Articles should be written on A4 size (29.7x21 cm) paper with MS Word or MS Word compatible programs. Calibri should be used as font, it should be written in 10 points, single line spacing. 2.5 cm margins should be left on the edges of the page and the pages should be numbered. The article should not exceed 20 pages.
The author's name and surname should be written in bold, with a capital name, and addresses should be written in normal letters; the institution, communication and e-mail address of the author should be specified.
Authors should fill out, sign and upload the Copyright Transfer Form to Dergipark with the article.
Abstract written both in Turkish and English, consisting of at least 250 and at most 270 words, written in 8 font size should be given. Under the abstract, keywords consisting of at least 4 and at most 8 words from general to specific should be given.
Titles should be written in bold letters. The use of subheadings in long articles is useful for the reader. It is recommended to number the main headings as A., B., C., subheadings as 1st, 2nd, 3rd. All major headings (main chapters, references and appendices) should be written in CAPITAL THIN LETTERS or in larger font size in Bold Lowercase Letters. Only the first letters of the intermediate and subheadings should be capitalized.
Expressions that need to be highlighted in the text are indicated by italics, bold characters are not used. Direct quotations are given in quotes. When quotations are more than 5 lines, they should start one cm from within the paragraph indent and be written one point smaller.
The latest Turkish Language Association (TDK) Spelling Guide should be taken as basis in the article.
In terms of writing footnotes and references, it should be consistent with itself in terms of method. Journal and book titles should be written in italic / thin and article titles should be written in "quotation marks" and plain and "References" should be given at the end.
Internet addresses should indicate the date of access in parentheses and should be added as Digital Resources at the end of the References.
References should be written alphabetically according to the surname of the authors at the end of the text, as follows: The publisher of the work and the page ranges of the articles should be specified. Studies that are not cited should not be included in the References section.
For Example:
Cunbur, Müjgân (1987), “Atatürk ve Milli Birlik”, Erdem, C.3, S. 7, s. 1-11.
Ergin, Muharrem (1991), Dede Korkut Kitabı II, 2. bs. Ankara: TDK Yay.
Öztuna, Yılmaz (2000), Türk Mûsıkîsi Kavram ve Terimleri Ansiklopedisi, Ankara: AKM Yay.
Deny, Jean vd. (1959), Philologiae Turcicae Fundamenta I, Wiesbaden: Steiner Verlag.