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Conceptual Framework for a General Theory of Administrative Organizations

Yıl 2006, Cilt: 1 Sayı: 12, 149 - 168, 01.05.2006


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  • Allport, F. H. (1933). Institutional Behavior. Chapel Hill, NC: University of
  • North Carolina Press. Argyris, C. (1957). Personality and Organization. New York: Harper.
  • Argyris, C. (1964). Integrating the lndividnai and the Organization. New York.: Wiley.
  • Ashby, W. Ross. (1958). “General. System Theory as a New Discipline,” General Systems, V. 2, pp. 347.
  • Ashby, W. Ross. (1960). Design for a Brain. 2. Ed. Revised. London: Science.
  • Bennis, W. (1959). “Leadership Theory and Administrative Behavior: The Problem of Authority,” Administrative Science Quarterly, v. 4, pp. 259—301.
  • Bennis, W. G. (1966). Changing Organizations. New York: McGraw—11111 Book Co.
  • Bertalanffy, Ludwig von. (1968). General system Theory. New York: George Brarilter.
  • Bertalanffy, Ludwig V. (1956). “General System Theory,” General Systems, V. 1, pp. 140.
  • Blake, R. R.. and Mouton, l. (1968). Corporate Excellence through Grid
  • Organizational Development. Houston: Gulf Corporation. Blauner, R. (1964). Alienation and Freedom. Chicago: Quadrangle.
  • Boulding, K. F. (1956). “General System Theory: The Skeleton of Science,”
  • General Systems, v. 1, pp. 11-17. Buckley, Walter. (1967). Sociology and Modern Systems. Englewood Cliffs, NJ : Prentice-Hall.
  • Burns, T. and Stalker, G. M. (1961). The Management of innovation. London: Tavistock.
  • Burns, Tom and Stalker, G. M. (1961). The Management of innovation. London: Tavistock.
  • Buterfield, D. A. (1968). An Integrative Approach to the Study of Leadership
  • Effectiveness in Grganizations. Ann Arbor, Ml: Unpublished Dissertation, University of Michigan. Centers, R. and Bugental, D. E. (1966). “intrinsic and Extrinsic Job Motivations
  • Among Different Segments of the Working Population,” Journal of Applied Psychology, v. 50, pp. 193—197. Coch, L. and J. R. P. French, Jr. (1948). “Overcoming Resistance to Change,”
  • Human Relations, V. 1, n. 4, pp. 512-532. Dewey, J. and Bentley, A. (1949). Knowing and the Known. Boston: Beacon.
  • Dill, W. (1958). “Environment as an inşuence on Managerial Autonomy,”
  • Ariministrative Quarterly, V. 2, pp. 409443.
  • Durkheim, E. (1947). Bivision of Labor in Society. New York: The Free Press.
  • Emery, R. E. and Trist, E. L. (1965). “The Causal Texture of Organizational
  • Environments,” Human Relations, V. 18. Etzioni, A. (1964). Modern Grganizations. Englewood Cliffs, NJ : Prentice-Hall.
  • Fiedler, E. F. (1967). A Theory of Leanership Effectiveness. New York: McGraw-Hil].
  • Friedlander, F. (1965). “Comparative Work Value Systems,” Personnel Psyehology, V. 18, pp. 1-20.
  • Gulick, L. and Urwick, L (Eds) (1937). Papers on the Seienee at
  • Administration. New York: institute of Public Administration. Haim, (1963). “Philosophy of Organizations,” in Bowennan, D. M. and Fillerup, F. M. (Eds...) Management: Qrganization and Planning, New York: McGraw-Hill.
  • Harvey, E. (1968). “Technology and the Structure of Organization,” American
  • Sociologieal Review, V. 33, pp. 247—259. Herzberg, F., Mausner R. and Snyderman, B. (1959). The Motivation to Work. New York: Wiley.
  • Kast F. E. and. Rosenzweig, l. E (1970). Crganization and Management. New York: McGraw-=Hill.
  • Katz, D. and Kahn, R. L. (1966). The Social E’syeholegy of Crganizations. New York: Wiley.
  • Katz, D. and Kali-n, R. L. (1978). The Seeial Psyehoiogy of Qrganizatiens. 2. ed.
  • Revised, New York: Wiley. Katzell, R. A. (1962). “Contrasting Systems of Work Organization,” American Psychologist, V. 17, pp. 102-108.
