Bir fizik öğretim materyali: miyopi modeli
Yıl 2025,
, 1 - 10, 20.01.2025
Yrd. Doç. Dr. Sebahattin Kartal
Erdoğan Özdemir
Fiziğin günlük hayatla ilişkilendirilmesi konuların etkili bir şekilde öğrenilmesini destekler. İnsan gözü, optik kavramlarını günlük hayatla ilişkilendirmek için zengin bir potansiyel sunar. Bu çalışmada, optik öğretim materyali olarak ahşaptan hazırlanmış, uygun maliyetli ve kolay taşınabilir bir göz modeli tanıtılmıştır. Bu göz modeli ile miyopi ve miyopinin gözlükle düzeltilmesinin yanı sıra miyop kırma kusuru olan bir kişinin neden uzağı net göremediği ancak yakını net görebildiği açıklanabilmektedir. Ayrıca el feneri, ışık sınırlandırıcı ve ahşap ızgara ile kullanılan bu materyalin lazer ışık kaynağı kullanılan ticari göz modellerinden miyopiyi modellemedeki üstünlüğü deneysel olarak gösterilmiştir. Bu öğretim materyalinin derslerde optik konularının günlük hayatla ilişkilendirilmesine önemli katkı sağlayacağı düşünülmektedir.
- Özdemir, E., and Coramik M., Development of a virtual teaching environment with Algodoo: “eye” and “cactus type light source” models. Physics Education, 57, 045022 (12 pp), (2022).
- Galili, I., and Hazan, A., The effect of a history-based course in optics on students’ view about science. Science and Education, 10, 7–32, (2001).
- Ronen, M., and Eylon, B-S., To see or not to see: the eye in geometrical optics-when and how?, Physics Education. 28, 52, (1993).
- Özdemir, E., Çoramik, M., and Ürek, H. Determination of conceptual understanding levels related to optics concepts: The case of opticianry. International Journal of Education in Mathematics, Science and Technology, 8(1), 53-64. (2020).
- Dilek, U., and Şahin, M., Investigating accommodation using eyes and lenses. Physics Education, 48, 194, (2013).
- Mullin, W. B., The working of the human eye. Physics Education, 1, 34-38, (1966).
- Colicchia, G., Wiesner, H., Waltner, C., and Zollman, D. A., Model of the human eye. The Physics Teacher, 46, 428-531, (2008).
- Helene, O. A simple model of the human eye. The Physics Teacher, 48, 142, (2010).
- McCleary, D.S., The Optician Training Manual, Santa Rosa Publishing, California, (2009).
- Kandel, H., Khadka, J., Goggin, M., and Pesudovs, K., Impact of refractive error on quality of life: a qualitative study. Clinical & Experimental Ophthalmology, 45, 677–688, (2017).
- Harrington, S.C, Stack, J., Saunders, K., and, O'Dwyer V., Refractive error and visual impairment in Ireland schoolchildren. The British Journal of Ophthalmology, 103, 1112-1118, (2019).
- Colicchia, G. Physikunterricht im Kontext von Medizin und Biologie. Entwicklung und Erprobung von Unterrichtseinheiten Dissertation, Ludwig-Maximilian-Universität München (2002).
- Frank, L., Pedrotti, L., S., Pedrotti, L., M., Introduction to Optics (Third Edition) Pearson Education, (2007).
- 3B Scientific.,p_645_1263.html (12.02.2024).
- INDOSAW. (12.02.2024)
- Kwarikunda, D., Schiefele, U., Ssenyonga, J., Muwonge, C. M., The Relationship between Motivation for, and Interest in, Learning Physics among Lower Secondary School Students in Uganda. African Journal of Research in Mathematics, Science and Technology Education, 24 (3). 435-446, (2020).
A physics teaching material: myopia model
Yıl 2025,
, 1 - 10, 20.01.2025
Yrd. Doç. Dr. Sebahattin Kartal
Erdoğan Özdemir
Transferring physics to daily life supports that the subjects are learned effectively. The human eye offers a rich potential for connecting optics concepts to everyday life. This study introduced a cost-effective and easily transportable eye model made from wood as an optic instructional material. With this eye model, myopia and its correction can be explained in physics courses, as well as why a person with myopic cannot see the distance clearly but can see the near clearly. The advantages of this material which is used with flashlight, light limiter and wood grid from other commercial models which is used with laser were shown experimentally. It is thought that this teaching material will important contribute to associating optics topics with daily life in courses.
- Özdemir, E., and Coramik M., Development of a virtual teaching environment with Algodoo: “eye” and “cactus type light source” models. Physics Education, 57, 045022 (12 pp), (2022).
- Galili, I., and Hazan, A., The effect of a history-based course in optics on students’ view about science. Science and Education, 10, 7–32, (2001).
- Ronen, M., and Eylon, B-S., To see or not to see: the eye in geometrical optics-when and how?, Physics Education. 28, 52, (1993).
- Özdemir, E., Çoramik, M., and Ürek, H. Determination of conceptual understanding levels related to optics concepts: The case of opticianry. International Journal of Education in Mathematics, Science and Technology, 8(1), 53-64. (2020).
- Dilek, U., and Şahin, M., Investigating accommodation using eyes and lenses. Physics Education, 48, 194, (2013).
- Mullin, W. B., The working of the human eye. Physics Education, 1, 34-38, (1966).
- Colicchia, G., Wiesner, H., Waltner, C., and Zollman, D. A., Model of the human eye. The Physics Teacher, 46, 428-531, (2008).
- Helene, O. A simple model of the human eye. The Physics Teacher, 48, 142, (2010).
- McCleary, D.S., The Optician Training Manual, Santa Rosa Publishing, California, (2009).
- Kandel, H., Khadka, J., Goggin, M., and Pesudovs, K., Impact of refractive error on quality of life: a qualitative study. Clinical & Experimental Ophthalmology, 45, 677–688, (2017).
- Harrington, S.C, Stack, J., Saunders, K., and, O'Dwyer V., Refractive error and visual impairment in Ireland schoolchildren. The British Journal of Ophthalmology, 103, 1112-1118, (2019).
- Colicchia, G. Physikunterricht im Kontext von Medizin und Biologie. Entwicklung und Erprobung von Unterrichtseinheiten Dissertation, Ludwig-Maximilian-Universität München (2002).
- Frank, L., Pedrotti, L., S., Pedrotti, L., M., Introduction to Optics (Third Edition) Pearson Education, (2007).
- 3B Scientific.,p_645_1263.html (12.02.2024).
- INDOSAW. (12.02.2024)
- Kwarikunda, D., Schiefele, U., Ssenyonga, J., Muwonge, C. M., The Relationship between Motivation for, and Interest in, Learning Physics among Lower Secondary School Students in Uganda. African Journal of Research in Mathematics, Science and Technology Education, 24 (3). 435-446, (2020).