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Year 2018, Volume: 6 Issue: 1, 84 - 117, 01.06.2018


Supply chain management SCM is an essential management process which enables firms to be ahead in the competition by assisting them to deliver their better products and services, faster and cheaper compared to their competitors. In the SCM process, there are many risk factors that make difficult, or in some cases impossible to deliver the product and additional services to the customer. Recent developments such as more complex supply chains, shortening product life cycles and negative effects of climate change increase supply chain risks which attracts therefore much attention from both researchers and practitioners In this study, the definiton of supply chain risk concept will be made, and because of the increasing importance of firms’ supply chain risk management activities, the relationship between supply chain risk and supply chain performance will be examined. Many examples from the literature show us that supply chain risks would be very costly for many firms along the chain, if those risks are not properly managed. Literature also shows us that, there are significant relationships especially between supply chain risks and supply chain performance.


  • Akkan, Erdem (2014). Tedarik Zincirinde Risk Kaynakları Algıları, Risk Yönetim Faaliyetleri ve Performans İlişkisi: Mersin’de Faaliyet Gösteren Perakende İşletmeler Üzerine Bir Araştırma, Basılmamış Doktora Tezi, Çukurova Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü.
  • Akşam Gazetesi, 16 Nisan 2016,, Erişim tarihi: 15 Ocak 2018.
  • Ambulkar, Saurabh, Jennifer Blackhurst ve Scott Grawe (2015). “Firm's Resilience to Supply Chain Disruptions: Scale Development and Empirical Examination”; Journal of Operations Management, 33-34, s. 111-122.
  • Beamon, Benite M. (1999). “Measuring Supply Chain Performance”; International Journal of Operations & Production Management, 19(3), s. 275-292.
  • Behnezhad, Ali, Brian I. Connett ve Manjula Nair (2013). “The Evolution of Supply Chain Risk Management”; Journal of Supply Chain and Operations Management, 11(1), s. 77-89.
  • Blos, Mauricio F., Mohammed Quaddus, H.M. Wee ve Kenji Watanabe (2009). “Supply Chain Risk Management (SCRM): A Case Study on the Automotive and Electronic Industries in Brazil”; Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, 14(4), s. 247- 252.
  • Bosman, Ruud (2006). “The New Supply Chain Challenge: Risk Management in a Global Economy”, FM Insurance Company Limited, US: Berkshire., Erişim tarihi: 5 Ocak 2018.
  • Briggs, Charles Awoala (2010). Risk Assessment in the Up Stream Crude Oil Supply Chain: Leveraging Analytic Hierarchy Process, Unpublished Ph.D. thesis, North Dakota University.
  • Cheng, T. C. E., F.K. Yip ve A.C.L. Yeung (2012). “Supply Risk Management via Guanxi in the Chinese Business Context: The Buyer's Perspective”; International Journal of Production Economics, 139(1), p. 3-13.
  • Chopra, Sunil ve ManMohan S. Sodhi (2004). “Supply-Chain Break Down”; MIT Sloan Management Review, 26(1), p. 52-61.
  • Chou, Chih-Fen (2004). Development of Comprehensive Supply Chain Performance Measurement System: A Case Study in the Grocery Retail Industry, Unpublished Master Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Engineering Systems Division.
  • Christopher, Martin (2011). Logistics and Supply Chain Management, 4th ed., Pearson Education Limited.
  • Christopher, Martin ve Hau Lee (2004). “Mitigating Supply Chain Risk Through Improved Confidence”; International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management, 34(5), p. 388-396.
  • Demirkol, İsa, Mustafa Cahit Ünğan ve Murat Ayanoğlu (2015). Tedarik Zinciri Risklerinin İşletme Performansı Üzerindeki Etkisi: Otomotiv Sektöründe Bir Uygulama, İşletme Bilimi Dergisi, Cilt:3, Sayı:1, s. 20-37.
