Year 2014,
Volume: 9 Issue: 1, 7 - 21, 01.06.2014
Murat Esen
Nihat Erdoğmuş
The aim of this paper is to investigate the effects of technology readiness on technology acceptance in the eHRM field. The data for this study were collected from 86 Human Resource (HR) managers representing top 500 largest private sector companies in Turkey. The research model was based on two theories: Parasuraman’s technology readiness and Davis' technology acceptance model. The results of the study showed that optimism and innovativeness of technology readiness positively influenced perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use, but discomfort and insecurity have no positive effects on them
- Ajzen I. (1991), “The Theory of Planned Behavior”. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, Vol.50(2), pp. 179-211.
- Baron, R.M. and Kenny, D.A. (1986), “The moderator mediator variable distinction in social psychological- research – conceptual, strategic, and statistical considerations”, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, Vol. 51 No. 6, pp. 1173-82.
- Bueno S, Salmeron J.L. (2008), “TAM-based success modeling in ERP”, Interact. Comp., Vol. 20(6), 2008, pp. 515-523.
- Brockbank, W. & Ulrich, D. (2003), Competencies for the New HR: Society for Human Resource Management, University of Michigan Business School, Global Consulting Alliance.
- Bondarouk, T. & Ruël, H.J.M. (2009), “Electronic Human Resource Management: challenges in the digital era”, Guest-editors‟ Introduction to a Special Issue. The International Journal of HRM, Vol.20 (3), pp. 505 - 514.
- Büyüköztürk, Ş. (2004), Data Analyzing Handbook, PegemA Publishing, Ankara.
- Cedarcrestone, (2005), The Cedarcrestone 2005 Workforce Technologies And Service Delivery Approaches Survey, 8th Annual Edition.
- Caison A., Bulman D., Pai S. (2008), Neville D., “Exploring The Technology Readiness Of Nursing And Medical Students At A Canadian University”, Journal Of Interprofessional Care, 22(3), pp.283 – 294.
- Chen, S-C. and Li, S-H. (2010), “Consumer adoption of e-service: Integrating technology readiness with the theory of planned behavior”, African Journal of Business Management,Vol. 4(16), pp. 3556-3563.
- Chin W. W. (1998), “The Partial Least Squares Approach for Structural Equation Modeling”, Marcoulides GA (Ed.) Modern Methods for Business Research, Lawrance Erlbaum Associates, London.
- Davis Fred D. (1985), “A Technology Acceptance Model For Empirically Testing New End-User Information Systems: Theory and Results, Ph.D. In Management, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1985.
- Davis Fred D. (1989), “Perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, and user acceptance of information technology” MIS Quarterly, 13(3), pp. 319-340
- Davis F.D., Bagozzi R.P., Warshaw P.R. (1989), “User acceptance of computer technology: A comparison of two theoretical models”, Management Science, 35(8), pp.985
- De Alwis, AC. (2010), “The impact of electronic human resource management on the role of human resource managers”. E & M Ekonomie a Management, 13(4), 2010, pp. 47-60.
- Fishbein M. & Ajzen, I. (1975), “Belief, attitude, intention, and behavior: An introduction to theory and research”, Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley.
- Fornell C. and J. Cha (1994), “Partial least squares”, Advanced Methods of Marketing Research, Vol.407, pp.52- 78.
- Gefen D., Straub D. W., Boudreau M-C. (2000), “Structural Equation Modeling and Regression: Gudelines for Research Practice”, Communications of the Association for Information Systems, 4(7).
- Gardner S. D., D. P. Lepak, and K. M. Bartol. (2003)b, “Virtual HR: The impact of information technology on the human resource professional”, Journal of Vocational Behavior, 63, pp.159-179.
- J. Hendry. (2000), Technology readiness and educational choice: Is there a relationship between technology readiness and the decision to study on-line? Visionary Marketing for the 21st Century: Facing the Challenge, www.anzmac.org.
- Karimi J. (2009), “Emotional labor and psychological distress: Testing the mediatory role of work-family conflict”, European Journal of Social Sciences, 11(4), pp. 584-598.
- Kwahk Kee-Young, Lee Jae-Nam. (2008), “The role of readiness for change in ERP implementation: Theoretical bases and empirical validation” Information & Management, Vol.45, pp. 474–481
- Laumer S., Eckhard A. and Weitzel, T. (2005), “Electronic human resource management in an e-business environment", Journal of Electronic Commerce Research, Vol. 11(4), pp. 240-250.
