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Matematik Öğretiminde Çocuk Edebiyatının Kullanımı Sürecine İlişkin Uygulayıcıların Görüş ve Deneyimleri

Year 2022, , 377 - 394, 30.06.2022


Bu çalışmanın amacı farklı eğitim kademelerinde görev yapan katılımcıların, matematik öğretiminde çocuk edebiyatının kullanımına ilişkin gerçekleştirilen bir proje kapsamında sürece ilişkin görüş ve deneyimlerinin incelenmesidir. Bu amaçla nitel araştırma yaklaşımlarından durum çalışması deseni kullanılarak yürütülen çalışmada projeye dahil olan 23 katılımcıya matematik öğretimi ve çocuk edebiyatı bütünleştirmesiyle ilgili bütünleştirme sürecinde kullandıkları kitapların seçim kriterleri, bu bütünleştirmenin öğrenciler üzerinde yaratacağı olası olumlu veya olumsuz etkiler ve bütünleştirme için gerekli olan ders planlarını hazırlamaya ilişkin görüşleri ve deneyimleri sorulmuştur. Araştırmanın verileri araştırmacılar tarafından geliştirilen açık uçlu sorular aracılığıyla toplanmış ve betimsel analizle incelenmiştir. Araştırmanın bulgularına göre katılımcıların matematik öğretimi ve çocuk edebiyatı ile bütünleştirilen derslerin öğrencilerin bilişsel ve duyuşsal özelliklerine olumlu etkileri olacağına inandıkları ve konuya ve kazanımlara uygun kitaplar bulmakta zorlandıkları görülmüştür.

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Project Number



Bu çalışma TÜBİTAK 4005 Yenilikçi Eğitim Uygulamaları 2019 Yılı Çağrısı kapsamında desteklenen 218B442 No'lu Matematik Öğretiminde Çocuk Edebiyatının Kullanımı ve Örnek Uygulamalar II isimli projenin verilerinden elde edilmiştir.


