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Yaratıcı Yazma Etkinliklerinin Yazma Kaygısı Üzerine Etkisi: Fransızca Yabancı Dil Öğrencileriyle Bir Çalışma

Year 2016, , 80 - 100, 01.06.2016


Çalışmanın amacı, yazmaya karşı geliştirilen bir tepki olarak betimlenen, üzüntü, korku, terleme, kramp seklinde duygusal ve fiziksel olarak kendini gösteren yazma kaygısını azaltmanın bir yolu olarak yaratıcı yazma alıştırmalarının etkisini incelemektir. Fransız Dili Eğitimi Anabilim Dalı’nda yazılı anlatım dersini alan 43 öğrenciyle ön test/son test kontrol gruplu 23 kişi deneysel desen kullanılmıştır. Her iki gruba deney öncesi ve sonrası yabancı dilde yazma kaygısı ölçeği uygulanarak ve de deney grubunun 20 kişi yazılı görüşleri alınarak sonuçlara ulaşılmıştır. Öncelikle gruplar arasında yazma kaygısı düzeylerinin deney öncesi denk olduğu, deney sonrasında ise iki grubunun son test yazma kaygısı puanları arasında anlamlı bir farklılık olduğu da görülmüştür. Deney ve kontrol grubundaki öğrencilerin ön test/son test yazma kaygısı puanları arasında anlamlı bir fark olduğu, ancak deney grubunun yazma kaygıları puanlarının daha çok düştüğü tespit edilmiştir. Deney grubundan alınan görüşler, bu alıştırmaların güdülediğini, yazmaya karşı olumlu tutum geliştirdiğini ve öğrenimlerine destek olduğunu göstermiştir


