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Yeni Koronavirüs Hastalığı (COVID-19) için Uygur Geleneksel Tıp İlaç Önerileri

Year 2020, Volume: 1 Issue: 2, 21 - 28, 09.05.2020


3000 yıldan daha uzun tarihe sahip Uygur Tıbbı, Uygur Türklerinin kıymetli miraslarından biridir. Uygur Tıbbının bakış açısına bakılacak olur ise Uygur Tıbbı İbn-i Sina’nın teşhis ve tedavide kullandığı bakış açısının ta kendisidir. Uygur Tıbbı binlerce yıldır her türlü hastalıkta özellikle kronik hastalıklarda ve bulaşıcı hastalıkların önlemesi ve tedavisinde büyük katkılarda bulunmuştur. Veba (kara ölüm), kolera, tüberküloz, anormal hepatit A ve B hastalıklarının tedavisinde bile Uygur Tıp ilaçları kullanılarak hastaların hayatları kurtarılmıştı. Eski zamanlardan bu zamana kadar geçen süreçlerde Uygur Tıbbında solumun yolları hastalıkları için kullanmata olan ve antiviral etkisinin olduğu tespit edilmiş olan Uygur Tıp ilaçları Çin Halk Cumhuriyeti (ÇHC) de COVİD-19 için kullanılmıştır ve güzel sonuçlar almıştır. Bu sonuçlara göre şu an için ülkemizde hâkim konumda olan Covid-19 salgının durdurulması ve tedavi edilebilmesi amacı ile bu ilaçların tedavi edici etkileri kesinlikte araştırmalı ve Türkiye’de üretimini gerçekleştirilmelidir.


