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Fotovoltaik dağıtık üretim birimleri (FV-DÜB): güç kalitesine etkileri, uluslararası güç kalitesi standartları ve FV-DÜB barındıran dağıtım sistemleri için güç kalitesi iyileştirme yöntemleri

Yıl 2019, Cilt: 21 Sayı: 2, 882 - 903, 28.06.2019


Günümüz güç sistemlerinde gerilim profilinin iyileştirilmesi, sistem güvenilirliğinin arttırılması, hat kayıplarının azaltılması ve enerji verimliliğinin arttırılması amaçlarıyla dağıtık üretim birimlerinin kullanımı yaygın hale gelmiştir. Bu dağıtık üretim birimlerinden, rüzgar türbinleri ve fotovoltaik birimler, elektrik üretiminde doğal gaz, kömür ve petrol gibi geleneksel enerji kaynaklarının kullanımını sınırlandırmaları, böylece sera gazı artışı ve küresel ısınma gibi çevresel sorunların önlenmesi için önemli birer seçenek haline gelmişlerdir. Ancak, bu dağıtık üretim birimleri, güç elektroniği devreleri üzerinden şebekeye bağlanmaları ve enerji kaynaklarının emre amade olmaması gibi sebeplerden dolayı; güç sistemlerinde çeşitli güç kalitesi problemlerine yol açmaktadır. Bu çalışmada, öncelikle fotovoltaik dağıtık üretim birimlerinde (FV-DÜB) teknolojik anlamda gelinen en son durum sunulmuş, daha sonra bu birimlerin güç sistemlerinde meydana getirdikleri güç kalitesi problemleri ile FV-DÜB’leri barındıran sistemler için hazırlanmış uluslararası güç kalitesi standartları irdelenmiştir. Son olarak, FV-DÜB barındıran sistemler için güç kalitesi problemlerinin iyileştirilmesinde uygulanan yöntemler tanıtılmıştır.

Destekleyen Kurum


Proje Numarası



Bu çalışma, 116E110 nolu TÜBİTAK 1001 projesi kapsamında desteklenmiştir.