  • Alarcon, M. H. (2001). Proposition instructionnelle pour développer la compétence de production écrite des étudiants de la licence de FLE à l’Université de Veracruz. Colleccion Pedagogica Universitaria 36: 1-28. Page consultée le 18 Février 2016 à l’adresse : Proposition.pdf
  • Bara, S., Bonvallet, A.M. & Rodier C. (2011). Ecritures créatives. Grenoble : PUG.
  • Brand, A. G. & Leckie, P. A. (1988). The emotions of professional writers. Journal of Psychology, 122(5): 421-439.
  • Brown, H. D. (2000). Principles of language learning and teaching (4th edition). New York: Addison Wesley Longman.
  • Cheng, Y-S. (2004). A measure of second language writing anxiety: Scale development and preliminary validation. Journal of Second Language Writing, 13: 313-335.
  • Daly, J. A. & Wılson, D. A. (1983). Writing apprehension, self-esteem, and personality. Research in the Teaching of English, 17(4): 327-339.
  • Ely, C.M. (1986). An analysis of discomfort, risktaking, sociability and motivation in the L2 classroom. Language Learning, 36:1-25.
  • Espin, C.A., Weissenburger, J.W. & Benson, B.J. (2004). Assessing the writing performance of students in special education. Exceptionality, 12(1): 55- 66.
  • Gardner, R.C., & MacIntyre, P.D. (1992). A student’s contributions to second language learning: Part I: Cognitive variables. Language Teaching, 25: 211-220.
  • Gelman, B. (2006). L’aptitude et son influence sur l’apprentissage des langues étrangères. Consulté le 18 Février 2016 à l’adresse : influence_sur_l%27apprentissage_des_langues_etrangeres
  • Graham, S. & Perin, D. (2007). Writing next: Effective strategies to improve writing of adolescents in middle and high schools. Washington DC: Alliance for Excellent Education. Marcos-Llinas, M. & Garau, M.J. (2009). Effects of language anxiety on three proficiency-level courses of Spanish as a foreign language. Foreign Language Annals, 42(1): 94-111.
  • Kellog, R.T. (1999). Psychology of writing. Cary, NC, USA: Oxford University Press.
  • MacIntyre, P.D., & Gardner, R. C. (1994). The subtle effects of language anxiety on cognitive processing in the second processing in the second language. Language Learning, 44(2): 283-305.
  • Maltepe, S. (2006). Türkçe öğretiminde yazılı anlatım uygulamaları için bir seçenek: Yaratıcı yazma yaklaşımı. Ankara Üniversitesi Dil Dergisi, 132: 56-66.
  • Oral, G. (2008). Yine yazıyoruz. Ankara: Pegem Akademi.
  • Petzel, T. P. ve Wenzel, M. U. (1993). Development and initial evaluation of measure of writing anxiety. American Psychological Association Convention, Toronto, Canada. Consulté le 18 Février 2016 à l’adresse :
  • Phillips, E. (1999). Decreasing language anxiety: Practical techniques for oral activities. In D. J. Young, (Ed.), Affect in foreign language and second language learning: A practical guide to creating a low-anxiety classroom atmosphere (pp.124-143). New York: McGraw-Hill.
  • Poff, S.I. (2004). Regimentation: A predictor of writer’s block and writing apprehension.
  • Unpublished PhD Thesis, University of Southern California. Consulté le 18 Février 2016 à l’adresse : id/421761
  • Reeves, L.L. (1997). Minimizing writing apprehension in the learner-centered classroom. English Journal, 86(6): 38-45.
  • Samimy, K.K. & Rardin, J.P. (1994). Adult language learners’ affective reactions to community language learning: A descriptive study. Foreign Language Annals, 23, 379-390.
  • Sevim, O. & Özdemir Erem, N.H. (2013). Yaratıcı drama tekniğinin öğrencilerin yazma kaygıları üzerindeki etkileri. Adıyaman Üniversitesi sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi Türkçenin Eğitimi Öğretimi Özel Sayısı (11): 975-992.
  • Tighe, M. A. (1987). Reducing Writing Apprehension in English Classes. Annual Meeting of the National Council of Teachers of English Spring Conference. Louisville, KY. March. 26-28. Consulté le 18 Février 2016 à l’adresse:
  • Ural, A. & Kılıç, İ. (2013). Bilimsel araştırma süreci ve SPSS ile veri analizi. Ankara: Detay Yayıncılık.
  • Vardar, B. (2001). Dilbilimin temel kavram ve ilkeleri. İstanbul: Multilingual. Wanlin P, 2007. L’analyse de contenu comme méthode d’analyse qualitative d’entretiens: une comparaison entre les traitements manuels et l’utilisation de logiciels. Recherches Qualitatives, Hors-série, 3, 243-272.
  • Actes du colloque Bilan et prospectives de la recherche qualitative. Consulté le 18 Février 2016 à l’adresse : documents/files/revue/hors_serie/hors_serie_v3/Wanlin2.pdf.
  • Wolff, D. (1996). Zur förderung der zweitsprachlichen schreifahigkeit. In W. Börner & K. Vogel (Eds), Schreiben in der Fremdsprache (pp.110-134). Germany: AKS-Verlag Bochum.
  • Yan, J.X. & Horwitz, E.K. (2008). Learners’ perceptions of how anxiety interacts with personal and instructional factors to influence their achievement in English: A qualitative analysis of EFL learners in China. Language Learning, 58: 151-183.
  • Zorbaz, K.Z. (2010). İlköğretim okulu öğrencilerinin yazma kaygı ve tutukluğunun yazılı anlatım becerileriyle ilişkisi. Yayınlanmamış Doktora tezi, Gazi Üniversitesi, Eğitim Bilimleri Enstitüsü.
  • Zorbaz, K.Z. (2015). Effects of variable about reading-writing frequency on the education Faculty freshmen’s writing apprehension levels. International Online Journal of Educational Sciences, 7(2): 71-80. Consulté le 18 Février 2016 à l’adresse :
Year 2016, , 80 - 100, 01.06.2016