  • Komhause, A. and Reid, 0. M. (1962). Mental Health of the industrial
  • Workers: A Detroit Study. New York: Wiley. Laszlo, E. (1973). “System Philosophy and Human Value,” Behavioral Science, v. , pp. 250—259.
  • Lawrence, P. R. and Lorseh, J. W. (1969). “Differentiation and Integration in
  • Complex Organizations,” Organization and Environment Homewood. Lawrence, P. R. and Lorscli, J. W. (1967). “Differentiation and Integration in
  • Complex Organizations,” Administrative Science Quarterly, V. 12, pp. 1=14. . Leavitt, H. .1. (1951). “Some Effects of certain Communication Patterns on Group
  • Performance,” Journal of Abnormal and Sociai Psychology, V. 46, pp. 38-50. Abant İzzet Baysal Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi 2006—1 (l2)
  • Levinson, D. (1959). “Role Personality and Social Structure in the Organizational
  • Setting,” Journal of Abnormal and Social Esychology, v. 58, pp. 170—181. Lewin, K. (1951). Field Theorv in Social Science. New York: Harper.
  • Lewin, K., Lippitt, R. and. White, R. K. (1939). “Patterns of Aggressive Behavior in Experimentally Created Social Climates,” Journal of Social Psychology, v. 10, pp. 27 l —99.
  • Likert, R. (1958). “Effective Supervision: An Adaptive and Relative Process,”
  • Personal Psychology, V. 11, pp. 317—352. Likert, R. (1961). New Patterns of Management. New York: MeGraw—Hiil.
  • Likert, R. (1967). The Human Organization. New York: McGraw—Hill.
  • Maier, N. R. F. (1955). Principles of Human Relations. New York: Wiley.
  • March, 1. G. and Simon, H. A. (1958). Organizations. New York: John Wiley&80ns.
  • Maslow, A. H. (1954). Motivation and Personality. New York: Harper.
  • Maslow, A. H. (1965). Eupsycllian Management. Homewood: Irwin—Dorsey.
  • Maslow, A. H. (1987). Motivation and Personality. 3. Edition. New York: Harper—Row.
  • Massie, J. (1965). “Management Theory,” in March, .? . (Ed). The Handbook oi
  • @rganizatlons. Chicago: Rand McNally & Co., pp. 387—422. Mayo, E. (1933). The Human Problems or" industrial Civilization. New York: Macmillan.
  • McGregor, D. (1960). The Human Side of Enterprise. New York: McGraw- HiliBook Co.
  • Miles, R. E. (1965). “Human Relations or Human Resources,” Harvard Business Review, v. 43, pp. 148—166.
  • Mill, R. E. (19653). “Human Relations or Human Resources,” Harvard Business Review, v. 34, pp. 148-163.
  • Miller, J . .l . (1965b) “Living Systems: Basie Concepts,” Behavioral Science, v. 10, pp. 193=237.
  • Miller, J. J. (19650). “Living Systems: Structure and Process,” Behavioral Science, v. 10, pp. 380-411.
  • Miller, J. l. (1972). “Living Systems: The Organizations,” Behavioral Science, v. , pp. 1-182.
  • Neff, W. S. (1968). Work and Human Behavior. New York: Atherton.
  • Perrow, C. (1967). “A Framework for Comparative Organizational Analysis,”
  • American Sociological Review, v. 32, pp. 194—208. Presthus, R. (1962). The Grgarıizatioüal Society. New York: Knopf.
  • Pugh, D. S. (1966). “Modern Organization Theory,” Psyehoîogğeal Boâlerirı, pp, —251.
  • Rice, A. K. (1968). The Enterprise end Its Environment. London: Tavistock.
  • Rice, A. K. (1963). The Enterprise and 11s Environment, London: Tavistock Publications,
  • Roethlisberger, F J. and Dickson, W. Managemerrr and Worker. Massachusetts: Harvard University Press. Scott, William G. (1961). “Organization Theory: An Overview and Appraisal”
  • Academy of Managemem Journo1,pp. 7-26. Strother, G. B (1963). “Problems in the Development of a Social Science of
  • Organization,” in Harold J. Leavitt (Ed.) "Ehe Social Scieriee of Organizations, ' Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice—Hall. Parsons, T. (1951). The Social Systems. New York: Free Press.