  • Ackermann, T., Anderson, G. ve Söder, L., Distributed generation: a definition, Electr. Power Syst. Res., 57, 195–204, (2001).
  • Paliwal, P., Patidar, N.P. ve Nema, R.K., Planning of grid integrated distributed generators: a review of technology, objectives and techniques, Renew. Sustain. Energy Rev., 40, 557–570, (2014).
  • Li, L., Mu, H., Li, N. ve Li, M., Economical and environmental optimization for distributed energy resource system coupled with district energy networks, Energy, 109, 947–960, (2016).
  • Katiraei, F. ve Aguero, J.R., Solar PV integration challenges, IEEE Power and Energy Mag., 9, 62-71, (2011).
  • Jager-Waldau A., PV Status Report 2018, European Union, Brussels, (2018).
  • Masson G., Orlandi S. ve Rekinger M., Global market outlook for photovoltaics: 2014–2018, Brussels, Belgium, European Photovoltaic Industry Association, (2013).
  • Wu Y.K., Lin J.H. ve Lin H.J., Standards and guidelines for grid-connected photovoltaic generation systems: a review and comparison, IEEE Trans. Ind. Appl., 53, 3205–3216, (2017).
  • Mohsen M., Hwai Chyuan O., Chong, W.O. ve Leong, K.Y., Advances and challenges in grid tied photovoltaic systems, Renew. Sustain. Energy Rev., Volume 49, 121-131, (2015).
  • Hassaine, L., OLias, E., Quintero, J. ve Salas, V., Overview of power inverter topologies and control structures for grid connected photovoltaic systems, Renew. Sustain. Energy Rev., 30, 796-807, (2014).
  • Kouro, S., Leon, J.I., Vinnikov D. ve Franquelo, L.G., Grid-connected photovoltaic systems: an overview of recent research and emerging PV converter technology, IEEE Ind. Electron. Mag., 9, 47-61, (2015).
  • Manasseh, O. ve Robert, B., Trends and challenges of grid-connected photovoltaic systems, Renew. Sustain. Energy Rev., 58, 1082-1094, (2016).
  • Anzalchi, A. ve Sarwat, A., Overview of technical specifications for grid-connected photovoltaic systems, Energ. Convers. Manage., 152, 312-327, (2017).
  • Chin, V.J., Salam, Z. ve Ishaque, K., Cell modelling and model parameters estimation techniques for photovoltaic simulator application, Appl. Energy, 154, 500–519, (2015).
  • Bhatnagar, P. ve Nema, R.K., Maximum power point tracking control techniques: State-of-the-art in photovoltaic applications, Renew. Sustain. Energy Rev., 23, 224-241, (2013).
  • Bendib, B., Belmili, H. ve Krim, F., A survey of the most used MPPT methods: Conventional and advanced algorithms applied for photovoltaic systems, Renew. Sustain. Energy Rev., 45, 637-648, (2015).
  • IEEE Std 1547-2003, IEEE standard for interconnecting distributed resources with electric power systems, IEEE Standard, USA, (2003).
  • IEEE Std 1547a-2014, IEEE standard for interconnecting distributed resources with electric power systems-amendment 1, IEEE Standard, USA, 2014.
  • IEC 61727-2004, Photovoltaic (PV) systems—characteristics of the utility interface, IEC standard, Switzerland, (2004).
  • IEEE Std 929-2000, IEEE recommended practice for utility interface of photovoltaic (PV) systems, IEEE Standard, USA, (2000).
  • Karimi, M., Mokhlis, H., Naidu, K., Uddin, S. ve Bakar, A.H.A., Photovoltaic penetration issues and impacts in distribution network – a review, Renew. Sustain. Energy Rev., 53, 594-605, (2016).
  • Mejbaul Haque, M. ve Wolfs, P., A review of high PV penetrations in LV distribution networks: Present status, impacts and mitigation measures, Renew. Sustain. Energy Rev., 62, 1195-1208, (2016).
  • Von Jouanne A. ve Banerjee B., Assessment of voltage unbalance, IEEE Trans. Power Del., 16, 782–790, (2011).
  • Kurt, M.S., Balci, M.E. ve Abdel Aleem, S.H.E., Algorithm for estimating derating of induction motors supplied with under/over unbalanced voltages using response surface methodology, The JoE, 12, 627–633, (2017).
  • Rodriguez-Calvo, A., Cossent, R. ve Frías, P., Integration of PV and EVs in unbalanced residential LV networks and implications for the smart grid and advanced metering infrastructure deployment, Int. J. Elec. Power, 91, 121-134, (2017).
  • Shou T., Wang H., Zhu T., Zhu L., Wang Q. ve Lou X., Harmonic current suppression for three phase PV generation system under unbalanced grid voltage. APPEEC 2013, 1-6, Kowloon, China, (2013).
  • Huang H., Xu Y. ve Yang L., Control scheme of PV inverter under unbalanced grid voltage, 2014 IEEE PES General Meeting, 1–5, National Harbor, USA, (2014).
  • Singh, G.K., Power system harmonics research: a survey, Eur. Trans. Electr. Power, 19, 151-172, (2009).
  • Kalair, A., Abas, N., Kalair, A.R., Saleem, Z. ve Khan, N., Review of harmonic analysis, modeling and mitigation techniques, Renew. Sustain. Energy Rev., 78, 1152-1187, (2017).
  • Gianfranco C., Jürgen S. ve Filippo S., Experimental assessment of the waveform distortion in grid-connected photovoltaic installations, Sol. Energy, 83, 1026-1039, (2009).
  • Yang D., Dylan Dah-Chuan L., Geoffrey J. ve Cornforth, D.J., Modeling and analysis of current harmonic distortion from grid connected PV inverters under different operating conditions, Sol. Energy, 94, 182-194, (2013).