  • Alarcon, M. H. (2001). Proposition instructionnelle pour développer la compétence de production écrite des étudiants de la licence de FLE à l’Université de Veracruz. Colleccion Pedagogica Universitaria 36: 1-28. Page consultée le 18 Février 2016 à l’adresse : Proposition.pdf
  • Bara, S., Bonvallet, A.M. & Rodier C. (2011). Ecritures créatives. Grenoble : PUG.
  • Brand, A. G. & Leckie, P. A. (1988). The emotions of professional writers. Journal of Psychology, 122(5): 421-439.
  • Brown, H. D. (2000). Principles of language learning and teaching (4th edition). New York: Addison Wesley Longman.
  • Cheng, Y-S. (2004). A measure of second language writing anxiety: Scale development and preliminary validation. Journal of Second Language Writing, 13: 313-335.
  • Daly, J. A. & Wılson, D. A. (1983). Writing apprehension, self-esteem, and personality. Research in the Teaching of English, 17(4): 327-339.
  • Ely, C.M. (1986). An analysis of discomfort, risktaking, sociability and motivation in the L2 classroom. Language Learning, 36:1-25.
  • Espin, C.A., Weissenburger, J.W. & Benson, B.J. (2004). Assessing the writing performance of students in special education. Exceptionality, 12(1): 55- 66.
  • Gardner, R.C., & MacIntyre, P.D. (1992). A student’s contributions to second language learning: Part I: Cognitive variables. Language Teaching, 25: 211-220.
  • Gelman, B. (2006). L’aptitude et son influence sur l’apprentissage des langues étrangères. Consulté le 18 Février 2016 à l’adresse : influence_sur_l%27apprentissage_des_langues_etrangeres
  • Graham, S. & Perin, D. (2007). Writing next: Effective strategies to improve writing of adolescents in middle and high schools. Washington DC: Alliance for Excellent Education. Marcos-Llinas, M. & Garau, M.J. (2009). Effects of language anxiety on three proficiency-level courses of Spanish as a foreign language. Foreign Language Annals, 42(1): 94-111.
  • Kellog, R.T. (1999). Psychology of writing. Cary, NC, USA: Oxford University Press.
  • MacIntyre, P.D., & Gardner, R. C. (1994). The subtle effects of language anxiety on cognitive processing in the second processing in the second language. Language Learning, 44(2): 283-305.
  • Maltepe, S. (2006). Türkçe öğretiminde yazılı anlatım uygulamaları için bir seçenek: Yaratıcı yazma yaklaşımı. Ankara Üniversitesi Dil Dergisi, 132: 56-66.
  • Oral, G. (2008). Yine yazıyoruz. Ankara: Pegem Akademi.
  • Petzel, T. P. ve Wenzel, M. U. (1993). Development and initial evaluation of measure of writing anxiety. American Psychological Association Convention, Toronto, Canada. Consulté le 18 Février 2016 à l’adresse :
  • Phillips, E. (1999). Decreasing language anxiety: Practical techniques for oral activities. In D. J. Young, (Ed.), Affect in foreign language and second language learning: A practical guide to creating a low-anxiety classroom atmosphere (pp.124-143). New York: McGraw-Hill.
  • Poff, S.I. (2004). Regimentation: A predictor of writer’s block and writing apprehension.
  • Unpublished PhD Thesis, University of Southern California. Consulté le 18 Février 2016 à l’adresse : id/421761
  • Reeves, L.L. (1997). Minimizing writing apprehension in the learner-centered classroom. English Journal, 86(6): 38-45.
  • Samimy, K.K. & Rardin, J.P. (1994). Adult language learners’ affective reactions to community language learning: A descriptive study. Foreign Language Annals, 23, 379-390.
  • Sevim, O. & Özdemir Erem, N.H. (2013). Yaratıcı drama tekniğinin öğrencilerin yazma kaygıları üzerindeki etkileri. Adıyaman Üniversitesi sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi Türkçenin Eğitimi Öğretimi Özel Sayısı (11): 975-992.
  • Tighe, M. A. (1987). Reducing Writing Apprehension in English Classes. Annual Meeting of the National Council of Teachers of English Spring Conference. Louisville, KY. March. 26-28. Consulté le 18 Février 2016 à l’adresse:
  • Ural, A. & Kılıç, İ. (2013). Bilimsel araştırma süreci ve SPSS ile veri analizi. Ankara: Detay Yayıncılık.
  • Vardar, B. (2001). Dilbilimin temel kavram ve ilkeleri. İstanbul: Multilingual. Wanlin P, 2007. L’analyse de contenu comme méthode d’analyse qualitative d’entretiens: une comparaison entre les traitements manuels et l’utilisation de logiciels. Recherches Qualitatives, Hors-série, 3, 243-272.
  • Actes du colloque Bilan et prospectives de la recherche qualitative. Consulté le 18 Février 2016 à l’adresse : documents/files/revue/hors_serie/hors_serie_v3/Wanlin2.pdf.
  • Wolff, D. (1996). Zur förderung der zweitsprachlichen schreifahigkeit. In W. Börner & K. Vogel (Eds), Schreiben in der Fremdsprache (pp.110-134). Germany: AKS-Verlag Bochum.
  • Yan, J.X. & Horwitz, E.K. (2008). Learners’ perceptions of how anxiety interacts with personal and instructional factors to influence their achievement in English: A qualitative analysis of EFL learners in China. Language Learning, 58: 151-183.
  • Zorbaz, K.Z. (2010). İlköğretim okulu öğrencilerinin yazma kaygı ve tutukluğunun yazılı anlatım becerileriyle ilişkisi. Yayınlanmamış Doktora tezi, Gazi Üniversitesi, Eğitim Bilimleri Enstitüsü.
  • Zorbaz, K.Z. (2015). Effects of variable about reading-writing frequency on the education Faculty freshmen’s writing apprehension levels. International Online Journal of Educational Sciences, 7(2): 71-80. Consulté le 18 Février 2016 à l’adresse :


