Bellek International Journal of History and Cultural Studies aims to improve academic sharing and scientific knowledge in the field of history and culture through publishing research paper, review articles, critics and translated articles. Bellek as e-journal is classified as international, peer-reviewed, academic and open-access. It aims to create an academic platform which the link between "past, present and future" can be established in the light of the history that is also known “the memory of the society”. Thus, it adopts eliminating the scientific needs and curiosities of individuals as principle by bringing qualified solutions to the scientific issues.
I) Language, Style and Scope of Writing
a) The referee process will not be initiated for articles that do not comply with the writing rules.
b) For all submitted articles, a Turkish summary of 200-300 words and 5-6 keywords should be added.
c) In studies prepared in Turkish, an English extended summary of 750-1,000 words and including 5 themes (scope, purpose, importance, method, result) should be added after the Turkish summary. In studies written in English, a Turkish summary of 200-300 words should be prepared.
d) A bibliography should be provided at the end of the articles.
e) When submitting articles, statements indicating the author's identity (name, surname, institution, etc.) should be removed.
f) Research and review articles should be at least 4,000 and at most 10,000 words. Book reviews should not exceed 2,500 words.
g) In terms of spelling and punctuation, the current spelling guide of the Turkish Language Association should be taken as basis, except for special cases necessitated by the terminology of the subject.
h) After the work is completed, it should be passed through a similarity scanning program such as "ithenticate", "turnithen", "urkund", "" before being sent to the journal and the resulting report should be submitted to the journal. Works with a similarity rate below 20% will be sent to referees, otherwise they will be rejected.
II) Page Layout (For a sample page structure, see: Appendix-1).
Articles should be written in Microsoft Word and the page layout should be as follows:
Paper Size: A4 Vertical
Top Margin: 2.5 cm
Bottom Margin: 2.5 cm
Left Margin: 2.5 cm
Right Margin: 2.5 cm
Paragraph Heading: 1 cm
Paragraph Alignment: Justify
Block Quote (Right and Left): 1 cm (without paragraph header) inside, within quotation marks and in italics
Font: Times New Roman
Font Style: Normal
Main Text Size: 12 points
Title Text Size: 14 points
Abstract Size: 10 points
Block Quote Size: 10 points
Footnote Text Size: 10 point
Paragraph Spacing: First 0 pt, then 6 pt
Line Spacing: Single
III) Other Issues
a) The main titles of the article in Turkish and English should be written in 14 pt, capital letters and bold. Second-degree subheadings should be written in 12 pt, only the first letters of the words should be written in capital and bold. All subheadings after the introduction section should be numbered.
b) Only the author's "name and surname" is written on the bottom line of the article title, justified to the right. After writing only the first letter of the author's name and the entire surname in capital letters and bold, an explanatory footnote with an asterisk (*) is placed above the surname. The author's institution and e-mail information are written in the asterisk footnote at the bottom of the page. If there is more than one author, the same process is continued for each author, starting from the next line and increasing the asterisk mark.
c) For visuals such as tables, figures, and graphics used within the text, a 10-point title should be used with a sequence number and scope. Photographs, maps, and figures should be placed at least 300 dpi resolution and should fit within the page. The source information cited should be indicated immediately below the relevant visual, again in 10-point font.
d) Only the traditional footnote (Continental Europe) method is used in citing sources. The footnote and bibliography are as follows:
When the Source Cited is First Referenced:
- Single Author Source:
Dogan Aksan, Semantics Topics and Turkish Semantics, Engin Publishing House, Ankara 1999, p. 42.
Doğan Aksan, “The Place of Linguistics in Turkish Studies and Teaching”, DTCF Journal, Vol. 5, No. 2, p. 45.
Ayten Can Tunalı, Structure in the Ottoman Land Army in the Tanzimat Period, (Unpublished Doctoral Thesis), Ankara University Institute of Social Sciences, Ankara 2003, p. 45.
Fatih Kahya, “Cities Preferred by Insurance Companies in the Ottoman Period”, VIII. Turkish Maritime Trade History Symposium Proceedings Book, 27-28 May 2016-Istanbul, (Ed.: Rahmi Deniz Özbay), Istanbul Publications, Istanbul 2016, p. 97.
Akşam, 10 February 1954, p. 5.
Nadir Ozkuyumcu, “Tolunoğulları”,, Access Date: 21.03.2019.
Source Person: Hatice Uygur; Ahmet’s daughter, born in Antakya in 1933, Primary school