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Ghrelin ve Egzersiz İlişkisi

Year 2019, Volume: 3 Issue: 2, 40 - 50, 26.12.2019


Enerji homeostazı ve
vücut ağırlığının düzenlenmesi, sinirsel ve hormonal kontrollerle elde edilen enerji
alımı ve harcaması arasındaki karmaşık dengeye dayanır. Egzersizin genel
sağlığı, iştah kontrolü, insülin duyarlılığı, obezite, tip II diyabet, kanser
ve hipertansiyon gibi kronik hastalıkları korumada ve önlenmesinde birçok
yararı bilinmektedir. Fakat egzersizin bu etkilerine aracılık eden moleküler
mekanizmalar tam olarak anlaşılamamıştır. İştah ve enerji alımının
düzenlenmesinde çok sayıda hormon görev almaktadır. Egzersizin besin alımı ve
iştah üzerindeki etkileri son yıllarda araştırıcıların ilgisini çekmiştir.
  Enerji düzenlenmesinde görev aldığı düşünülen
ghrelin hormonunun keşfi ile bu konu üzerindeki çalışmalar hız kazanmıştır.
Ghrelin, yeme davranışı ve kilo dengesini düzenleyen insanlarda iştahı artırdığı
saptanan 28 aminoasitten oluşan peptid yapısında bir hormondur. Bu derlemenin
amacı literatürde yapılan çalışmalar ışığında ghrelin hormununun yapısı, etki
mekanizması, diğer hormonlarla ve egzersizle ilişkisi hakkında güncel bilgileri
biraraya getirerek bundan sonra yapılacak araştırmalara yol göstermektir.


  • Arıkan, Ş. ve Serpek, B. (2016). The effects of endurance training on the relationships body composition plasma ghrelin and leptin levels. Turkish Journal of Sport and Exercise, 1:119-126.
  • Ariyasu, H. vd. (2001). Stomach is a major source of circulating ghrelin and feding state determines plasma ghrelin-like immuno reactivity levels in humans. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, 86: 4753- 4758.
  • Aydın, S. vd. (2006). Ghrelin ve biyokimyasal fonksiyonları. Türkiye Klinikleri Tıp Bilimleri dergisi, 26:272-283.
  • Bellone, S. vd. (2002). Circulating ghrelin levels as function of gender, pubertal status and adiposity in childhood. J Endocrinol Invest, 25: 13-15.
  • Benso, A. vd. (2007). Endocrine and metabolic responses to extreme altitude and physical exercise in climbers. Eur J Endocrinol, 157(6): 733-740.
  • Bilski, J. vd. (2013). Effects of exercise of different intensity on gut peptides, energy intake and appetite in young males. Annals of Agricultural and Environmental Medicine, 20 (4); 787-793.
  • Bowers, C.Y. vd. (1980). Structure-activity relationships of a synthetic pentapeptide that specifically releases growth hormone in vitro. Endocrinol, 106:663-667.
  • Broom, D.R. vd. (2007). Exercise-induced suppression of acylated ghrelin in humans. Journal of Applied Physiology,102 (6); 2165-2171.
  • Broom, D.R.vd. (2017). Acute effect of exercise intensity and duration on acylated ghrelin and hunger in men. Journal of Endocrinology, 232 (3); 411-422.
  • Burns, S.F. vd. (2007). A single session of treadmill running has no effect on plasma total ghrelin concentrations. J Sports Sci. 25(6): 635-642.
  • Cho, G.J. vd. (2017). Effects of intensive training on menstrual function and certain serum hormones and peptides related to the female reproductive system. Medicine (Baltimore), 96 (21); e6876.
  • Christ, E.R. vd. (2006). The effect of increased lipid intake on hormonal responses during aerobic exercise in endurance-trained men. Eur J Endocrinol, 154:397-403.
  • Chuang, J.C. vd. (2011). Ghrelin mediates stress-induced food-reward behavior in mice. Journal of Clinical Investigation, 121 (7); 2684-2692.
  • Cui, H. López, M. ve Rahmouni, K. (2017). The cellular and molecular bases of leptin and ghrelin resistance in obesity. Nat. Rev. Endocrinol, 13;338-351.
  • Cummings, D.E. vd. (2001). A preprandial rise in plasma ghrelin levels suggests a role in meal initiation in humans. Diabetes, 50: 1714-1719.
