Writing Rules

Please read the rules here carefully before submitting your work to BELGU Journal.

Similarity Rate

At the stage of article submission, authors should upload the similarity scanning report (iThenticate or Turnitin) to the system with their work. The studies of the authors who do not send the similarity screening report will not be evaluated. If plagiarism is detected in the studies, the study is rejected. The similarity rate in the study should not exceed 20%.

Copyright Form

In the studies submitted to BELGU Journal for publication, the author(s) undertake(s) that the work has not been published elsewhere before and has not been sent elsewhere for publication.

In the works accepted for publication, the authors are expected to sign the copyright form and send it to the journal. With this form, the authors give permission to BELGU journal to publish their work. You can download the Copyright Form here.

Article Template

Submit your work in the BELGU Journal article template by placing it in accordance with the rules in the template. You can download the article template here. Manuscripts that are not placed in the article template are returned to the authors.

Things to consider in the article template;

1. The main title of the article should be 12 pt, bold, Book Antiqua, all capital letters, centered.

2. The title of the article in the second language should be 10 pt, bold, Book Antiqua, only the first letters should be capitalized and centered.

3. Title, name and surname parts of the full text file should be left blank in accordance with the rules of blind refereeing.

4. The abstract should be prepared in a single paragraph, in the range of 200-250 words, 8 font size, Book Antiqua font, 1 line spacing, justified on both sides. Reference, bibliography, figure, table, etc. in the abstract. should not exist. In the summary text, 0nk spacing should be used at the end of the text. There should be a minimum of 5 and a maximum of 7 keywords.

5. The main body text should be written in 10 font size, Book Antiqua font, 1 line spacing, justified. 1.25 cm indent can be given at the beginning of paragraphs. Direct quotations shorter than 40 words should be given in quotation marks in the text. Before and after the paragraph, 6 pt spacing should be left. Direct quotations longer than 40 words should be given without quotation marks, with a 9-point indentation from the left and right of one cm.

6. Footnotes should be in 8 font size, Book Antiqua font, 1 line spacing and 0nk spacing, justified on both sides.

7. Articles should not exceed 6000 words, excluding references and abstracts. The images used should be proportional to the length of the text. Except for the absence of a clear justification, these limits apply to all works to be published in BELGU. The text document to be sent to the journal should be created with the MS Word program. The filename should only consist of the article title.

Spelling and Reference Rules

It is recommended that our authors use the APA 7.0 citation style created by the American Psychological Association (for information about APA 7th Edition: http://www.apastyle.org/) for the articles to be sent to BELGU. However, for some disciplines where the footnote citation system might be more useful, our authors use the Chicago Manual of Style 17th Edition (full note) citation style (for more information on the Chicago Manual of Style 17th Edition https://www.chicagomanualofstyle.org/tools_citationguide/citation-guide -1.html) can also be used.

Citation and Bibliography Examples for APA 7.0

Book 1:

single author

In the bibliography: Lacan, J. (2013). Psikanalizin Dört Temel Kavramı (N. Güngörmüş Erdem, Trans.). Metis.
In the text: (Lacan, 2013, p. 63)

with multiple authors

Bibliography: Deleuze, G., & Guattari, F. (2000). Kafka: Minör bir edebiyat için deneme (Ö. Uçkan, Trans.). YKY.
In the text: (Deleuze & Guattari, 2000, p. 20)

2. Edited book chapter:

In the bibliography: Dollar, M. (2010). Kafka's Voice. In S. Žižek (Ed.), Lacan: The Silent Partners. Verso.
In the text: (Dollar, 2010, p. 321)

3. Article:

In the bibliography: Kaçar, E. (2018). Lacan ve Topoloji. FLSF Journal of Philosophy and Social Sciences, 25, 535-554.
In the text: (Kaçar, 2018, p. 538)

4. Thesis:

In the bibliography: Ay, V. (2021). The problem of nihilism in Nietzsche and Heidegger. (PhD Thesis). Hacettepe University Institute of Social Sciences, Ankara.
In the text: (Month, 2021, p. 98)

5. Newspaper Article

In the bibliography: Tamer, R. (2022, January 14). Haziranın Kaçı. Hürriyet. https://www.hurriyet.com.tr/yazarlar/rauf-tamer/haziranin-kaci-41981513
In the text: (Tamer, 2022)

6. Conference Presentation

In the Bibliography: Kaçar, E. (2019, May). Öznenin Trajedisi: Aynanın Ötesine Geçmek [The Abstract]. Paper presented at the International Symposium on Mythology, Ardahan University, Ardahan. Access address: https://mythologysymposium.files.wordpress.com/2019/07/abstracts-14.07.19-2.pdf
In the text: (Kaçar, 2019, p. 98)

