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Determining Factors of Affecting Individuals’ Acceptance of Internet Banking with Structural Equation Model

Year 2010, Volume: 4 Issue: 2, 11 - 38, 01.12.2010


Determining Factors of Affecting Individuals’ Acceptance of Internet Banking with Structural Equation Model The purpose of this study is, investigating the affecting factors of adopting individuals’ internet banking with adding trust and perceived web security variables to Technology Acceptance Model TAM . For this purpose six hypothesis has developed as part of research model. To collect data survey form has been prepared and has been applied in 8 cities. Useable data has been attained from 413 acquired surveys. Acquired data have been analysed with Structural Equation Modeling SEM . In accordance with the statistical analyse results; it is determined that perceived ease of use upon perceived usefulness, perceived usefulness upon trust and in addition trust, perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use and perceived web security separately upon intention to use have an positive and meaningful effect


  • Adams, D. A., Nelson, R.R., Todd, P.A.. (1992). Perceived Usefulness, Ease of Use and Usage of İnformation Technology: A Replication. Increasing Systems Usage, ManagementInformation Systems Research CenterMIS Quarterly: 227-247.
  • Altan, M. ve Karasioğlu, F.. (2004). İnternet Bankacılığının Toplum Katmanlarınca Kullanımı Üzerine Bir Araştırma, 3. Ulusal Bilgi, Ekonomi ve Yönetim Kongresi 25-26 Kasım, Osmangazi Üniversitesi: 601-611.
  • Akıncı, S., Aksoy, Ş. ve Atılgan, E.. (2004). Adoption of Internet Banking Among Sophisticated Consumer Segments in an Advanced Developing Country, TheInternational Journal of Bank Marketing, 22 (3): 212-232.
  • Barışık, S. ve Temel, H.. (2007). İnternet Bankacılığı Kullanımında Güvenlik Unsurlarının Bilinilirliği (Anket Uygulamasına Dayalı SPSS Çözümlemesi), KMU İİBF Dergisi: 136-160.
  • Byrne, B.M.. (1998), Structural Equation Modeling, with LISREL, PRELIS and SIMPLIS: Basic Concepts, Applications and Programming, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Mahwah, New Jersey.
  • Byrne, B.M.. (2001), Structural Equation Modeling, with AMOS: Basic Concepts, Applications and Programming, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Mahwah, New Jersey.
  • Cheng, T.C.E., Lam D.Y.C., Yeung, A.C.L.. (2006). Adoption of Internet Banking: An Empirical Study in Hong Kong, Decision Support Systems, 42: 1558–1572.
  • Costa-Font, M. and Gil, J.M.. (2009). Structural Equation Modelling of Consumer Acceptance of Genetically Modified (GM) Food in the Mediterranean Europe: A Cross Country Study, Food Quality and Preference 20(6): 399–409.
  • Çelik, H.. (2008). What Determines Turkish Customers’ Acceptance of Internet Banking?, International Journal of Bank Marketing, 26 (5): 353-370.
  • Davis F. D.. (1989). Perceived Usefulness, Perceived Ease of Use, and User Acceptance of Information Technology, MIS Quarterly, 13( 3): 319–340.
  • Davis, F.D., Bagozzi, R.P., Warshaw, P.R.. (1989). User Acceptance of Computer Technology: A Comparison of Two Theoretical Models, Management Science, 35 (8): 982–1003.
  • Durer, S., Çalışkan, A.Ö., Akbaş, H.E., Gündoğdu, C.E.. (2009). İnternet Bankacılığı Kullanma Kararını Etkileyen Faktörler: Türk Banka Müşterileri Üzerine Bir Çalışma, Marmara Üniversitesi İ.İ.B.F. Dergisi, 26 (1): 133-154.
