The Forest Management Certification Awareness and Recognition among General Directorate of Forestry Personnel
Year 2020,
Volume: 22 Issue: 2, 604 - 613, 15.08.2020
Osman Komut
Atakan Öztürk
This study is carried out with the aim of determining the awareness and recognition of the forest management certificate at the level of managers and employees of the General Directorate of Forestry. The scope of this research consists of the field service units of the General Directorate of Forestry. A questionnaire based on face to face interview technique was utilized as the data collection tool. In the study, 71 of all 243 forest managements located in the nation have been contacted and a survey has been applied to 146 managers and employees. In this context, a scale, in which 34 proposals are used under 5 main factors, was formed. The obtained data were analyzed in SPSS program by using non-parametric tests. The research results have shown that the FSC certification system has the highest recognition level. On the other hand, GDF managers and employees were determined to have low awareness for forest management certification. In addition, the geographical region where the forest management is situated, the certificate usage status of the management and the method utilized in the forest products sales were identified as variables with statistically significant differences (p<0.05).
This study is a part of PhD thesis study entitled "Certification in Forestry and Forest Products Industry in Turkey: Sectoral Situation and Awareness Analysis" by Osman KOMUT in the consultancy of Assoc. Prof. Atakan Öztürk.
- Akyol, A., Tolunay, A. (2014). Modeling of sustainable forest management criteria and indicators for Turkey. SDU Faculty of Forestry Journal, 15, 21-32.
- Alkan, H., Demir, E. (2015). Socio-Economic Analysis of Stumpage Sales Practices. IV. Congress on Socio-Economic Problems in Forestry, 261-272, 15-17 October 2015, Trabzon.
- Arıkan, R. (2004). Research Techniques and Report Preparation. Asil Publication, Ankara, 387 pages.
- Bass, S. (1998). Introducing Forest Certification. DG-VIII Forest Certification Advisory Group, Forest Certification Briefing Note No 1.
- Baş, T. (2006). How to Prepare a Questionnaire and Evaluate it? 4. Edition, Seçkin Publication, Ankara, 236 pages.
- Başkent, E. Z., Türker, M. F. (2003). Assessments related to certification in forestry. Journal of the Faculty of Forestry Istanbul University, Series: B, Volume: 52-53, No:1-2.
- Chen, J., Innes, J. L. (2013). The implications of new forest tenure reforms and forestry property markets for sustainable forest management and forest certification in China. Journal of Environmental Management, 129, 206-215.
- Durusoy, İ. (2002). Certification and Assessment of Potential Bottlenecks and Opportunities to be Encountered in Turkey Forestry's Needs, Possibilities and Implementation Process. Master Thesis, KTU Institute of Science and Technology, Trabzon, 173 p.
- Durusoy, İ., Türker, M. F., Başkent, E. Z. (2002). Some Evaluations on Certification in Forestry. II. National Black Sea Forestry Congress, 1:220-227, 15-18 May 2002, Artvin.
- Elliott, C., Schlaepfer, R. (2001). Understanding forest certification using the advocacy coalition framework. Forest Policy and Economics, 2, 257-266.
- FSC (2015). Forest Stewardship Council Web Site, (20.12.2015).
- Genç, A. (2014). Forest Management Certificate Problems and Solution Suggestions (Kastamonu Regional Directorate of Forestry). Master Thesis. Kastamonu University, Institute of Science and Technology, Department of Forest Engineering, Kastamonu, 122 p.
- Hain, H. (2005). Social, Ecological annd Economic Impacts of Forest Certification: Case Study of FSC Certified Estonian State Forest Management Center. M.Sc. Thesis, University of Tartu, Faculty of Biology and Geography, Institue of Geography, Tartu, 115 p.
- İlter, E., Ok, K. (2004). Marketing Principles and Management in Forestry and Forest Industry (With Case Studies). Form Offset Printing, Edition 1, Ankara, 488 p.
- Kalaycı, Ş. (2010). SPSS Applied Multivariate Statistical Techniques. Edition 5. Asil Publication Distribution, Ankara, 405 p.
- Kiker, C. F., Putz, F. E. (1997). Methodological and ideological options, ecological certification of forest products: economic challenges. Ecological Economics, 20, 37-51.
- Komut, O., Öztürk, A. (2014). Effects of Stumpage Sales on Competition in the Local Market. II. National Mediterranean Forest and Environment Symposium “Mediterranean Forest Future: Sustainable Society and the Environment”, 1064-1074, 22-24 October, Isparta.