  • Derman, İlhan (2006). Supply Chain Performance Measurement and A Case Study in a Manufacturing Industry, Unpublished Master Thesis, Marmara University, Institute for Graduate Studies in Pure and Applied Sciences.
  • Deshpande, Anant (2012). “Supply Chain Management Dimensions, Supply Chain Performance and Organizational Performance: An Integrated Framework”; International Journal of Business & Management, 7(8), p. 2-19.
  • Enyinda, Chris I., Alphonso Ogbuehive Charles Briggs (2008). “Global Supply Chain Risks Management: A New Battle Ground for Gaining Competitive Advantage”; Proceedings of American Society of Business and Behavioral Sciences, 15(1), p. 278-292.
  • Ergun, Özlem, Jessica L.Heier Stamm, Pinar Keskinocak ve Julie L. Swann (2010). “Waffle House Restaurants Hurricane Response: A Case Study”; International Journal of Production Economics, 126(1), p. 111-120.
  • Faisal, Mohd Nishat, D.K. Banwetve Ravi Shankar (2006). “Supply Chain Risk Mitigation: Modelling the Enablers”; Business Process Management Journal, 12(4), p. 535-552.
  • Faisal, Mohd Nishat, D.K. Banwet ve Ravi Shankar (2007a). “Information Risk Management in Supply Chains: An Assessment and Mitigation Framework”; Journal of Enterprise Information Management, 20(6), p. 677-699.
  • Faisal, Mohd Nishat, D.K. Banwetve Ravi Shankar (2007b). “Supply Chain Risk Management in SMEs: Analysing the Barriers”; International Journal of Enterprise Development, 4(5), s.588-607.
  • Finch, Peter (2004). “Supply Chain Risk Management”; Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, 9(2), p. 183-196.
  • Freise, Matthias ve Stefan Seuring (2015). “Social and Environmental Risk Management in Supply Chains: A Survey in the Clothing Industry”; Logistics Research, 8(1), p. 1-12.
  • Ghadge, Abhijeet, Samir Dani ve Roy Kalawsky (2012). “Supply Chain Risk Management: Present and Future Scope”; The International Journal of Logistics Management, 23(2), p. 313-339.
  • Giaglis, G.M., I. Minis, A. Tatarakis ve V. Zeimpekis (2004). “Minimizing Logistics Risk Through Real-Time Vehicle Routing and Mobile Technologies”; International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management, 34(9), p. 749-764.
  • Global Risk Management Survey (2013). “The Aon Centre for Innovation and Analytics”,, Erişim tarihi: 1 Ocak 2018.
  • Hallikas, Jukka, Iris Karvonen, Urho Pulkkinen, Veli-Matti Virolainen ve Markku Tuominen (2004). “Risk Management Processes in Supplier Networks”; Journal of Production Economics, 90(1), p. 47-58.
  • Harland, Christine, Richard Brenchley ve Helen Walker(2003). “Risk in Supply Networks”; Journal of Purchasing & Supply Management, 9(2), p. 51-62.
  • Heckmann, Iris, Tina Comes ve Stefan Nickel (2015). “A Critical Review on Supply Chain Risk–Definition, Measure and Modeling”; Omega, 52, p. 119-132.
  • Hendricks, Kevin B. ve Vinod R. Singhal (2005). “An Empirical Analysis of The Effect of Supply Chain Disruptions on Long-run Stock Price Performance and Equity Risk of the Firm”; Production and Operations Management, 14(1), p. 35-52.
  • Ho, William, TianZheng, Hakan Yildiz ve Srinivas Talluri (2015). “Supply Chain Risk Management: A Literature Review”; International Journal of Production Research, 53(16), p. 5031-5069.
  • Hofmann, Hannes, Christian Busse, Christoph Bode ve Michael Henke (2014).
  • “Sustainability-related Supply Chain Risks: Conceptualization and Management”; Business Strategy and the Environment, 23(3), p. 160-172.