7. Podcast

In the Bibliography: Nilay Örnek (Producer). (2022, 12 January). Nasıl Olunur? [Podcast]. Access address: https://open.spotify.com/episode/518VG90QFnkQl9WLua4fRQ?si=81ifjVIt

In the text: (Örnek, 2022)

Citation and Bibliography Examples for the Chicago Manual of Style 17th Edition (full note)

Book 1:

single author

In the bibliography: Lacan, Jacques. Psikanalizin Dört Temel Kavramı. Translated by Nilüfer Güngörmüş Erdem. Istanbul: Metis, 2013.
Footnote: Jacques Lacan, Psikanalizin Dört Temel Kavramı, trans. Nilüfer Güngörmüş Erdem (Istanbul: Metis, 2013).

with multiple authors

In the bibliography: Deleuze, Gilles, and Félix Guattari. Kafka: Minör bir edebiyat için deneme. Translated by Özgür Uçkan. 1st bass Literature 362. Istanbul: YKY, 2000.
Footnote: Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari, Kafka: Minör bir edebiyat için deneme, trans. Özgür Uçkan, 1st ed., Literature 362 (Istanbul: YKY, 2000).

2. Edited book chapter:

In the bibliography: Dollar, M. “Kafka's Voice”. In Lacan: The Silent Partners, editor Slavoj Žižek. Verso, 2010.
Footnote: M. Dollar, “Kafka's Voice,” in Lacan: The Silent Partners, ed. Slavoj Žižek (Verso, 2010).

3. Article:

In the bibliography: Kaçar, Erman. “Lacan ve Topoloji”. FLSF Journal of Philosophy and Social Sciences, pp. 25 (2018): 535-54.
Footnote: Erman Kaçar, “Lacan ve Topoloji”, FLSF Journal of Philosophy and Social Sciences, pp. 25 (2018): 535-54.

4. Thesis:

In the bibliography: Moon, Volkan. "The problem of nihilism in Nietzsche and Heidegger". Ph.D. Thesis, Hacettepe University Institute of Social Sciences, 2021.
Footnote: Volkan Ay, “The problem of nihilism in Nietzsche and Heidegger” (PhD Thesis, Ankara, Hacettepe University Institute of Social Sciences, 2021).

5. Newspaper Article

In the bibliography: Tamer, R. “Haziranın Kaçı?”. Hürriyet, 14 January 2022. https://www.hurriyet.com.tr/yazarlar/rauf-tamer/haziranin-kaci-41981513.
Footnote: R. Tamer, “Haziranın Kaçı?”, Hürriyet, 14 January 2022, https://www.hurriyet.com.tr/yazarlar/rauf-tamer/haziranin-kaci-41981513.

6. Conference Presentation

In the Bibliography
: Kaçar, Erman, “Öznenin Trajedisi: Aynanın Ötesine Geçmek”. International Mythology Symposium, Ardahan University, May 2019. https://mythologysymposium.files.wordpress.com/2019/07/abstracts-14.07.19-2.pdf.
Footnote: Erman Kaçar, “Öznenin Trajedisi: Aynanın Ötesine Geçmek” (Proceedings, International Symposium of Mythology, Ardahan University, May 2019), https://mythologysymposium.files.wordpress.com/2019/07/abstracts-14.07.19-2 .pdf.

7. Podcast

In the bibliography: Example, Nilay. "Nasıl Olunur?" Turker Kilic. Accessed January 12, 2022. https://open.spotify.com/episode/518VG90QFnkQl9WLua4fRQ?si=81ifjVItRWu--CnXGd09Jw.
Footnote: Nilay Örnek, “Nasıl Olunur?”, Türker Kılıç, accessed January 12, 2022, https://open.spotify.com/episode/518VG90QFnkQl9WLua4fRQ?si=81ifjVItRWu--CnXGd09Jw.

Display of tables and figures

Tables and graphics should be numbered separately, and the source should be indicated with 10 points just below the table or graphic. Figure definitions are located below the figures. All figures should be cited in the text. Figures should be submitted as separate files, not in a text document. Figures must be at least 300 dpi resolution and comply with the following file naming format: first author surname-figure1.tiff

After the definition of the figure is specified with only the first letter of the first word capitalized, if the figure is taken from another source, reference is made to the cited source. Tables should be given in the text, the caption should be above the table and numbered (if there is more than one), and the content should be explained as a title next to the table number. Only the first letters of the table titles should be capitalized.

Last Update Time: 7/17/24, 1:23:33 PM