  • Tannenbaum, A.. S. (1968). Control in Ürgenizaîion. NeW York: McGraw—Hill.
  • Taylor, F. W. (1911). ScientiŞc Management. New York: Harper &; Row.
  • Thompson, J. D. (1967). Grgarıizariorr ân Action. New York: MeGraw—Hil1.
  • Vroom, V. H. and Mann F. C. (1960). “Leader Authoritarianisrn and Employee
  • Attitudes,” 1’ersona1 Psychology, V. 13, pp. 125440.
  • Walter, Buckley. (1967). Sociology and Modern System Theory. Englewood
  • Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Han, Weber, M, (1964). Organization. New Press.
  • Whyte, W. R. (1948). Human Reîations in the Restaurant Industry. New York.: McGraw—Hill.
  • Whyte, W. R. (1969). Organizarional Behavior. Homewood: Irwin and Dorsey.
  • Whyîe, W. P. (1969). Organizaüonaâ Behavior: Theory and Application.
  • Homewood: Irwin=Dorsey. Worthy, J. C. (1950). “Factors Inşuencing Employee Morale,” Harvard Business Review, v. 28.

Conceptual Framework for a General Theory of Administrative Organizations

Yıl 2006, Cilt: 1 Sayı: 12, 149 - 168, 01.05.2006


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  • Allport, F. H. (1933). Institutional Behavior. Chapel Hill, NC: University of
  • North Carolina Press. Argyris, C. (1957). Personality and Organization. New York: Harper.
  • Argyris, C. (1964). Integrating the lndividnai and the Organization. New York.: Wiley.
  • Ashby, W. Ross. (1958). “General. System Theory as a New Discipline,” General Systems, V. 2, pp. 347.
  • Ashby, W. Ross. (1960). Design for a Brain. 2. Ed. Revised. London: Science.
  • Bennis, W. (1959). “Leadership Theory and Administrative Behavior: The Problem of Authority,” Administrative Science Quarterly, v. 4, pp. 259—301.
  • Bennis, W. G. (1966). Changing Organizations. New York: McGraw—11111 Book Co.
  • Bertalanffy, Ludwig von. (1968). General system Theory. New York: George Brarilter.
  • Bertalanffy, Ludwig V. (1956). “General System Theory,” General Systems, V. 1, pp. 140.
  • Blake, R. R.. and Mouton, l. (1968). Corporate Excellence through Grid
  • Organizational Development. Houston: Gulf Corporation. Blauner, R. (1964). Alienation and Freedom. Chicago: Quadrangle.
  • Boulding, K. F. (1956). “General System Theory: The Skeleton of Science,”
  • General Systems, v. 1, pp. 11-17. Buckley, Walter. (1967). Sociology and Modern Systems. Englewood Cliffs, NJ : Prentice-Hall.
  • Burns, T. and Stalker, G. M. (1961). The Management of innovation. London: Tavistock.
  • Burns, Tom and Stalker, G. M. (1961). The Management of innovation. London: Tavistock.
  • Buterfield, D. A. (1968). An Integrative Approach to the Study of Leadership
  • Effectiveness in Grganizations. Ann Arbor, Ml: Unpublished Dissertation, University of Michigan. Centers, R. and Bugental, D. E. (1966). “intrinsic and Extrinsic Job Motivations
  • Among Different Segments of the Working Population,” Journal of Applied Psychology, v. 50, pp. 193—197. Coch, L. and J. R. P. French, Jr. (1948). “Overcoming Resistance to Change,”
  • Human Relations, V. 1, n. 4, pp. 512-532. Dewey, J. and Bentley, A. (1949). Knowing and the Known. Boston: Beacon.
  • Dill, W. (1958). “Environment as an inşuence on Managerial Autonomy,”
  • Ariministrative Quarterly, V. 2, pp. 409443.
  • Durkheim, E. (1947). Bivision of Labor in Society. New York: The Free Press.
  • Emery, R. E. and Trist, E. L. (1965). “The Causal Texture of Organizational
  • Environments,” Human Relations, V. 18. Etzioni, A. (1964). Modern Grganizations. Englewood Cliffs, NJ : Prentice-Hall.
  • Fiedler, E. F. (1967). A Theory of Leanership Effectiveness. New York: McGraw-Hil].