  • Huang, Xinxiang ve Lei Zhang (2013, June). “Study on Risk and Prevention of Retail Enterprise-Oriented Supply Chain”, Conference on Education Technology and Management Science (ICETMS 2013), Atlantis Press, p. 1320-22.
  • İlgün, Burcu Ceren (2017). Risk Yönetiminin Tedarik Zinciri Yönetimi Performansına Etkisi, Basılmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Yaşar Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü.
  • Jüttner, Uta (2005). “Supply Chain Risk Management, Understanding the Business Reqirements from a Practitioner Perspective”; The International Journal of Logistics Management, 16(1), p. 120-141.
  • Jüttner, Uta, Helen Peck ve Martin Christopher (2003). “Supply Chain Risk Management: Outlining an Agenda for Future Research”; International Journal of Logistics: Research and Applications, 6(4), p. 197-210.
  • Kern, Daniel, Roger Moser, Evi Hartmann ve Marco Moder (2012). “Supply Risk Management: Model Development and Empirical Analysis”; International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management, 42(1), p. 60-82.
  • Khan, Omera, Martin Christopher ve Bernard Burnes (2008). “The Impact of Product Design on Supply Chain Risk: A Case Study”; International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management, 38(5), p. 412-432.
  • Khan, Omera ve Bernard Burnes (2007). “Risk and Supply Chain Management: Creating a Research Agenda”; The International Journal of Logistics Management, 18(2), p. 197-216.
  • Klaus, Peter (2009). “Looking out for the Next Generation of Research Questions in Logistics”; Logistics Research, 1(3), p. 129-130.
  • Kroes, James R. ve Soumen Ghosh (2010). “Outsourcing Congruence with Competitive Priorities: Impact on Supply Chain and Firm Performance”; Journal of Operations Management, 28(2), p. 124-143.
  • Lewis, Leo, Robert Lea ve David Robertson (2010). “Toyota Set to Recall Prius Hybrid Over Brake Failure”; The Times (UK), 8th of February, p. 1-11.
  • Li, Gang, HuanFan, Petrer K.C. Lee ve T. C. E. Cheng (2015). “Joint Supply Chain Risk Management: An Agency and Collaboration Perspective”; International Journal of Production Economics, 164, p. 83-94.
  • Long, Douglas (2003). International Logistics: Global Supply Chain Management, Springer, (Uluslararası Lojistik: Küresel Tedarik Zinciri Yönetimi, Çevirenler: Mehmet Tanyaş ve Murat Düzgün, Nobel, 2012).
  • Mandal, Santanu (2011). “Supply Chain Risk Identification and Elimination: A Theoretical Perspective”; The IUP Journal of Supply Chain Management, 8(1), p. 68-86.
  • Manuj, Ila ve John T. Mentzer (2008). “Global Supply Chain Risk Management” Journal of Business Logistics; 29(1), p. 133-155.
  • Mentzer, John T., William DeWitt, James S. Keebler, Soonhong Min, Nancy W. Nix, Carlo D. Smith ve Zach G. Zacharia (2001). “Defining Supply Chain Management”; Journal of Business Logistics, 22(2), p. 1-25.
  • Mitroff, Ian I. ve Murat C. Alpaslan (2003). “Preparing for evil”; Harvard Business Review, April, 82(4), p. 109-115.
  • Mohammaddust, Faeghe, Shabnam Rezapour, Reza Zanjirani Farahani, Mohammad Mofidfar ve Alex Hill (2017). “Developing Lean and Responsive Supply Chains: A Robust Model for Alternative Risk Mitigation Strategies in Supply Chain Designs”; International Journal of Production Economics, 183, p. 632-653.
  • Nagurney, Anna, Jose Cruz, June Dong ve Ding Zhang (2005). “Supply Chain Networks, Electronic Commerce, and Supply Side and Demand Side Risk”; European Journal of Operational Research, 164(1), p. 120-142.