- Lee M.C. (2010), “Explaining and predicting users continuance intention toward e-learning: an extension of the expectation-confirmation model”, Computers & Education, Vol.54(2), pp. 506-516.
- Legris P., Ingham J. ve Collerette P. (2003), “Why do people use information technology? a critical review of the technology acceptance model”, Information and Management, Vol. 40, pp. 191-204
- Lin, C.H., Shih, H.Y., Sher, P.J., Wang, Y.L. (2005), Consumer Adoption of e-Service: Integrating Technology Readiness with the Technology Acceptance Model, PICMET ’05 Symposium (Technology Management: A Unifying Discipline for Melting the Boundaries), July 31-August 4, Portland, USA.
- Lu J. , Hayes L. & Wang L. (2011), Technology Readiness, Website Interactivity and User Satisfaction of E- Auctions, Southwest Decision Sciences Institute Conference.
- M.G. Martinsons. (1997), “Human Resource Management Applications of Knowledge-Based Systems”, International Journal of Information Management, Vol.17, Nr:1, pp.35-53
- Mathieson K. (1991), “Predicting User Intentions: Comparing the Technology Acceptance Model with the Theory of Planned Behavior”, Information Systems Research 2 (3), pp. 173-191
- Massey A. P., Khatri V., Ramesh V. (2005) “From The Web To The Wireless Web: Technology Readiness And Usability”, Proceedings Of The 38th Hawaii International Conference On System Sciences.
- Olivas-Lujan, MR. Ramirez, J and Zapata-Cantu, L. (2007), “E-HRM in Mexico: Adapting Innovations for global competitiveness”, International Journal of Manpower, 28(5), pp. 418-434.
- Parasuraman A. (2000), “Technology Readiness Index (TRI): A Multipleitem Scale To Measure Readiness To Embrace New Technologies”, Journal Of Service Research, Vol.2(4), 307.
- Parasuraman A. and Colby C.L. (2001), Techno-Ready Marketing: How and Why Your Customers Adopt Technology, Free Press, New York.
- Parry E. and Tyson S. (2011), “Desired goals and actual outcomes of e-HRM”, Human Resource Management Journal. 21 (3), pp. 335–354.
- Porter, C.E. and Donthu, N. (2006), Using the technology acceptance model to explain how attitudes determine Internet usage: The role of perceived access barriers and demographics, Journal of Business Research , Vol.59, pp. 999–1007
- Preacher Kristopher J. and Hayes Andrew F. (2004), “SPSS and SAS procedures for estimating indirect effects in simple mediation models”, Behavior Research Methods, Instruments, & Computers, 36(4), pp. 717- 731.
- Ramayah T., Nornina D., Noorliza K., Normalini M.K. (2006), Perceivedcharacteristics of Innovation (PCI): the case of the human resourceinformation system (HRIS). Adv. Glob. Bus. Res., 3(1), pp.159 – 165.
- Rogers E. (2003). Diffusion of Innovation. The Free Press, New York, 5th Ed.., pp.5.
- Rogers E.M., Shoemaker F.F. (1971), Communication of Innovations: A Cross-Cultural Approach, Free Press, New York.
- Ruel, H. Bondarouk, T. and Looise, J. C. (2004), “E-HRM: Innovation or Irritation: An Explorative Empirical Study in Five Large Companies on Web-based HRM” Management Revue, 15 (3), pp. 364-380.
- Ruel, H. Bondarouk, T. and Van Der Velde, M. (2007), “The contribution of E-HRM to HRM effectiveness”, Employee Relations, 29(3), pp. 280-291.
- Ruel H., Kaap H. (2006), “E-HRM usage and value creation. Does a facilitating context matter?” Zeitschrift für Personalforschung, 26(3), pp.260-281.
- Schaup L.C., Carter L., McBride M.E. (2010), “E-file adoption: a study of U.S. taxpayers s intention”, Journal Computers in Human Behaviour, 26(4), pp.636 - 644.
- Sharp H. Jason. (2007), “Development, Extension, and Application: A Review of the Technology Acceptance Model”, Information Systems Educational Journal, Vol.5, Nr.9, 2007.
- Strohmeier S. (2007), “Reserch in e-HRM: Review and Implications”, Human Resource Management Reveiew, 17, 2007, pp.19-37.
- Strohmeier S. and Kabst R. (2009), “Organizational adoption of e-HRM in Europe: An empirical exploration of major adoption factor”, Journal Of Managerial Psychology, 24 (6), pp.482-501.
- Straub D., Limayen M., Karahanna-Evaristo E. (1995), “Measuring system usage: implications for IS theory testing”, Management Science Nr.41, 1995, pp.1328–1342.