  • Ader, E. (2004). A self-regulation model to explain quantitative achievement in a high-stakes testing situation. (Yüksek Lisans Tezi), Boğaziçi Üniversitesi, İstanbul.
  • Arslan Başdağ, D., & Dağlıoğlu, H. (2020). Resimli öykü kitaplarının temel matematik becerileri açısından incelenmesi. Mersin Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 16(2), 233-253. doi: 10.17860/mersinefd.528015
  • Columba, L., Kim, C., & Moe, A. (2005). The power of picture books in teaching math and science: Grades preK-8. Scottsdale, AZ: Holcomb Hathaway, Publishers, Inc.
  • Cooper, S., Rogers, R. M., Purdum-Cassidy, B., & Nesmith, M. (2020). Selecting qaulity picture boks for mathematics instruction: What do preservice teachers look for? Child Lit Educ, 51, 110-124. doi: 10.1007/s10583-018-9363-9
  • Cotti, R., & Schiro, M. (2004). Connecting Teacher Beliefs to the Use of Children’s Literature in the Teaching of Mathematics. Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education 7 (4): 329–56. doi:10.1007/s10857-004-1787-z.
  • Edelman, J. (2017). How preservice teachers use children’s literature to teach mathematical concepts: Focus on mathematical knowledge for teaching. International Electronic Journal of Elementary Education, 9(4), 741-752.6
  • Edelman, J., Green, K. B., & Jett, C. C. (2019). Children’s Literature to Inform Mathematics Teaching and Learning: A Systematic Review of the Research Literature from 1991–2016. The International Journal of Science, Mathematics and Technology Learning, 26(1), 49-60. doi:10.18848/2327-7971/CGP/v26i01/49-60.
  • Flevares, L., & Schiff, J. (2014). Learning mathematics in two dimensions: A review and look ahead at teaching and learning early childhood mathematics with children’s literature. Frontiers in Psychology, 5, 459. doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2014.00459.
  • Furner, J. M. (2017). Using fairy tales and children’s literature in the math classroom: Helping all students become Einstein’s in a STEM world. Journal of Advances in Education Research, 2(2), 103-12.
  • Green, S. (2013). Improving comprehension in middle school math by incorporating children’s literature in the instruction of mathematics. (Doctoral dissertation). Retrieved from ProQuest LLC. (ED554063).
  • Harding, J., Hbaci, İ., Loyd, S. & Hamilton, B. (2017). Integrating Multicultural Children's Math Books into Kindergarten Through Sixth-Grade Classrooms: Preservice Teachers' Reflections, The Teacher Educator. 52(4), 386-407.
  • Hellwig, S., Monroe, E., & Jacobs, J. (2000). Making Informed Choices: Selecting Trade Books for Mathematics Instruction. Teaching Children Mathematics, 7(3), 138–143.
  • Jett, C. (2018). The Effects of Children’s Literature on Preservice Early Childhood Mathematics Teachers’ Thinking. Journal of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, 18(1), 96-114. doi:10.14434/josotl.v18i1.20722
  • Leonard, J., Moore, C. M., & Brooks, (2014). “Multicultural Children’s Literature as a Context for Teaching Mathematics for Cultural Relevance in Urban Schools.” The Urban Review 46 (3): 325–48. doi:10.1007/s11256-013- 0264-3.
  • Luedtke, M., & Sorvaag, K. (2018). Using children’s literature to enhance math instruction in K-8 classrooms. In Transdisciplinarity in Mathematics Education (pp. 47-71). Springer, Cham.
  • McAndrew, E. M., Morris, W. L., & Fennell, F. (2017). Geometry-related children's literature improves the geometry achievement and attitudes of second-grade students. School Science and Mathematics, 117(1-2), 34-51.
  • McDuffie, A., & Young, T. (2003). Promoting Mathematical Discourse Through Children’s Literature. Teaching Children Mathematics, 9(7), 385–389.
  • Mink, D. V., & Fraser, B. J. (2005). Evaluation of a K–5 mathematics program which integrates children’s literature: Classroom environment and attitudes. International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education, 3(1), 59-85.
  • Nurnberger-Haag, J. (2017). A Cautionary Tale: How Children’s Books (Mis)Teach Shapes, Early Education and Development, 28:4, 415-440, doi: 10.1080/10409289.2016.1242993
  • Nurnberger-Haag, N., Alexander, A. N., & Powell, S.R. (2020). What counts in number books? A content-domain specific typology to evaluate children’s books for mathematics, Mathematical Thinking and Learning, doi: 10.1080/10986065.2020.1777365
  • Öçal, T., Öçal, M. F., & Şimşek, M. (2015). Investigating mathematical elements in story books appropriate for pre-schoolers. Current Research in Education, 1(2), 58-69.
  • Powell, S. R., & Nurnberger-Haag, J. (2015). Everybody counts, but usually just to 10! A systematic analysis of number representations in children’s books. Early Education and Development, 26(3), 377-398.
  • Prendergast, M., Harbison,L., Miller, S., & Trakulphadetkrai V. N. (2019). Pre-service and in-service teachers’ perceptions on the integration of children’s literature in mathematics teaching and learning in ıreland. Irish Educational Studies, 38(2), 157-175. doi:10.1080/03323315.2018.1484302.
  • Rogers, R. M., Cooper, S., Nesmith, S. M., & Purdum-Cassidy, B. (2015). Ways that preservice teachers integrate children's literature into mathematics lessons. The Teacher Educator, 50(3), 170-186.
  • Shatzer, J. (2008). Picture book power: connecting children’s literature and mathematics. The Reading Teacher, 61(8), 649–653.
  • Trakulphadetkrai, N. V., Aerila, J. A., & Yrjänäinen, S. (2019). Bringing Mathematics Alive Through Stories. In Story in Children's Lives: Contributions of the Narrative Mode to Early Childhood Development, Literacy, and Learning, Eds. Kerry-Moran, K. J. & Aerila, J. A. (pp. 199-225). Springer, Cham. doi:10.1007/978-3-030-19266-2_11
  • Van den Heuvel-Panhuizen, M., Van den Boogard, S., & Doig, S. (2009). Picture books stimulate the learning of mathematics. Australasian Journal of Early Childhood, 34(2), 30–39.
  • Ward, R. A. (2005). Using children’s literature to inspire K–8 preservice teachers’ future mathematics pedagogy. Reading Teacher, 59(2), 132–143.
  • Wikholm, M., Aerila, J. A. (2016). Teaching mathematics with children’s literatüre in Finland. International Journal of Learning and Teaching, 8(4), 253-261.
  • Wilburne, J. M., & Napoli, M. (2008). “Connecting Mathematics and Literature: An Analysis of Pre-service Elementary School Teachers’ Changing Beliefs and Knowledge.” Issues in the Undergraduate Mathematics Preparation of School Teachers: The Journal 2 (Pedagogy).
  • Yetkin Özdemir, İ. E. (2008). Sınıf Öğretmeni Adaylarının Matematik Öğretiminde Materyal Kullanımına İlişkin Bilişsel Becerileri. Hacettepe Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 35, 362-373.
  • Yıldırım, A. & Şimşek, H.(2013). Sosyal bilimlerde nitel araştırma yöntemleri. Seçkin Yayıncılık, Ankara.
  • Yılmaz Genç, M. M., Akıncı Çoşgun, A., & Pala, Ş. (2017). A study of mathematical content provided in illustrated children’s books. Eurasion Journal of Educational Research, 69, 159-175.
  • Yorulmaz, A., Altıntaş, S., & Sidekli, S. (2017). Investigation of the effects of mathematical thinking states of form teachers on their mathematics teaching anxieties. European Journal of Educational Research, 6(4), 485-493.
  • Yazar. (2018). ..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
  • Yazar. (2019). ..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
  • Yazar. (2020)..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Year 2022, , 377 - 394, 30.06.2022


