoloration. In: Wood and Cellulosic Chemistry, Eds.
  • Hon, D. N.-S. and Shiraishi, N., Marcel Dekker, Inc., New York, USA. Inoue, M., Norimoto, M., Tanahashi, M. and Rowell, R. M. 1993. Steam or Heat Fixation of Compressed
  • Wood, USA. Wood and Fiber Science 25(3), 224-235. Johansson, C. I., Saddler, J. N. and Beatson, R. 2000. Characterization of the polyphenolics related to the colour of Western red cedar (Thuja plicata Donn) heartwood, Germany. Holzforschung 54, 246-254.
  • Johansson, D. 2005. Drying and Heat Treatment of Wood: Influences on Internal Checking, Proceedings 3rd
  • Nordic Drying Conference, Karlstad, Sweden. Kaygin, B., Gündüz, G. and Aydemir, D. 2009. The Effect of mass loss on mechanical properties of heat treatment Paulownia wood. Wood Research, 54:2, in press.
  • Kawamura, F., Ohashi, H., Kawai, S., Teratani, F. and Kai, Y. 1996. Photo discoloration of Western hemlock (Tsuga heterophylla) sapwood. II. Structures of constituents causing photo discoloration. Mokuzai Gakkaishi 42, 301-307.
  • Keith, C. T. and Chang, C. I. 1978. Properties of heat-darkened wood. I. Hygroscopic properties, Report,
  • Eastern Forest Products Laboratory, No. OPX213E, Canada, USA. Kim, D. Y., Nishiyama, Y., Wada, M., Kuga, S. and Okano, T. 2001. Thermal decomposition of cellulose crystallites in wood, Germany. Holzforschung 55(5), 521–524.
  • Kim, G. H., Yun, K. E. and Kim, J. J. 1998. Effect of heat treatment on the decay resistance and bending properties of radiata pine sapwood, Germany. Material und Organims, 32(2), 101–108.
  • LeVan, S. M. and Evans, J. W. 1996. Mechanical properties of fire-retardant treated plywood after cyclic temperature exposure, USA. Forest Products Journal, 46(5), 64–71.
  • Mayes, D. and Oksanen, O. 2002. ThermoWood Handbook, Finnforest Press, Finland.
  • McDonald, A. G., Dare, P. H., Gifford, J. S., Steward, D. and Riley, S. 2002. Assessments of air emissions from industrial kiln drying of Pinus radiata wood, Germany. Holz als Roh-und Werkstoff, 60, 181-190.
  • Millett, M. A. and Gerhards, G. C. 1972. Accelerated aging: residual weight and flexural properties of wood heated in air at 115 °C to 175 °C, Japan. Journal of Wood Science 4(4). 193–201.
  • Mitsui, K. 2006. Changes in color of spruce by repetitive treatment of light-irradiation and heat treatment,
  • Japan. Holz als Roh- und Werkstoff 64, 243–244. Pétrissans, M., Géradin, P., El–Bakali, I. and Seraj, M. 2003 Wettability of heat-treated wood, Germany. Holzforschung, 57(3), 301–307.
  • Poncsak, S.; Kocaefe, D.; Bouazara, M.; Pichette, M. 2005. Effect of high temperature treatment on the mechanical properties of birch (Betula papyrifera), Wood Science and Technology 66 (1): 39-49.
  • Rapp, A. O. and Sailer, M. 2000 Heat Treatment in Germany, Proceedings of Seminar “Production and Development of Heat Treated Wood in Europe”, Helsinki, Finland.
  • Repellin, V. and Guyonnet, R. 2005. Evaluation of heat-treated wood swelling by differential scanning calorimetric in relation to chemical composition, Germany. Holzforschung, 59(1), 28–34.
  • Rusche, H. 1973. Thermal degradation of Wood at Temperatures up to 200oC–Part–I: Strength Properties of Dried Wood after Heat Treatment, Germany. Holz Roh-u Werkstoff 31, 273–281.
  • Sehlstedt-Persson, M. 2003. Colour responses to heat-treatment of extractives and sap from pine and spruce, Proceedings 8th International IUFRO Wood Drying Conference, August 25 – 29, Brasov, Romania.
  • Syrjänen, T. and Kangas, E. 2000. Heat treated timber in Finland, International Research Group on Wood
  • Preservation, 14 – 19 May, Doc. No. IRG/WP 00–40158, Hawaii, USA.
  • Takahashi, M. 1996. Biological properties of chemically modified wood. In: Chemical temperatures, USA,
  • Wood Science and Technology, 5(1), 27–39. Troya, M. T. and Navarette, A. 1994. Study of the degradation of retified wood through ultrasonic and gravimetric techniques, International Research Group on Wood Preservation, Doc., 03 – 06 May, No. IRG/
  • WP 94–40030, Nusa Dua, Bali, Indonesia.
  • Viitanen, H., Jämsä, S., Paajanen, L., Nurmi, A. and Viitaniemi, P. 1994. The effect of heat treatment on the properties of spruce, A preliminary report, International Research Group on Wood Preservation, 03 – 06
  • May, Doc. No. IRG/WP 94-40032, Nusa Dua, Bali, Indonesia.
  • Viitaniemi, P. 1997 Decay-resistant Wood Created in a Heating Process, USA. Industrial Horizons 23, 77
  • Viitaniemi, P. and Lamsa, S. 1996. Modification of wood with heat treatment. Rep. No. 814, VTT Building
  • Technology, Espoo, Finland. Viitaniemi, P., Jamsa, S., Ek, P. and Viitanen, H. 2001. Method for increasing the resistance of cellulosic products against mould and decay. Patent: EP695408B1. VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland.
  • Welzbacher, C. R. and Rapp, A. O. 2002. Comparison of thermally treated wood originating from four industrial scale processes – durability, International Research Group on Wood Preservation, 12 – 17 May,
  • Doc. No. IRG/WP 02–40229, Cardiff, Wales, UK.
  • Yıldız, S., Gezer, E. G. and Yıldız, Ü. C. 2006. Mechanical and chemical behavior of spruce wood modified by heat, USA. Building and Environment 41(12), 1762–1766