  • Eriksson, K., Kerem, K., Nilson, D.. (2004). Customer Acceptance of Internet Banking in Estonia, International Journal of Bank Marketing, 23 (2): 200-216.
  • Flavian, C., Guinaliu, M., Torres, E.. (2006). How Bricks and Mortar Attributes Affect Online Banking Adoption, International Journal of Bank Marketing, 24 (6): 406-423.
  • Golob, T.F.. (2003). Structural Equation Modeling for Travel Behavior Research, Transportation Research Part B, 37 (2003) pp.1–25.
  • Gu, J., Lee, S., Suh, Y.. (2009). Determinants of Behavioral Intention to Mobile Banking, Expert Systems with Applications, 36: 11605–11616.
  • Gurau, C.. (2002). Online Banking in Transition Economies: The Implementation and Development of Online Banking Systems in Romania, International Journal of Bank Marketing, 20 (6): 285-296.
  • Gülmez, M. ve Kitapçı, O.. (2006). İnternet Bankacılığı ve Müşteri Davranışları: Cumhuriyet Üniversitesi Akademik ve İdari Personeline Yönelik bir Uygulama, C.Ü. İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Dergisi, 7 (2): 83-100.
  • Hair J.F., Anderson R.E., Tahtam R.L. and Balck V.C.. (1995), Multivarite Data Analysis with Reading” Prentice Hall, International Inc, A Viacorn Company, New Jersey.
  • İlter, B., Saatçıoğlu, Ö.Y., Kuruoğlu, E.. (2009). Who Uses Internet Banking in Turkey and Why?, European and Mediterranean Conference on Information Systems , 1-18.
  • Jaafar, H.S. and Rafiq, M.. (2005). Customers’ Perceptions of Service Quality by TPL Service Providers in the United Kingdom - A Confirmatory Factor Analysis, Research Methodologies in Supply Chain Management :187-202.
  • Jackson, D.L.. (2003). Revisiting Sample Size and Number of Parameter Estimates: Some Support for the N:q Hypothesis, Structural Equation Modeling, A Multidisciplinary Journal 10 (1): 128–141.
  • Jayaram, V. Kannan K. and Tan, C (2004), Influence of initiators on supply chain value creation, International Journal of Production Research., 42 (20): 4377–4399.
  • Karagöz, Y. ve Kösterelioğlu, İ.. (2008). İletişim Becerileri Değerlendirme Ölçeğinin Faktör Analizi Metodu ile Geliştirilmesi, Dumlupınar Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 21: 81-98.
  • Kardaras, D. ve Papathhanassiou, E.. (2001). Electronic Commerce Opportunities for Improving Corporate Customer Support in Banking in Greece, International Journal of Bank Marketing, 19 (7): 292-300.
  • Kim, G.B., Soon, C.P., Kyoung, J.L.. (2007). A Structural Equation Modeling of the Internet Acceptance in Korea, Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, 6: 425–432.
  • Lee, M.. (2009). Factors İnfluencing The Adoption of İnternet Banking: An İntegration of TAM and TPB with Perceived Risk and Perceived Benefit, Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, 8: 130–141.
  • Luarn, P. ve Lin, H.. (2005). Toward an Understanding of The Behavioral Intention to Use Mobile Banking, Computers in Human Behavior, 21: 873- 891.
  • Minjoon, J. ve Shaohan, C.. (2001). The Key Determinants of Internet Banking Service Quality: A Content Analysis, International Journal of Bank Marketing 19, 7: 276-291.
  • Nor, K.Md. ve Pearson, J.M.. (2007). The Influence of Trust on Internet Banking Acceptance, Journal of Internet Banking and Commerce, 12 (2): 1-10
  • Pikkarainen, T., Pikkarainen, K., KarJjaluoto, H., Pahnila, S.. (2004). Consumer Acceptance of Online Banking: An Extension of the Technology Acceptance Model, Internet Research, 14 (3): 224–235.