  • Cummings, D.E. vd. (2002). Plasma ghrelin levels after diet-induced bone. Miner Res, 20 (5): 790-798.
  • Daikoku, S. vd. (1989). Immuno histochemical approach to the functional morphology of the hypothalmic-hypophysial system, Brain Dev, 11: 73-79.
  • Date, Y. vd. (2000). Ghrelin, a novel growth hormone-releasing acylated peptide, is synthesized in a distinct endocrine cell type in the gastrointestinal tracts of rats and humans. Endocrinology, 141: 4255-4261.
  • Dornonville De La Cour, C. vd. (2001). A like cells ın the rat stomach contain ghrelin and do not operate under gastrin. Control Regul Pept, 99:141-150.
  • Druce, M. ve Bloom, S.R. (2003). Central regulators of food intake. Curr Opin Clin Nutr Metab Care, 6: 361-367.
  • Ebal, E. vd. (2007). Effect of a moderate exercise on the regulatory hormones of food intake in rats. Appetite, 49 (2); 521-524.
  • Erdmann, J. vd. (2007). Plasma ghrelin levels during exercise effects of intensity and duration. Regul Pept,143(1-3);127-135.
  • Fathi, R. vd. (2010). The effect of exercise intensity on plasma and tissue acyl ghrelin concentrations in fasted rats. Regulatory Peptides, 165 (2–3);133-137.
  • Foster-Schubert, K.E. vd. (2005). Human plasma ghrelin levels increase during a one-year exercise program. J Clin End Metab, 90: 820- 825.
  • Gualillo, O. vd. (2001). Ghrelin, a novel placental-derived hormone. Endocrinology,142: 788-794.
  • Hansen, T.K. vd. (2002). Weight loss ıncreases circulating levels of ghrelin in human obesity. J Clin End Metab, 56: 203-206.
  • Holliday, A ve Blannin, AK. (2017). Very low volume sprint interval exercise suppresses subjective appetite, lowers acylated ghrelin, and elevates GLP-1 in overweight individuals: a pilot study. Nutrients, 9 (4); E362.
  • Hosoda, H. vd. (2000). Purification and characterization of rat des-Gln14-ghrelin, a second endogenous ligand for the growth hormone secretagogue receptor. J Biol Chem, 29: 1995- 2000.
  • Hsu, Y.W. vd. (2011). Aging effects on exercise-induced alternations in plasma acylated ghrelin and leptin in male rats. European Journal of Applied Physiology, 111 (5) (2011); 809-817.
  • Jürimäe, J. Jürimäe, T ve Purge, P. (2007a). Plasma ghrelin is altered after maximal exercise in elite male rowers. Experimental Biology and Medicine, 232(7): 904-909.
  • Jürimäe, J. vd. (2007b). Plasma ghrelin responses to acute sculling exercises in elite male rowers. Eur J Appl Physiol, 99(5): 467-474.
  • Kaiya, H. vd. (2001). Bullfrog ghrelin is modified by n-octanoic acid at its third threonine residue. J Biol Chem, 276 (44): 40441-40448.
  • Katsuki, A. vd. (2004). Circulating levels of active ghrelin is associated with abdominal adiposity, hyperinsulinemia and insulin resistance in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus. Eur J Endocrinol, 151: 573-7.
  • King, J.A. vd. (2010). Influence of prolonged treadmill running on appetite, energy intake and circulating concentrations of acylated ghrelin. Appetite, 54 (3); 492-498.
  • King, J.A. vd. (2017). Individual variation in hunger, energy intake, and ghrelin responses to acute exercise. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 49 (6); 1219-1228.
  • Kojima, M. Hosoda, H. ve Date, Y. (1999). Ghrelin is a growth-hormone-releasing acylated peptide from stomach. Nature, 402: 656- 660.
  • Kraemer, R.R. vd. (2004a). Rigorous running increases growth hormone and insulin-like growth factor-1 without altering ghrelin. Exp Biol Med, 229: 240-246.
  • Kraemer, R.R. vd. (2004b). Ghrelin and other glucoregulatory hormone responses to eccentric and concentric muscle contractions. Endocrine, 24: 93-98.