- Stone D.L. Stone-Romero E.F. and Lukaszezewski K. (2006), “Factors affecting the acceptance and effectiveness of electronic human resource systems”, Human Resource Management Review, 16, pp.229-244.
- Taylor S.A, Goodwin S., Celuch K. (2005), “An Exploratory Investigation into the Question of Direct Selling via the Internet in Industrial Equipment Markets”, Journal of Business To Business Marketing, Vol.12, Issue.2, 2005, pp.39-72
- Türetken O. and Demirörs, O. (2004), “People Capability Maturity Model and Human Resource Management Systems: Do they benefit each other?” Human Systems Management, 23 (3). pp. 179-190.
- Venkatesh V., M. Morris, G. Davis, F. Davis. (2003), “User Acceptance of Information Technology: Toward a Unified View”, MIS Qarterly, Vol. 27. Nr.3, pp. 425-478.
- Venkatesh V., F. D. Davis, (2000) “A Theoretical Extension Of The Technology Acceptance Model: Four Longitudinal Field Studies”, Management Science, 46(2), pp.186-204.
- Ullman, J. B. (1996), “Structural Equation Modelin”, Using Multivariate Statistics, Third Edition, B.G., Tabachnick and L.S. Fidell, Eds.), HarperCollings College Publishers, New York, pp. 709-819.
- Walczuch and at al. (2007), “The Effect Of Service Employees’ Technology Readiness On Technology Acceptance”, Information and Management, Vol.44, pp.206–215.
- Voermans, M., Veldhoven Van M. (2007), "Attitude towards E-HRM: an empirical study at Philips", Personnel Review, Vol. 36 Iss: 6, pp.887 – 902
- Yen H.R. (2005), “An attribute-based model of quality satisfaction for internet self-service technology”, Serv. Ind. J., 25(5), pp.641-659.
- Yusliza, M.Y. and Ramayah, T. (2011), Explaining the Intention to Use Electronic HRM among HR Professionals: Results from a Pilot Study, Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 5(8), pp.489-497
- Yusoff, Y. M., Ramayah T. and Haslindar I. (2010), “E-HRM: A proposed model based on technology acceptance model”, African Journal of Business Management ,Vol. 4(13), pp. 3039-3045.
Year 2014,
Volume: 9 Issue: 1, 7 - 21, 01.06.2014
Murat Esen
Nihat Erdoğmuş
The aim of this paper is to investigate the effects of technology readiness on technology acceptance in the eHRM field. The data for this study were collected from 86 Human Resource (HR) managers representing top
500 largest private sector companies in Turkey. The research model was based on two theories: Parasuraman’s
technology readiness and Davis' technology acceptance model. The results of the study showed that optimism
and innovativeness of technology readiness positively influenced perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use,
but discomfort and insecurity have no positive effects on them.
- Ajzen I. (1991), “The Theory of Planned Behavior”. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, Vol.50(2), pp. 179-211.
- Baron, R.M. and Kenny, D.A. (1986), “The moderator mediator variable distinction in social psychological- research – conceptual, strategic, and statistical considerations”, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, Vol. 51 No. 6, pp. 1173-82.
- Bueno S, Salmeron J.L. (2008), “TAM-based success modeling in ERP”, Interact. Comp., Vol. 20(6), 2008, pp. 515-523.
- Brockbank, W. & Ulrich, D. (2003), Competencies for the New HR: Society for Human Resource Management, University of Michigan Business School, Global Consulting Alliance.
- Bondarouk, T. & Ruël, H.J.M. (2009), “Electronic Human Resource Management: challenges in the digital era”, Guest-editors‟ Introduction to a Special Issue. The International Journal of HRM, Vol.20 (3), pp. 505 - 514.
- Büyüköztürk, Ş. (2004), Data Analyzing Handbook, PegemA Publishing, Ankara.
- Cedarcrestone, (2005), The Cedarcrestone 2005 Workforce Technologies And Service Delivery Approaches Survey, 8th Annual Edition.
- Caison A., Bulman D., Pai S. (2008), Neville D., “Exploring The Technology Readiness Of Nursing And Medical Students At A Canadian University”, Journal Of Interprofessional Care, 22(3), pp.283 – 294.
- Chen, S-C. and Li, S-H. (2010), “Consumer adoption of e-service: Integrating technology readiness with the theory of planned behavior”, African Journal of Business Management,Vol. 4(16), pp. 3556-3563.