  • Polasik, M. ve Wisniewski, T.P.. (2008). Empirical Analysis of Internet Banking Adoption in Poland, International Journal of Bank Marketing, 27 (1): 32-52.
  • Polatoglu, V.N. and EKİN, S.. (2001). An Empirical Investigation of The Turkish Consumers’ Acceptance of Internet Banking Services, International Journal of Bank Marketing, 19 (4): 156-165.
  • Rotchanakitumnuai, S. ve Speece, M.. (2003). Barriers to Internet Banking Adoption: A Qualitative Study Among Corporate Customers in Thailand, International Journal of Bank Marketing, 21 (6), 312-323.
  • Salisbury, W.D., Pearson, R.A., Pearson, A.W., Miller, D.W.. (2001). Perceived Security and World Wide Web Purchase Intention, Industrial Management and Data Systems,101: 165–176.
  • Sanmugam, A.. (2007). Factors Determining Consumer Adoption of Internet Banking, 03.09.2009.
  • Sathye, M.. (1999). Adoption of Internet Banking by Australian Consumers: An Empirical Investigation, International Journal of Bank Marketing, 17 (7): 324-334.
  • Seyal, H.A, Rahman, M.N., Rahim, Md.M.. (2002). Determinants of Academic Use of The Internet: a Structural Equation Model, Behaviour & Information Technology, 21 (1): 71-86.
  • Shergill, G.S. ve Li, B.. (2006). Internet Banking-An Empirical Investigation of a Trust and Loyalty Model for New Zealand Banks, Journal of Internet Commerce, 4 (4): 101 – 118.
  • Shih, Y. ve Fang, K.. (2004). The Use of Decomposed Theory of Planned Behaviour to Study Internet Banking in Taiwan, Internet Research, 14 (3): 213-223.
  • Sohail, M.S. ve Shanmugham, B.. (2003). E-banking and Customer Preferences in Malaysia: An Empirical Investigation, Information Sciences, 150: 207-217.
  • Suh, B. ve Han, I.. (2002). Effect of Trust on Customer Acceptance of Internet Banking, Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, 1: 247-263.
  • Qureshi, T..M ve Zafar, M.K.. (2008). Customer Acceptance of Online Banking in Developing Economies, Journal of Internet Banking and Commerce, 13, 1: sayfa no
  • Teo S.H. T. and Choo, W.Y.. (2001). Assessing the impact of using The Internet for Competitive intelligenceǁ, Information-management, 39: 67-83
  • Truong, Y.. (2009). An Evaluation of the Theory of Planned Behaviour in Consumer Acceptance of Online Video and Television Services, The Electronic Journal Information Systems Evaluation, 12 (2): 197 -206.
  • Turan, A.H.. (2008). İnternet Alışverişi Tüketici Davranışını Belirleyen Etmenler: Geliştirilmiş Teknoloji Kabul Modeli (E-TAM) ile Bir Model Önerisi, Akademik Bilişim, Çanakkale 18 Mart Üniversitesi: 723-731.
  • Usta, R.. (2005). Tüketicilerin İnternet Bankacılığını Kullanmama Nedenleri Üzerine Bir Araştırma, Doğuş Üniversitesi Dergisi, 6 (5): 279-290.
  • Wang, Y., Lin, H., Luarn, P.. (2006). Predicting Consumer Intention to Use Mobile Service, Info Systems J, 16: 157–179.
  • Yap, B.W. ve Khong, K.W.. (2006). Examining The Effects of Customer Service Management (CSM) on Perceived Business Performance via Structural Equation Modelling, Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry, 22: 587–605.
  • Yen, D.C., Wu, C., Cheng, F., Huang, Y.. (2010). Determinants of Users’ Intention to Adopt Wireless Technology: An Empirical Study by Integrating TTF with TAM, Computers in Human Behavior, 26 (5): 1-10.
  • Yu, J., Ha, I., Choi M., Rho, J.. (2005). Extending the TAM for a t-commerce, Information & Management, 42: 965–976.