  • Nooraie, S. Vahid ve Mahour Mellat Parast (2015). “A Multi-Objective Approach to Supply Chain Risk Management: Integrating Visibility with Supply and Demand Risk”; International Journal of Production Economics, 161, p. 192-200.
  • Norrman, Andreas ve Ulf Jansson (2004). “Ericsson's Proactive Supply Chain Risk ManagementApproach After a Serious Sub-Supplier Accident”; International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management, 34(5), p. 434-456.
  • Norrman, Andreas ve Robert Lindroth (2004). “Categorization of Supply Chain Risk and Risk Management”; Supply Chain Risk iinde (Ed.: C. Brindley), p. 14-27, Ashgate Pub Ltd.
  • Olson, David L. (2014). Supply Chain Risk Management: Tools for Analysis, Second Edition, Business Expert Press, LLC, New York.
  • Perry, Marcia, (2007). “Natural Disaster Management, A Study of Logistics Managers Responding to the Tsunami”; International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management, 37(5), p. 409-433.
  • Punniyamoorthy, Murugesan, Natarajan Thamaraiselvan ve Lakshminarayanan Manikandan, (2013). “Assessment of Supply Chain Risk: Scale Development and Validation”; Benchmarking: An International Journal, 20(1), p. 79-105.
  • Rao, Shashank ve Thomas J. Goldsby (2009). “Supply Chain Risks: A Review and Typology”; The International Journal of Logistics Management, 20(1), p. 97-123.
  • Ray, Susanna ve Thomas Black (2011). “The Downside of Just-in-Time Inventory”; Business Week, Mar 24, 2011
  •, Erişim tarihi: 1 Nisan 2018.
  • Rice, James B. ve Federico Caniato (2003). “Building a Secure and Resilient Supply Chain Network” Supply Chain Management Review, 7(5), p. 22-30.
  • Sanchez-Rodrigues, Vasco, Andrew Potter ve Mohammed M. Naim (2010). “Evaluating the Causes of Uncertainty in Logistics Operations”; The International Journal of Logistics Management, 21(1), p. 45-64.
  • Sheffi, Yossi ve James B. Rice (2005). “A Supply Chain View of the Resilient Enterprise”; MIT Sloan Management Review, 47(1), p. 40-51.
  • Sinha, Pankaj Raj, Larry E. Whitman ve Don Malzahn (2004). “Methodology to Mitigate Supplier Risk in an Aerospace Supply”; Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, 9(2), p. 154-168.
  • Sodhi, ManMohan S. (2005). “Managing Demand Risk in Tactical Supply Chain Planning for a Global Consumer Electronics Company”; Production and Operations Management, 14(1), p. 69-79.
  • Sorensen, Lars B. (2005). “How Risk and Uncertainty is Used in Supply Chain Management: A Literature Study”; International Journal of Integrated Supply Management, 1(4), p. 387-409.
  • Svensson, Göran (2000). “A Conceptual Framework for the Analysis of Vulnerability in Supply Chains”; International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management, 30(9), p. 731-750.
  • T24 Gazetesi,,525639, Erişim tarihi: 15 Nisan 2018.
  • Tang, Christopher S. (2006). “Perspectives in Supply Chain Risk Management”; International Journal of Production Economics, 103(2), p. 451-488.
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  • Vanany, Iwan, Sepuluh Zailani ve Nyoman Pujawan (2009). “Supply Chain Risk Management: Literature Review and Future Research”; International Journal of Information Systems and Supply Chain Management, 2(1), p. 16-33.
  • Wagner, Stephan M. ve Christoph Bode (2008). “An Empirical Examination of Supply Chain Performance Along Several Dimensions of Risk”; Journal of Business Logistics, 29(1), p. 307-325.
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  • Wieland, Andreas ve Carl Marcus Wallenburg (2012). “Dealing With Supply Chain Risks: Linking Risk Management Practices and Strategies to Performance”; International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management, 42(10), p. 887-905.
