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Year 2011, Volume: 14 Issue: 26, 333 - 350, 01.12.2011


Problem Durumu: Dünyada turizm sürekli büyümeye devam ederken, artan turizm pazarından daha fazla pay almak amacıyla otel şirketleri çeşitli büyüme ve rekabet stratejileri izlemektedirler. Türk otel zincirleri, büyüme stratejileri uygulamaya ve uluslararasılaşmaya, yabancı zincirlere göre çok gecikmeli olarak ve yakın zaman öncesinde başlamışlardır ve bugün bu genişleme belirli bir ivme kazanmış bulunmaktadır. Etkin büyüme, uygun büyüme ve fi nansman stratejilerinin seçilmesini gerektirir. Aynı zamanda bu stratejiler, büyümenin amacı olan yüksek karlılık ve düşük risk sağlama ile ilgilidir. Acaba yeni gelişmekte olan Türk otel zincirleri, uygun, doğru ve rekabetçi büyüme stratejileri seçmekte ve uygulamakta mıdırlar?Araştırmanın Amacı: Bu çalışmada, yerli otel zincirlerinin büyüme ile ilgili tutum ve yaklaşımlarını incelemek ve değerlendirmek amaçlanmaktadır.Yöntem: İkincil kaynaklardan ve özellikle meslek örgütlerinin yayınlarından yararlanılmıştır. Bulgular ve Sonuç: Türk otel zincirleri, sayıca çok, sektörde yatak kapasitesinin çoğunu kontrol etmektedirler. Bununla birlikte, her biri çok sayıda otel tesisinden oluşan büyük zincirler değildirler. Az sayıda kısmı, belirgin bir büyüklüğe ve uluslararasılaşma seviyesine gelmişlerdir. Genel olarak bakıldığında, yerli zincirlerin mülkiyete dayalı ve işletmeciliğe dayalı karma büyüme stratejileri sahiplik, yönetim anlaşması, kiralama vb. izledikleri görülmektedir. Dedeman, zincir otelcilikte ve büyümede başı çekmektedir ve dünya deneyimlerine uygun bir profi l göstermektedir. Öneriler: Çoğalan ve büyüyen yerli otel zincirlerinin, stratejik analizler yaparak uzun vadeli büyüme felsefelerini belirlemeleri, bu konuda dünyadaki eğilimleri ve Dedeman örneğini izlemeleri yararlı olacaktır. Yerli zincirlerin, sahiplikten çok, işletmecilik üzerinde uzmanlaşmaları büyümenin devamı bakımından gereklidir