Bireylerin İnternet Bankacılığını Benimsemesini Etkileyen Faktörlerin Yapısal Eşitlik Modeli ile Belirlenmesi

Year 2010, Volume: 4 Issue: 2, 11 - 38, 01.12.2010


Bu çalışmanın amacı, Teknoloji Kabul Modeline TAM güven ve algılanan web güvenliği değişkenlerini de ekleyerek Türkiye’deki bireylerin internet bankacılığını benimsemesini etkileyen faktörleri araştırmaktır. Bu amaçla araştırma modeli çerçevesinde 6 hipotez geliştirilmiştir. Veri toplamak için anket formu hazırlanmış ve 8 ilde uygulanmıştır. Uygulanan anketlerin 413’ünden kullanılabilir veri elde edilmiştir. Elde edilen veriler Yapısal Eşitlik Modeli YEM ile analiz edilmiştir. Analiz sonuçlarına göre algılanan kullanım kolaylığının, algılanan kullanışlılık üzerinde ve algılanan kullanışlılığın ise güven üzerinde anlamı ve pozitif etkisi olduğu görülmüştür. Ayrıca çalışmada güven, algılanan kullanışlılık, algılanan kullanım kolaylığı ve algılanan web güvenliği değişkenlerinin kullanım niyetini etkilediği tespit edilmiştir