  • Williams, Zachary, Jason E. Lueg ve Stephen A. LeMay (2008). “Supply Chain Secuirty: An Overview and Research Agenda”; The International Journal of Logistics Management, 19(2), p. 254-281.
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Year 2018, Volume: 6 Issue: 1, 84 - 117, 01.06.2018


Tedarik zinciri yönetimi, iş dünyasında işletmelerin müşterilerine, rakiplerine nazaran daha iyi ürün ve hizmetleri, daha düşük maliyetle ve daha hızlı biçimde sunmalarına yardımcı olarak rekabette öne geçmelerini sağlayacak önemli bir yönetim sürecidir. Tedarik zinciri yönetim sürecinde müşteriye ürünün ve ürüne bağlı ek hizmetlerin sunumunu zorlaştıran, bazı durumlarda ise olanaksız hale getiren pek çok risk faktörü bulunmaktadır. Tedarik zincirlerinin giderek daha karmaşık hale gelmesi, ürün yaşam sürelerinin kısalması, iklim değişikliğinin olumsuz etkileri gibi gelişmeler tedarik zinciri kaynaklı riskleri arttırmakta ve bu nedenle hem araştırmacıların hem de uygulayıcıların tedarik zinciri risk yönetimi konusuna olan ilgisini arttırmaktadır. Bu çalışmada tedarik zinciri risk kavramının tanımı yapılarak, işletmelerin tedarik zinciri risk yönetimi faaliyetlerinin artan önemi nedeniyle, tedarik zinciri riski ile tedarik zinciri performansı arasındaki ilişkiler sorgulanacaktır. Tedarik zinciri risklerinin, yönetilmedikleri takdirde, zincirde yer alan pek çok işletmeye büyük maddi külfetler yüklediklerine ilişkin literatürde örnekler vardır. Literatüre göre ayrıca, özellikle tedarik zinciri riskleri ile tedarik zinciri performansı arasında anlamlı ilişkiler olduğu saptanmıştır


  • Akkan, Erdem (2014). Tedarik Zincirinde Risk Kaynakları Algıları, Risk Yönetim Faaliyetleri ve Performans İlişkisi: Mersin’de Faaliyet Gösteren Perakende İşletmeler Üzerine Bir Araştırma, Basılmamış Doktora Tezi, Çukurova Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü.
  • Akşam Gazetesi, 16 Nisan 2016,, Erişim tarihi: 15 Ocak 2018.
  • Ambulkar, Saurabh, Jennifer Blackhurst ve Scott Grawe (2015). “Firm's Resilience to Supply Chain Disruptions: Scale Development and Empirical Examination”; Journal of Operations Management, 33-34, s. 111-122.
  • Beamon, Benite M. (1999). “Measuring Supply Chain Performance”; International Journal of Operations & Production Management, 19(3), s. 275-292.
  • Behnezhad, Ali, Brian I. Connett ve Manjula Nair (2013). “The Evolution of Supply Chain Risk Management”; Journal of Supply Chain and Operations Management, 11(1), s. 77-89.
  • Blos, Mauricio F., Mohammed Quaddus, H.M. Wee ve Kenji Watanabe (2009). “Supply Chain Risk Management (SCRM): A Case Study on the Automotive and Electronic Industries in Brazil”; Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, 14(4), s. 247- 252.
  • Bosman, Ruud (2006). “The New Supply Chain Challenge: Risk Management in a Global Economy”, FM Insurance Company Limited, US: Berkshire., Erişim tarihi: 5 Ocak 2018.
  • Briggs, Charles Awoala (2010). Risk Assessment in the Up Stream Crude Oil Supply Chain: Leveraging Analytic Hierarchy Process, Unpublished Ph.D. thesis, North Dakota University.
  • Cheng, T. C. E., F.K. Yip ve A.C.L. Yeung (2012). “Supply Risk Management via Guanxi in the Chinese Business Context: The Buyer's Perspective”; International Journal of Production Economics, 139(1), p. 3-13.