  • Beattie, R. (1991). Hospitality Internationalisation: An Empirical Investigation. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 3 (4), 14-20.
  • Contractor, F. J. ve Kundu, S. K. (1998). Modal Choice in a World of Alliances: Analyzing Organizational Forms in the International Hotel Sector. Journal of International Business Studies, 29 (2), 325-358.
  • Çakıcı, C. (1998). Otel İşletmeciliğinde Uygulanabilecek Büyüme ve Rekabete Yönelik Pazarlama Stratejileri. Turizmde Seçme Makaleler, 30, 1-14.
  • Dev, C. S. vd. (2002). Brands Across Borders. Cornell Hotel and Restaurant Administration Quarterly, Aralık, 91-104.
  • Dunning, J. ve McQueen, M. (1982). Multinational Corporations in the International Hotel Industry. Annals of Tourism Research, 4.
  • Gee, C. (1994). International Hotel Management. Michigan: East Lansing. Go, F. M. ve Pine, R. (1995). Globalization Strategy in the Hotel Industry. London and Newyork.
  • Hart, C. W. L. ve Troy, D. A. (1986). Strategic Hotel/Motel Marketing. Michigan: East Lansing. Hong J. H. vd. (2000). Hotel Development in Southeast Asia and Indo-China. http:// (12.07.2003).
  • Hotel Dergileri, 1996 (4), 1999 (12), 1998 (1).
  • Hotels’325 (2000)., (12.07.2003).
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  • http://www.kobifi, (06.12.2010).
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  • bulgaria/id_2713/catid, (06.12.2010).
  • in_bulgaria.html, (06.12.2010).
  •ısh+Hotel+Chaın+Dedeman+To+Open+Its+F ourth+Hotel+In+Syrıa.-a0236298634, (06.12.2010).
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  • aspx?HBID=37, (24.11.2010).
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  • Karhunen, P. (2000). Entry Mode Choice in Transition Economies, Operations of International Hotel Companies in Russia. pdf2000/, (2003-07-12).
  • Kim, C. Y. ve Olsen, M. D. (1993). A Framework for the Identifi cation of Political Environmental Issues Faced by Multinational Hotel Chains in Newly Industrialized Countries in Asia. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 12 (2), 163-174.
  • Lafferty, G. ve Fossen, A. (2000). Integrating the Tourism Industry: Problems and Strategies. Tourism Management, 22, 11-19.
  • Litteljohn, D. ve Beattie, R. (1992). The European Hotel Industry: Corporate Structures and Expansion Strategies. Tourism Management, Mart, 27-33.
  • Litteljohn, D. ve Roper, A. (1991). Changes in International Hotel Companies’ Strategies. Teare, R. ve Boer, A. (Der.), Strategic Hospitality Management, Theory and Practice for the 1990’s içinde, Cassel Educational Ltd.,194-212.
  • Met, Ö. (2005). Çokuluslu Otel Zincirlerinin Büyüme ve Uluslararasılaşma Stratejileri. Akdeniz İ.İ.B.F. Dergisi, (10), 111-138.
  • MKG Consulting Database –06/2004,, (27.03.2005). Olsen, M. D. vd. (1991). The Global Hospitality Industry of the 1990’s”. Teare, R. ve Boer, A. (Der.), Strategic Hotel Management, Theory and Practice for the 1990’s, Cassel Educational Ltd., 213-225.
  • Resort Dergisi Eki (2009). Sayı 81, Ağustos.
  • Theare, R. ve Boer, A. (Der.), (1991). Strategic Hotel Management, Theory and Practice for the 1990’s, Cassel Educational Ltd.
  • Tse, E. C. ve West, J. J. (1992). Development Strategies for International Hospitality Markets. Teare, Olsen, M. (Der.), International Hospitality Management, Corporate Strategy in Practice içinde, John Wiley and Sons Inc., New York, 118-134.
  • TÜROFED (2010). Turizm Raporu, Yıl: 1, Sayı 2, Ekim.
  • Welch, S. C. (1991). International Marketing in the Hospitality Industry”, Teare, R. ve Boer, A. (Der.), Strategic Hospitality Management, Theory and Practice for the 1990’s içinde, Cassel Educational Ltd., 166-193.
  •, (27.03.2005).
  • Yarcan, Ş. (1998). Türkiye’de Turizm ve Uluslararasılaşma, 2. Basım, İstanbul: Boğaziçi Üniversitesi Yayınları
  • Yu, L. (1999). The International Hospitality Business, Management and Operations. The Haworth Hospitality Press.
  • Zhao J. L. (1998). Globalizations, Multinationals and Corporate Strategies. Olsen, M. vd, (Der.), Strategic Management in the Hospitality Industry içinde, John Wiley and Sons Inc., 281-307.
  • Zhao, J. L. ve Olsen M. D. (1997). The Antecedent Factors Infl uencing Entry Mode Choices of Multinational Lodging Firms. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 16 (1), 79-98.

Turkish Hotel Chains and Their Growth Strategies

Year 2011, Volume: 14 Issue: 26, 333 - 350, 01.12.2011


Problem Statement: While tourism continues to grow consistently over the world, in order to get a greater share of the growing tourism market, hotel companies have been watching a variety of growth and competition strategies. Turkish hotel chains started to apply growth strategies and internationalize short time ago and too late in comparison to foreign hotel chains, however, today this expansion has gained momentum to some extent. Effective growth requires the selection appropriate growth and fi nancing strategies. At the same time, these strategies are related to provide high profi tability and low risk which are the objective of growth. Do choose and implement new emerging turkish hotel chains convenient, correct and competitive expansion strategies? Research Aims: The aim of this study is to examine and assess attitudes and growth approches of national hotel chains. Research Method: In this study, have been benefi ted secondary sources and especially publications of professional organizations. Findings and Results: Turkish hotel chains,few in number, are controls most of the bed capacity of the tourism sector.However, each of them is not the major hotel chains that consists of a large number of facilities. Part of a small number are come to a signifi cant size and the internationalization level.Overall, domestic chains are pursued the mixed growth strategies based on local ownership and management ownership,management agreement, rental, etc. . Dedeman leads the hotel chain and growth and shows an appropriate profi le of their world experience. Proposals: It will be useful for the increasing and growing domestic hotel chains to follow the long-term growth philosophy by making strategic analysis, Dedeman example and trends on the world about this case.For the domestic chains, not ownership but specialization in management is rather then necessary for their growth.


