Her millet yaşadığı coğrafyanın şartları neticesinde kendilerine has bir kültür oluşturmuşlardır. Ormanlarda yaşayan kavimler avcılık ve toplayıcılık ile geçimlerini temin ederek asalak kültürü, tarıma elverişli coğrafyalarda yaşayanlar yerleşik kültürü, hayvancılığa elverişli coğrafyalarda yaşayanlar ise göçebe yaşamı benimsemişlerdir. Çin Seddi’nden, Tuna Nehri’ne kadar olan bozkır coğrafyasında yaşayan kavimler ise coğrafyanın şartlarından dolayı konar-göçebe bir yaşamı benimsemişlerdir. Bu konar-göçebe yaşam tarzı basit bir göçebelik olmayıp boy beyinin idaresinde sistemli bir göç hareketidir. Bozkır coğrafyasının genişliği ve burada yaşayan kavimlerin benimsemiş oldukları konar-göçebe yaşam tarzı göz önüne alındığında buradaki kavimlerin tarih ve kültürlerinin araştırılması zorlaşmaktadır. Söz konusu kavimlerin, tarih ve kültürlerinin araştırılmasında sözlü, yazılı ve arkeolojik kaynaklar kullanılmaktadır. Bozkır kavimlerinin yazılı kaynakları, daha çok ilişkide bulundukları kavimlerin kaynaklarından oluşmaktadır. Sözlü kaynaklar ise daha sonraki süreçte yazıya geçirilmiş ve yazıya geçirildiği dönemin izlerini taşımaktadır. Bozkır kavimleri ile ilgili yapılan araştırmalarda arkeolojik kaynaklar önemli bir yer tutmaktadır. Arkeolojik kaynaklar içerisinde kurganlar ayrı bir önem arz etmektedir. Kurgan, korugan yani koruyan anlamında olup yığma tepe mezarlardır. Bozkır insanının, öldüğü zaman defnedildiği kurganlardan bozkır coğrafyasında çok sayıda vardır. Bu kurganlardan birisi de Pazırık kurganlarıdır. Pazırık kurganları beş büyük kurgandan oluşmaktadır. Bu kurganlarda yapılan arkeolojik kazı çalışmalarında bozkır kavimlerinin sosyal hayatıyla ilgili, giyim-kuşam, yiyecek-içecek, halı, damga-en, müzik aletleri gibi birçok kültürel unsur hakkında veri elde edilmiştir.
Each nation has created a unique culture as a result of the conditions of the geography they live in. The tribes living in forests have adopted parasitic culture by making a living through hunting and gathering, those living in geographies favorable to agriculture have adopted settled culture, and those living in geographies favorable to animal husbandry have adopted nomadic life. The tribes living in the steppe geography from the Great Wall of China to the Danube River adopted a nomadic life due to the conditions of the geography. This nomadic lifestyle is not a simple nomadism, but a systematic migration movement under the administration of the boy bey. Considering the vastness of the steppe geography and the nomadic lifestyle adopted by the tribes living here, it becomes difficult to research the history and culture of the tribes here. Oral, written and archaeological sources are used in the research of the history and culture of these tribes. The written sources of the steppe tribes consist mostly of the sources of the tribes they were in contact with. Oral sources, on the other hand, were written down in the later period and bear the traces of the period in which they were written down. Archaeological sources have an important place in the researches on steppe tribes. Kurgans have a special importance among archaeological sources.
Kurgan, as a word, means korugan, that is, to protect. Korugan has two meanings. The first meaning is kurgan grave; tumulus and the second meaning is the city walls protecting the city. Considering the word meanings of kurgan, the meaning used for steppe tribes is grave. There are many meanings that meet the word kurgan in today's Turkish. In the Turkish dictionary prepared by the Turkish Language Association, the word kurgan has three different meanings. The first meaning is a small hill where soil was piled on the grave in the First Age, the other meaning is castle, and another meaning is used as a hill-shaped grave, mound There are many kurgans in the steppe geography where the steppe people were buried when they died.
One of these kurgans is the Pazyryk kurgans. Pazırık kurgans consist of five large kurgans. In the archaeological excavations carried out in these kurgans, data on many cultural elements related to the social life of the steppe tribes, such as clothing-dress, food and drink, carpets, stamps, musical instruments were obtained.
The first product related to the clothing of the steppe people is the headdress. A piece of headdress made of a thick brown fur was found in the burial chamber of kurgan number 2 of Pazyryk kurgans. In kurgan number 3, a helmet-shaped headdress covering the neck and ears was found. During the excavations in Pazyryk kurgans, it was determined that the women in the burial chamber also had headdresses. One of the clothes used by the steppe people is caftans. During the excavations in the Pazyryk 2 kurgan, the back part of a short caftan with a length of 90 cm was found. In the Pazırık kurgan number 3, a caftan similar to a shirt, which is estimated to belong to a man, was found. The clothes of the equestrian figure on the carpet found in the Pazyryk kurgan number 5 also reflect the cavalry-style clothing created by the steppe people. One of the clothes used by the steppe people is the shirt. Shirts were found in the studies conducted in Pazyryk 2 kurgans Another of the clothes used by the steppe people in their daily life is trousers. Pants were also found in the studies conducted in Pazyryk kurgans. Important information about the clothing of the steppe people is obtained from the remains and finds found in Pazırık kurgans. These remains and finds include socks and boots. The fact that the woman's boots found in the Pazyryk kurgans were made of leather and red in color is of particular importance. Because red colored and decorated boots were accepted as a sign of sovereignty in the following historical process. Data on the food and drink culture of the steppe people are also found in the Pazyryk kurgans. During the excavations in Pazırık kurgan number 2, two wooden vessels were found on the floor of the burial chamber of the kurgan. These vessels are thought to be koumiss containers. Four tables were found during the excavations in the kurgan. According to the analysis of the remains of the table tops, it was determined that food, goat and horse meat were placed on these tables and used as plates. During the archaeological excavations in many kurgans in the steppe geography, the walls and floors of the burial chambers in the kurgans were covered with felt and carpets. An example that fully reflects the carpet woven by the steppe people was obtained from Pazırık kurgan number 5. The remains and finds of the car or nomadic vehicle used by the steppe people were obtained from Pazırık kurgans. Although the remains and finds obtained from the kurgans belong to the funeral ceremony, the use of the steppe people
Primary Language | Turkish |
Subjects | Contemporary Asian History |
Journal Section | Research Articles |
Authors | |
Early Pub Date | December 30, 2023 |
Publication Date | December 31, 2023 |
Submission Date | December 15, 2023 |
Acceptance Date | December 27, 2023 |
Published in Issue | Year 2023 |