Total Quality Management in High Education

Year 2009, Volume: 11 Issue: 15, 71 - 81, 28.04.2009


The approach of Total Quality Management (TQM) has been even more common and most recently its use in

high education has been discussed. Likewise the enterprises producing various products, universities have also

inputs, processes, and outputs. Due to conditions of competition, universities have to improve the qualities of

these inputs, processes, and outputs, according to satisfaction, demands, and expectations of internal and external

customers. If the TQM has been implemented in the universities with a manner that aims for customer

satisfaction (students, lecturers, public and private establishments, and families), supports constant development,

ensures participatory approach, and encourages working in groups, it will provide universities with effectiveness,

efficiency, dynamics, and economics. In this study, common problems of universities, definitions of quality and

TQM in high education, customer concept at universities, and factors affecting the quality of education have

been explained. Besides, in order TQM approach to be successfully implemented in the universities, various

suggestions have been presented.


  • Ayadi, N., Lejeune, F., Charrier, F., Charrier, B. and Merlin, A. 2003. Color stability of heat-treated wood during artificial weathering, Germany. Holz als Roh-und Werkstoff 61(3), 221–226.
  • Aydemir, D. Uludağ Göknarı (Abies bornmülleriana Mattf.) ve Yaygın Gürgen (Carpinus betulus L.) Odunlarının Bazı Fiziksel, Mekanik ve Teknolojik Özellikleri Üzerine Isıl İşlemin Etkisi. Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Zonguldak Karaelmas Üniversitesi: Zonguldak, Türkiye, 2007.
  • Bekhta, P. and Niemz, P. 2003. Effect of high temperature on the change in color, dimensional stability and mechanical properties of spruce wood, Germany. Holzforschung 57(5), 539–546.
  • Bengtsson, C., Jermer, J., Clang, A. and Ek-Olausson, B. 2003. Investigation of some technical properties of heat-treated wood, International Research Group on Wood Preservation, Brisbane, Austrialia. 18 – 23 May, Doc. No. IRG/WP 03-40266.
  • Bhuiyan, M. T. R., Hirai, N. and Sobue, N. 2001. Effect of intermittent heat treatment on crystallinity in wood cellulose, Japan. Journal of Wood Science 47(5), 336–341.
  • Bourgois, J., Janin, G. and Guyonnet, R. 1991. Measuring colour: a method of studying and optimising the chemical transformations of thermally-treated wood, Germany. Holzforschung 45(5):377–382.
  • Chang, C. I. and Keith, C. T. 1978. Properties of heat-darkened wood. II – Mechanical properties and gluability, Ottawa, Canada: Eastern Forest Products Laboratory, Fisheries and Environment, p. 1–19.
  • Charrier, B., Haluk, J. P. and Metche, M. 1995. Characterization of European Oakwood constituents acting in the brown discolouration during kiln drying, Germany. Holzforschung 49, 168-172.
  • Dinwoodie, J. M. 2000. Timber: its Nature and Behaviour, 2nd edn. E. and F.N. Spon, (Ed.), The Chemistry of Solid-Wood, USA. ACS Sym Series #208, p. 211–255.
  • Falkehag, S. I., Marton, J. and Adler, E. 1966. Chromophores in Kraft lignin, in: Lignin structure and reactions, USA. Journal of American Chem. p. 75-89.
  • Feist, W. C. and Sell, J. 1987. Weathering behaviour of dimensionally stabilized wood by heating under pressure of nitrogen gas, USA. Wood and Fiber Science 19(2), 183–195.
  • Fengel, D. and Wegener, G. 1989. Wood: Chemistry, Ultrastructure, Reactions. Walter De, Germany.
  • Garrote, G., Domínguez, H. and Parajó, J. C. 1999. Hydrothermal processing of lignocellulosic materials,
