Peer Review Policy
Articles sent to BEYDER must have been sent to any journal for publication. Articles that are pre-examined by the editorial are sent to the referees by removing the names of the authors from the text with the double blind peer-review system. The editorship does not guarantee the publication of the articles sent to the journal and does not accept the scientific, administrative and financial responsibility of the opinions in the articles. The editorship can check for plagiarism when it deems necessary.
Peer Review Process
Manuscripts approved by all authors and not previously published in another journal or under evaluation for publication in another are accepted for consideration.
The Turnitin software is used for plagiarism scanning of manuscripts that pass the preliminary evaluation. After the plagiarism check, the acceptable ones are assessed by the editor in terms of their originality, methodologies, importance of the subject covered in the article, and suitability for the scope of the journal.
If the submitted article complies with the formal principles, the article received is submitted to the evaluation of at least two referees from the country and/or abroad by the editor, and the double-blind refereeing system is applied.
Reviewers must submit their evaluations within the time specified by the editor. Authors can suggest qualified independent referees.
If the referees consider it necessary, they may request changes (minor-major revision) in the manuscript. In this case, the authors must revise the article according to the explanations specified within the period determined by the editors or make a reasonable explanation to ignore some explanations. The referee may want to see the article again after revision.
Reviewers are required to keep all information about the articles submitted for their consideration discreet until the piece is published. They are also required to notify the editor immediately if they discover any plagiarism or copyright infringement in the article.
A reviewer should inform the editor and withdraw from the review process if they feel unqualified to discuss the subject of a manuscript or believe it will be hard to do at the given assessment time.
The editorial board and reviewers are prohibited from discussing the papers with anybody else. It's crucial that the referees remain anonymous.
The decision-making authority for selecting or rejecting submissions of all papers submitted to the Journal for study, review, or similar purposes is the Editorial Board. There should be no additional comments or messages from authors regarding the Editorial Board's decision, which is final in all aspects.
It should be noted that the aforementioned policy is subject to change, with or without prior notice to the journal's writers and contributors.
Writing Guidelines:
a. The title should be printed in capital and bold letters, and should be centered in a 14-point size. The author(s) and affiliation(s) should be flush right, single-spaced, and typed beginning on the second line below the title using 12- point type.
b. All papers should begin with an abstract of 300 words or less. The abstract should be single-spaced. Type size should be 10 point. Every article should include two keywords minimum.
c. The titles such as Dr. or Professor, the institution's name and country, and the email address will be written respectively in the footnote. Additional authors and affiliations should be stacked under the first with no space between.
d. The base font should be set to Times New Roman in a 12-point size. Type size of the tables, footnotes should be 10 points. The letters and the graphics and the tables should be non-coloured.
e. You must use Microsoft Word 6.0 or higher (PC version) and the text should be full justified. Margins of the A 4 paper should be set at 1,25 cm top and bottom, and 2,5 cm right and left.
f. Single space the body of the paper and between paragraphs.
g. Citations in the text should list the author's last name, comma, and publication date, and the page number, all enclosed by parentheses, i.e., (Yumusak-Erarslan, 2005: 520).
h. The first letters of the headings should be in capital letters and the headings should be in boldface. They should be numbered as 1, 1.1., 1.2.1., and so on.