  • Laursen, T.L. vd. (2017). Leptin, adiponectin, and ghrelin responses to endurance exercise in different ambient conditions. Temperature (Austin), 4 (2); 166-175.
  • Lee, H.M. vd. (2002). Ghrelin, A new Gastrointestinal endocrine peptide that stimulates insulin sectetion: Enteric distribution, ontogeny, ınfluence of endocrine and dietary manipulations. Endocrinology, 143:185-190.
  • Leidy Heather, J. vd. (2007). Twentyfour-hour ghrelin is elevated after calorie restriction and exercise training in non-obese women. Obesity, 15: 446-455.
  • Li, G. Mobbs, C.V. ve Scarpace, P.J. (2003). Central pro-opiomelanocortin gene delivery results in hypophagia, reduced visceral adiposity, and improved insulin sensitivity in genetically obese Zucker rats. Diabetes, 52, 1951-1957.
  • Li, R.L. vd. (2012). Profound hypoglycemia in starved, ghrelin-deficient mice is caused by decreased gluconeogenesis and reversed by lactate or fatty acids. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 287 (22); 17942-17950.
  • Lutter, M. vd. (2008). The orexigenic hormone ghrelin defends against depressive symptoms of chronic stress. Nature Neuroscience, 11 (7); 752-753.
  • Mani, B.K. vd. (2016). β1-Adrenergic receptor deficiency in ghrelin-expressing cells causes hypoglycemia in susceptible individuals. Journal of Clinical Investigation, 126 (9); 3467-3478.
  • Mani, B.K. vd. (2018). Ghrelin mediates exercise endurance and the feding response post-exercise. Mol Metab. 9: 114-130.
  • Mani, B.K. ve Zigman, J.M. (2017). Ghrelin as a survival hormone. Trends in Endocrinology and Metabolism, 28 (12); 843-854.
  • McFarlane, M.R. vd. (2014). Induced ablation of ghrelin cells in adult mice does not decrease food intake, body weight, or response to high-fat diet. Cell Metabolism, 20 (1); 54-60.
  • Moraes, C. vd. (2015). Effects of acute resistance exercise on acyl-ghrelin and obestatin levels in hemodialysis patients: a pilot study. Renal Failure, 37 (10); 338-342.
  • Morton, G.J. ve Schwartz, M.W. (2001). The NPY/AgRP neuron and energy homeostasis. Int J Obesity Relat Metab Disord, 25: 56-62.
  • Muccioli, G. vd. (2004). Ghrelin and des-acyl ghrelin both inhibit isoproterenol-induced lipolysis in rat adipocytes via a non-type 1a growth hormone secretagogue receptor. Eur J Pharmacol,498: 27-35.
  • Muller, T.D. vd. (2015). Ghrelin. Molecular Metabolism, 4 (6): 437-460.
  • Ott, V. vd. (2002). Direct peripheral effects of ghrelin include suppression of adiponectin expression. Horm Metab Res, 34: 640-645.
  • Otto, B. vd. (2001). Weight gain decreases elevated plasma ghrelin concentrations of patients with anorexia nervosa. Eur J Endocrinol, 145: 669-673.
  • Özen, Ş. (2012). Exercise, appetite, food intake and ghrelin: Review. Turkiye Klinikleri J Sports Sci, 4(1):43-54.
  • Perez-Tilve, D. vd. (2011). Ghrelin-induced adiposity is independent of orexigenic effects. FASEB Journal:Official Publication of the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology,25(8); 2814-2822.
  • Petersenn, S. (2002). Structure and regulation of the growth hormone secretagogue receptor. Minerva Endocrinol, 27: 243-256.
  • Pomerants, T. vd. (2006). Ghrelin response to acute aerobic exercise in boys at different stages of puberty, Horm Metab Res, 38:752-757.
  • Purnell, J.Q. vd. (2003). Ghrelin levels correlate with insulin levels, insulin resistance, and high-density lipoprotein cholesterol, but not with gender, menopausal status, or cortisol levels in humans. J Clin Endocrinol Metab, 88: 5747-5752.
  • Reinehr, T. De Sousa, G. ve Roth. C.L (2008). Obestatin and ghrelin levels in obese children and adolescents before and after reduction of overweight. Clin. Endocrinol, 68:304-310.