  • Chopra, Sunil ve ManMohan S. Sodhi (2004). “Supply-Chain Break Down”; MIT Sloan Management Review, 26(1), p. 52-61.
  • Chou, Chih-Fen (2004). Development of Comprehensive Supply Chain Performance Measurement System: A Case Study in the Grocery Retail Industry, Unpublished Master Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Engineering Systems Division.
  • Christopher, Martin (2011). Logistics and Supply Chain Management, 4th ed., Pearson Education Limited.
  • Christopher, Martin ve Hau Lee (2004). “Mitigating Supply Chain Risk Through Improved Confidence”; International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management, 34(5), p. 388-396.
  • Demirkol, İsa, Mustafa Cahit Ünğan ve Murat Ayanoğlu (2015). Tedarik Zinciri Risklerinin İşletme Performansı Üzerindeki Etkisi: Otomotiv Sektöründe Bir Uygulama, İşletme Bilimi Dergisi, Cilt:3, Sayı:1, s. 20-37.
  • Derman, İlhan (2006). Supply Chain Performance Measurement and A Case Study in a Manufacturing Industry, Unpublished Master Thesis, Marmara University, Institute for Graduate Studies in Pure and Applied Sciences.
  • Deshpande, Anant (2012). “Supply Chain Management Dimensions, Supply Chain Performance and Organizational Performance: An Integrated Framework”; International Journal of Business & Management, 7(8), p. 2-19.
  • Enyinda, Chris I., Alphonso Ogbuehive Charles Briggs (2008). “Global Supply Chain Risks Management: A New Battle Ground for Gaining Competitive Advantage”; Proceedings of American Society of Business and Behavioral Sciences, 15(1), p. 278-292.
  • Ergun, Özlem, Jessica L.Heier Stamm, Pinar Keskinocak ve Julie L. Swann (2010). “Waffle House Restaurants Hurricane Response: A Case Study”; International Journal of Production Economics, 126(1), p. 111-120.
  • Faisal, Mohd Nishat, D.K. Banwetve Ravi Shankar (2006). “Supply Chain Risk Mitigation: Modelling the Enablers”; Business Process Management Journal, 12(4), p. 535-552.
  • Faisal, Mohd Nishat, D.K. Banwet ve Ravi Shankar (2007a). “Information Risk Management in Supply Chains: An Assessment and Mitigation Framework”; Journal of Enterprise Information Management, 20(6), p. 677-699.
  • Faisal, Mohd Nishat, D.K. Banwetve Ravi Shankar (2007b). “Supply Chain Risk Management in SMEs: Analysing the Barriers”; International Journal of Enterprise Development, 4(5), s.588-607.
  • Finch, Peter (2004). “Supply Chain Risk Management”; Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, 9(2), p. 183-196.
  • Freise, Matthias ve Stefan Seuring (2015). “Social and Environmental Risk Management in Supply Chains: A Survey in the Clothing Industry”; Logistics Research, 8(1), p. 1-12.
  • Ghadge, Abhijeet, Samir Dani ve Roy Kalawsky (2012). “Supply Chain Risk Management: Present and Future Scope”; The International Journal of Logistics Management, 23(2), p. 313-339.
  • Giaglis, G.M., I. Minis, A. Tatarakis ve V. Zeimpekis (2004). “Minimizing Logistics Risk Through Real-Time Vehicle Routing and Mobile Technologies”; International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management, 34(9), p. 749-764.
  • Global Risk Management Survey (2013). “The Aon Centre for Innovation and Analytics”,, Erişim tarihi: 1 Ocak 2018.
  • Hallikas, Jukka, Iris Karvonen, Urho Pulkkinen, Veli-Matti Virolainen ve Markku Tuominen (2004). “Risk Management Processes in Supplier Networks”; Journal of Production Economics, 90(1), p. 47-58.
  • Harland, Christine, Richard Brenchley ve Helen Walker(2003). “Risk in Supply Networks”; Journal of Purchasing & Supply Management, 9(2), p. 51-62.
