Research Article
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Year 2024, , 133 - 146, 26.12.2024


The impact of the oil shocks in the 1970s and the acceleration of globalization since the 1980s have led to the emergence of a vast literature investigating the relationship between the growth in world trade volume and various macroeconomic variables related to oil prices. Due to its significance as a commodity in economic activities, oil prices have remained a closely monitored indicator to this day. The aim of this study is to analyze the relationship between oil prices and trade balance. The study is conducted for a panel consisting of 8 countries (Bangladesh, Brazil, Colombia, India, Mauritius, Pakistan, Turkey, and South Africa) covering the period from 2006 to 2021. The relationships between variables are analyzed using the Fixed Effects Model and the Driscoll-Kraay estimator. The results of the study indicate the presence of weak relationships between oil prices and trade balance in terms of the Fixed Effects Model, while strong relationships are observed when analyzed with the Driscoll-Kraay Estimator. The study also demonstrates strong relationships between GDP, exchange rates, and trade balance in both prediction models.


  • Açıkalın, S., & Uğurlu, E. (2014). Oil price fluctuations and trade balance of turkey. Journal of Applied Economic Sciences, 9(4), 571-579.
  • Ahad, M., & Anwer, Z. (2020). Asymmetric impact of oil price on trade balance in BRICS countries: Multiplier dynamic analysis. International Journal of Finance & Economics.26(2), 2177-2197
  • Alkhateeb, T. T. Y. , & Mahmood, H.. (2020). The oil price and trade nexus in the gulf co-operation council countries. Resources, 9(12), 1-19.
  • Arab, A. T., & Metwally, M. M. (1987). Price elasticity of demand for oil and the terms of trade of the OPEC countries. Energy Journal, 8(1), 53-68.
  • Arndt, H.W. (1979). Indonesia and the price of oil: the macroeconomic policy issues. Indonesia Circle. School of Oriental & African Studies. Newsletter, 7, 4–10.
  • Baek, J. (2020). An asymmetric approach to the oil prices-trade balance nexus: New evidence from bilateral trade between Korea and her 14 trading partners. Economic Analysis and Policy, 68, 199–209.
  • Baek, J. (2023). Oil Prices, World Trade Policy Uncertainty, and the Trade Balance: The Case of Korea. Commodities, 2(3), 188–200.
  • Baek, J., and Y. J. Choi. 2020. Do oil price changes really matter to the trade balance? Evidence from Korea‐ASEAN commodity trade data. Australian Economic Papers 59 (3):250–278.
  • Baek, J., Ikponmwosa, M. J., & Choi, Y. J. (2019). Crude oil prices and the balance of trade: Asymmetric evidence from selected OPEC member countries. Journal of International Trade & Economic Development, 28(5), 533–547.
  • Baltagi, B. H., & Wu, P. X. (1999). Unequally spaced panel data regressions with AR (1) disturbances. Econometric theory, 15(6), 814-823.
  • Bhargava, A., Franzini, L., & Narendranathan, W. (1982). Serial correlation and the fixed effects model. The review of economic studies, 49(4), 533-549.
  • Driscoll, J. C., & Kraay, A. C. (1998). Consistent covariance matrix estimation with spatially dependent panel data. Review of economics and statistics, 80(4), 549-560.
  • Eleyan, A. M. I., Nazif Ç. A., & Ballı, E. (2022). Do the time-varying effects of oil prices affect the trade balances of ASEAN-5 countries? Energy Sources, Part B: Economics, Planning and Policy, 17(1), 1-19.
  • Faheem, M., Azali, M., Chin, L., & Mazlan, N. S. (2020). Asymmetric effect of oil price changes on trade balance in Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and United Arab Emirates. Pakistan Journal of Commerce and Social Science, 14(3), 685-714.
  • Forson, P. , Dramani, J. B., Frimpong, P. B., Arthur, E., & Mahawiya, S. (2022). Effect of oil price volatility on the trade balance in sub-Saharan Africa. OPEC Energy Review, 46(3), 340-361.
  • International Energy Agency (2023, 15 September) Access address:
  • Islam, R. (1981). Some Macroeconomic Implications of Higher Oil Prices for Bangladesh. The Bangladesh Development Studies, 9(2), 1–20.
  • Kousar, S., Khalid, I., Ahmed, F., & Ramos-Requena, J. P. (2022). Asymmetric Effect of Oil Prices on Export Performance: The Role of Export Financing Schemes in Pakistan. International Journal of Energy Economics and Policy, 12(2), 188–197.
  • Lienert, I. (1981). The Macroeconomic Effects of the 1979/80 Oil Price Rise on Four Nordic Economies. The Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 83(2), 201–219.
  • Nanovsky, S. (2022). Oil Prices, Exchange Rates, and the Trade Balance: Evidence from Kazakhstan and Russia. Global Economy Journal, 22(4), 1–20.
  • Nasir, M. A., Naidoo, L., Shahbaz, M., & Amoo, N. (2018). Implications of oil prices shocks for the major emerging economies: A comparative analysis of BRICS. Energy Economics, 76, 76–88.
  • Ogbonna, O. E., & Ichoku, H. E. (2023). Symmetric or asymmetric: how is Nigeria’s bilateral trade balance responding to oil price and exchange rate changes? Journal of Economic Studies, 50(3), 464-479.
  • Olayungbo, D.O. (2019). Effects of Global Oil Price on Exchange Rate, Trade Balance, and Reserves in Nigeria: A Frequency Domain Causality Approach. Journal of Risk and Financial Management, 12(1) 43.
  • Salvatore, D. and Winczewski, G. (1990). World oil prices and O.E.C.D. trade balance. Open Economies Review, 1, 89–106.
  • Sargent, J. R. (1976). The Macroeconomic Effects of the Higher Oil Price. In Resource Allocation and Economic Policy, 121-135. London: Palgrave Macmillan UK.
  • Stock J.H. and Watson (2011) Ekonometriye Giriş, Çev.: Bedriye Saraçoğlu Efil Yayıncılık 1. Basım Ankara
  • Svensson, L. E. O. (1984). Oil prices, welfare, and the trade balance. Quarterly Journal of Economics, 99(4), 649-672.
  • Tatoğlu, F.Y. (2021) Panel Veri Ekonometrisi Stata Uygulamalı Beta Basım Yayım 6. Baskı İstanbul
  • Tiwari, A. K., Arouri, M., & Teulon, F. (2014). Oil prices and trade balance: A frequency domain analysis for India. Economics Bulletin, 34(2), 663-680.
  • Wang, Y., Wu, C., & Yang, L. (2013). Oil price shocks and stock market activities: Evidence from oil-importing and oil-exporting countries. Journal of Comparative Economics, 41(4), 1220-1239.
  • World Bank. (n.d.). Low & middle income countries. Retrieved July 13, 2024, from
  • World Bank Group (2023, 30 June) Access address:
  • World Bank (2024), Macro Poverty Outlook for Mauritius : April 2024 (English). Macro Poverty Outlook (MPO) Washington, D.C. : World Bank Group.
  • Wu, P.-C., Liu, S.-Y., & Pan, S.-C. (2013). Nonlinear bilateral trade balance-fundamentals nexus: A panel smooth transition regression approach. International Review of Economics and Finance, 27, 318–329.
  • Ysander, B.C. (1981). Oil Prices and Economic Stability: The Macroeconomic Impact of Oil Price Shocks on the Swedish Economy. Working Paper Series.