  • Taylor, T., Gonzalez, O. ve Baghzouz, Y., Analysis of current distortion in a 12 kW photovoltaic system installation, 17th ICHQP, 243-248, Belo Horizonte, Brazil, (2016).
  • IEEE std. 519-2014, IEEE recommended practices and requirements for harmonic control in electrical power systems, IEEE standard, USA, (2014).
  • Bhowmik, A., Maitra, A., Halpin, S.M. ve Schatz, J.E., Determination of allowable penetration levels of distributed generation resources based on harmonic limit considerations, IEEE Trans. Power Del., 18, 619–24, (2013).
  • Ravikumar, P., Zeineldin, H.H. ve Xiao, W., Allowable DG penetration level considering harmonic distortions, IECON Proc. Industrial Electron, 814–818, Melbourne, Australya, (2011).
  • Dartawan, K., Hui L. ve Pterra, M., Harmonics issues that limit solar photovoltaic generation on distribution circuits, WREF 2012, 1-7, Denver, USA, (2012).
  • Das, J. C., Power system harmonics and passive filter designs, Wiley-IEEE Press, New Jersey, USA, (2015).
  • Harrison, G.P. ve Djokic, S.Z., Distribution network capacity assessment: incorporating harmonic distortion limits, IEEE power & energy society general meeting, 1–7, San Diego, USA, (2012).
  • Sakar, S., Balci, M. E., Abdel, Aleem, S. H. E. ve Zobaa, A. F., Increasing PV hosting capacity in distorted distribution systems using passive harmonic filtering, Electr. Power Syst. Res., 148, 74-86, (2017).
  • Sakar, S., Balci, M.E., Abdel Aleem, S.H.E ve Zobaa, A.F., Integration of large- scale PV plants in non-sinusoidal environments: Considerations on hosting capacity and harmonic distortion limits, Renew. Sustain. Energy Rev., 82, 176-186, (2018).
  • Akagi, H., Watanebe, E. H. ve Aredes, M., Instantaneous power theory and applications to power conditioning, Wiley-IEEE Press, New Jersey, USA, (2017).
  • Huda, A. S. N. ve Živanović, R., Large-scale integration of distributed generation into distribution networks: Study objectives, review of models and computational tools, Renew. Sustain. Energy Rev., 76, 974-988, (2017).
  • Tsengenes, G. ve Adamidis, G., A multi-function grid connected PV system with three level NPC inverter and voltage oriented control, Sol. Energy, 85, 2595–2610, (2016).
  • Noroozian, R. ve Gharehpetian, G.B., An investigation on combined operation of active power filter with photovoltaic arrays, Int. J. Elec. Power, 46, 392-399, (2013).
  • Zeng, Z., Yang, H., Zhao, R. ve Cheng, C., Topologies and control strategies of multi-functional grid-connected inverters for power quality enhancement: a comprehensive review, Renew. Sustain. Energy Rev., 24, 223-270, (2013).
  • Gelen, A. ve Yalçınöz, T., Tristör anahtarlamalı kapasitör (TSC) ve tristör anahtarlamalı reaktör-tabanlı atatik VAr kompanzatör’ün (TSR-Tabanlı SVC) PI ile kontrolü, Gazi Üniv. Müh. Mim. Fak. Der., 24, 237-244, (2009).
  • Iioka, D., Sakakibara, K., Yokomizu, Y., Matsumura, T. ve Izuhara, N., Distribution voltage rise at dense photovoltaic generation area and its suppression by SVC, Electr. Eng. Jpn., 166, 47-53, (2009).
  • Durisic, A.S.Z., Optimal sizing and location of SVC devices for improvement of voltage profile in distribution network with dispersed photovoltaic and wind power plants, Appl. Energy, 134, 114-124, (2014).
  • Shahnia, F., Ghosh, A., Ledwich, G. ve Zare, F., Voltage unbalance improvement in low voltage residential feeders with rooftop PVs using custom power devices, Int. J. Elec. Power, 55, 362–377, (2014).
  • Chao-Shun, C., Chia-Hung, L., Wei-Lin, H., Cheng-Ting, H. ve Te-Tien, K., Enhancement of PV penetration with DSTATCOM in Tai power distribution system, IEEE Trans. Power Syst., 28, 1560–1567, (2013).
  • Wolfs, P., Improvements to LV distribution system PV penetration limits using a DSTATCOM with reduced DC bus capacitance, 2013 IEEE PES Meeting, 1–5, Vancouver, Canada, (2013).
  • Wolfs, P. A., UPFC with reduced DC bus capacitance for LV distribution net- Works with high PV penetrations, 22nd AUPEC, 1–7, Bali, Indonesia, (2012).
  • Ramasamy, M. ve Thangavel, S., Experimental verification of pv based dynamic voltage restorer (PV-DVR) with significant energy conservation, Int. J. Elec. Power, 49, 296-307, (2013).
  • Rajiv, K., Varma, V.K., ve Ravi, S., Nightime application of PV solar farm as STATCOM to regulate grid voltage, IEEE Trans. Energy Convers., 24, 983-985, (2009).
  • Yahia, B., Kurt, E., Chenni, R. ve Altın, N., Design and simulation of a unified power quality conditioner fed by solar energy, Int. J. Hydrogen Energy, 40, 15267-15277, (2015).
  • Sezen, S., Aktas, A., Ucar, M., Ozdemir, E., Design and operation of a multifunction photovoltaic power system with shunt active filtering using a single-stage three-phase multilevel inverter, Turk. J. Elec. Eng. & Comp. Sci., 25, 1412-1425, (2017).
  • Padiyar, K. R., FACTS: Controllers in power transmission and distribution, Anshan Publishers, 2009.