  • Adams, D. A., Nelson, R.R., Todd, P.A.. (1992). Perceived Usefulness, Ease of Use and Usage of İnformation Technology: A Replication. Increasing Systems Usage, ManagementInformation Systems Research CenterMIS Quarterly: 227-247.
  • Altan, M. ve Karasioğlu, F.. (2004). İnternet Bankacılığının Toplum Katmanlarınca Kullanımı Üzerine Bir Araştırma, 3. Ulusal Bilgi, Ekonomi ve Yönetim Kongresi 25-26 Kasım, Osmangazi Üniversitesi: 601-611.
  • Akıncı, S., Aksoy, Ş. ve Atılgan, E.. (2004). Adoption of Internet Banking Among Sophisticated Consumer Segments in an Advanced Developing Country, TheInternational Journal of Bank Marketing, 22 (3): 212-232.
  • Barışık, S. ve Temel, H.. (2007). İnternet Bankacılığı Kullanımında Güvenlik Unsurlarının Bilinilirliği (Anket Uygulamasına Dayalı SPSS Çözümlemesi), KMU İİBF Dergisi: 136-160.
  • Byrne, B.M.. (1998), Structural Equation Modeling, with LISREL, PRELIS and SIMPLIS: Basic Concepts, Applications and Programming, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Mahwah, New Jersey.
  • Byrne, B.M.. (2001), Structural Equation Modeling, with AMOS: Basic Concepts, Applications and Programming, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Mahwah, New Jersey.
  • Cheng, T.C.E., Lam D.Y.C., Yeung, A.C.L.. (2006). Adoption of Internet Banking: An Empirical Study in Hong Kong, Decision Support Systems, 42: 1558–1572.
  • Costa-Font, M. and Gil, J.M.. (2009). Structural Equation Modelling of Consumer Acceptance of Genetically Modified (GM) Food in the Mediterranean Europe: A Cross Country Study, Food Quality and Preference 20(6): 399–409.
  • Çelik, H.. (2008). What Determines Turkish Customers’ Acceptance of Internet Banking?, International Journal of Bank Marketing, 26 (5): 353-370.
  • Davis F. D.. (1989). Perceived Usefulness, Perceived Ease of Use, and User Acceptance of Information Technology, MIS Quarterly, 13( 3): 319–340.
  • Davis, F.D., Bagozzi, R.P., Warshaw, P.R.. (1989). User Acceptance of Computer Technology: A Comparison of Two Theoretical Models, Management Science, 35 (8): 982–1003.
  • Durer, S., Çalışkan, A.Ö., Akbaş, H.E., Gündoğdu, C.E.. (2009). İnternet Bankacılığı Kullanma Kararını Etkileyen Faktörler: Türk Banka Müşterileri Üzerine Bir Çalışma, Marmara Üniversitesi İ.İ.B.F. Dergisi, 26 (1): 133-154.
  • Eriksson, K., Kerem, K., Nilson, D.. (2004). Customer Acceptance of Internet Banking in Estonia, International Journal of Bank Marketing, 23 (2): 200-216.
  • Flavian, C., Guinaliu, M., Torres, E.. (2006). How Bricks and Mortar Attributes Affect Online Banking Adoption, International Journal of Bank Marketing, 24 (6): 406-423.
  • Golob, T.F.. (2003). Structural Equation Modeling for Travel Behavior Research, Transportation Research Part B, 37 (2003) pp.1–25.
  • Gu, J., Lee, S., Suh, Y.. (2009). Determinants of Behavioral Intention to Mobile Banking, Expert Systems with Applications, 36: 11605–11616.
  • Gurau, C.. (2002). Online Banking in Transition Economies: The Implementation and Development of Online Banking Systems in Romania, International Journal of Bank Marketing, 20 (6): 285-296.
  • Gülmez, M. ve Kitapçı, O.. (2006). İnternet Bankacılığı ve Müşteri Davranışları: Cumhuriyet Üniversitesi Akademik ve İdari Personeline Yönelik bir Uygulama, C.Ü. İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Dergisi, 7 (2): 83-100.
  • Hair J.F., Anderson R.E., Tahtam R.L. and Balck V.C.. (1995), Multivarite Data Analysis with Reading” Prentice Hall, International Inc, A Viacorn Company, New Jersey.
  • İlter, B., Saatçıoğlu, Ö.Y., Kuruoğlu, E.. (2009). Who Uses Internet Banking in Turkey and Why?, European and Mediterranean Conference on Information Systems , 1-18.
  • Jaafar, H.S. and Rafiq, M.. (2005). Customers’ Perceptions of Service Quality by TPL Service Providers in the United Kingdom - A Confirmatory Factor Analysis, Research Methodologies in Supply Chain Management :187-202.
  • Jackson, D.L.. (2003). Revisiting Sample Size and Number of Parameter Estimates: Some Support for the N:q Hypothesis, Structural Equation Modeling, A Multidisciplinary Journal 10 (1): 128–141.
  • Jayaram, V. Kannan K. and Tan, C (2004), Influence of initiators on supply chain value creation, International Journal of Production Research., 42 (20): 4377–4399.
  • Karagöz, Y. ve Kösterelioğlu, İ.. (2008). İletişim Becerileri Değerlendirme Ölçeğinin Faktör Analizi Metodu ile Geliştirilmesi, Dumlupınar Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 21: 81-98.
  • Kardaras, D. ve Papathhanassiou, E.. (2001). Electronic Commerce Opportunities for Improving Corporate Customer Support in Banking in Greece, International Journal of Bank Marketing, 19 (7): 292-300.
  • Kim, G.B., Soon, C.P., Kyoung, J.L.. (2007). A Structural Equation Modeling of the Internet Acceptance in Korea, Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, 6: 425–432.