Year 2024, , 133 - 146, 26.12.2024


1970’li yıllarda yaşanan petrol şoklarının etkisi ve 1980’lerden itibaren küreselleşmenin hızlanmasıyla birlikte dünya ticaret hacmindeki büyüme petrol fiyatlarının çeşitli makro ekonomik değişkenler ile ilişkisinin araştırıldığı geniş bir literatürün oluşmasına yol açmıştır. Günümüzde de ekonomik faaliyetler bakımından önemli bir emtia olması dolayısıyla petrol fiyatları sürekli takip edilen bir gösterge olmuştur. Bu çalışmanın amacı petrol fiyatları ile ticaret dengesi arasındaki ilişkinin analiz edilmesidir. Çalışma 8 ülkeden (Bangladeş, Brezilya, Kolombiya, Hindistan, Mauritius, Pakistan, Türkiye ve Güney Afrika) oluşan panel için yapılmış olup 2006-2021 dönemini kapsamaktadır. Çalışmada değişkenler arası ilişkiler Sabit Etkiler Modeli ve Driscoll-Kraay tahmincisi ile analiz edilmiştir. Çalışmanın sonuçları Sabit Etkiler Modeli bakımından petrol fiyatları ile ticaret dengesi arasında zayıf ilişkilerin varlığını, Driscoll-Kraay Tahmincisi ile analiz edildiğinde güçlü ilişkilerin varlığını göstermektedir. Çalışma diğer değişkenler açısından da her iki tahmin modeli çerçevesinde GSYH ve döviz kurlarının dış ticaret dengesi ile güçlü ilişkilere sahip olduğunu göstermiştir.