Photovoltaic distributed generation units (PV-DGU): impacts on power quality, international power quality standards and power quality improvement methods for the systems with PV-DGU

Yıl 2019, Cilt: 21 Sayı: 2, 882 - 903, 28.06.2019


In today's power systems, the use of distributed generation units has become widespread in order to improve the voltage profile, increase system reliability, reduce line losses and increase energy efficiency. Among these distributed generation units, wind turbines and photovoltaic units have limited the use of traditional energy sources such as natural gas, coal and oil in electricity generation, thus they became important options for the prevention of environmental problems such as greenhouse gas emissions and global warming. However, these distributed generation units are connected to the grid via power electronics circuits and their energy sources are non-dispatchable. Thus, they lead to various power quality problems in the power systems. In this study, firstly, the latest technological case of the photovoltaic distributed generation units (PV-DGUs) is presented. Secondly, the power quality problems caused by PV-DGUs in the power systems and the international power quality standards related with the systems containing PV-DGUs are investigated. Finally, the power quality mitigation methods have been detailed for the systems with PV-DGUs.

Proje Numarası



  • Ackermann, T., Anderson, G. ve Söder, L., Distributed generation: a definition, Electr. Power Syst. Res., 57, 195–204, (2001).
  • Paliwal, P., Patidar, N.P. ve Nema, R.K., Planning of grid integrated distributed generators: a review of technology, objectives and techniques, Renew. Sustain. Energy Rev., 40, 557–570, (2014).
  • Li, L., Mu, H., Li, N. ve Li, M., Economical and environmental optimization for distributed energy resource system coupled with district energy networks, Energy, 109, 947–960, (2016).
  • Katiraei, F. ve Aguero, J.R., Solar PV integration challenges, IEEE Power and Energy Mag., 9, 62-71, (2011).
  • Jager-Waldau A., PV Status Report 2018, European Union, Brussels, (2018).
  • Masson G., Orlandi S. ve Rekinger M., Global market outlook for photovoltaics: 2014–2018, Brussels, Belgium, European Photovoltaic Industry Association, (2013).
  • Wu Y.K., Lin J.H. ve Lin H.J., Standards and guidelines for grid-connected photovoltaic generation systems: a review and comparison, IEEE Trans. Ind. Appl., 53, 3205–3216, (2017).
  • Mohsen M., Hwai Chyuan O., Chong, W.O. ve Leong, K.Y., Advances and challenges in grid tied photovoltaic systems, Renew. Sustain. Energy Rev., Volume 49, 121-131, (2015).
  • Hassaine, L., OLias, E., Quintero, J. ve Salas, V., Overview of power inverter topologies and control structures for grid connected photovoltaic systems, Renew. Sustain. Energy Rev., 30, 796-807, (2014).
  • Kouro, S., Leon, J.I., Vinnikov D. ve Franquelo, L.G., Grid-connected photovoltaic systems: an overview of recent research and emerging PV converter technology, IEEE Ind. Electron. Mag., 9, 47-61, (2015).
  • Manasseh, O. ve Robert, B., Trends and challenges of grid-connected photovoltaic systems, Renew. Sustain. Energy Rev., 58, 1082-1094, (2016).
  • Anzalchi, A. ve Sarwat, A., Overview of technical specifications for grid-connected photovoltaic systems, Energ. Convers. Manage., 152, 312-327, (2017).
  • Chin, V.J., Salam, Z. ve Ishaque, K., Cell modelling and model parameters estimation techniques for photovoltaic simulator application, Appl. Energy, 154, 500–519, (2015).
  • Bhatnagar, P. ve Nema, R.K., Maximum power point tracking control techniques: State-of-the-art in photovoltaic applications, Renew. Sustain. Energy Rev., 23, 224-241, (2013).