- Küçükkalay, A. M. (1997). Analysis of industrial revolution and economic results. SDU Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences Journal, 2, 51-68.
- Lewis, R. A., Davis, S. R. (2015). Forest certification, institutional capacity, and learning: An analysis of the impacts of the Malaysian timber certification scheme. Forest Policy and Economics, 52,18-26.
- Mouritsen J., Ernst J., Jorgensen A. M. (2000). Green certification as a managerial technology. Scandinavian Journal of Management, 16, 167-187.
- GDF (2016). T.C. Ministry of Forestry and Water Affairs Organization Structure, (12.01.2016).
- Owari, T., Juslin, H., Rummukainen, A., Yoshimura, T. (2006). Strategies, functions and benefits of forest certification in wood products marketing: perspectives of finnish suppliers. Forest Policy and Economics, 9, 380-390.
- Öztunç, Ö. (2006). The Role of the United Nations in International Environmental Policies. Master Thesis, Ankara University Social Sciences Institute Social Environmental Sciences Department, Ankara, 164 p.
- Şen, G., Aközlü, A. (2015). The Effects of Changes in the Stumpage Sales on Interest Groups (Kastamonu Regional Directorate of Forestry). IV. Congress on Socio-Economic Problems in Forestry, 455-471, 15-17 October, Trabzon.
- Şener, F. N., Tolunay, A., Görücü, Ö. (2011). Certification and accreditation in sustainable forestry practices: Andırın and Göksun State Forest Management Directorate. SDU Faculty of Forestry Journal, 12, 115-125.
- Schepers, D. H. (2010). Challenges to legitimacy at the Forest Stewardship Council. Journal of Business Ethics, 92, 279–290.
Tavşancıl, E. (2014). Attitude Measurement and Data Analysis with SPSS. Nobel Publications. 5. Edition, Ankara, 230 p.
- Thompson, D. W., Anderson, R. C., Hansen, E. N., Kahle L. R. (2010). Green segmentation and environmental certification: insights from forest products. Business Strategy and the Environment, 19, 319–334.
- Türker, M. F. (2013). Forestry Business Economics. Updated and Expanded 2nd Edition. Forestry and Nature Conservation Foundation Publication No:5, Trabzon, 287 p.
- Türker, M. F., Başkent, E. Z., Durusoy, İ. (2001). Certification in Forestry: Effects on Forest Resources and Forestry Operations, International Developments and the necessity and possibility of forestry in Turkey. I. National Forestry Congress, 294-305, 20-23 February 2001, Ankara.
- Türker, M. F. (2009). Forestry Approaches in the Process of the Modernization of Higher Education in Turkey, Law No. 5531 and AÇU and the Position of KTU Forestry Faculties. 5531 Numbered Forestry Engineering, Forestry Industrial Engineering and Woodwork Industry Industrial Engineering Law Higher Education-Training and Application Reflections, Panel on Measures to be Taken, TMMOB Chamber of Forest Engineers, 16-19 October, Antalya.
- Türker, M. F., Barlı, Ö., Ayyıldız, H. (2009). A Research on Determining Business Culture in Turkish Forestry Organization. Forestry and Nature Conservation Foundation Publication First Edition, Erzurum, 121 p.
- Ulybina, O., Fennell, S. (2013). Forest certification in Russia: Challenges of institutional development. Ecological Economics, 95, 178-187.
- UNECE/FAO (2015). Forest Products Annual Market Review 2014-2015, United Nations Publications, (12.01.2016).
- United Nations (2015). Report of the World Commission on Environment and Development: Our Common Future. Transmitted to the General Assembly as an Annex to document A/42/427, (07.10.2015).
- Yaylı, H. (2007). Sustainability of Sustainable Development. ICANAS 38, Asia and North Africa Studies Congress, 917-936, 10-15 September 2007, Ankara.
- Yıldız, Ü. C. (2010). Innovation Requirement and Accreditation Possibilities in Forest Industrial Engineering Education-Training Program. ACU National Black Sea Forestry Congress, 5:1889-1915, 20-22 May 201, Artvin.
- Zhao, J. Z., Xie, D. M., Wang, D. Y., Deng, H. B. (2011). Current status and problems in certification of sustainable forest management in China. Environmental Management, 48(6), 1086-1094.