  • Ruter, J. vd. (2003). Intraperitoneal injektion of ghrelin induces fos expression in the paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus in rats. Brain Res, 991: 26-33.
  • Sangiao-Alvarellos, S. vd. (2009). Central ghrelin regulates peripheral lipid metabolism in a growth hormone-independent fashion. Endocrinology, 150: 4562-4574.
  • Santosa, S. vd. (2007). An investigation of hormone and lipid associations after weight loss in women. J Am Coll Nutr, 26(3): 250-258.
  • Sartorio, A. vd. (2008). Exercise-induced effects on growth hormone levels are associated with ghrelin changes only in presence of prolonged exercise bouts in male athletes. J Sports Med Phys Fitness, 48: 97-101.
  • Schmidt, A. vd. (2004). Acute exercise has no effect on ghrelin plasma concentrations. Horm Metab Res, 36: 174-177.
  • Schutte, A.E. vd. (2007). Aging influences the level and functions of fasting plasma ghrelin levels: The Powırs-Study. Regulatory Peptides, 139: 65-71.
  • Schwartz, M.W. vd. (2000). Central nervous system control of food intake. Nature, 404:661-671.
  • Stokes, K.A. vd. (2005). Growth hormone responses to very intence exercise in humans. Endocrine, 10-62.
  • Takano, H. vd. (2005). Hemodynamic and hormonal responses to a short-term low-intensity resistance exercise with the reduction of muscle blood flow. Eur. J. Appl. Physiol. 95 (1): 65-73.
  • Theander-Carrillo, C. vd. (2006). Ghrelin action in the brain controls adipocyte metabolism. J. Clin. Invest, 116:1983-1993.
  • Tschöp, M. vd. (2001). Post-prandial decrease of circulating human ghrelin levels. J Endocrinol Invest, 24: 19-21.
  • Ukkoki, O. vd. (2001). Mutations in the preproghrelin, ghrelin gene associated with obesity in humans. J.Clin. Endocrinol Metab, 86:3996-9.
  • Woods, S.C. vd. (1998). Signals that regulate food ıntake and energy homeostasis. Science, 280:1378-1383.
  • Wren, A.M. Small, C.J. ve Ward, H.L. (2000). The novel hypothalamic peptide ghrelin stimulates food intake and growth hormone secretion. Endocrinology, 141: 4325-4328.
  • Wren, A.M. vd. (2001). Ghrelin enhances appetite and increases food intake in humans. J Clin Endocrinol Metab, 86: 5992-5995.
  • Yanagi, S. vd. (2018). The homeostatic force of ghrelin. Cell Metabolism, Elsevier Inc.786-805.
  • Yuki, K. vd. (2007). Influence of a weight reduction program based on a combination of diet and exercise therapy for obese children on serum ghrelin, Gh and Igf-1.12 Annual Congress of the ECSS,11-14 July, Jyvaskyla, Finland.
  • Zahorska-Markiewicz, B. vd. (2004). Effect of weight reduction on serum ghrelin and tnfa concentrations in obese women. Eur J Intern Med, 15: 172-175.
  • Zhang, J.V. vd. (2005). Obestatin, a peptide encoded by the ghrelin gene, opposes grelin’s effects on food intake. Science, 310 (5750): 996-999.
  • Zhao, T.J. vd. (2010). Ghrelin O-acyltransferase (GOAT) is essential for growth hormone-mediated survival of calorie-restricted mice. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 107 (16); 7467-7472.
  • Zigman, J.M. Bouret, S.G. ve Andrews Z.B. (2016). Obesity impairs the action of the neuroendocrine ghrelin system. Trends Endocrinol. Metab, 27;54-63.
Year 2019, Volume: 3 Issue: 2, 40 - 50, 26.12.2019



  • Arıkan, Ş. ve Serpek, B. (2016). The effects of endurance training on the relationships body composition plasma ghrelin and leptin levels. Turkish Journal of Sport and Exercise, 1:119-126.
  • Ariyasu, H. vd. (2001). Stomach is a major source of circulating ghrelin and feding state determines plasma ghrelin-like immuno reactivity levels in humans. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, 86: 4753- 4758.
  • Aydın, S. vd. (2006). Ghrelin ve biyokimyasal fonksiyonları. Türkiye Klinikleri Tıp Bilimleri dergisi, 26:272-283.