Project Number



  • Ader, E. (2004). A self-regulation model to explain quantitative achievement in a high-stakes testing situation. (Yüksek Lisans Tezi), Boğaziçi Üniversitesi, İstanbul.
  • Arslan Başdağ, D., & Dağlıoğlu, H. (2020). Resimli öykü kitaplarının temel matematik becerileri açısından incelenmesi. Mersin Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 16(2), 233-253. doi: 10.17860/mersinefd.528015
  • Columba, L., Kim, C., & Moe, A. (2005). The power of picture books in teaching math and science: Grades preK-8. Scottsdale, AZ: Holcomb Hathaway, Publishers, Inc.
  • Cooper, S., Rogers, R. M., Purdum-Cassidy, B., & Nesmith, M. (2020). Selecting qaulity picture boks for mathematics instruction: What do preservice teachers look for? Child Lit Educ, 51, 110-124. doi: 10.1007/s10583-018-9363-9
  • Cotti, R., & Schiro, M. (2004). Connecting Teacher Beliefs to the Use of Children’s Literature in the Teaching of Mathematics. Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education 7 (4): 329–56. doi:10.1007/s10857-004-1787-z.
  • Edelman, J. (2017). How preservice teachers use children’s literature to teach mathematical concepts: Focus on mathematical knowledge for teaching. International Electronic Journal of Elementary Education, 9(4), 741-752.6
  • Edelman, J., Green, K. B., & Jett, C. C. (2019). Children’s Literature to Inform Mathematics Teaching and Learning: A Systematic Review of the Research Literature from 1991–2016. The International Journal of Science, Mathematics and Technology Learning, 26(1), 49-60. doi:10.18848/2327-7971/CGP/v26i01/49-60.
  • Flevares, L., & Schiff, J. (2014). Learning mathematics in two dimensions: A review and look ahead at teaching and learning early childhood mathematics with children’s literature. Frontiers in Psychology, 5, 459. doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2014.00459.
  • Furner, J. M. (2017). Using fairy tales and children’s literature in the math classroom: Helping all students become Einstein’s in a STEM world. Journal of Advances in Education Research, 2(2), 103-12.
  • Green, S. (2013). Improving comprehension in middle school math by incorporating children’s literature in the instruction of mathematics. (Doctoral dissertation). Retrieved from ProQuest LLC. (ED554063).
  • Harding, J., Hbaci, İ., Loyd, S. & Hamilton, B. (2017). Integrating Multicultural Children's Math Books into Kindergarten Through Sixth-Grade Classrooms: Preservice Teachers' Reflections, The Teacher Educator. 52(4), 386-407.
  • Hellwig, S., Monroe, E., & Jacobs, J. (2000). Making Informed Choices: Selecting Trade Books for Mathematics Instruction. Teaching Children Mathematics, 7(3), 138–143.
  • Jett, C. (2018). The Effects of Children’s Literature on Preservice Early Childhood Mathematics Teachers’ Thinking. Journal of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, 18(1), 96-114. doi:10.14434/josotl.v18i1.20722
  • Leonard, J., Moore, C. M., & Brooks, (2014). “Multicultural Children’s Literature as a Context for Teaching Mathematics for Cultural Relevance in Urban Schools.” The Urban Review 46 (3): 325–48. doi:10.1007/s11256-013- 0264-3.
  • Luedtke, M., & Sorvaag, K. (2018). Using children’s literature to enhance math instruction in K-8 classrooms. In Transdisciplinarity in Mathematics Education (pp. 47-71). Springer, Cham.
  • McAndrew, E. M., Morris, W. L., & Fennell, F. (2017). Geometry-related children's literature improves the geometry achievement and attitudes of second-grade students. School Science and Mathematics, 117(1-2), 34-51.
  • McDuffie, A., & Young, T. (2003). Promoting Mathematical Discourse Through Children’s Literature. Teaching Children Mathematics, 9(7), 385–389.
  • Mink, D. V., & Fraser, B. J. (2005). Evaluation of a K–5 mathematics program which integrates children’s literature: Classroom environment and attitudes. International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education, 3(1), 59-85.