  • Germany. Holz als Roh – und Werkstoff 57 (3), 191–202. Green, D. W. 1999. Adjusting Modulus of Elasticity of Lumber for Changes in Temperature, USA. Forest
  • Products Journal 49 (10), 82–94. Gunduz, G., Niemz, P., and Aydemir, D. 2008. Changes in specific gravity and equilibrium moisture content in heat-treated fir (Abies nordmanniana subsp. bornmulleriana Mattf.) wood, Thailand. Drying Technology 26 (9), 1135 – 1139.
  • Gunduz, G., Korkut, S., and Sevim Korkut, D. 2007. The effects of heat treatment on physical and technological properties and surface roughness of Camiyani Black Pine (Pinus nigra Arn. subsp. pallasiana var. pallasiana) wood, USA. Bioresource Technology 99, 2275–2280.
  • Gunduz, G., Niemz, P. and Aydemir, D. 2007. Specific Gravity and Equilibrium of Moisture Content
  • Changes in Heat Treated Fir (Abies nordmanniana subsp. bornmulleriana Mattf.) Wood. 10th International IUFRO Division 5: Wood Drying Conference, August 26 – 30, Orono, Maine, USA. Gunduz, G. and Aydemir, D., 2008. The Effect of heat Treatment on Water Absorpsiyon and Dimensional
  • Stability of Anatolian Chestnut (Castanea sativa Mill.) Wood. The International Research Group on Wood Modification, IRG/WP 08 – 40407, 25 – 29 May, Istanbul, Turkey.
  • Hietala, S., Maunu, S. L., Sundholm, F., Jämsä, S. and Viitaniemi, P. 2002. Structure of thermally modified wood studied by liquid state NMR measurements, Germany. Holzforschung 56(5), 522–528.
  • Hillis, W. E. 1975. The Role of Wood Characteristics in High Temperature Drying, Japan. J. of Wood Sci. (2), 60-67.
  • Hillis, W. E., 1984: High temperature and chemical effects on wood stability. Wood Science and Technology 18: 281–293.
  • Hon, D. N. S. and Minemura, N. 1991 Color and Discoloration. In: Wood and Cellulosic Chemistry, Eds.
  • Hon, D. N.-S. and Shiraishi, N., Marcel Dekker, Inc., New York, USA. Inoue, M., Norimoto, M., Tanahashi, M. and Rowell, R. M. 1993. Steam or Heat Fixation of Compressed
  • Wood, USA. Wood and Fiber Science 25(3), 224-235. Johansson, C. I., Saddler, J. N. and Beatson, R. 2000. Characterization of the polyphenolics related to the colour of Western red cedar (Thuja plicata Donn) heartwood, Germany. Holzforschung 54, 246-254.
  • Johansson, D. 2005. Drying and Heat Treatment of Wood: Influences on Internal Checking, Proceedings 3rd
  • Nordic Drying Conference, Karlstad, Sweden. Kaygin, B., Gündüz, G. and Aydemir, D. 2009. The Effect of mass loss on mechanical properties of heat treatment Paulownia wood. Wood Research, 54:2, in press.
  • Kawamura, F., Ohashi, H., Kawai, S., Teratani, F. and Kai, Y. 1996. Photo discoloration of Western hemlock (Tsuga heterophylla) sapwood. II. Structures of constituents causing photo discoloration. Mokuzai Gakkaishi 42, 301-307.
  • Keith, C. T. and Chang, C. I. 1978. Properties of heat-darkened wood. I. Hygroscopic properties, Report,
  • Eastern Forest Products Laboratory, No. OPX213E, Canada, USA. Kim, D. Y., Nishiyama, Y., Wada, M., Kuga, S. and Okano, T. 2001. Thermal decomposition of cellulose crystallites in wood, Germany. Holzforschung 55(5), 521–524.
  • Kim, G. H., Yun, K. E. and Kim, J. J. 1998. Effect of heat treatment on the decay resistance and bending properties of radiata pine sapwood, Germany. Material und Organims, 32(2), 101–108.
  • LeVan, S. M. and Evans, J. W. 1996. Mechanical properties of fire-retardant treated plywood after cyclic temperature exposure, USA. Forest Products Journal, 46(5), 64–71.
  • Mayes, D. and Oksanen, O. 2002. ThermoWood Handbook, Finnforest Press, Finland.
  • McDonald, A. G., Dare, P. H., Gifford, J. S., Steward, D. and Riley, S. 2002. Assessments of air emissions from industrial kiln drying of Pinus radiata wood, Germany. Holz als Roh-und Werkstoff, 60, 181-190.
