Assessing The Effectiveness of Credit Operations in Commercial Banks
Year 2023,
Volume: 8 Issue: 1, 75 - 94, 30.03.2023
Yılmaz Ulvi Uzun
Saken Abdıbekov
Adilet Kabulov
The generation of the credit system consists of a network of independent banking institutions that directly serve the economy and provide extensive financial services on a commercial basis. These are commercial, cooperative and private banks, which are collectively known as commercial banks in banking law.
At present, the country has created a structure of commercial banks adapted to the local characteristics of the region to provide various types of banking services, working with different groups of clients.
Second-tier banks are ready to provide their clients with about 200 different products and services. Such large-scale operations help commercial banks to support their customers and do profitable work even in adverse conditions.
Banks or financial institutions seek to make a profit by extending credit. It is necessary to properly assess the solvency of the client to reduce the risk of repayment of the loan in full, with accrued interest.
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Assessing The Effectiveness of Credit Operations in Commercial Banks
Year 2023,
Volume: 8 Issue: 1, 75 - 94, 30.03.2023
Yılmaz Ulvi Uzun
Saken Abdıbekov
Adilet Kabulov
Kredi sisteminin oluşumu, doğrudan ekonomiye hizmet eden ve ticari temelde kapsamlı finansal hizmetler sunan bağımsız bankacılık kuruluşlarının oluşturduğu bir ağdan oluşmaktadır. Bunlar topluca bankacılık hukukunda ticari bankalar olarak bilinen ticari, kooperatif ve özel bankalardır.
Şu anda ülke, farklı müşteri gruplarıyla çalışan çeşitli bankacılık hizmetleri sağlamak için bölgenin yerel özelliklerine uyarlanmış bir ticari bankalar yapısı oluşturmuştur.
İkinci kademe bankalar, müşterilerine yaklaşık 200 farklı ürün ve hizmet sunmaya hazırdır. Bu tür büyük ölçekli operasyonlar, ticari bankaların müşterilerini desteklemelerine ve olumsuz koşullarda bile karlı işler yapmalarına yardımcı olur.
Bankalar veya finansal kuruluşlar kredi vererek kar elde etmeye çalışırlar. Tahakkuk eden faizle kredinin tamamen geri ödenmesi riskini azaltmak için müşterinin ödeme gücünü uygun şekilde değerlendirmek gerekir.
- Afonina, S.N. (2017). Securities Market. Mokva Auditor, 17-18.
- Alekhin, B.I. (2019). Securities Market. Introduction İnto Stock Operations, Samara: SamVen, 14.
- Banking Business. (1998). Textbook, Edited by G.S. Seitkasymov, Almaty: Karzhy-Karajat, 159-174.
- M, Knorus. (1998). Banking Textbook, Under ed. Lavrushin O.I. -, 256-305.
- Zhukov, E.F. & Maksimov, L.M. (1997). Banks And Banking Operations. A textbook for universities. O.M. - M. Unity, 214.
- Belov, V.A. (2016). Practice Of Promissory Law. Moscow UnInfor, 22.
- Berdnikova, T.B. (2015). Joint Stock Company On The Securities Market. Securities, Moscow Finstat inform, 88.
- Borisov, E.F. & M, Jurist. (1997). Economic Theory, 205.
- Burenin, A.N. (2018). Securities market and derivative Financial Instruments Market. Textbook, Moscow Federal, Book and Trading Company, 40.
- Bychkov, A.P. (2015). The World Securities Market: İnstitutions, İnstruments, İnfrastructure. Moscow Dialog-MSU, 70.
- Fisher, S. & Dornbusch, R. (1993). Economics. М. Delo, 249.
- Alpina. & Genkin, A.S. (2020). Effective Trust. Experience of Western Europe, Moscow, 194.
- Kalieva, G.T. (1998). Credit Business. Almaty, Finance, 128.
- Kameneva, N.G. (2018). Organization Of Exchange Trade: Textbook for University, Moscow Banks and exchanges. UNITI, 85.
- Livingston, G.D. (2018). Risk Analysis Of Bond Transactions İn The Securities Market. Moscow Filin, 104.
- McConnell, C.R. & Tallinn, O.A. (1993). Bruce S.L. Economics. In 2 volumes. İn Russian, Referto, 61.
- Mirkin, Y.M. (2014). Securities and the stock market. Perspektiva, 50.
- Raizberg, B.A. & Infra, M. (2000). Modern Economic Dictionary, 206-304.
- Saniev, M.S. (2010). Money, Credit, Banks, Textbook, Almaty, 198.
- Usoskin, V.M. (1993). Modern Commercial Bank. M.: IPS Vazar-Ferro, 19.