  • Bendib, B., Belmili, H. ve Krim, F., A survey of the most used MPPT methods: Conventional and advanced algorithms applied for photovoltaic systems, Renew. Sustain. Energy Rev., 45, 637-648, (2015).
  • IEEE Std 1547-2003, IEEE standard for interconnecting distributed resources with electric power systems, IEEE Standard, USA, (2003).
  • IEEE Std 1547a-2014, IEEE standard for interconnecting distributed resources with electric power systems-amendment 1, IEEE Standard, USA, 2014.
  • IEC 61727-2004, Photovoltaic (PV) systems—characteristics of the utility interface, IEC standard, Switzerland, (2004).
  • IEEE Std 929-2000, IEEE recommended practice for utility interface of photovoltaic (PV) systems, IEEE Standard, USA, (2000).
  • Karimi, M., Mokhlis, H., Naidu, K., Uddin, S. ve Bakar, A.H.A., Photovoltaic penetration issues and impacts in distribution network – a review, Renew. Sustain. Energy Rev., 53, 594-605, (2016).
  • Mejbaul Haque, M. ve Wolfs, P., A review of high PV penetrations in LV distribution networks: Present status, impacts and mitigation measures, Renew. Sustain. Energy Rev., 62, 1195-1208, (2016).
  • Von Jouanne A. ve Banerjee B., Assessment of voltage unbalance, IEEE Trans. Power Del., 16, 782–790, (2011).
  • Kurt, M.S., Balci, M.E. ve Abdel Aleem, S.H.E., Algorithm for estimating derating of induction motors supplied with under/over unbalanced voltages using response surface methodology, The JoE, 12, 627–633, (2017).
  • Rodriguez-Calvo, A., Cossent, R. ve Frías, P., Integration of PV and EVs in unbalanced residential LV networks and implications for the smart grid and advanced metering infrastructure deployment, Int. J. Elec. Power, 91, 121-134, (2017).
  • Shou T., Wang H., Zhu T., Zhu L., Wang Q. ve Lou X., Harmonic current suppression for three phase PV generation system under unbalanced grid voltage. APPEEC 2013, 1-6, Kowloon, China, (2013).
  • Huang H., Xu Y. ve Yang L., Control scheme of PV inverter under unbalanced grid voltage, 2014 IEEE PES General Meeting, 1–5, National Harbor, USA, (2014).
  • Singh, G.K., Power system harmonics research: a survey, Eur. Trans. Electr. Power, 19, 151-172, (2009).
  • Kalair, A., Abas, N., Kalair, A.R., Saleem, Z. ve Khan, N., Review of harmonic analysis, modeling and mitigation techniques, Renew. Sustain. Energy Rev., 78, 1152-1187, (2017).
  • Gianfranco C., Jürgen S. ve Filippo S., Experimental assessment of the waveform distortion in grid-connected photovoltaic installations, Sol. Energy, 83, 1026-1039, (2009).
  • Yang D., Dylan Dah-Chuan L., Geoffrey J. ve Cornforth, D.J., Modeling and analysis of current harmonic distortion from grid connected PV inverters under different operating conditions, Sol. Energy, 94, 182-194, (2013).
  • Taylor, T., Gonzalez, O. ve Baghzouz, Y., Analysis of current distortion in a 12 kW photovoltaic system installation, 17th ICHQP, 243-248, Belo Horizonte, Brazil, (2016).
  • IEEE std. 519-2014, IEEE recommended practices and requirements for harmonic control in electrical power systems, IEEE standard, USA, (2014).
  • Bhowmik, A., Maitra, A., Halpin, S.M. ve Schatz, J.E., Determination of allowable penetration levels of distributed generation resources based on harmonic limit considerations, IEEE Trans. Power Del., 18, 619–24, (2013).
  • Ravikumar, P., Zeineldin, H.H. ve Xiao, W., Allowable DG penetration level considering harmonic distortions, IECON Proc. Industrial Electron, 814–818, Melbourne, Australya, (2011).
  • Dartawan, K., Hui L. ve Pterra, M., Harmonics issues that limit solar photovoltaic generation on distribution circuits, WREF 2012, 1-7, Denver, USA, (2012).
  • Das, J. C., Power system harmonics and passive filter designs, Wiley-IEEE Press, New Jersey, USA, (2015).
  • Harrison, G.P. ve Djokic, S.Z., Distribution network capacity assessment: incorporating harmonic distortion limits, IEEE power & energy society general meeting, 1–7, San Diego, USA, (2012).