  • Millett, M. A. and Gerhards, G. C. 1972. Accelerated aging: residual weight and flexural properties of wood heated in air at 115 °C to 175 °C, Japan. Journal of Wood Science 4(4). 193–201.
  • Mitsui, K. 2006. Changes in color of spruce by repetitive treatment of light-irradiation and heat treatment,
  • Japan. Holz als Roh- und Werkstoff 64, 243–244. Pétrissans, M., Géradin, P., El–Bakali, I. and Seraj, M. 2003 Wettability of heat-treated wood, Germany. Holzforschung, 57(3), 301–307.
  • Poncsak, S.; Kocaefe, D.; Bouazara, M.; Pichette, M. 2005. Effect of high temperature treatment on the mechanical properties of birch (Betula papyrifera), Wood Science and Technology 66 (1): 39-49.
  • Rapp, A. O. and Sailer, M. 2000 Heat Treatment in Germany, Proceedings of Seminar “Production and Development of Heat Treated Wood in Europe”, Helsinki, Finland.
  • Repellin, V. and Guyonnet, R. 2005. Evaluation of heat-treated wood swelling by differential scanning calorimetric in relation to chemical composition, Germany. Holzforschung, 59(1), 28–34.
  • Rusche, H. 1973. Thermal degradation of Wood at Temperatures up to 200oC–Part–I: Strength Properties of Dried Wood after Heat Treatment, Germany. Holz Roh-u Werkstoff 31, 273–281.
  • Sehlstedt-Persson, M. 2003. Colour responses to heat-treatment of extractives and sap from pine and spruce, Proceedings 8th International IUFRO Wood Drying Conference, August 25 – 29, Brasov, Romania.
  • Syrjänen, T. and Kangas, E. 2000. Heat treated timber in Finland, International Research Group on Wood
  • Preservation, 14 – 19 May, Doc. No. IRG/WP 00–40158, Hawaii, USA.
  • Takahashi, M. 1996. Biological properties of chemically modified wood. In: Chemical temperatures, USA,
  • Wood Science and Technology, 5(1), 27–39. Troya, M. T. and Navarette, A. 1994. Study of the degradation of retified wood through ultrasonic and gravimetric techniques, International Research Group on Wood Preservation, Doc., 03 – 06 May, No. IRG/
  • WP 94–40030, Nusa Dua, Bali, Indonesia.
  • Viitanen, H., Jämsä, S., Paajanen, L., Nurmi, A. and Viitaniemi, P. 1994. The effect of heat treatment on the properties of spruce, A preliminary report, International Research Group on Wood Preservation, 03 – 06
  • May, Doc. No. IRG/WP 94-40032, Nusa Dua, Bali, Indonesia.
  • Viitaniemi, P. 1997 Decay-resistant Wood Created in a Heating Process, USA. Industrial Horizons 23, 77
  • Viitaniemi, P. and Lamsa, S. 1996. Modification of wood with heat treatment. Rep. No. 814, VTT Building
  • Technology, Espoo, Finland. Viitaniemi, P., Jamsa, S., Ek, P. and Viitanen, H. 2001. Method for increasing the resistance of cellulosic products against mould and decay. Patent: EP695408B1. VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland.
  • Welzbacher, C. R. and Rapp, A. O. 2002. Comparison of thermally treated wood originating from four industrial scale processes – durability, International Research Group on Wood Preservation, 12 – 17 May,
  • Doc. No. IRG/WP 02–40229, Cardiff, Wales, UK.
  • Yıldız, S., Gezer, E. G. and Yıldız, Ü. C. 2006. Mechanical and chemical behavior of spruce wood modified by heat, USA. Building and Environment 41(12), 1762–1766
There are 55 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

Hasan Serin This is me

Alper Aytekin This is me

Publication Date April 28, 2009
Published in Issue Year 2009 Volume: 11 Issue: 15


APA Serin, H., & Aytekin, A. (2009). Yüksek Eğitimde Toplam Kalite Yönetimi. Bartın Orman Fakültesi Dergisi, 11(15), 71-81.

Bartin Orman Fakultesi Dergisi Editorship,

Bartin University, Faculty of Forestry, Dean Floor No:106, Agdaci District, 74100 Bartin-Turkey.

Fax: +90 (378) 223 5077, Fax: +90 (378) 223 5062,