Year 2016, , 80 - 100, 01.06.2016


L’objectif de l’étude a été d’étudier l’effet des activités d’écriture créative pour diminuer l’anxiété à écrire définie comme une réaction contre l’écriture. Cette anxiété se manifeste affectivement et physiquement sous forme de tristesse, de peur, transpiration et crampe. Le modèle pré-test/post-test a été utilisé avec deux groupes d’apprenant de FLE : groupe contrôle cours avec activités créatives=23 /groupe expérimental programme usuel=20 . Les résultats de l’échelle d’anxiété à écrire administrée aux 43 apprenants ont montré qu’avant l’expérimentation tous les apprenants se situaient à un niveau égal d’anxiété à écrire et qu’il existait une différence significative entre les points d’anxiété des 2 groupes après l’expérimentation. Bien que la moyenne des points des deux groupes ait diminué, il a été vu que le niveau d’anxiété du groupe expérimental avait beaucoup plus baissé. Le groupe expérimental a affirmé, à travers les textes d’opinions, que ces activités les motivaient, permettaient le développement d’attitude positive envers la production écrite et étayaient leur apprentissage.


  • Alarcon, M. H. (2001). Proposition instructionnelle pour développer la compétence de production écrite des étudiants de la licence de FLE à l’Université de Veracruz. Colleccion Pedagogica Universitaria 36: 1-28. Page consultée le 18 Février 2016 à l’adresse : Proposition.pdf
  • Bara, S., Bonvallet, A.M. & Rodier C. (2011). Ecritures créatives. Grenoble : PUG.
  • Brand, A. G. & Leckie, P. A. (1988). The emotions of professional writers. Journal of Psychology, 122(5): 421-439.
  • Brown, H. D. (2000). Principles of language learning and teaching (4th edition). New York: Addison Wesley Longman.
  • Cheng, Y-S. (2004). A measure of second language writing anxiety: Scale development and preliminary validation. Journal of Second Language Writing, 13: 313-335.
  • Daly, J. A. & Wılson, D. A. (1983). Writing apprehension, self-esteem, and personality. Research in the Teaching of English, 17(4): 327-339.
  • Ely, C.M. (1986). An analysis of discomfort, risktaking, sociability and motivation in the L2 classroom. Language Learning, 36:1-25.
  • Espin, C.A., Weissenburger, J.W. & Benson, B.J. (2004). Assessing the writing performance of students in special education. Exceptionality, 12(1): 55- 66.
  • Gardner, R.C., & MacIntyre, P.D. (1992). A student’s contributions to second language learning: Part I: Cognitive variables. Language Teaching, 25: 211-220.
  • Gelman, B. (2006). L’aptitude et son influence sur l’apprentissage des langues étrangères. Consulté le 18 Février 2016 à l’adresse : influence_sur_l%27apprentissage_des_langues_etrangeres
  • Graham, S. & Perin, D. (2007). Writing next: Effective strategies to improve writing of adolescents in middle and high schools. Washington DC: Alliance for Excellent Education. Marcos-Llinas, M. & Garau, M.J. (2009). Effects of language anxiety on three proficiency-level courses of Spanish as a foreign language. Foreign Language Annals, 42(1): 94-111.
  • Kellog, R.T. (1999). Psychology of writing. Cary, NC, USA: Oxford University Press.
  • MacIntyre, P.D., & Gardner, R. C. (1994). The subtle effects of language anxiety on cognitive processing in the second processing in the second language. Language Learning, 44(2): 283-305.
  • Maltepe, S. (2006). Türkçe öğretiminde yazılı anlatım uygulamaları için bir seçenek: Yaratıcı yazma yaklaşımı. Ankara Üniversitesi Dil Dergisi, 132: 56-66.