  • Bellone, S. vd. (2002). Circulating ghrelin levels as function of gender, pubertal status and adiposity in childhood. J Endocrinol Invest, 25: 13-15.
  • Benso, A. vd. (2007). Endocrine and metabolic responses to extreme altitude and physical exercise in climbers. Eur J Endocrinol, 157(6): 733-740.
  • Bilski, J. vd. (2013). Effects of exercise of different intensity on gut peptides, energy intake and appetite in young males. Annals of Agricultural and Environmental Medicine, 20 (4); 787-793.
  • Bowers, C.Y. vd. (1980). Structure-activity relationships of a synthetic pentapeptide that specifically releases growth hormone in vitro. Endocrinol, 106:663-667.
  • Broom, D.R. vd. (2007). Exercise-induced suppression of acylated ghrelin in humans. Journal of Applied Physiology,102 (6); 2165-2171.
  • Broom, D.R.vd. (2017). Acute effect of exercise intensity and duration on acylated ghrelin and hunger in men. Journal of Endocrinology, 232 (3); 411-422.
  • Burns, S.F. vd. (2007). A single session of treadmill running has no effect on plasma total ghrelin concentrations. J Sports Sci. 25(6): 635-642.
  • Cho, G.J. vd. (2017). Effects of intensive training on menstrual function and certain serum hormones and peptides related to the female reproductive system. Medicine (Baltimore), 96 (21); e6876.
  • Christ, E.R. vd. (2006). The effect of increased lipid intake on hormonal responses during aerobic exercise in endurance-trained men. Eur J Endocrinol, 154:397-403.
  • Chuang, J.C. vd. (2011). Ghrelin mediates stress-induced food-reward behavior in mice. Journal of Clinical Investigation, 121 (7); 2684-2692.
  • Cui, H. López, M. ve Rahmouni, K. (2017). The cellular and molecular bases of leptin and ghrelin resistance in obesity. Nat. Rev. Endocrinol, 13;338-351.
  • Cummings, D.E. vd. (2001). A preprandial rise in plasma ghrelin levels suggests a role in meal initiation in humans. Diabetes, 50: 1714-1719.
  • Cummings, D.E. vd. (2002). Plasma ghrelin levels after diet-induced bone. Miner Res, 20 (5): 790-798.
  • Daikoku, S. vd. (1989). Immuno histochemical approach to the functional morphology of the hypothalmic-hypophysial system, Brain Dev, 11: 73-79.
  • Date, Y. vd. (2000). Ghrelin, a novel growth hormone-releasing acylated peptide, is synthesized in a distinct endocrine cell type in the gastrointestinal tracts of rats and humans. Endocrinology, 141: 4255-4261.
  • Dornonville De La Cour, C. vd. (2001). A like cells ın the rat stomach contain ghrelin and do not operate under gastrin. Control Regul Pept, 99:141-150.
  • Druce, M. ve Bloom, S.R. (2003). Central regulators of food intake. Curr Opin Clin Nutr Metab Care, 6: 361-367.
  • Ebal, E. vd. (2007). Effect of a moderate exercise on the regulatory hormones of food intake in rats. Appetite, 49 (2); 521-524.
  • Erdmann, J. vd. (2007). Plasma ghrelin levels during exercise effects of intensity and duration. Regul Pept,143(1-3);127-135.
  • Fathi, R. vd. (2010). The effect of exercise intensity on plasma and tissue acyl ghrelin concentrations in fasted rats. Regulatory Peptides, 165 (2–3);133-137.
  • Foster-Schubert, K.E. vd. (2005). Human plasma ghrelin levels increase during a one-year exercise program. J Clin End Metab, 90: 820- 825.
  • Gualillo, O. vd. (2001). Ghrelin, a novel placental-derived hormone. Endocrinology,142: 788-794.
  • Hansen, T.K. vd. (2002). Weight loss ıncreases circulating levels of ghrelin in human obesity. J Clin End Metab, 56: 203-206.
  • Holliday, A ve Blannin, AK. (2017). Very low volume sprint interval exercise suppresses subjective appetite, lowers acylated ghrelin, and elevates GLP-1 in overweight individuals: a pilot study. Nutrients, 9 (4); E362.
  • Hosoda, H. vd. (2000). Purification and characterization of rat des-Gln14-ghrelin, a second endogenous ligand for the growth hormone secretagogue receptor. J Biol Chem, 29: 1995- 2000.