  • Abuduli, M. Ezat, S. Aljunid, S. Role of Traditional and Complementary Medicine in Universal Coverage. Malaysian Journal of Public Health Medicine. 2011. Vol: 11 (2). Ahmed .H., Jamalidin, B., Muhammet A., Tursun, O., Huşur, A., Ali, H; Uygur Tibabiti Kamusi. 3. Cilt. Sincan Halk Sehiye Neşriyatı. 2009. 178-181.
  • Ahmed .H., Jamalidin, B., Muhammet A., Tursun, O., Huşur, A., Ali, H; Uygur Tibabiti Kamusi. 4. Cilt. Sincan Halk Sehiye Neşriyatı. 2009. 153-188.
  • Agrawal, A. Agrawa, S. Rastogi, R. Singh,P. Adyanthaya BR, Dr Gupta H. L. A Review on Uses of Clove in Oral and General Health. Indian Journal of Research in Pharmacy and Biotechnology. ISSN: 2321-5674(Print) ISSN: 2320 – 3471(Online) IJRPB 2(4) July-August 2014 Page 1321
  • Ay & Tangshan. Huanan Of Journal Of Traditional Chinese Medıcıne 2014. 9. 063000 (9)
  • Balakrishnan, A. Therapeutic Uses of Peppermint –A Review. J. Pharm. Sci. & Res.2015. 7(7). 474-476.
  • Baki, T. et al; Uygur Tıbabeti İlmi Jornali, 1988.
  • Burog, V. Coronavirus Treatment Update: Virgin Coconut Oil (VCO) Being Tested As Possible Cure For COVID-19. Latin Time.
  • Burogş V. Antiviral Properties Of Virgin Coconut Oil (VCO) Believed to Help Treat COVID-19 2020.
  • Burogş V. Virgin coconut oil (VCO) is currently being tested as a possible treatment for COVID-19 in the Philippines.
  • CBC 19 News. A potential cure for covid-19 caused by the corona virüs.
  • CNN. Philiphines. Tests set for possible benefits of coconut oil on COVID-19 patients. 2020.
  • Chao S.Y. Clinical Analysis of 3160 Patients with Epidemic non-A and non-B Hepatitis in Xinjiang of China. Clinical+Analysis+ of+3160+Patients+with+Epidemic +non-A+and+non-B+Hepatitis+in+Xinjiang+of+China.&btnG=
  • Fernandes. F, Valentão, P. Sousa , C. .Pereira, J.A., Seabra, R.M., Andrade, P.B., Chemical and antioxidative assessment of dietary turnip (Brassica rapa var. rapa L.) Food Chemistry. 2007. 105 (3). 1003-1010.
  • Guan Y.L. Coconut and Covid-19: Philiphines Studying Antiviral Properties of Coconut Oil as Potential Treatment. NUTRA İngredients-Asia-com.
  • Kansenshogaku Zasshi. 1990. 64(1):105-11.DOI:10.11150/kansenshogakuzasshi1970.64.105
  • Upur, H. et al. Uygur Tebabeti 1. Kisim
  • Yüsüp, A. & Muhammet, A. Uygur Tibabet Kamusi, 1. Cilt. Sincan Halk Sehiye Neşriyatı. 2009. 1- 45.
  • Yüsüp, A. Uygur Tebabeti Asasi Neziriyeleri Dersligi. Sincan Halk Baş Neşriyatı. Sincan Halk Sehiye Neşriyatı. 2014. 121-200.
  • Upur, H. Greco- Arab-Uyghur Medicine. 2013. Includes index. ISBS 978-0-615-83579-2. Printed in United Nations of America. 13-25
  • visited: April, 2020. 64 (1), 105-111.
  • İbn-i Sina, El-Kanun Fit-Tıbb, 2018. Çeviren Prof. Dr. Esin Kahya. Atatürk Kültür Merkezi Başkanlığı Yayını:492. 1-Kitap 5-30
  • M.Ömer Nezeri, Geleneksel Tıbba Giriş Uygur Tebabeti.Gebze Teknik Üniversitesi. 2019.1-9.
  • Meng Xiao Juan, Xinjiang Zhongyiyao. 2012. 30(5).
  • SÖNMEZ, T.G. Uygur Halk Hekimliği Uygulamalarında Çay ve İşlevleri. 2018(11), 68 – 74.
  • Li, L.J. Viral Hepatetis ‘n Southern Asia. Anormal B Hepatetis in Xinjiang 1988. (book)
  • Zhong L.P., Guang, Z. Q , Xian Dai Zhen Duan Yu Zhi Liao ,2014.3.25
  • Pali & Rukiye . Zhongguo Minzu Mingjian Yiyao Zazhi. 2000. 45 (1).
  • Sadik, R. et al. Uygur Tibabiti Ham Dorilar İlmi 1. Tom. Sincan Halk Sehiye Neşriyatı.2006. 147- 148. 413-414. 95-96. 179-180. 113-115. 103-106. 83-84.
  • Sadik, R. Et al. Uygur Tibabiti Ham Dorilar İlmi 2. Tom. Sincan Halk Sehiye Neşriyatı.2006. 233- 234, 231-232. 77-79.
  • Sadik, R. Et al. Uygur Tibabiti Ham Dorilar İlmi 3. Tom. Sincan Halk Sehiye Neşriyatı.2006. 37- 38. 72. 342-343. 264-266.
  • Si la fu , Ha li mu la ti, Nu er mai mai ti, Zhong Yao Yao Li yu Lin Chuang 2000.(16) 1
  • Silafu , Halimulati, Nuermaimaiti, Zhong Yao Yao Li Yu Lin Chuang. 2000.(16) 1
  • Silva, F. Ferreira, S. João A. Queiroz, F.C. Domingues. Coriander (Coriandrum sativum L.) essential oil: its antibacterial activity and mode of action evaluated by flow cytometry. Journal of Medical Microbiology. 2011. 60 (10).
  • Shahrajabian, M.H. , Khoshkharam, M. , Sun. W & Cheng, Q. A Review of Three Ancient Chinese Herbs, Goji Berry, Ginger and Ginseng in Pharmacological and Modern Science. J. BIOL. ENVIRON. SCI., 2019, 13(39), 161-171
  • S. Santoyo ,L. Jaime,M. R. García-Risco,A. Ruiz-Rodríguez &G. Reglero. Antiviral Properties of Supercritical CO2 Extracts from Oregano and Sage. International Journal of Food Properties. 2014. 17 (5).
  • Yu Tong et al. Meta analysis on Zukamu Granules in Treatment for Upper Resperatory Infection. Humanwell healthcare (Group) CO., LTD Wuhan 430075, China; 2. Xinjiang Uygur Pharmaceutical Co., LTD. 2018.
  • Yan, W. Sha, Y, Jian Yan Yi Xue Yu Lin Chuang .2016.10.13.
  • Li, Z. Y. Hong, Z. Z. Xian Dai Zhong Yao Yan Jiu Yu Shi Jian 2016.30- TOM 1 -SAN
  • Uygur Tebabati İç Hastalıkları İlmi. Sincan Halk Sehiye Neşriyatı. 2014.
  • Xin Jiang Zhong Yı 2012.30(3) 54-55
  • Vimalanathan S. & Hudson. J. Anti-Influenza Virus Activities of Commercial Oregano oils and their Carriers. Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science. 02 (07); 2012: 214-218.