  • Heckmann, Iris, Tina Comes ve Stefan Nickel (2015). “A Critical Review on Supply Chain Risk–Definition, Measure and Modeling”; Omega, 52, p. 119-132.
  • Hendricks, Kevin B. ve Vinod R. Singhal (2005). “An Empirical Analysis of The Effect of Supply Chain Disruptions on Long-run Stock Price Performance and Equity Risk of the Firm”; Production and Operations Management, 14(1), p. 35-52.
  • Ho, William, TianZheng, Hakan Yildiz ve Srinivas Talluri (2015). “Supply Chain Risk Management: A Literature Review”; International Journal of Production Research, 53(16), p. 5031-5069.
  • Hofmann, Hannes, Christian Busse, Christoph Bode ve Michael Henke (2014).
  • “Sustainability-related Supply Chain Risks: Conceptualization and Management”; Business Strategy and the Environment, 23(3), p. 160-172.
  • Huang, Xinxiang ve Lei Zhang (2013, June). “Study on Risk and Prevention of Retail Enterprise-Oriented Supply Chain”, Conference on Education Technology and Management Science (ICETMS 2013), Atlantis Press, p. 1320-22.
  • İlgün, Burcu Ceren (2017). Risk Yönetiminin Tedarik Zinciri Yönetimi Performansına Etkisi, Basılmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Yaşar Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü.
  • Jüttner, Uta (2005). “Supply Chain Risk Management, Understanding the Business Reqirements from a Practitioner Perspective”; The International Journal of Logistics Management, 16(1), p. 120-141.
  • Jüttner, Uta, Helen Peck ve Martin Christopher (2003). “Supply Chain Risk Management: Outlining an Agenda for Future Research”; International Journal of Logistics: Research and Applications, 6(4), p. 197-210.
  • Kern, Daniel, Roger Moser, Evi Hartmann ve Marco Moder (2012). “Supply Risk Management: Model Development and Empirical Analysis”; International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management, 42(1), p. 60-82.
  • Khan, Omera, Martin Christopher ve Bernard Burnes (2008). “The Impact of Product Design on Supply Chain Risk: A Case Study”; International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management, 38(5), p. 412-432.
  • Khan, Omera ve Bernard Burnes (2007). “Risk and Supply Chain Management: Creating a Research Agenda”; The International Journal of Logistics Management, 18(2), p. 197-216.
  • Klaus, Peter (2009). “Looking out for the Next Generation of Research Questions in Logistics”; Logistics Research, 1(3), p. 129-130.
  • Kroes, James R. ve Soumen Ghosh (2010). “Outsourcing Congruence with Competitive Priorities: Impact on Supply Chain and Firm Performance”; Journal of Operations Management, 28(2), p. 124-143.
  • Lewis, Leo, Robert Lea ve David Robertson (2010). “Toyota Set to Recall Prius Hybrid Over Brake Failure”; The Times (UK), 8th of February, p. 1-11.
  • Li, Gang, HuanFan, Petrer K.C. Lee ve T. C. E. Cheng (2015). “Joint Supply Chain Risk Management: An Agency and Collaboration Perspective”; International Journal of Production Economics, 164, p. 83-94.
  • Long, Douglas (2003). International Logistics: Global Supply Chain Management, Springer, (Uluslararası Lojistik: Küresel Tedarik Zinciri Yönetimi, Çevirenler: Mehmet Tanyaş ve Murat Düzgün, Nobel, 2012).
  • Mandal, Santanu (2011). “Supply Chain Risk Identification and Elimination: A Theoretical Perspective”; The IUP Journal of Supply Chain Management, 8(1), p. 68-86.
  • Manuj, Ila ve John T. Mentzer (2008). “Global Supply Chain Risk Management” Journal of Business Logistics; 29(1), p. 133-155.