  • Friedlander, F. (1965). “Comparative Work Value Systems,” Personnel Psyehology, V. 18, pp. 1-20.
  • Gulick, L. and Urwick, L (Eds) (1937). Papers on the Seienee at
  • Administration. New York: institute of Public Administration. Haim, (1963). “Philosophy of Organizations,” in Bowennan, D. M. and Fillerup, F. M. (Eds...) Management: Qrganization and Planning, New York: McGraw-Hill.
  • Harvey, E. (1968). “Technology and the Structure of Organization,” American
  • Sociologieal Review, V. 33, pp. 247—259. Herzberg, F., Mausner R. and Snyderman, B. (1959). The Motivation to Work. New York: Wiley.
  • Kast F. E. and. Rosenzweig, l. E (1970). Crganization and Management. New York: McGraw-=Hill.
  • Katz, D. and Kahn, R. L. (1966). The Social E’syeholegy of Crganizations. New York: Wiley.
  • Katz, D. and Kali-n, R. L. (1978). The Seeial Psyehoiogy of Qrganizatiens. 2. ed.
  • Revised, New York: Wiley. Katzell, R. A. (1962). “Contrasting Systems of Work Organization,” American Psychologist, V. 17, pp. 102-108.
  • Komhause, A. and Reid, 0. M. (1962). Mental Health of the industrial
  • Workers: A Detroit Study. New York: Wiley. Laszlo, E. (1973). “System Philosophy and Human Value,” Behavioral Science, v. , pp. 250—259.
  • Lawrence, P. R. and Lorseh, J. W. (1969). “Differentiation and Integration in
  • Complex Organizations,” Organization and Environment Homewood. Lawrence, P. R. and Lorscli, J. W. (1967). “Differentiation and Integration in
  • Complex Organizations,” Administrative Science Quarterly, V. 12, pp. 1=14. . Leavitt, H. .1. (1951). “Some Effects of certain Communication Patterns on Group
  • Performance,” Journal of Abnormal and Sociai Psychology, V. 46, pp. 38-50. Abant İzzet Baysal Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi 2006—1 (l2)
  • Levinson, D. (1959). “Role Personality and Social Structure in the Organizational
  • Setting,” Journal of Abnormal and Social Esychology, v. 58, pp. 170—181. Lewin, K. (1951). Field Theorv in Social Science. New York: Harper.
  • Lewin, K., Lippitt, R. and. White, R. K. (1939). “Patterns of Aggressive Behavior in Experimentally Created Social Climates,” Journal of Social Psychology, v. 10, pp. 27 l —99.
  • Likert, R. (1958). “Effective Supervision: An Adaptive and Relative Process,”
  • Personal Psychology, V. 11, pp. 317—352. Likert, R. (1961). New Patterns of Management. New York: MeGraw—Hiil.
  • Likert, R. (1967). The Human Organization. New York: McGraw—Hill.
  • Maier, N. R. F. (1955). Principles of Human Relations. New York: Wiley.
  • March, 1. G. and Simon, H. A. (1958). Organizations. New York: John Wiley&80ns.
  • Maslow, A. H. (1954). Motivation and Personality. New York: Harper.
  • Maslow, A. H. (1965). Eupsycllian Management. Homewood: Irwin—Dorsey.
  • Maslow, A. H. (1987). Motivation and Personality. 3. Edition. New York: Harper—Row.
  • Massie, J. (1965). “Management Theory,” in March, .? . (Ed). The Handbook oi
  • @rganizatlons. Chicago: Rand McNally & Co., pp. 387—422. Mayo, E. (1933). The Human Problems or" industrial Civilization. New York: Macmillan.
  • McGregor, D. (1960). The Human Side of Enterprise. New York: McGraw- HiliBook Co.
  • Miles, R. E. (1965). “Human Relations or Human Resources,” Harvard Business Review, v. 43, pp. 148—166.
  • Mill, R. E. (19653). “Human Relations or Human Resources,” Harvard Business Review, v. 34, pp. 148-163.
  • Miller, J . .l . (1965b) “Living Systems: Basie Concepts,” Behavioral Science, v. 10, pp. 193=237.
  • Miller, J. J. (19650). “Living Systems: Structure and Process,” Behavioral Science, v. 10, pp. 380-411.