  • Oral, G. (2008). Yine yazıyoruz. Ankara: Pegem Akademi.
  • Petzel, T. P. ve Wenzel, M. U. (1993). Development and initial evaluation of measure of writing anxiety. American Psychological Association Convention, Toronto, Canada. Consulté le 18 Février 2016 à l’adresse :
  • Phillips, E. (1999). Decreasing language anxiety: Practical techniques for oral activities. In D. J. Young, (Ed.), Affect in foreign language and second language learning: A practical guide to creating a low-anxiety classroom atmosphere (pp.124-143). New York: McGraw-Hill.
  • Poff, S.I. (2004). Regimentation: A predictor of writer’s block and writing apprehension.
  • Unpublished PhD Thesis, University of Southern California. Consulté le 18 Février 2016 à l’adresse : id/421761
  • Reeves, L.L. (1997). Minimizing writing apprehension in the learner-centered classroom. English Journal, 86(6): 38-45.
  • Samimy, K.K. & Rardin, J.P. (1994). Adult language learners’ affective reactions to community language learning: A descriptive study. Foreign Language Annals, 23, 379-390.
  • Sevim, O. & Özdemir Erem, N.H. (2013). Yaratıcı drama tekniğinin öğrencilerin yazma kaygıları üzerindeki etkileri. Adıyaman Üniversitesi sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi Türkçenin Eğitimi Öğretimi Özel Sayısı (11): 975-992.
  • Tighe, M. A. (1987). Reducing Writing Apprehension in English Classes. Annual Meeting of the National Council of Teachers of English Spring Conference. Louisville, KY. March. 26-28. Consulté le 18 Février 2016 à l’adresse:
  • Ural, A. & Kılıç, İ. (2013). Bilimsel araştırma süreci ve SPSS ile veri analizi. Ankara: Detay Yayıncılık.
  • Vardar, B. (2001). Dilbilimin temel kavram ve ilkeleri. İstanbul: Multilingual. Wanlin P, 2007. L’analyse de contenu comme méthode d’analyse qualitative d’entretiens: une comparaison entre les traitements manuels et l’utilisation de logiciels. Recherches Qualitatives, Hors-série, 3, 243-272.
  • Actes du colloque Bilan et prospectives de la recherche qualitative. Consulté le 18 Février 2016 à l’adresse : documents/files/revue/hors_serie/hors_serie_v3/Wanlin2.pdf.
  • Wolff, D. (1996). Zur förderung der zweitsprachlichen schreifahigkeit. In W. Börner & K. Vogel (Eds), Schreiben in der Fremdsprache (pp.110-134). Germany: AKS-Verlag Bochum.
  • Yan, J.X. & Horwitz, E.K. (2008). Learners’ perceptions of how anxiety interacts with personal and instructional factors to influence their achievement in English: A qualitative analysis of EFL learners in China. Language Learning, 58: 151-183.
  • Zorbaz, K.Z. (2010). İlköğretim okulu öğrencilerinin yazma kaygı ve tutukluğunun yazılı anlatım becerileriyle ilişkisi. Yayınlanmamış Doktora tezi, Gazi Üniversitesi, Eğitim Bilimleri Enstitüsü.
  • Zorbaz, K.Z. (2015). Effects of variable about reading-writing frequency on the education Faculty freshmen’s writing apprehension levels. International Online Journal of Educational Sciences, 7(2): 71-80. Consulté le 18 Février 2016 à l’adresse :
There are 30 citations in total.


Primary Language French
Subjects Linguistics
Journal Section Research Article

Veda Aslim Yetiş

Publication Date June 1, 2016
Submission Date March 3, 2016
Acceptance Date April 14, 2016
Published in Issue Year 2016


APA Yetiş, V. A. (2016). L’EFFET DES ACTIVITES D’ECRITURE CREATIVE SUR L’ANXIETE A ECRIRE: UNE ETUDE AVEC DES APPRENANTS DE FLE. Balıkesir Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 19(35), 80-100.