  • Açıkalın, S., & Uğurlu, E. (2014). Oil price fluctuations and trade balance of turkey. Journal of Applied Economic Sciences, 9(4), 571-579.
  • Ahad, M., & Anwer, Z. (2020). Asymmetric impact of oil price on trade balance in BRICS countries: Multiplier dynamic analysis. International Journal of Finance & Economics.26(2), 2177-2197
  • Alkhateeb, T. T. Y. , & Mahmood, H.. (2020). The oil price and trade nexus in the gulf co-operation council countries. Resources, 9(12), 1-19.
  • Arab, A. T., & Metwally, M. M. (1987). Price elasticity of demand for oil and the terms of trade of the OPEC countries. Energy Journal, 8(1), 53-68.
  • Arndt, H.W. (1979). Indonesia and the price of oil: the macroeconomic policy issues. Indonesia Circle. School of Oriental & African Studies. Newsletter, 7, 4–10.
  • Baek, J. (2020). An asymmetric approach to the oil prices-trade balance nexus: New evidence from bilateral trade between Korea and her 14 trading partners. Economic Analysis and Policy, 68, 199–209.
  • Baek, J. (2023). Oil Prices, World Trade Policy Uncertainty, and the Trade Balance: The Case of Korea. Commodities, 2(3), 188–200.
  • Baek, J., and Y. J. Choi. 2020. Do oil price changes really matter to the trade balance? Evidence from Korea‐ASEAN commodity trade data. Australian Economic Papers 59 (3):250–278.
  • Baek, J., Ikponmwosa, M. J., & Choi, Y. J. (2019). Crude oil prices and the balance of trade: Asymmetric evidence from selected OPEC member countries. Journal of International Trade & Economic Development, 28(5), 533–547.
  • Baltagi, B. H., & Wu, P. X. (1999). Unequally spaced panel data regressions with AR (1) disturbances. Econometric theory, 15(6), 814-823.
  • Bhargava, A., Franzini, L., & Narendranathan, W. (1982). Serial correlation and the fixed effects model. The review of economic studies, 49(4), 533-549.
  • Driscoll, J. C., & Kraay, A. C. (1998). Consistent covariance matrix estimation with spatially dependent panel data. Review of economics and statistics, 80(4), 549-560.
  • Eleyan, A. M. I., Nazif Ç. A., & Ballı, E. (2022). Do the time-varying effects of oil prices affect the trade balances of ASEAN-5 countries? Energy Sources, Part B: Economics, Planning and Policy, 17(1), 1-19.
  • Faheem, M., Azali, M., Chin, L., & Mazlan, N. S. (2020). Asymmetric effect of oil price changes on trade balance in Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and United Arab Emirates. Pakistan Journal of Commerce and Social Science, 14(3), 685-714.
  • Forson, P. , Dramani, J. B., Frimpong, P. B., Arthur, E., & Mahawiya, S. (2022). Effect of oil price volatility on the trade balance in sub-Saharan Africa. OPEC Energy Review, 46(3), 340-361.
  • International Energy Agency (2023, 15 September) Access address:
  • Islam, R. (1981). Some Macroeconomic Implications of Higher Oil Prices for Bangladesh. The Bangladesh Development Studies, 9(2), 1–20.
  • Kousar, S., Khalid, I., Ahmed, F., & Ramos-Requena, J. P. (2022). Asymmetric Effect of Oil Prices on Export Performance: The Role of Export Financing Schemes in Pakistan. International Journal of Energy Economics and Policy, 12(2), 188–197.
  • Lienert, I. (1981). The Macroeconomic Effects of the 1979/80 Oil Price Rise on Four Nordic Economies. The Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 83(2), 201–219.
  • Nanovsky, S. (2022). Oil Prices, Exchange Rates, and the Trade Balance: Evidence from Kazakhstan and Russia. Global Economy Journal, 22(4), 1–20.
  • Nasir, M. A., Naidoo, L., Shahbaz, M., & Amoo, N. (2018). Implications of oil prices shocks for the major emerging economies: A comparative analysis of BRICS. Energy Economics, 76, 76–88.
  • Ogbonna, O. E., & Ichoku, H. E. (2023). Symmetric or asymmetric: how is Nigeria’s bilateral trade balance responding to oil price and exchange rate changes? Journal of Economic Studies, 50(3), 464-479.
  • Olayungbo, D.O. (2019). Effects of Global Oil Price on Exchange Rate, Trade Balance, and Reserves in Nigeria: A Frequency Domain Causality Approach. Journal of Risk and Financial Management, 12(1) 43.
  • Salvatore, D. and Winczewski, G. (1990). World oil prices and O.E.C.D. trade balance. Open Economies Review, 1, 89–106.
  • Sargent, J. R. (1976). The Macroeconomic Effects of the Higher Oil Price. In Resource Allocation and Economic Policy, 121-135. London: Palgrave Macmillan UK.
  • Stock J.H. and Watson (2011) Ekonometriye Giriş, Çev.: Bedriye Saraçoğlu Efil Yayıncılık 1. Basım Ankara
  • Svensson, L. E. O. (1984). Oil prices, welfare, and the trade balance. Quarterly Journal of Economics, 99(4), 649-672.
  • Tatoğlu, F.Y. (2021) Panel Veri Ekonometrisi Stata Uygulamalı Beta Basım Yayım 6. Baskı İstanbul
  • Tiwari, A. K., Arouri, M., & Teulon, F. (2014). Oil prices and trade balance: A frequency domain analysis for India. Economics Bulletin, 34(2), 663-680.
  • Wang, Y., Wu, C., & Yang, L. (2013). Oil price shocks and stock market activities: Evidence from oil-importing and oil-exporting countries. Journal of Comparative Economics, 41(4), 1220-1239.
  • World Bank. (n.d.). Low & middle income countries. Retrieved July 13, 2024, from
  • World Bank Group (2023, 30 June) Access address:
  • World Bank (2024), Macro Poverty Outlook for Mauritius : April 2024 (English). Macro Poverty Outlook (MPO) Washington, D.C. : World Bank Group.
  • Wu, P.-C., Liu, S.-Y., & Pan, S.-C. (2013). Nonlinear bilateral trade balance-fundamentals nexus: A panel smooth transition regression approach. International Review of Economics and Finance, 27, 318–329.
  • Ysander, B.C. (1981). Oil Prices and Economic Stability: The Macroeconomic Impact of Oil Price Shocks on the Swedish Economy. Working Paper Series.
There are 35 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Microeconomics (Other)
Journal Section Research Article