  • Sakar, S., Balci, M. E., Abdel, Aleem, S. H. E. ve Zobaa, A. F., Increasing PV hosting capacity in distorted distribution systems using passive harmonic filtering, Electr. Power Syst. Res., 148, 74-86, (2017).
  • Sakar, S., Balci, M.E., Abdel Aleem, S.H.E ve Zobaa, A.F., Integration of large- scale PV plants in non-sinusoidal environments: Considerations on hosting capacity and harmonic distortion limits, Renew. Sustain. Energy Rev., 82, 176-186, (2018).
  • Akagi, H., Watanebe, E. H. ve Aredes, M., Instantaneous power theory and applications to power conditioning, Wiley-IEEE Press, New Jersey, USA, (2017).
  • Huda, A. S. N. ve Živanović, R., Large-scale integration of distributed generation into distribution networks: Study objectives, review of models and computational tools, Renew. Sustain. Energy Rev., 76, 974-988, (2017).
  • Tsengenes, G. ve Adamidis, G., A multi-function grid connected PV system with three level NPC inverter and voltage oriented control, Sol. Energy, 85, 2595–2610, (2016).
  • Noroozian, R. ve Gharehpetian, G.B., An investigation on combined operation of active power filter with photovoltaic arrays, Int. J. Elec. Power, 46, 392-399, (2013).
  • Zeng, Z., Yang, H., Zhao, R. ve Cheng, C., Topologies and control strategies of multi-functional grid-connected inverters for power quality enhancement: a comprehensive review, Renew. Sustain. Energy Rev., 24, 223-270, (2013).
  • Gelen, A. ve Yalçınöz, T., Tristör anahtarlamalı kapasitör (TSC) ve tristör anahtarlamalı reaktör-tabanlı atatik VAr kompanzatör’ün (TSR-Tabanlı SVC) PI ile kontrolü, Gazi Üniv. Müh. Mim. Fak. Der., 24, 237-244, (2009).
  • Iioka, D., Sakakibara, K., Yokomizu, Y., Matsumura, T. ve Izuhara, N., Distribution voltage rise at dense photovoltaic generation area and its suppression by SVC, Electr. Eng. Jpn., 166, 47-53, (2009).
  • Durisic, A.S.Z., Optimal sizing and location of SVC devices for improvement of voltage profile in distribution network with dispersed photovoltaic and wind power plants, Appl. Energy, 134, 114-124, (2014).
  • Shahnia, F., Ghosh, A., Ledwich, G. ve Zare, F., Voltage unbalance improvement in low voltage residential feeders with rooftop PVs using custom power devices, Int. J. Elec. Power, 55, 362–377, (2014).
  • Chao-Shun, C., Chia-Hung, L., Wei-Lin, H., Cheng-Ting, H. ve Te-Tien, K., Enhancement of PV penetration with DSTATCOM in Tai power distribution system, IEEE Trans. Power Syst., 28, 1560–1567, (2013).
  • Wolfs, P., Improvements to LV distribution system PV penetration limits using a DSTATCOM with reduced DC bus capacitance, 2013 IEEE PES Meeting, 1–5, Vancouver, Canada, (2013).
  • Wolfs, P. A., UPFC with reduced DC bus capacitance for LV distribution net- Works with high PV penetrations, 22nd AUPEC, 1–7, Bali, Indonesia, (2012).
  • Ramasamy, M. ve Thangavel, S., Experimental verification of pv based dynamic voltage restorer (PV-DVR) with significant energy conservation, Int. J. Elec. Power, 49, 296-307, (2013).
  • Rajiv, K., Varma, V.K., ve Ravi, S., Nightime application of PV solar farm as STATCOM to regulate grid voltage, IEEE Trans. Energy Convers., 24, 983-985, (2009).
  • Yahia, B., Kurt, E., Chenni, R. ve Altın, N., Design and simulation of a unified power quality conditioner fed by solar energy, Int. J. Hydrogen Energy, 40, 15267-15277, (2015).
  • Sezen, S., Aktas, A., Ucar, M., Ozdemir, E., Design and operation of a multifunction photovoltaic power system with shunt active filtering using a single-stage three-phase multilevel inverter, Turk. J. Elec. Eng. & Comp. Sci., 25, 1412-1425, (2017).
  • Padiyar, K. R., FACTS: Controllers in power transmission and distribution, Anshan Publishers, 2009.
Toplam 56 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Mühendislik
Bölüm Derleme Makalesi