Recommendation of Uygur Medicine Products for Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Year 2020, Volume: 1 Issue: 2, 21 - 28, 09.05.2020


With a history of more than 3000 years, Uygur Traditional Medicine is one of the most valuable and rich cultural heritage of Uygur Turks. The perspectives of Uygur Medicine in diagnostic and treatment of diseases are exactly same with Ibn-i Sina’s perspectives. Since thousands of years, Uyghur Medicine has made great contributions to the prevention and treatment of all kinds of diseases, especially chronic diseases and infectious diseases. Even in the treatment of plague (black death), cholera, tuberculosis, non-A, non-B Hepatitis Uygur medicine was used and saved patients’ lives by using Uygur Medicine. Uygur medical products, which have been used from ancient time until now for respiratory system diseases have been found to have antiviral effects and used for COVID-19 and have obtained good results in China. In order to win this unavoidable battle and fight, it will be definitely needed to do some research about the Uygur herbal products and productions must be carried out in Turkey.


  • Abuduli, M. Ezat, S. Aljunid, S. Role of Traditional and Complementary Medicine in Universal Coverage. Malaysian Journal of Public Health Medicine. 2011. Vol: 11 (2). Ahmed .H., Jamalidin, B., Muhammet A., Tursun, O., Huşur, A., Ali, H; Uygur Tibabiti Kamusi. 3. Cilt. Sincan Halk Sehiye Neşriyatı. 2009. 178-181.
  • Ahmed .H., Jamalidin, B., Muhammet A., Tursun, O., Huşur, A., Ali, H; Uygur Tibabiti Kamusi. 4. Cilt. Sincan Halk Sehiye Neşriyatı. 2009. 153-188.
  • Agrawal, A. Agrawa, S. Rastogi, R. Singh,P. Adyanthaya BR, Dr Gupta H. L. A Review on Uses of Clove in Oral and General Health. Indian Journal of Research in Pharmacy and Biotechnology. ISSN: 2321-5674(Print) ISSN: 2320 – 3471(Online) IJRPB 2(4) July-August 2014 Page 1321
  • Ay & Tangshan. Huanan Of Journal Of Traditional Chinese Medıcıne 2014. 9. 063000 (9)
  • Balakrishnan, A. Therapeutic Uses of Peppermint –A Review. J. Pharm. Sci. & Res.2015. 7(7). 474-476.
  • Baki, T. et al; Uygur Tıbabeti İlmi Jornali, 1988.
  • Burog, V. Coronavirus Treatment Update: Virgin Coconut Oil (VCO) Being Tested As Possible Cure For COVID-19. Latin Time.
  • Burogş V. Antiviral Properties Of Virgin Coconut Oil (VCO) Believed to Help Treat COVID-19 2020.
  • Burogş V. Virgin coconut oil (VCO) is currently being tested as a possible treatment for COVID-19 in the Philippines.
  • CBC 19 News. A potential cure for covid-19 caused by the corona virüs.
  • CNN. Philiphines. Tests set for possible benefits of coconut oil on COVID-19 patients. 2020.
  • Chao S.Y. Clinical Analysis of 3160 Patients with Epidemic non-A and non-B Hepatitis in Xinjiang of China. Clinical+Analysis+ of+3160+Patients+with+Epidemic +non-A+and+non-B+Hepatitis+in+Xinjiang+of+China.&btnG=
  • Fernandes. F, Valentão, P. Sousa , C. .Pereira, J.A., Seabra, R.M., Andrade, P.B., Chemical and antioxidative assessment of dietary turnip (Brassica rapa var. rapa L.) Food Chemistry. 2007. 105 (3). 1003-1010.
  • Guan Y.L. Coconut and Covid-19: Philiphines Studying Antiviral Properties of Coconut Oil as Potential Treatment. NUTRA İngredients-Asia-com.
  • Kansenshogaku Zasshi. 1990. 64(1):105-11.DOI:10.11150/kansenshogakuzasshi1970.64.105
  • Upur, H. et al. Uygur Tebabeti 1. Kisim