  • Lee, M.. (2009). Factors İnfluencing The Adoption of İnternet Banking: An İntegration of TAM and TPB with Perceived Risk and Perceived Benefit, Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, 8: 130–141.
  • Luarn, P. ve Lin, H.. (2005). Toward an Understanding of The Behavioral Intention to Use Mobile Banking, Computers in Human Behavior, 21: 873- 891.
  • Minjoon, J. ve Shaohan, C.. (2001). The Key Determinants of Internet Banking Service Quality: A Content Analysis, International Journal of Bank Marketing 19, 7: 276-291.
  • Nor, K.Md. ve Pearson, J.M.. (2007). The Influence of Trust on Internet Banking Acceptance, Journal of Internet Banking and Commerce, 12 (2): 1-10
  • Pikkarainen, T., Pikkarainen, K., KarJjaluoto, H., Pahnila, S.. (2004). Consumer Acceptance of Online Banking: An Extension of the Technology Acceptance Model, Internet Research, 14 (3): 224–235.
  • Polasik, M. ve Wisniewski, T.P.. (2008). Empirical Analysis of Internet Banking Adoption in Poland, International Journal of Bank Marketing, 27 (1): 32-52.
  • Polatoglu, V.N. and EKİN, S.. (2001). An Empirical Investigation of The Turkish Consumers’ Acceptance of Internet Banking Services, International Journal of Bank Marketing, 19 (4): 156-165.
  • Rotchanakitumnuai, S. ve Speece, M.. (2003). Barriers to Internet Banking Adoption: A Qualitative Study Among Corporate Customers in Thailand, International Journal of Bank Marketing, 21 (6), 312-323.
  • Salisbury, W.D., Pearson, R.A., Pearson, A.W., Miller, D.W.. (2001). Perceived Security and World Wide Web Purchase Intention, Industrial Management and Data Systems,101: 165–176.
  • Sanmugam, A.. (2007). Factors Determining Consumer Adoption of Internet Banking, 03.09.2009.
  • Sathye, M.. (1999). Adoption of Internet Banking by Australian Consumers: An Empirical Investigation, International Journal of Bank Marketing, 17 (7): 324-334.
  • Seyal, H.A, Rahman, M.N., Rahim, Md.M.. (2002). Determinants of Academic Use of The Internet: a Structural Equation Model, Behaviour & Information Technology, 21 (1): 71-86.
  • Shergill, G.S. ve Li, B.. (2006). Internet Banking-An Empirical Investigation of a Trust and Loyalty Model for New Zealand Banks, Journal of Internet Commerce, 4 (4): 101 – 118.
  • Shih, Y. ve Fang, K.. (2004). The Use of Decomposed Theory of Planned Behaviour to Study Internet Banking in Taiwan, Internet Research, 14 (3): 213-223.
  • Sohail, M.S. ve Shanmugham, B.. (2003). E-banking and Customer Preferences in Malaysia: An Empirical Investigation, Information Sciences, 150: 207-217.
  • Suh, B. ve Han, I.. (2002). Effect of Trust on Customer Acceptance of Internet Banking, Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, 1: 247-263.
  • Qureshi, T..M ve Zafar, M.K.. (2008). Customer Acceptance of Online Banking in Developing Economies, Journal of Internet Banking and Commerce, 13, 1: sayfa no
  • Teo S.H. T. and Choo, W.Y.. (2001). Assessing the impact of using The Internet for Competitive intelligenceǁ, Information-management, 39: 67-83
  • Truong, Y.. (2009). An Evaluation of the Theory of Planned Behaviour in Consumer Acceptance of Online Video and Television Services, The Electronic Journal Information Systems Evaluation, 12 (2): 197 -206.
  • Turan, A.H.. (2008). İnternet Alışverişi Tüketici Davranışını Belirleyen Etmenler: Geliştirilmiş Teknoloji Kabul Modeli (E-TAM) ile Bir Model Önerisi, Akademik Bilişim, Çanakkale 18 Mart Üniversitesi: 723-731.
  • Usta, R.. (2005). Tüketicilerin İnternet Bankacılığını Kullanmama Nedenleri Üzerine Bir Araştırma, Doğuş Üniversitesi Dergisi, 6 (5): 279-290.
  • Wang, Y., Lin, H., Luarn, P.. (2006). Predicting Consumer Intention to Use Mobile Service, Info Systems J, 16: 157–179.
  • Yap, B.W. ve Khong, K.W.. (2006). Examining The Effects of Customer Service Management (CSM) on Perceived Business Performance via Structural Equation Modelling, Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry, 22: 587–605.
  • Yen, D.C., Wu, C., Cheng, F., Huang, Y.. (2010). Determinants of Users’ Intention to Adopt Wireless Technology: An Empirical Study by Integrating TTF with TAM, Computers in Human Behavior, 26 (5): 1-10.
  • Yu, J., Ha, I., Choi M., Rho, J.. (2005). Extending the TAM for a t-commerce, Information & Management, 42: 965–976.
There are 51 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Article

Talha Ustasüleyman This is me

Kemal Eyüboğlu This is me

Publication Date December 1, 2010
Published in Issue Year 2010 Volume: 4 Issue: 2


APA Ustasüleyman, T., & Eyüboğlu, K. (2010). Bireylerin İnternet Bankacılığını Benimsemesini Etkileyen Faktörlerin Yapısal Eşitlik Modeli ile Belirlenmesi. BDDK Bankacılık Ve Finansal Piyasalar Dergisi, 4(2), 11-38.