Alp Karadeniz Bu kişi benim 0000-0002-0899-6581

Murat Balcı Bu kişi benim 0000-0001-8418-8917

Proje Numarası 116E110
Yayımlanma Tarihi 28 Haziran 2019
Gönderilme Tarihi 22 Ekim 2018
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2019 Cilt: 21 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

APA Karadeniz, A., & Balcı, M. (2019). Fotovoltaik dağıtık üretim birimleri (FV-DÜB): güç kalitesine etkileri, uluslararası güç kalitesi standartları ve FV-DÜB barındıran dağıtım sistemleri için güç kalitesi iyileştirme yöntemleri. Balıkesir Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, 21(2), 882-903.
AMA Karadeniz A, Balcı M. Fotovoltaik dağıtık üretim birimleri (FV-DÜB): güç kalitesine etkileri, uluslararası güç kalitesi standartları ve FV-DÜB barındıran dağıtım sistemleri için güç kalitesi iyileştirme yöntemleri. BAUN Fen. Bil. Enst. Dergisi. Haziran 2019;21(2):882-903. doi:10.25092/baunfbed.654556
Chicago Karadeniz, Alp, ve Murat Balcı. “Fotovoltaik dağıtık üretim Birimleri (FV-DÜB): Güç Kalitesine Etkileri, Uluslararası güç Kalitesi Standartları Ve FV-DÜB barındıran dağıtım Sistemleri için güç Kalitesi iyileştirme yöntemleri”. Balıkesir Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi 21, sy. 2 (Haziran 2019): 882-903.
EndNote Karadeniz A, Balcı M (01 Haziran 2019) Fotovoltaik dağıtık üretim birimleri (FV-DÜB): güç kalitesine etkileri, uluslararası güç kalitesi standartları ve FV-DÜB barındıran dağıtım sistemleri için güç kalitesi iyileştirme yöntemleri. Balıkesir Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi 21 2 882–903.
IEEE A. Karadeniz ve M. Balcı, “Fotovoltaik dağıtık üretim birimleri (FV-DÜB): güç kalitesine etkileri, uluslararası güç kalitesi standartları ve FV-DÜB barındıran dağıtım sistemleri için güç kalitesi iyileştirme yöntemleri”, BAUN Fen. Bil. Enst. Dergisi, c. 21, sy. 2, ss. 882–903, 2019, doi: 10.25092/baunfbed.654556.
ISNAD Karadeniz, Alp - Balcı, Murat. “Fotovoltaik dağıtık üretim Birimleri (FV-DÜB): Güç Kalitesine Etkileri, Uluslararası güç Kalitesi Standartları Ve FV-DÜB barındıran dağıtım Sistemleri için güç Kalitesi iyileştirme yöntemleri”. Balıkesir Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi 21/2 (Haziran 2019), 882-903.
JAMA Karadeniz A, Balcı M. Fotovoltaik dağıtık üretim birimleri (FV-DÜB): güç kalitesine etkileri, uluslararası güç kalitesi standartları ve FV-DÜB barındıran dağıtım sistemleri için güç kalitesi iyileştirme yöntemleri. BAUN Fen. Bil. Enst. Dergisi. 2019;21:882–903.
MLA Karadeniz, Alp ve Murat Balcı. “Fotovoltaik dağıtık üretim Birimleri (FV-DÜB): Güç Kalitesine Etkileri, Uluslararası güç Kalitesi Standartları Ve FV-DÜB barındıran dağıtım Sistemleri için güç Kalitesi iyileştirme yöntemleri”. Balıkesir Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, c. 21, sy. 2, 2019, ss. 882-03, doi:10.25092/baunfbed.654556.
Vancouver Karadeniz A, Balcı M. Fotovoltaik dağıtık üretim birimleri (FV-DÜB): güç kalitesine etkileri, uluslararası güç kalitesi standartları ve FV-DÜB barındıran dağıtım sistemleri için güç kalitesi iyileştirme yöntemleri. BAUN Fen. Bil. Enst. Dergisi. 2019;21(2):882-903.