- Chin W. W. (1998), “The Partial Least Squares Approach for Structural Equation Modeling”, Marcoulides GA (Ed.) Modern Methods for Business Research, Lawrance Erlbaum Associates, London.
- Davis Fred D. (1985), “A Technology Acceptance Model For Empirically Testing New End-User Information Systems: Theory and Results, Ph.D. In Management, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1985.
- Davis Fred D. (1989), “Perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, and user acceptance of information technology” MIS Quarterly, 13(3), pp. 319-340
- Davis F.D., Bagozzi R.P., Warshaw P.R. (1989), “User acceptance of computer technology: A comparison of two theoretical models”, Management Science, 35(8), pp.985
- De Alwis, AC. (2010), “The impact of electronic human resource management on the role of human resource managers”. E & M Ekonomie a Management, 13(4), 2010, pp. 47-60.
- Fishbein M. & Ajzen, I. (1975), “Belief, attitude, intention, and behavior: An introduction to theory and research”, Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley.
- Fornell C. and J. Cha (1994), “Partial least squares”, Advanced Methods of Marketing Research, Vol.407, pp.52- 78.
- Gefen D., Straub D. W., Boudreau M-C. (2000), “Structural Equation Modeling and Regression: Gudelines for Research Practice”, Communications of the Association for Information Systems, 4(7).
- Gardner S. D., D. P. Lepak, and K. M. Bartol. (2003)b, “Virtual HR: The impact of information technology on the human resource professional”, Journal of Vocational Behavior, 63, pp.159-179.
- J. Hendry. (2000), Technology readiness and educational choice: Is there a relationship between technology readiness and the decision to study on-line? Visionary Marketing for the 21st Century: Facing the Challenge, www.anzmac.org.
- Karimi J. (2009), “Emotional labor and psychological distress: Testing the mediatory role of work-family conflict”, European Journal of Social Sciences, 11(4), pp. 584-598.
- Kwahk Kee-Young, Lee Jae-Nam. (2008), “The role of readiness for change in ERP implementation: Theoretical bases and empirical validation” Information & Management, Vol.45, pp. 474–481
- Laumer S., Eckhard A. and Weitzel, T. (2005), “Electronic human resource management in an e-business environment", Journal of Electronic Commerce Research, Vol. 11(4), pp. 240-250.
- Lee M.C. (2010), “Explaining and predicting users continuance intention toward e-learning: an extension of the expectation-confirmation model”, Computers & Education, Vol.54(2), pp. 506-516.
- Legris P., Ingham J. ve Collerette P. (2003), “Why do people use information technology? a critical review of the technology acceptance model”, Information and Management, Vol. 40, pp. 191-204
- Lin, C.H., Shih, H.Y., Sher, P.J., Wang, Y.L. (2005), Consumer Adoption of e-Service: Integrating Technology Readiness with the Technology Acceptance Model, PICMET ’05 Symposium (Technology Management: A Unifying Discipline for Melting the Boundaries), July 31-August 4, Portland, USA.
- Lu J. , Hayes L. & Wang L. (2011), Technology Readiness, Website Interactivity and User Satisfaction of E- Auctions, Southwest Decision Sciences Institute Conference.
- M.G. Martinsons. (1997), “Human Resource Management Applications of Knowledge-Based Systems”, International Journal of Information Management, Vol.17, Nr:1, pp.35-53
- Mathieson K. (1991), “Predicting User Intentions: Comparing the Technology Acceptance Model with the Theory of Planned Behavior”, Information Systems Research 2 (3), pp. 173-191
- Massey A. P., Khatri V., Ramesh V. (2005) “From The Web To The Wireless Web: Technology Readiness And Usability”, Proceedings Of The 38th Hawaii International Conference On System Sciences.
- Olivas-Lujan, MR. Ramirez, J and Zapata-Cantu, L. (2007), “E-HRM in Mexico: Adapting Innovations for global competitiveness”, International Journal of Manpower, 28(5), pp. 418-434.
- Parasuraman A. (2000), “Technology Readiness Index (TRI): A Multipleitem Scale To Measure Readiness To Embrace New Technologies”, Journal Of Service Research, Vol.2(4), 307.
- Parasuraman A. and Colby C.L. (2001), Techno-Ready Marketing: How and Why Your Customers Adopt Technology, Free Press, New York.
- Parry E. and Tyson S. (2011), “Desired goals and actual outcomes of e-HRM”, Human Resource Management Journal. 21 (3), pp. 335–354.