  • Hsu, Y.W. vd. (2011). Aging effects on exercise-induced alternations in plasma acylated ghrelin and leptin in male rats. European Journal of Applied Physiology, 111 (5) (2011); 809-817.
  • Jürimäe, J. Jürimäe, T ve Purge, P. (2007a). Plasma ghrelin is altered after maximal exercise in elite male rowers. Experimental Biology and Medicine, 232(7): 904-909.
  • Jürimäe, J. vd. (2007b). Plasma ghrelin responses to acute sculling exercises in elite male rowers. Eur J Appl Physiol, 99(5): 467-474.
  • Kaiya, H. vd. (2001). Bullfrog ghrelin is modified by n-octanoic acid at its third threonine residue. J Biol Chem, 276 (44): 40441-40448.
  • Katsuki, A. vd. (2004). Circulating levels of active ghrelin is associated with abdominal adiposity, hyperinsulinemia and insulin resistance in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus. Eur J Endocrinol, 151: 573-7.
  • King, J.A. vd. (2010). Influence of prolonged treadmill running on appetite, energy intake and circulating concentrations of acylated ghrelin. Appetite, 54 (3); 492-498.
  • King, J.A. vd. (2017). Individual variation in hunger, energy intake, and ghrelin responses to acute exercise. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 49 (6); 1219-1228.
  • Kojima, M. Hosoda, H. ve Date, Y. (1999). Ghrelin is a growth-hormone-releasing acylated peptide from stomach. Nature, 402: 656- 660.
  • Kraemer, R.R. vd. (2004a). Rigorous running increases growth hormone and insulin-like growth factor-1 without altering ghrelin. Exp Biol Med, 229: 240-246.
  • Kraemer, R.R. vd. (2004b). Ghrelin and other glucoregulatory hormone responses to eccentric and concentric muscle contractions. Endocrine, 24: 93-98.
  • Laursen, T.L. vd. (2017). Leptin, adiponectin, and ghrelin responses to endurance exercise in different ambient conditions. Temperature (Austin), 4 (2); 166-175.
  • Lee, H.M. vd. (2002). Ghrelin, A new Gastrointestinal endocrine peptide that stimulates insulin sectetion: Enteric distribution, ontogeny, ınfluence of endocrine and dietary manipulations. Endocrinology, 143:185-190.
  • Leidy Heather, J. vd. (2007). Twentyfour-hour ghrelin is elevated after calorie restriction and exercise training in non-obese women. Obesity, 15: 446-455.
  • Li, G. Mobbs, C.V. ve Scarpace, P.J. (2003). Central pro-opiomelanocortin gene delivery results in hypophagia, reduced visceral adiposity, and improved insulin sensitivity in genetically obese Zucker rats. Diabetes, 52, 1951-1957.
  • Li, R.L. vd. (2012). Profound hypoglycemia in starved, ghrelin-deficient mice is caused by decreased gluconeogenesis and reversed by lactate or fatty acids. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 287 (22); 17942-17950.
  • Lutter, M. vd. (2008). The orexigenic hormone ghrelin defends against depressive symptoms of chronic stress. Nature Neuroscience, 11 (7); 752-753.
  • Mani, B.K. vd. (2016). β1-Adrenergic receptor deficiency in ghrelin-expressing cells causes hypoglycemia in susceptible individuals. Journal of Clinical Investigation, 126 (9); 3467-3478.
  • Mani, B.K. vd. (2018). Ghrelin mediates exercise endurance and the feding response post-exercise. Mol Metab. 9: 114-130.
  • Mani, B.K. ve Zigman, J.M. (2017). Ghrelin as a survival hormone. Trends in Endocrinology and Metabolism, 28 (12); 843-854.
  • McFarlane, M.R. vd. (2014). Induced ablation of ghrelin cells in adult mice does not decrease food intake, body weight, or response to high-fat diet. Cell Metabolism, 20 (1); 54-60.
  • Moraes, C. vd. (2015). Effects of acute resistance exercise on acyl-ghrelin and obestatin levels in hemodialysis patients: a pilot study. Renal Failure, 37 (10); 338-342.