Orman Yönetimi Sertifikasyonunun Orman Genel Müdürlüğü Çalışanları Arasındaki Tanınırlığı ve Farkındalığı
Year 2020,
Volume: 22 Issue: 2, 604 - 613, 15.08.2020
Osman Komut
Atakan Öztürk
Bu çalışma, orman yönetim sertifikasının Orman Genel Müdürlüğü yönetici ve çalışanları düzeyinde farkındalık ve tanınırlığını belirlemeyi amaçlamıştır. Bu çalışmanın kapsamını Orman Genel Müdürlüğü taşra teşkilatı birimleri oluşturmuştur. Veri toplama aracı olarak yüz yüze görüşme tekniğine dayalı anket kullanılmıştır. Çalışmada, ülke genelinde yer alan toplam 243 orman işletmesinden 71’ine ulaşılmış olup, 146 yönetici ve çalışana anket uygulanmıştır. Bu bağlamda, toplam 34 önermenin 5 ana faktör altında kullanıldığı ölçek geliştirilmiştir. Elde edilen veriler SPSS programında non-parametrik testler kullanılarak analiz edilmiştir. Araştırma sonuçları, FSC sertifikasyon sisteminin en yüksek tanınırlık düzeyine sahip olduğunu göstermiştir. Diğer yandan, OGM yönetici ve çalışanlarının orman yönetim sertifikasyonu farkındalığının düşük düzeyde olduğu belirlenmiştir. Ayrıca, orman işletmenin yerleşmiş olduğu coğrafi bölge, işletmenin sertifika kullanma durumu ve orman ürünleri satışında kullanılan yöntem istatistiksel düzeyde anlamlı görüş farklılıklarının (p<0.05) bulunduğu değişkenler olarak tespit edilmiştir.
- Akyol, A., Tolunay, A. (2014). Modeling of sustainable forest management criteria and indicators for Turkey. SDU Faculty of Forestry Journal, 15, 21-32.
- Alkan, H., Demir, E. (2015). Socio-Economic Analysis of Stumpage Sales Practices. IV. Congress on Socio-Economic Problems in Forestry, 261-272, 15-17 October 2015, Trabzon.
- Arıkan, R. (2004). Research Techniques and Report Preparation. Asil Publication, Ankara, 387 pages.
- Bass, S. (1998). Introducing Forest Certification. DG-VIII Forest Certification Advisory Group, Forest Certification Briefing Note No 1.
- Baş, T. (2006). How to Prepare a Questionnaire and Evaluate it? 4. Edition, Seçkin Publication, Ankara, 236 pages.
- Başkent, E. Z., Türker, M. F. (2003). Assessments related to certification in forestry. Journal of the Faculty of Forestry Istanbul University, Series: B, Volume: 52-53, No:1-2.
- Chen, J., Innes, J. L. (2013). The implications of new forest tenure reforms and forestry property markets for sustainable forest management and forest certification in China. Journal of Environmental Management, 129, 206-215.
- Durusoy, İ. (2002). Certification and Assessment of Potential Bottlenecks and Opportunities to be Encountered in Turkey Forestry's Needs, Possibilities and Implementation Process. Master Thesis, KTU Institute of Science and Technology, Trabzon, 173 p.
- Durusoy, İ., Türker, M. F., Başkent, E. Z. (2002). Some Evaluations on Certification in Forestry. II. National Black Sea Forestry Congress, 1:220-227, 15-18 May 2002, Artvin.
- Elliott, C., Schlaepfer, R. (2001). Understanding forest certification using the advocacy coalition framework. Forest Policy and Economics, 2, 257-266.
- FSC (2015). Forest Stewardship Council Web Site, (20.12.2015).
- Genç, A. (2014). Forest Management Certificate Problems and Solution Suggestions (Kastamonu Regional Directorate of Forestry). Master Thesis. Kastamonu University, Institute of Science and Technology, Department of Forest Engineering, Kastamonu, 122 p.
- Hain, H. (2005). Social, Ecological annd Economic Impacts of Forest Certification: Case Study of FSC Certified Estonian State Forest Management Center. M.Sc. Thesis, University of Tartu, Faculty of Biology and Geography, Institue of Geography, Tartu, 115 p.
- İlter, E., Ok, K. (2004). Marketing Principles and Management in Forestry and Forest Industry (With Case Studies). Form Offset Printing, Edition 1, Ankara, 488 p.
- Kalaycı, Ş. (2010). SPSS Applied Multivariate Statistical Techniques. Edition 5. Asil Publication Distribution, Ankara, 405 p.
- Kiker, C. F., Putz, F. E. (1997). Methodological and ideological options, ecological certification of forest products: economic challenges. Ecological Economics, 20, 37-51.