- Porter, C.E. and Donthu, N. (2006), Using the technology acceptance model to explain how attitudes determine Internet usage: The role of perceived access barriers and demographics, Journal of Business Research , Vol.59, pp. 999–1007
- Preacher Kristopher J. and Hayes Andrew F. (2004), “SPSS and SAS procedures for estimating indirect effects in simple mediation models”, Behavior Research Methods, Instruments, & Computers, 36(4), pp. 717- 731.
- Ramayah T., Nornina D., Noorliza K., Normalini M.K. (2006), Perceivedcharacteristics of Innovation (PCI): the case of the human resourceinformation system (HRIS). Adv. Glob. Bus. Res., 3(1), pp.159 – 165.
- Rogers E. (2003). Diffusion of Innovation. The Free Press, New York, 5th Ed.., pp.5.
- Rogers E.M., Shoemaker F.F. (1971), Communication of Innovations: A Cross-Cultural Approach, Free Press, New York.
- Ruel, H. Bondarouk, T. and Looise, J. C. (2004), “E-HRM: Innovation or Irritation: An Explorative Empirical Study in Five Large Companies on Web-based HRM” Management Revue, 15 (3), pp. 364-380.
- Ruel, H. Bondarouk, T. and Van Der Velde, M. (2007), “The contribution of E-HRM to HRM effectiveness”, Employee Relations, 29(3), pp. 280-291.
- Ruel H., Kaap H. (2006), “E-HRM usage and value creation. Does a facilitating context matter?” Zeitschrift für Personalforschung, 26(3), pp.260-281.
- Schaup L.C., Carter L., McBride M.E. (2010), “E-file adoption: a study of U.S. taxpayers s intention”, Journal Computers in Human Behaviour, 26(4), pp.636 - 644.
- Sharp H. Jason. (2007), “Development, Extension, and Application: A Review of the Technology Acceptance Model”, Information Systems Educational Journal, Vol.5, Nr.9, 2007.
- Strohmeier S. (2007), “Reserch in e-HRM: Review and Implications”, Human Resource Management Reveiew, 17, 2007, pp.19-37.
- Strohmeier S. and Kabst R. (2009), “Organizational adoption of e-HRM in Europe: An empirical exploration of major adoption factor”, Journal Of Managerial Psychology, 24 (6), pp.482-501.
- Straub D., Limayen M., Karahanna-Evaristo E. (1995), “Measuring system usage: implications for IS theory testing”, Management Science Nr.41, 1995, pp.1328–1342.
- Stone D.L. Stone-Romero E.F. and Lukaszezewski K. (2006), “Factors affecting the acceptance and effectiveness of electronic human resource systems”, Human Resource Management Review, 16, pp.229-244.
- Taylor S.A, Goodwin S., Celuch K. (2005), “An Exploratory Investigation into the Question of Direct Selling via the Internet in Industrial Equipment Markets”, Journal of Business To Business Marketing, Vol.12, Issue.2, 2005, pp.39-72
- Türetken O. and Demirörs, O. (2004), “People Capability Maturity Model and Human Resource Management Systems: Do they benefit each other?” Human Systems Management, 23 (3). pp. 179-190.
- Venkatesh V., M. Morris, G. Davis, F. Davis. (2003), “User Acceptance of Information Technology: Toward a Unified View”, MIS Qarterly, Vol. 27. Nr.3, pp. 425-478.
- Venkatesh V., F. D. Davis, (2000) “A Theoretical Extension Of The Technology Acceptance Model: Four Longitudinal Field Studies”, Management Science, 46(2), pp.186-204.
- Ullman, J. B. (1996), “Structural Equation Modelin”, Using Multivariate Statistics, Third Edition, B.G., Tabachnick and L.S. Fidell, Eds.), HarperCollings College Publishers, New York, pp. 709-819.
- Walczuch and at al. (2007), “The Effect Of Service Employees’ Technology Readiness On Technology Acceptance”, Information and Management, Vol.44, pp.206–215.
- Voermans, M., Veldhoven Van M. (2007), "Attitude towards E-HRM: an empirical study at Philips", Personnel Review, Vol. 36 Iss: 6, pp.887 – 902
- Yen H.R. (2005), “An attribute-based model of quality satisfaction for internet self-service technology”, Serv. Ind. J., 25(5), pp.641-659.
- Yusliza, M.Y. and Ramayah, T. (2011), Explaining the Intention to Use Electronic HRM among HR Professionals: Results from a Pilot Study, Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 5(8), pp.489-497
- Yusoff, Y. M., Ramayah T. and Haslindar I. (2010), “E-HRM: A proposed model based on technology acceptance model”, African Journal of Business Management ,Vol. 4(13), pp. 3039-3045.