  • Miller, J. l. (1972). “Living Systems: The Organizations,” Behavioral Science, v. , pp. 1-182.
  • Neff, W. S. (1968). Work and Human Behavior. New York: Atherton.
  • Perrow, C. (1967). “A Framework for Comparative Organizational Analysis,”
  • American Sociological Review, v. 32, pp. 194—208. Presthus, R. (1962). The Grgarıizatioüal Society. New York: Knopf.
  • Pugh, D. S. (1966). “Modern Organization Theory,” Psyehoîogğeal Boâlerirı, pp, —251.
  • Rice, A. K. (1968). The Enterprise end Its Environment. London: Tavistock.
  • Rice, A. K. (1963). The Enterprise and 11s Environment, London: Tavistock Publications,
  • Roethlisberger, F J. and Dickson, W. Managemerrr and Worker. Massachusetts: Harvard University Press. Scott, William G. (1961). “Organization Theory: An Overview and Appraisal”
  • Academy of Managemem Journo1,pp. 7-26. Strother, G. B (1963). “Problems in the Development of a Social Science of
  • Organization,” in Harold J. Leavitt (Ed.) "Ehe Social Scieriee of Organizations, ' Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice—Hall. Parsons, T. (1951). The Social Systems. New York: Free Press.
  • Tannenbaum, A.. S. (1968). Control in Ürgenizaîion. NeW York: McGraw—Hill.
  • Taylor, F. W. (1911). ScientiŞc Management. New York: Harper &; Row.
  • Thompson, J. D. (1967). Grgarıizariorr ân Action. New York: MeGraw—Hil1.
  • Vroom, V. H. and Mann F. C. (1960). “Leader Authoritarianisrn and Employee
  • Attitudes,” 1’ersona1 Psychology, V. 13, pp. 125440.
  • Walter, Buckley. (1967). Sociology and Modern System Theory. Englewood
  • Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Han, Weber, M, (1964). Organization. New Press.
  • Whyte, W. R. (1948). Human Reîations in the Restaurant Industry. New York.: McGraw—Hill.
  • Whyte, W. R. (1969). Organizarional Behavior. Homewood: Irwin and Dorsey.
  • Whyîe, W. P. (1969). Organizaüonaâ Behavior: Theory and Application.
  • Homewood: Irwin=Dorsey. Worthy, J. C. (1950). “Factors Inşuencing Employee Morale,” Harvard Business Review, v. 28.
Toplam 80 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Mehmet Yıldız Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Mayıs 2006
Gönderilme Tarihi 30 Ekim 2014
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2006 Cilt: 1 Sayı: 12

Kaynak Göster

APA Yıldız, M. (2006). Conceptual Framework for a General Theory of Administrative Organizations. Bolu Abant İzzet Baysal Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 1(12), 149-168.
AMA Yıldız M. Conceptual Framework for a General Theory of Administrative Organizations. ASBİ. Mayıs 2006;1(12):149-168. doi:10.11616/AbantSbe.187
Chicago Yıldız, Mehmet. “Conceptual Framework for a General Theory of Administrative Organizations”. Bolu Abant İzzet Baysal Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi 1, sy. 12 (Mayıs 2006): 149-68.
EndNote Yıldız M (01 Mayıs 2006) Conceptual Framework for a General Theory of Administrative Organizations. Bolu Abant İzzet Baysal Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi 1 12 149–168.
IEEE M. Yıldız, “Conceptual Framework for a General Theory of Administrative Organizations”, ASBİ, c. 1, sy. 12, ss. 149–168, 2006, doi: 10.11616/AbantSbe.187.
ISNAD Yıldız, Mehmet. “Conceptual Framework for a General Theory of Administrative Organizations”. Bolu Abant İzzet Baysal Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi 1/12 (Mayıs 2006), 149-168.
JAMA Yıldız M. Conceptual Framework for a General Theory of Administrative Organizations. ASBİ. 2006;1:149–168.
MLA Yıldız, Mehmet. “Conceptual Framework for a General Theory of Administrative Organizations”. Bolu Abant İzzet Baysal Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, c. 1, sy. 12, 2006, ss. 149-68, doi:10.11616/AbantSbe.187.
Vancouver Yıldız M. Conceptual Framework for a General Theory of Administrative Organizations. ASBİ. 2006;1(12):149-68.

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