  • Mentzer, John T., William DeWitt, James S. Keebler, Soonhong Min, Nancy W. Nix, Carlo D. Smith ve Zach G. Zacharia (2001). “Defining Supply Chain Management”; Journal of Business Logistics, 22(2), p. 1-25.
  • Mitroff, Ian I. ve Murat C. Alpaslan (2003). “Preparing for evil”; Harvard Business Review, April, 82(4), p. 109-115.
  • Mohammaddust, Faeghe, Shabnam Rezapour, Reza Zanjirani Farahani, Mohammad Mofidfar ve Alex Hill (2017). “Developing Lean and Responsive Supply Chains: A Robust Model for Alternative Risk Mitigation Strategies in Supply Chain Designs”; International Journal of Production Economics, 183, p. 632-653.
  • Nagurney, Anna, Jose Cruz, June Dong ve Ding Zhang (2005). “Supply Chain Networks, Electronic Commerce, and Supply Side and Demand Side Risk”; European Journal of Operational Research, 164(1), p. 120-142.
  • Nooraie, S. Vahid ve Mahour Mellat Parast (2015). “A Multi-Objective Approach to Supply Chain Risk Management: Integrating Visibility with Supply and Demand Risk”; International Journal of Production Economics, 161, p. 192-200.
  • Norrman, Andreas ve Ulf Jansson (2004). “Ericsson's Proactive Supply Chain Risk ManagementApproach After a Serious Sub-Supplier Accident”; International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management, 34(5), p. 434-456.
  • Norrman, Andreas ve Robert Lindroth (2004). “Categorization of Supply Chain Risk and Risk Management”; Supply Chain Risk iinde (Ed.: C. Brindley), p. 14-27, Ashgate Pub Ltd.
  • Olson, David L. (2014). Supply Chain Risk Management: Tools for Analysis, Second Edition, Business Expert Press, LLC, New York.
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There are 81 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Article

Fatma Demirci Orel This is me

Erdem Akkan This is me

Publication Date June 1, 2018
Published in Issue Year 2018 Volume: 6 Issue: 1


AMA Demirci Orel F, Akkan E. TEDARİK ZİNCİRİNDE RİSK, RİSK YÖNETİMİ VE PERFORMANS İLİŞKİLERİ: BİR LİTERATÜR TARAMASI. Beykoz Akademi Dergisi. June 2018;6(1):84-117. doi:10.14514/BYK.m.21478082.2018.6/1.84-117
Chicago Demirci Orel, Fatma, and Erdem Akkan. “TEDARİK ZİNCİRİNDE RİSK, RİSK YÖNETİMİ VE PERFORMANS İLİŞKİLERİ: BİR LİTERATÜR TARAMASI”. Beykoz Akademi Dergisi 6, no. 1 (June 2018): 84-117.
IEEE F. Demirci Orel and E. Akkan, “TEDARİK ZİNCİRİNDE RİSK, RİSK YÖNETİMİ VE PERFORMANS İLİŞKİLERİ: BİR LİTERATÜR TARAMASI”, Beykoz Akademi Dergisi, vol. 6, no. 1, pp. 84–117, 2018, doi: 10.14514/BYK.m.21478082.2018.6/1.84-117.
ISNAD Demirci Orel, Fatma - Akkan, Erdem. “TEDARİK ZİNCİRİNDE RİSK, RİSK YÖNETİMİ VE PERFORMANS İLİŞKİLERİ: BİR LİTERATÜR TARAMASI”. Beykoz Akademi Dergisi 6/1 (June 2018), 84-117.
MLA Demirci Orel, Fatma and Erdem Akkan. “TEDARİK ZİNCİRİNDE RİSK, RİSK YÖNETİMİ VE PERFORMANS İLİŞKİLERİ: BİR LİTERATÜR TARAMASI”. Beykoz Akademi Dergisi, vol. 6, no. 1, 2018, pp. 84-117, doi:10.14514/BYK.m.21478082.2018.6/1.84-117.