Ahmet Kahiloğulları 0000-0002-5419-2429

Publication Date December 26, 2024
Submission Date March 23, 2024
Acceptance Date August 8, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024


APA Kahiloğulları, A. (2024). EMPIRICAL ANALYSIS of the RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN OIL PRICE and TRADE BALANCE. Beykoz Akademi Dergisi, 12(2), 133-146.
AMA Kahiloğulları A. EMPIRICAL ANALYSIS of the RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN OIL PRICE and TRADE BALANCE. Beykoz Akademi Dergisi. December 2024;12(2):133-146. doi:10.14514/beykozad.1457675
Chicago Kahiloğulları, Ahmet. “EMPIRICAL ANALYSIS of the RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN OIL PRICE and TRADE BALANCE”. Beykoz Akademi Dergisi 12, no. 2 (December 2024): 133-46.
EndNote Kahiloğulları A (December 1, 2024) EMPIRICAL ANALYSIS of the RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN OIL PRICE and TRADE BALANCE. Beykoz Akademi Dergisi 12 2 133–146.
IEEE A. Kahiloğulları, “EMPIRICAL ANALYSIS of the RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN OIL PRICE and TRADE BALANCE”, Beykoz Akademi Dergisi, vol. 12, no. 2, pp. 133–146, 2024, doi: 10.14514/beykozad.1457675.
ISNAD Kahiloğulları, Ahmet. “EMPIRICAL ANALYSIS of the RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN OIL PRICE and TRADE BALANCE”. Beykoz Akademi Dergisi 12/2 (December 2024), 133-146.
JAMA Kahiloğulları A. EMPIRICAL ANALYSIS of the RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN OIL PRICE and TRADE BALANCE. Beykoz Akademi Dergisi. 2024;12:133–146.
MLA Kahiloğulları, Ahmet. “EMPIRICAL ANALYSIS of the RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN OIL PRICE and TRADE BALANCE”. Beykoz Akademi Dergisi, vol. 12, no. 2, 2024, pp. 133-46, doi:10.14514/beykozad.1457675.
Vancouver Kahiloğulları A. EMPIRICAL ANALYSIS of the RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN OIL PRICE and TRADE BALANCE. Beykoz Akademi Dergisi. 2024;12(2):133-46.