- Komut, O., Öztürk, A. (2014). Effects of Stumpage Sales on Competition in the Local Market. II. National Mediterranean Forest and Environment Symposium “Mediterranean Forest Future: Sustainable Society and the Environment”, 1064-1074, 22-24 October, Isparta.
- Küçükkalay, A. M. (1997). Analysis of industrial revolution and economic results. SDU Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences Journal, 2, 51-68.
- Lewis, R. A., Davis, S. R. (2015). Forest certification, institutional capacity, and learning: An analysis of the impacts of the Malaysian timber certification scheme. Forest Policy and Economics, 52,18-26.
- Mouritsen J., Ernst J., Jorgensen A. M. (2000). Green certification as a managerial technology. Scandinavian Journal of Management, 16, 167-187.
- GDF (2016). T.C. Ministry of Forestry and Water Affairs Organization Structure, (12.01.2016).
- Owari, T., Juslin, H., Rummukainen, A., Yoshimura, T. (2006). Strategies, functions and benefits of forest certification in wood products marketing: perspectives of finnish suppliers. Forest Policy and Economics, 9, 380-390.
- Öztunç, Ö. (2006). The Role of the United Nations in International Environmental Policies. Master Thesis, Ankara University Social Sciences Institute Social Environmental Sciences Department, Ankara, 164 p.
- Şen, G., Aközlü, A. (2015). The Effects of Changes in the Stumpage Sales on Interest Groups (Kastamonu Regional Directorate of Forestry). IV. Congress on Socio-Economic Problems in Forestry, 455-471, 15-17 October, Trabzon.
- Şener, F. N., Tolunay, A., Görücü, Ö. (2011). Certification and accreditation in sustainable forestry practices: Andırın and Göksun State Forest Management Directorate. SDU Faculty of Forestry Journal, 12, 115-125.
- Schepers, D. H. (2010). Challenges to legitimacy at the Forest Stewardship Council. Journal of Business Ethics, 92, 279–290.
Tavşancıl, E. (2014). Attitude Measurement and Data Analysis with SPSS. Nobel Publications. 5. Edition, Ankara, 230 p.
- Thompson, D. W., Anderson, R. C., Hansen, E. N., Kahle L. R. (2010). Green segmentation and environmental certification: insights from forest products. Business Strategy and the Environment, 19, 319–334.
- Türker, M. F. (2013). Forestry Business Economics. Updated and Expanded 2nd Edition. Forestry and Nature Conservation Foundation Publication No:5, Trabzon, 287 p.
- Türker, M. F., Başkent, E. Z., Durusoy, İ. (2001). Certification in Forestry: Effects on Forest Resources and Forestry Operations, International Developments and the necessity and possibility of forestry in Turkey. I. National Forestry Congress, 294-305, 20-23 February 2001, Ankara.
- Türker, M. F. (2009). Forestry Approaches in the Process of the Modernization of Higher Education in Turkey, Law No. 5531 and AÇU and the Position of KTU Forestry Faculties. 5531 Numbered Forestry Engineering, Forestry Industrial Engineering and Woodwork Industry Industrial Engineering Law Higher Education-Training and Application Reflections, Panel on Measures to be Taken, TMMOB Chamber of Forest Engineers, 16-19 October, Antalya.
- Türker, M. F., Barlı, Ö., Ayyıldız, H. (2009). A Research on Determining Business Culture in Turkish Forestry Organization. Forestry and Nature Conservation Foundation Publication First Edition, Erzurum, 121 p.
- Ulybina, O., Fennell, S. (2013). Forest certification in Russia: Challenges of institutional development. Ecological Economics, 95, 178-187.
- UNECE/FAO (2015). Forest Products Annual Market Review 2014-2015, United Nations Publications, (12.01.2016).
- United Nations (2015). Report of the World Commission on Environment and Development: Our Common Future. Transmitted to the General Assembly as an Annex to document A/42/427, (07.10.2015).
- Yaylı, H. (2007). Sustainability of Sustainable Development. ICANAS 38, Asia and North Africa Studies Congress, 917-936, 10-15 September 2007, Ankara.
- Yıldız, Ü. C. (2010). Innovation Requirement and Accreditation Possibilities in Forest Industrial Engineering Education-Training Program. ACU National Black Sea Forestry Congress, 5:1889-1915, 20-22 May 201, Artvin.
- Zhao, J. Z., Xie, D. M., Wang, D. Y., Deng, H. B. (2011). Current status and problems in certification of sustainable forest management in China. Environmental Management, 48(6), 1086-1094.