  • Nurnberger-Haag, J. (2017). A Cautionary Tale: How Children’s Books (Mis)Teach Shapes, Early Education and Development, 28:4, 415-440, doi: 10.1080/10409289.2016.1242993
  • Nurnberger-Haag, N., Alexander, A. N., & Powell, S.R. (2020). What counts in number books? A content-domain specific typology to evaluate children’s books for mathematics, Mathematical Thinking and Learning, doi: 10.1080/10986065.2020.1777365
  • Öçal, T., Öçal, M. F., & Şimşek, M. (2015). Investigating mathematical elements in story books appropriate for pre-schoolers. Current Research in Education, 1(2), 58-69.
  • Powell, S. R., & Nurnberger-Haag, J. (2015). Everybody counts, but usually just to 10! A systematic analysis of number representations in children’s books. Early Education and Development, 26(3), 377-398.
  • Prendergast, M., Harbison,L., Miller, S., & Trakulphadetkrai V. N. (2019). Pre-service and in-service teachers’ perceptions on the integration of children’s literature in mathematics teaching and learning in ıreland. Irish Educational Studies, 38(2), 157-175. doi:10.1080/03323315.2018.1484302.
  • Rogers, R. M., Cooper, S., Nesmith, S. M., & Purdum-Cassidy, B. (2015). Ways that preservice teachers integrate children's literature into mathematics lessons. The Teacher Educator, 50(3), 170-186.
  • Shatzer, J. (2008). Picture book power: connecting children’s literature and mathematics. The Reading Teacher, 61(8), 649–653.
  • Trakulphadetkrai, N. V., Aerila, J. A., & Yrjänäinen, S. (2019). Bringing Mathematics Alive Through Stories. In Story in Children's Lives: Contributions of the Narrative Mode to Early Childhood Development, Literacy, and Learning, Eds. Kerry-Moran, K. J. & Aerila, J. A. (pp. 199-225). Springer, Cham. doi:10.1007/978-3-030-19266-2_11
  • Van den Heuvel-Panhuizen, M., Van den Boogard, S., & Doig, S. (2009). Picture books stimulate the learning of mathematics. Australasian Journal of Early Childhood, 34(2), 30–39.
  • Ward, R. A. (2005). Using children’s literature to inspire K–8 preservice teachers’ future mathematics pedagogy. Reading Teacher, 59(2), 132–143.
  • Wikholm, M., Aerila, J. A. (2016). Teaching mathematics with children’s literatüre in Finland. International Journal of Learning and Teaching, 8(4), 253-261.
  • Wilburne, J. M., & Napoli, M. (2008). “Connecting Mathematics and Literature: An Analysis of Pre-service Elementary School Teachers’ Changing Beliefs and Knowledge.” Issues in the Undergraduate Mathematics Preparation of School Teachers: The Journal 2 (Pedagogy).
  • Yetkin Özdemir, İ. E. (2008). Sınıf Öğretmeni Adaylarının Matematik Öğretiminde Materyal Kullanımına İlişkin Bilişsel Becerileri. Hacettepe Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 35, 362-373.
  • Yıldırım, A. & Şimşek, H.(2013). Sosyal bilimlerde nitel araştırma yöntemleri. Seçkin Yayıncılık, Ankara.
  • Yılmaz Genç, M. M., Akıncı Çoşgun, A., & Pala, Ş. (2017). A study of mathematical content provided in illustrated children’s books. Eurasion Journal of Educational Research, 69, 159-175.
  • Yorulmaz, A., Altıntaş, S., & Sidekli, S. (2017). Investigation of the effects of mathematical thinking states of form teachers on their mathematics teaching anxieties. European Journal of Educational Research, 6(4), 485-493.
  • Yazar. (2018). ..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
  • Yazar. (2019). ..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
  • Yazar. (2020)..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
There are 37 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Other Fields of Education
Journal Section Research Article

Burcu Durmaz 0000-0002-2788-434X

Derya Can 0000-0003-1257-8793

Ayşe Özer 0000-0002-4188-8769

Project Number 218B442
Publication Date June 30, 2022
Submission Date September 25, 2020
Acceptance Date March 10, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2022


APA Durmaz, B., Can, D., & Özer, A. (2022). Matematik Öğretiminde Çocuk Edebiyatının Kullanımı Sürecine İlişkin Uygulayıcıların Görüş ve Deneyimleri. Bayburt Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 17(34), 377-394.