  • Morton, G.J. ve Schwartz, M.W. (2001). The NPY/AgRP neuron and energy homeostasis. Int J Obesity Relat Metab Disord, 25: 56-62.
  • Muccioli, G. vd. (2004). Ghrelin and des-acyl ghrelin both inhibit isoproterenol-induced lipolysis in rat adipocytes via a non-type 1a growth hormone secretagogue receptor. Eur J Pharmacol,498: 27-35.
  • Muller, T.D. vd. (2015). Ghrelin. Molecular Metabolism, 4 (6): 437-460.
  • Ott, V. vd. (2002). Direct peripheral effects of ghrelin include suppression of adiponectin expression. Horm Metab Res, 34: 640-645.
  • Otto, B. vd. (2001). Weight gain decreases elevated plasma ghrelin concentrations of patients with anorexia nervosa. Eur J Endocrinol, 145: 669-673.
  • Özen, Ş. (2012). Exercise, appetite, food intake and ghrelin: Review. Turkiye Klinikleri J Sports Sci, 4(1):43-54.
  • Perez-Tilve, D. vd. (2011). Ghrelin-induced adiposity is independent of orexigenic effects. FASEB Journal:Official Publication of the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology,25(8); 2814-2822.
  • Petersenn, S. (2002). Structure and regulation of the growth hormone secretagogue receptor. Minerva Endocrinol, 27: 243-256.
  • Pomerants, T. vd. (2006). Ghrelin response to acute aerobic exercise in boys at different stages of puberty, Horm Metab Res, 38:752-757.
  • Purnell, J.Q. vd. (2003). Ghrelin levels correlate with insulin levels, insulin resistance, and high-density lipoprotein cholesterol, but not with gender, menopausal status, or cortisol levels in humans. J Clin Endocrinol Metab, 88: 5747-5752.
  • Reinehr, T. De Sousa, G. ve Roth. C.L (2008). Obestatin and ghrelin levels in obese children and adolescents before and after reduction of overweight. Clin. Endocrinol, 68:304-310.
  • Ruter, J. vd. (2003). Intraperitoneal injektion of ghrelin induces fos expression in the paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus in rats. Brain Res, 991: 26-33.
  • Sangiao-Alvarellos, S. vd. (2009). Central ghrelin regulates peripheral lipid metabolism in a growth hormone-independent fashion. Endocrinology, 150: 4562-4574.
  • Santosa, S. vd. (2007). An investigation of hormone and lipid associations after weight loss in women. J Am Coll Nutr, 26(3): 250-258.
  • Sartorio, A. vd. (2008). Exercise-induced effects on growth hormone levels are associated with ghrelin changes only in presence of prolonged exercise bouts in male athletes. J Sports Med Phys Fitness, 48: 97-101.
  • Schmidt, A. vd. (2004). Acute exercise has no effect on ghrelin plasma concentrations. Horm Metab Res, 36: 174-177.
  • Schutte, A.E. vd. (2007). Aging influences the level and functions of fasting plasma ghrelin levels: The Powırs-Study. Regulatory Peptides, 139: 65-71.
  • Schwartz, M.W. vd. (2000). Central nervous system control of food intake. Nature, 404:661-671.
  • Stokes, K.A. vd. (2005). Growth hormone responses to very intence exercise in humans. Endocrine, 10-62.
  • Takano, H. vd. (2005). Hemodynamic and hormonal responses to a short-term low-intensity resistance exercise with the reduction of muscle blood flow. Eur. J. Appl. Physiol. 95 (1): 65-73.
  • Theander-Carrillo, C. vd. (2006). Ghrelin action in the brain controls adipocyte metabolism. J. Clin. Invest, 116:1983-1993.
  • Tschöp, M. vd. (2001). Post-prandial decrease of circulating human ghrelin levels. J Endocrinol Invest, 24: 19-21.
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There are 81 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Sports Medicine
Journal Section Araştırma Makalesi

Şükran Arıkan 0000-0002-2625-0898

Publication Date December 26, 2019
Submission Date November 1, 2019
Acceptance Date December 26, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2019 Volume: 3 Issue: 2


APA Arıkan, Ş. (2019). Ghrelin ve Egzersiz İlişkisi. Kilis 7 Aralık Üniversitesi Beden Eğitimi Ve Spor Bilimleri Dergisi, 3(2), 40-50.