  • Yüsüp, A. & Muhammet, A. Uygur Tibabet Kamusi, 1. Cilt. Sincan Halk Sehiye Neşriyatı. 2009. 1- 45.
  • Yüsüp, A. Uygur Tebabeti Asasi Neziriyeleri Dersligi. Sincan Halk Baş Neşriyatı. Sincan Halk Sehiye Neşriyatı. 2014. 121-200.
  • Upur, H. Greco- Arab-Uyghur Medicine. 2013. Includes index. ISBS 978-0-615-83579-2. Printed in United Nations of America. 13-25
  • visited: April, 2020. 64 (1), 105-111.
  • İbn-i Sina, El-Kanun Fit-Tıbb, 2018. Çeviren Prof. Dr. Esin Kahya. Atatürk Kültür Merkezi Başkanlığı Yayını:492. 1-Kitap 5-30
  • M.Ömer Nezeri, Geleneksel Tıbba Giriş Uygur Tebabeti.Gebze Teknik Üniversitesi. 2019.1-9.
  • Meng Xiao Juan, Xinjiang Zhongyiyao. 2012. 30(5).
  • SÖNMEZ, T.G. Uygur Halk Hekimliği Uygulamalarında Çay ve İşlevleri. 2018(11), 68 – 74.
  • Li, L.J. Viral Hepatetis ‘n Southern Asia. Anormal B Hepatetis in Xinjiang 1988. (book)
  • Zhong L.P., Guang, Z. Q , Xian Dai Zhen Duan Yu Zhi Liao ,2014.3.25
  • Pali & Rukiye . Zhongguo Minzu Mingjian Yiyao Zazhi. 2000. 45 (1).
  • Sadik, R. et al. Uygur Tibabiti Ham Dorilar İlmi 1. Tom. Sincan Halk Sehiye Neşriyatı.2006. 147- 148. 413-414. 95-96. 179-180. 113-115. 103-106. 83-84.
  • Sadik, R. Et al. Uygur Tibabiti Ham Dorilar İlmi 2. Tom. Sincan Halk Sehiye Neşriyatı.2006. 233- 234, 231-232. 77-79.
  • Sadik, R. Et al. Uygur Tibabiti Ham Dorilar İlmi 3. Tom. Sincan Halk Sehiye Neşriyatı.2006. 37- 38. 72. 342-343. 264-266.
  • Si la fu , Ha li mu la ti, Nu er mai mai ti, Zhong Yao Yao Li yu Lin Chuang 2000.(16) 1
  • Silafu , Halimulati, Nuermaimaiti, Zhong Yao Yao Li Yu Lin Chuang. 2000.(16) 1
  • Silva, F. Ferreira, S. João A. Queiroz, F.C. Domingues. Coriander (Coriandrum sativum L.) essential oil: its antibacterial activity and mode of action evaluated by flow cytometry. Journal of Medical Microbiology. 2011. 60 (10).
  • Shahrajabian, M.H. , Khoshkharam, M. , Sun. W & Cheng, Q. A Review of Three Ancient Chinese Herbs, Goji Berry, Ginger and Ginseng in Pharmacological and Modern Science. J. BIOL. ENVIRON. SCI., 2019, 13(39), 161-171
  • S. Santoyo ,L. Jaime,M. R. García-Risco,A. Ruiz-Rodríguez &G. Reglero. Antiviral Properties of Supercritical CO2 Extracts from Oregano and Sage. International Journal of Food Properties. 2014. 17 (5).
  • Yu Tong et al. Meta analysis on Zukamu Granules in Treatment for Upper Resperatory Infection. Humanwell healthcare (Group) CO., LTD Wuhan 430075, China; 2. Xinjiang Uygur Pharmaceutical Co., LTD. 2018.
  • Yan, W. Sha, Y, Jian Yan Yi Xue Yu Lin Chuang .2016.10.13.
  • Li, Z. Y. Hong, Z. Z. Xian Dai Zhong Yao Yan Jiu Yu Shi Jian 2016.30- TOM 1 -SAN
  • Uygur Tebabati İç Hastalıkları İlmi. Sincan Halk Sehiye Neşriyatı. 2014.
  • Xin Jiang Zhong Yı 2012.30(3) 54-55
  • Vimalanathan S. & Hudson. J. Anti-Influenza Virus Activities of Commercial Oregano oils and their Carriers. Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science. 02 (07); 2012: 214-218.
There are 50 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Clinical Sciences
Journal Section Review Articles

Magfiret Abdulveli Bozlar 0000-0003-3141-7928

Publication Date May 9, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2020 Volume: 1 Issue: 2


APA Abdulveli Bozlar, M. (2020). Yeni Koronavirüs Hastalığı (COVID-19) için Uygur Geleneksel Tıp İlaç Önerileri. Bütünleyici Ve Anadolu Tıbbı Dergisi, 1(2), 21-28.

Journal of Integrative and Anatolian Medicine
Bütünleyici ve Anadolu Tıbbı Dergisi