  • Beattie, R. (1991). Hospitality Internationalisation: An Empirical Investigation. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 3 (4), 14-20.
  • Contractor, F. J. ve Kundu, S. K. (1998). Modal Choice in a World of Alliances: Analyzing Organizational Forms in the International Hotel Sector. Journal of International Business Studies, 29 (2), 325-358.
  • Çakıcı, C. (1998). Otel İşletmeciliğinde Uygulanabilecek Büyüme ve Rekabete Yönelik Pazarlama Stratejileri. Turizmde Seçme Makaleler, 30, 1-14.
  • Dev, C. S. vd. (2002). Brands Across Borders. Cornell Hotel and Restaurant Administration Quarterly, Aralık, 91-104.
  • Dunning, J. ve McQueen, M. (1982). Multinational Corporations in the International Hotel Industry. Annals of Tourism Research, 4.
  • Gee, C. (1994). International Hotel Management. Michigan: East Lansing. Go, F. M. ve Pine, R. (1995). Globalization Strategy in the Hotel Industry. London and Newyork.
  • Hart, C. W. L. ve Troy, D. A. (1986). Strategic Hotel/Motel Marketing. Michigan: East Lansing. Hong J. H. vd. (2000). Hotel Development in Southeast Asia and Indo-China. http:// (12.07.2003).
  • Hotel Dergileri, 1996 (4), 1999 (12), 1998 (1).
  • Hotels’325 (2000)., (12.07.2003).
  •, (06.12.2010).
  • http://www.kobifi, (06.12.2010).
  •, (06.12.2010).
  • bulgaria/id_2713/catid, (06.12.2010).
  • in_bulgaria.html, (06.12.2010).
  •ısh+Hotel+Chaın+Dedeman+To+Open+Its+F ourth+Hotel+In+Syrıa.-a0236298634, (06.12.2010).
  •, (06.12.2010).
  •, (06.12.2010).
  •, (06.12.2010).
  • (2010-03-29).
  •, (24.11.2010). http//, (29.03.2005).
  •, (28.04.2005).
  • aspx?HBID=37, (24.11.2010).
  •, (06.12.2010).
  •, (06.12.2010).
  • Karhunen, P. (2000). Entry Mode Choice in Transition Economies, Operations of International Hotel Companies in Russia. pdf2000/, (2003-07-12).
  • Kim, C. Y. ve Olsen, M. D. (1993). A Framework for the Identifi cation of Political Environmental Issues Faced by Multinational Hotel Chains in Newly Industrialized Countries in Asia. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 12 (2), 163-174.
  • Lafferty, G. ve Fossen, A. (2000). Integrating the Tourism Industry: Problems and Strategies. Tourism Management, 22, 11-19.
  • Litteljohn, D. ve Beattie, R. (1992). The European Hotel Industry: Corporate Structures and Expansion Strategies. Tourism Management, Mart, 27-33.
  • Litteljohn, D. ve Roper, A. (1991). Changes in International Hotel Companies’ Strategies. Teare, R. ve Boer, A. (Der.), Strategic Hospitality Management, Theory and Practice for the 1990’s içinde, Cassel Educational Ltd.,194-212.
  • Met, Ö. (2005). Çokuluslu Otel Zincirlerinin Büyüme ve Uluslararasılaşma Stratejileri. Akdeniz İ.İ.B.F. Dergisi, (10), 111-138.
  • MKG Consulting Database –06/2004,, (27.03.2005). Olsen, M. D. vd. (1991). The Global Hospitality Industry of the 1990’s”. Teare, R. ve Boer, A. (Der.), Strategic Hotel Management, Theory and Practice for the 1990’s, Cassel Educational Ltd., 213-225.
  • Resort Dergisi Eki (2009). Sayı 81, Ağustos.
  • Theare, R. ve Boer, A. (Der.), (1991). Strategic Hotel Management, Theory and Practice for the 1990’s, Cassel Educational Ltd.
  • Tse, E. C. ve West, J. J. (1992). Development Strategies for International Hospitality Markets. Teare, Olsen, M. (Der.), International Hospitality Management, Corporate Strategy in Practice içinde, John Wiley and Sons Inc., New York, 118-134.
  • TÜROFED (2010). Turizm Raporu, Yıl: 1, Sayı 2, Ekim.
  • Welch, S. C. (1991). International Marketing in the Hospitality Industry”, Teare, R. ve Boer, A. (Der.), Strategic Hospitality Management, Theory and Practice for the 1990’s içinde, Cassel Educational Ltd., 166-193.
  •, (27.03.2005).
  • Yarcan, Ş. (1998). Türkiye’de Turizm ve Uluslararasılaşma, 2. Basım, İstanbul: Boğaziçi Üniversitesi Yayınları
  • Yu, L. (1999). The International Hospitality Business, Management and Operations. The Haworth Hospitality Press.
  • Zhao J. L. (1998). Globalizations, Multinationals and Corporate Strategies. Olsen, M. vd, (Der.), Strategic Management in the Hospitality Industry içinde, John Wiley and Sons Inc., 281-307.
  • Zhao, J. L. ve Olsen M. D. (1997). The Antecedent Factors Infl uencing Entry Mode Choices of Multinational Lodging Firms. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 16 (1), 79-98.
There are 42 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Article

Önder Met

Barış Erdem

Publication Date December 1, 2011
Published in Issue Year 2011 Volume: 14 Issue: 26


APA Met, Ö., & Erdem, B. (2011). TÜRK OTEL ZİNCİRLERİ VE BÜYÜME STRATEJİLERİ. Balıkesir Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 14(26), 333-350.